Edi - Tumblr Posts

HAPPY N7 DAY EVERYONE!!! Enjoy taking down those pesky Reapers.

Por si alguien se pregunta de cuáles personajes hablaba en este mini cómic

todavía estoy trabajando en ellos pero aquí un pequeño avance
Lyna le pertenece a Uni-Very KG

- Eso... Esto si me pone muy pensativo...
-Mejor ya no pienses, esta saliendo humo de tu cabeza
- Derpi seguro que no también tiene cosas metálicas adentro el también ?
- No, pero es la primera vez en mi vida que veo que piensa tanto
- Bueno... Creo que mañana le pregúntare a Yohany con que suele soñar para domir... Pero dudo que recuerde

- Mhewww Zzz...

- Un furro

- Dos Furros

- Tres Furros

- Cuatro Furros... A y mi linda chica Lyna en el fondo!

- Cinco Furros

- GANE!!!!
-¡¡¡¿OTRA VEZ? !!!!

- En sus caras idiotas!
- ¡Se Más humildad cabra del demonio!
- ¡No es justo, quiero la revancha!
- ¡más te vale no hayas arruinado los controles!

- Lo siento chicos pero por muy que me divierta ganarles quiero irme a domir sabiendo que me fui con una racha ganadora de 6 veces seguida, Lyna linda, quieres seguir por mi?
- Por supuesto, si vez a alguien mañana con el ojo morado puedes suponer que se lo ganó por enojarme

- Mmmm...
- Qué?, ¿ahora que tenes?,

- Se han puesto a pensar que soñara a Yohany?
-Hay no se... Cosas de cabra?

- Mira, los humanos sueñan contando ovejas

- Las ovejas sueñan contando humanos

- Y las vallas sueñan ovejas saltando humanos

- Y las vallas sueñan ovejas saltando humanos


So…I had a dream after seeing this picture on Tumblr. I don’t usually remember my dreams, but damn, it was fucking emotional. So just imagine with me…share my pain…
Garrus storms into the Med Bay where you, innocent, Y/n Shepard are out cold, being rushed to the Main Fleet on the Normandy after saving the universe. Now you were the last Shepard…
“Kaidan! Where’s Y/n?!” Garrus shouts, Kaidan is standing by your side. You were a member of the crew, a Lieutenant like James…very close to everyone.
You had been there since the start. Supporting everyone, doing your best to help Shepard- your older brother- even going with him to Cerberus to stop the collectors when you found out he was alive. Even Jack and Javik liked you.
But things went badly on the final mission…
“Garrus, please-” Kaidan tried to speak, tears in his eyes.
“No!” Garrus cut him off. “Where is Shepard?! He has to be okay! He’s always okay!!!” Garrus shouted viciously.
“What could I do, Garrus?! She ran after Shepard! I got cut off from them! What could I have done?!?” Kaidan shouted back, truly wanting to know…because he didn’t.
Both of them cared about you, more than they would admit…now maybe never being able to get the chance. It killed them inside.
“He-…he’s not dead!” Garrus stammered before walking up and grabbing Kaidan by the shirt. “Y/n isn’t dying either! She won’t-…” Garrus couldn’t even function to get words out at that point, going to a low-toned, but heavy, loud and guttural growl. He was too frustrated to think straight.
“Y/n said so, Garrus! If I could have, I would have saved him. Shepard gave his life for the universe, we can’t-…we can’t be selfish…Y/n just lost the last of her family…” Kaidan said grimly, his voice trailing off in hurt.
“Selfish…? You wanna know what’s selfish…? The fact that you didn’t protect Y/n like we promised to do! No matter who she picked!” Garrus barked and Joker came walking in, hoping to check on you, EDI flying with autopilot.
He came just in time to jump between Garrus and Kaidan before they could lunge at each other, practically foaming at the mouths with rage.
“Guys! You’re gonna wake her up and she’ll be pissed! Now shut.up! Y/n wouldn’t want this-” Joker stopped talking when all three heard a small sob.
The room was silent enough for a pin to drop and echo…
They all looked to you. You lay on one of the metal tables, your hair a mess, pooled around your head, your armor was ruined, ash and blood smeared the right side of your face where you had hit the ground at one point. You held your right hand over your mouth, tears streaming from the corners of your eyes, staring up at the ceiling as you tried to muffle your own sobs of grief.
“Y/n…?” Kaidan asked.
You sniffled and gasped in pain when a hard sob came. “A-all of you…g-get out…” You whispered coarsely, trying to find your voice.
“What?” Garrus asked in shock.
You snapped. “I-I said: G-GET OUT!!!” You screamed, your biotics causing loose objects- tools, pens, medicine bottles, papers- to go flying about the room.
They didn’t hesitate, knowing that if they stayed, they were dead, or worse, your wounds would get worse…
They left you alone in your grief…for now…
My pain is horrible isn’t it? I had this dream a few weeks ago, suffering from the immense feels that I get from ME 3. I literally woke up that morning and wanted to apologize to those characters. FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!!! I cried…
It was not a good day after that ;-;