Electric Beetles - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

[Start ID. A few uncolored sketches of a humanoid robot, with a head resembling an old tv and insect-like antennae, against a blank background. Their body is drawn in red, clothing in blue, and markings in green. They are more or less facing forward, though its upper body is twisted slightly to the side, so they’re looking somewhere above their raised arm. It features a number of markings, including icons for its favorite games, various hearts, and two across its chest that resemble stylized mastectomy scars. The robot is wearing a bandanna and a button-up shirt, but their body is visible underneath the lineart. End ID]

"the act of comparing autistic people to robots or depicting them as cold, emotionless, or subhuman is overused and problematic, robots/aliens shouldn't be the only characters we can relate to" and "ok but bots are cool and i wanna be one so bad" are two statements that can and should coexist

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2 years ago

ok maybe I did clean it up a little


[Start ID. Two versions of a humanoid robot with a head resembling an old tv and insect-like antennae, standing on a peach-colored background. They are more or less facing forward, though its upper body is twisted slightly to the side, so they’re looking somewhere above their raised arm. The bot is painted pale green on its lower body and arms, while its head and chest are a dull red. It features a number of markings, including icons for its favorite games, various hearts, and two across its chest that resemble stylized mastectomy scars. Both versions of the robot are the same, though one is wearing a red bandanna and a blue button-up shirt with fronds and flowers. End ID]

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1 year ago

Would there be cyborgs in the robot world though 🥺

there sure would be!! Not that I technically have any cyborg characters (yet), but they are fairly widespread! (They typically have human brains and so are classified as human, though they get to shop at the same hardware/limb places as bots do :])

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11 months ago