Elezar Genshin - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

beau look at me look at me…i have an angsty idea for you…

genshin character x reader who is terminally ill with elezar (however you spell it-) and they’re in a toxic relationship with character and a song to go with it is two by the antlers (semi tw for the song some of the lyrics cover dark topics)

“His trickiest patient

with Baizhu”

AU where Elezar isn’t cured

Beau Look At Me Look At Mei Have An Angsty Idea For You

“I told you, dear, you need to be more cautious when holding fragile objects,” he gently chided as he swept up the broken glass from a bottle.

He wasn’t upset at you. He could never be. But he knew you were, as always. Before you’d been diagnosed, you were such a kind soul, but with each failed treatment and medication refill, you’d grown resentful.

Neither of you were certain how the illness occurred. After all, you’d been born and raised in Liyue, where the possibility of it was slim to none. Maybe you were just that unfortunate.

“I’ll die anyway, so why does it matter?” His movements came to a halt. He looked up at you while you looked up at the ceiling. The soft lights, covered by a thin cloth to ensure it wasn’t too harsh on your eyes. “Why does it matter,” you softly repeated.

“I won’t let that—,” you interrupted his weak attempt at comfort, sitting up with a struggle. Swatting away his attempts at helping you after dropping his broom

“Baizhu, give up already! The meds aren’t doing anything, and I’m getting worse! So just quit with your silly delusions!”

His lips formed a thin line, unsure of how to approach it. You were not wrong. You never were when you yelled at him, with your shortening temper.

“You’re destroying yourself all while trying to fix me. I’d rather you just put me out of my misery.”

His heart sank terribly low. So much that he had to turn away from you. He could not face you when you brought this up. The idea of letting you die, or to do it himself. It never fot any easier to hear.

This sickness has made your body and heart bitter. In ways he cannot comprehend. Oh, how he despises it.

Beau Look At Me Look At Mei Have An Angsty Idea For You

I adore angst, and this ask was so interesting to me. Thank you for sharing <3

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