Edgemon - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Pokemon Edgeworld AU - Edgemon!

Pokemon Edgeworld AU - Edgemon!

Leopold as Beautifly.

Why? Because:

1. Bug with wings, that can drink blood and nectar with it’s long mouth;

2. Pokedex says Beautifly is aggressive;

3. They are completely monochrome, exept eyes and some bits on wings.

In this AU Leo still won’t drink blood and still will disgusted even at the mention of drinking. Still loses his wings (the picture shows the wings as they were). Doesn’t have tatoos, as it is more realistic. STILL angry, depressive, alcogolic, murder-man.

Pokemon Edgeworld AU - Edgemon!
Pokemon Edgeworld AU - Edgemon!
Pokemon Edgeworld AU - Edgemon!
Pokemon Edgeworld AU - Edgemon!

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4 years ago
YOU GUYS ARE NO FUN Lee Is Now Officially The Only Valid Leo
YOU GUYS ARE NO FUN Lee Is Now Officially The Only Valid Leo
YOU GUYS ARE NO FUN Lee Is Now Officially The Only Valid Leo

YOU GUYS ARE NO FUN Lee is now officially the only valid Leo

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4 years ago
Eggemon! Gonna Draw Them All!

Eggemon! Gonna draw them all!

Sugarbeans as Aromatisse, because they are bird like (who cannot fly), pink, fluffy, cute, with paws as legs

P.S. Forgot to mention, that in this AU Leo loves Liechi berries and have a few clothes with drawings of them.

Oh these are FANTASTIC! This and the Leo one are so good and honestly way better than my ideas for poke-versions of these two (Wigglytuff SB and Trumbeak Leo)

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3 years ago
Heres A Leo From My Moirail And Is Setting (

heres a leo from my moirail and i’s setting (<- context for benifit of audience, i dont want to be weird/dumb considering we already discussed this in dms), unit 1303456787/2533745675, aka leo. hes a highly defective whitetail (the highest ranks of ghalnians and those who have elements, similar to draco-morphiads) with no honor. he was abandoned by his squad on some random planet after he got fucked up by its inhabitants, including having most of his tail torn off and his mask’s innards getting irreprably broken, leaving it nonfunctional.

eventually he was picked up by a winter fae named margret and the rest is more or less history. apologies if me assigning a whole story to this leo was bad

fyi blanche is a tox/ghalnian hybrid, shuck is an anon (the elf bros are too) and i cannot, for the LIFE OF ME figure out what to place sugarbeans as (you can check under the ‘benry’ and 'diceLibrarian’ categories on the wiki for a good fit if you want but you dont have to)

Heres A Leo From My Moirail And Is Setting (
Heres A Leo From My Moirail And Is Setting (
Heres A Leo From My Moirail And Is Setting (
Heres A Leo From My Moirail And Is Setting (

Previously in the empty Leo void

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