Genshin Angst - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Endless Nights Of Torture

The bustling nights of the Bazaar is always a warming place to talk and cheer but there is always someone and something that is trapped. trapped in a cage of injustice and greed. the unfairness is tough but they keep living in this hell day after day, going into insanity, hearing the heartless whispers and the hardships. thinking of life out of this cage, having someone to love and care for them. a girl, in her 20s looking out of her window, out to the city of Sumeru. Her golden locks and emerald eyes melt a heart or two. She hears the laughing, sees the smiles wishes to be them, wishes to get freed from her cage. She once had a life, a friend, a family but now they're all gone and must have forgotten her. She once was a happy little girl, always being a cheer, her hair was lush and long. She was lonely yes. Still, she got by, being an orphan losing her family from the Eleazar disease. At the same time, she was the only survivor in her family, she usually got by from stealing from the grand market, only able to get a piece of bread. She was still lively and was famous for her mischief in Sumeru city. She didn't make that many friends, everyone left her alone, but one kid was interested in her. He also had golden locks and had the most beautiful orange eyes. His name was Kaveh and he lost his mother. They became the best of friends, and always relied on each other. but one day, the girl got kidnapped by one of the nobles, now being sold as a slave. Kaveh and the girl always met at the great oak tree outside of Sumeru city but that day, Kaveh waited hours, still having hope. He waited at the oak tree the whole day hoping to see those beautiful locks once more. time passes and the girl is now in a cell, watched by many, eyes watching her every move, she was scared. She was still young, being 14 at that time. She didn't even have a name, even if she did, she couldn't even remember it. she missed Kaveh, she missed his dewy scent, she missed his smile, and now, she won't be able to see it no long

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2 years ago


Part 1

Warnings: Massive character death (you and Crepus die), angst, Diluc and Kaeya fight, their backstory, more angst with a sprinkle of angst.

Note: I’m sorry I’m not perfect in writing 🤡

Here, a part two:

Hello there
Part 2 Warnings: mentions of death, traveller almost dies, so does Paimon, foul language, violence, weird monsters not from Teyvat?? Notes:

Summary: You die stopping your brothers form fighting, but somehow live? You lose all memory of them tho and get transported to another relam. And then you meet four years later.

How did this happen…?

Why did this happen?

The only reply he got was the sound of rain, completely soaking his clothes. The fluff of his long red hair gone. But he did not care. First he lost his father, got betrayed by his brother, then he lost you…you of all the people he was supposed to protect…but he ended up doing the exact opposite. What kind of a brother he was?

Now Diluc sits in front of your grave, which was right beside your father’s, and cries. He cries out apologies which he is not even sure that you can hear. He hopes you do.

It wasn’t good for Kaeya either. He remembers your scream. He remembers how you threw yourself between them fighting so that they don’t hurt each other. But now all you were was a memory to him. His only family is gone, his father is gone, his brother is gone and you were also gone.

He lets himself breakdown as well. He lets himself scream through tears. He lets himself know that now he was all alone in this world.


It was a rainy day. You were indoors, reading a book next to the fireplace as Adelinde brushed your hair. It was almost dusk but your family still hasn’t arrived yet. It was big brother Diluc’s 18th birthday…were they busy somewhere? Maybe they are running late due to the weather! Hopefully they are fine….

The thoughts in your head stopped and were replaced by the gentle crackling fire. They sure are taking long though…

“Hey Adelinde?”

“Yes y/n?”

“Do you think everyone is okay?”

“Oh sweetie of course they are. They’ll be back anytime now, so don’t you worry!” She gave you a reassuring smile. Adlelinde has always been your mother figure and best friend. You loved hanging out with her. She always treated you like her own child and always comforted you. You smiled back at her. Yeah they probably got delayed by the rain, they’ll be back soon!

You two enjoyed the silence. Until it lasted…

Elzer came with a really worried face. It was as if he saw a ghost or something…

“Adelinde this is important, it’s about master Crepus.”

Why did I feel a pit in my stomach? It can’t be that bad right…? Please be safe father.

Adelinde stared at Elzer for a second. We exchanged lookes and she proceeded to leave the room with him. I sat there for a while. Why was Elzer so horrified? What happened? And then…


I heard Adelinde gasp right outside the door. I couldn’t sit there anymore. I carefully approached the door, and listened.

“How could this be?!? How did this even happen?!”

“I don’t know, they only told us that master Crepus died fighting Ursa the Drake!”

My heart fell into my stomach. The shock numbed me for a while. Father…is dead? How? When? A thousand questions flooded my mind. Everything started to feel hazy, that’s when I realised my eyes were watering. I caught more of the conversation.

“How should we give this news to y/n? They’re only 14…”

“I don’t think we should right now. They won’t take it well”

Ah. I quickly wiped my tears away and went back to sitting in my old position, pretending to read, trying my best to not seem as if I’m crying. After a few seconds they entered the room with matching pitiful expressions towards me.

“Y/n, sweetie could you go to your room if you don’t mind? Ther-“


I obediently got up before she could finish and headed upstairs to my room. They were staring at me. They were sorry for me I could tell.

As soon as I got in my room, I locked the door and started sobbing into my pillow. It was already night and the whole room was dark. I cried and cried until I fell asleep.


I woke up to voices downstairs. It was my brothers. Were they back…? It was still pretty dark outside my window. I assumed it’s late night. The voices however, got louder and louder until I could hear sounds of…shouts and weapons? What’s going on? Did somebody break into the mansion?!


There was a loud bang downstairs and if something just blew up! I jumped from my bed and went to investigate.

The moment I unlocked my door, I saw it. The horrifying sight.

Diluc and Kaeya, my brothers are fighting each other. Diluc is even using his vision on him! Kaeya also has a cryo vision??? They are both injured badly. WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS?!? THEY WILL KILL EACH OTHER AT THIS POINT.


But my shouts fall dead to their ears. I start tearing up. Why aren’t they stopping?? How do I stop them???

And then, at the very last second, I knew how….it’s going to hurt but it’s going to stop them from hurting each other.

At the same time, my brothers got ready to charge at each other with their powerful element infused weapons. As soon as they did, I jumped.

I took all my courage to jump between them to block the attack. I closed my eyes. And just like that, everything went blank.


They stared in muted horror. They DID NOT expect their little sibling to jump in the fight to save them. But it was too late. Now not even a small shred of their body remains…They’re dead.


How did this happen?

Why did this happen?

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2 years ago


Part 2

Warnings: mentions of death, traveller almost dies, so does Paimon, foul language, violence, weird monsters not from Teyvat??

Notes: hahahah exams *dies*

Here part 1

Hello there
Part 1 Warnings: Massive character death (you and Crepus die), angst, Diluc and Kaeya fight, their backstory, more angst with a sprinkle of

Summary: You die stopping your brothers form fighting, but somehow live? You lose all memory of them tho and get transported to another relam. And then you meet four years later.

Four years later…

Location: Dawn Winery, Mondstadt

Time: 1:00 am.

Footsteps echoed in the dark halls. They belonged to none other than the Darknight hero. Why was he up so late though? God knows. The walking continues. Everybody is asleep except him, who just came back from his usual abyssal creature hunting. He still keeps walking…until he stops when his eyes land on a room at the end of the hall. A room that had been locked for the past four years. He forcefully tore his eyes away from that room. He’s already tired and doesn’t need the reminder of a tragedy.


Time: 8:23 am

Location: The Adventures Guild, Mondstadt City

“Ad Astra Abyssosque! Traveler, just the person who I was looking for!” Katheryne greeted them with a warm smile.

“Let Paimon guess…another super duper dangerous commission that needs the traveller’s help huh?” The floating fairy huffed and crossed her arms. Her guess was true though because that’s what has been happening for the past few times. The traveller merely gave a curious expression.“What is it about?” they asked.

“I’m glad you asked, this is a major commission and no other adventures, no matter how experienced, could not complete it. In fact, they are yet to be back.” Katheryne gave a sad expression.

“W-what do you mean “yet to be back”?! Did they get lost or something? Did they-“ Paimon gasped at the thought.

“Paimon, calm down it can’t be that bad, right?” the traveler tried to calm the panicking pixie but also fell into doubt. What is it this time?

“The condition of the adventures is unknown. We lost all contact with them and can’t tell wether they are dead or alive. It’s like they disappeared from the face of Teyvat.”

“EEEK! THATS SCARY AAHHH NOPE NOPE-“ Paimon shrieked and hid behind the traveler.

“Paimon we literally did fight god on a daily basis come on it can’t be that bad. Say Katheryne, what is this commission anyways?” the traveler asked. They were curious. Who knows? Maybe disappearing people could be some abyss problem. And where there is abyss, there is sibling. There is a small chance.

“Yes ahem, There has been suspicious activity going on in the thousand winds temple. The most we know is that there has been a giant pit with no end and that whoever falls in it never returns. A few abyss mages have also been spotted at this site. Other info…”Katheryne filled them with the details while traveler and Paimon got the worse déjà vú. They just came back from their adventure from the chasm. What’s with this place and cursed pits?!

But they did catch a glimpse of their sibling in that chasm…and there were abyss mages there so this is definitely their doing. Who knows, maybe they’ll find something else that’s useful on their quest to find their sibling.

“…is all I can fill you with regarding this commission. Do you wish to acce-“

“I accept this commission.” The traveler said. They were determined and confident that this will help them.


“I knew I could count on you! Ad Astra Abyssosque traveler, good luck!” Katheryne gleefully wished them.

“STOP CUTTING PAIMON OFF!” Paimon angrily stomped her foot on air.

“Don’t worry Pai, it can’t be that bad!”


Time: ???

Location: ???

It was really bad.

Why did they even accept this commission? Traveler and Paimon wonder as they are injured, surrounded and outnumbered by creatures they can’t even begin to describe.

They look like humans but horribly mutated. Some were giants with heads too large for their bodies. Some were small but had oversized or undersized limbs. Some had no limbs. Some were missing a whole half of their bodies. Some were just parts of bodies. All of them had one thing in common though, one ugly white eye on random parts of their “bodies”.

How did they even end up in this hell of Teyvat?


Time: 10:14 am

Location: Thousand Winds Temple

“I think this is the site of commission. Look there’s the cursed pit!”

The traveler and Paimon arrived where Katheryne had directed them to. Funnily enough there were no abyss mages or any monsters in sight there. It was oddly peaceful. The sun was shining, there were no clouds, the animals were scurrying around looking for food! It made them feel at ease.

“Huh, looks like an ordinary pit to Paimon, except it seems to be really really deep. Wonder what caused this..” Paimon and traveler stopped at the edge of the pit. True, it seemed ordinary with zero magical traces around it. The only problem was that it’s diameter was unsettlingly large, large enough to drop Azdaha in it. How did this even appear here in the first place? They were thinking of the possibilities until….

Everything went black.







Traveler jumped awake. What happened?!?

“Traveler thank archons you are awake!” Paimon cried and hugged them. She was trembling and and seemed terrified. Traveler hugged them and rubbed her back to soothe her. They looked around. Where are they…?

It seemed to be the thousand winds temple but disturbing. Very disturbing. The sky was red. The sun or what seemed to be it was covered by a large black object whose darkness was oozing around the sky like veins. It only provided a dim source of red light. Looking at the ground and surroundings. The ruins were even more broken. There were thick black vines everywhere. The trees were dry and completely covered by such vines. No animals or signs of life nearby.

“Paimon…w-where are we..?” Traveler managed to gasp out as they stared in horror. Was this some sort of dream? The pain in their whole body said otherwise.

“P-paimon doesn’t know! The l-last thing Paimon s-saw before b-b-blacking out was us f-falling!” Paimon said between her tears. Now a pit formed in traveler’s stomach. Did they fall in that pit…?

That can’t be good…they need to get out of he-

A figure interrupted traveler’s thoughts. Someone was there. Someone was approaching them in the temple. They felt hope. Maybe this person can answer their questions! Their hope however, was quickly turned into horror when the figure came close enough to be properly observed.

And when observed, it was anything but human.


No matter how many times they hacked and slashed at these creatures, no damage was done. They kept healing. Some cut off parts multiplied into new creatures. Elemental power wasn’t working at all.

The traveler and Paimon were hopeless and on the verge of death.


Some where at a distance…

A group of 5 stared at the commotion by the traveler.

“Looks like we got new faces here. And they don’t seem to be welcomed properly.” A voice from the group spoke.

“I sure can see that. Jeez they sure are putting up a fight.” A second voice huffed.

“Are we gonna help them or leave them as zombie food?” A third voice asked.

“Of course we have to! Can’t you see the condition they are in?!? It will be a shame if that cute little pixie dies!” A fourth voice shrieked out.

“Well we are still full on supplies. Y’all up?” ….the fifth voice spoke.

“Fuck yeah!”

“Let’s do this!”

“Don’t worry little pixie!”



Traveler fell to their knees. They were too broken to fight. Paimon helplessly clung onto their head, crying and shouting something they couldn’t hear. It was no use…the monsters kept coming and coming. Maybe this is how they die, huh? There was nobody to save th-


A large explosion just happened, clearing a massive amount of the monsters swarming them! From the smoke, five silhouettes appeared. They didn’t have time to react as the silhouettes quickly jumped to battle. They were effectively taking down those monsters like they were slimes.

One of them was moving so fast it appeared as if they teleported ambushed the enemies. Another, used a large cannon to shoot large masses of energy and blew the monsters into pieces. Third, used a a sharp whip, whose strike cut the creatures into shreds. The fourth one, they were some sort of toxic gas making enemies drop dead. Lastly the fifth one attacked bombs.

Soon the all monsters were cleared and only their ashes remained.


The figures approached the traveler and their pixie. Traveler’s eyes were on the brink of closing yet they still held Paimon protectively. One of the figures crouched down next to them to inspect them. It was the fifth one.

Traveler finally saw their face. They had round yet fierce (e/c) eyes and short messy (h/c) hair. Their face was littered with scars of burns and cuts. Could it be because of explosion accidents? Who is this person…?

Soon traveler blacked out.


Time: 5:00 pm.

Location: Dawn Winery, Mondstadt

Traveler woke up with a loud gasp. Pausing for a moment, the took deep breaths and observed their surroundings. It’s Dawn Winery? What are they doing here? WAIT WHERE IS PAIMON??

The jumped out of bed, half clothed and patched up. They didn’t care. Need Paimon safe.

They slammed open the door. And that caught the attention of master Diluc and his pixie companion downstairs.

“Traveler you’re awake!” Paimon shrieked happily and flew up to hug them. They were washed with relieved and hugged Paimon back.

“Are you okay Paimon? Are you hurt? What happened?”

“Calm down will ya? Turns out Paimon also blacked out with you. Then, when she woke up, she was here! Turns out Master Diluc was out on his Captain Pyro duties near the temple because of the abyss mages and he found us there.”

“It seems you are awake, but I advise you go back to bed and lay down. Your injuries aren’t healed yet.” It was Diluc this time. He glanced up at the traveler by then looked away blushing because they were only half clothed

“A-ahem, also your clothes are by your bed. Feel free to call Adelinde for help.”

“GASP MASTER DILUC DONT LOOK AT THE TRAVELER!” Paimon screeched trying to cover them up.

“M-my apologies…” Diluc merely walked away flushed.

“Whew t-that was awkward…you know I should probably go dress properly…” traveler rubbed their cheek in embarrassment.

“Okie dokie! Paimon will be off to explore the winery so cya later!” Paimon gave a thumbs up and then proceeded to disappear to god knows where.

Before heading back to the room, something caught the traveler’s eye. It was a door at the end of the hall. The door was open and the room was dark. Something was calling them. They didn’t want to snoop but their gut was begging them to go, and so the let their feet carry them to that room.


It was a simple room yet dusty room. Spiders probably live here now. There was a a window at the end and a bed under it. A few drawings and plushies laid on the shelf. Everything had a heavy layer of dust.

‘Must be a child’s room…’ they thought. They looked around until something made them stop dead. On the floor, was a picture. Traveler picked it up.

It was the picture of three children, hugging and laughing innocently on a tree. On the left end was none other than Master Diluc in his youth. His eyes were so big and cute! On the right end was…Kaeya? He seemed kinda scared being on top of a tree. It was strange seeing those two together like that. Wonder what their history was…

Finally between them, was an unknown child with cute round eyes like Diluc’s. Traveler stared at them for a while. And then…it clicked.



Diluc heard the traveler shout his name. He turned around and here they were, panting and huffing.

“Traveler is everything alright?” He asks concerned.

“Listen, please don’t get mad but this is important. I-I saw a room at the end of a hall a-and I didn’t mean t-to-“

“Listen, I won’t get mad, just calm down. Take deep breaths and take your time to speak.” Diluc calmed and reassured the traveler. How could they possibly get him mad? He thought.

The traveler took a few breaths and then spoke.

“Listen, I didn’t mean to snoop but the room at the end of the hall, it was open and for some reason I felt the urge to go there. I saw a picture on the ground an-“ before they could finish a dark shadow formed over Diluc. All of his warm reassuring look was gone.

“I prefer not to talk about it.” He simply stated with a hollow look.

“No no, please hear me out! The child in the mid-“ the traveler tried to finish.

“Please go back to rest.” Diluc turned around ready to leave. Frustrated, the traveler shouted-


With that, Diluc froze at where he stood.

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1 year ago

looking for a certain al-haitham angst series (found!)

i'll leave this up in case anyone wants to read it, please do check it out though! (thank you to the lovely @ghostlysyntaxed for finding this series)
Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. It's where your interests connect you with your

⎻ could someone help me find a certain al-haitham angst series described below? it would be greatly appreciated, thanking you forever! <3 (will delete post after)

i sort of forget what happens in the first part of the series but here's a little background: y/n or reader is roommates with nilou, best friends with scaramouche, and has a crush on al-haitham.

i believe around the middle of the series, a few genshin characters including nilou and y/n all sat in a circle to play truth or dare. nilou was picked on to do a dare, and she called al-haitham to ask him out to which he accepts. y/n felt uneasy and excused herself, but the only person who notices this was scaramouche. he comforts her and that's basically where it ended off.

i don't really know what happens to y/n and al-haitham's relationship afterwards so i was hoping to reread the series again. i was not able to find it so i thought it would be best to ask if anyone had seen it before and would be kind to link it. again, thank you so much to whoever finds the series.

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2 years ago

𝓛𝓮𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓶𝔂 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷

ft.Diluc With gn!reader Cw: Angst & unrequited love

"𝒮𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒹𝒶𝓎, 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝐼 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊. 𝓊𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓃, 𝐼'𝓁𝓁 𝒹𝓇𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝓂𝓎 𝒸𝑜𝒻𝒻𝑒𝑒, 𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝓎 𝓅𝒾𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝓌𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹𝓈"

It was a cold night in Mondstadt, not cold enough for snow but cold enough to keep most people off the cobblestone streets, and into bars or their homes. You were in your kitchen putting the apple pie you so lovingly made for Diluc into a white box with a bright red bow on the lid.

You hoped tonight would be the night that he would notice all your advances and hints about your feelings towards him, it was tedious to keep waiting for him to notice. Too many times you have gone to bed feeling annoyed at his obliviousness to your signals.

You snapped yourself out of your thoughts and grabbed the now neatly wrapped box and the Gray valley sunset drink that you made for him and exited your house being careful not to drop the pie or drink.

You began to think about Diluc again, he’s been your best friend since you two were teens and over the years you’ve grown a crush on him. He was always so nice and caring towards you, which comes as a surprise to most considering most know him for being cold and emotionless. But he’s never been like that towards you. Once again you were snapped out of your thoughts as you can hear Donna talking about Diluc

Although you don’t have anything against Donna liking Diluc, you find it annoying to constantly hear her talk about him. But you try not to dwell on those thoughts as you try to hurry before Diluc closes the bar.

You carefully make it up the steps before speed-walking to the entrance of Angle’s share. You make your way inside and notice no one inside, which means Diluc was about to close. Diluc was about to tell whoever just entered to leave before he turned around and saw you.

“Hello, y/n, what brings you here?”

“Hi, Diluc! I’m here to drop off a pie I made for you, and I brought you a drink too”

You handed the pie and drink to Diluc with a warm smile while he had a small look of surprise on his face

“Thank you y/n, how thoughtful of you.”

He said as he took the pie and drink setting it on the counter and then going back to getting ready to close the bar.

You frowned, his reaction wasn’t what you expected. You sigh,

“I guess I’ll have to tell him myself..”

“Hey, Diluc…Can we talk for a second?”

He stopped what he was doing before looking up at you.

“Yes? What’s wrong?”


“I really like you. And I just want to know if you feel the same”


You did it. You told him. It wasn’t as romantic as you wanted it to sound but at this point, you were done waiting for him. But now you were nervous, you could hear your own heartbeat and you could feel your face heating up from the pressure.

“I’m…Sorry y/n but I don’t feel the same... you are my friend and I don't see you in any other way."


“T-that’s alright! I just needed to get that off my chest.” You said glancing to the ground, too upset to see his face.

“I’ll be leaving now..have a good night” You said quickly as you turned around to leave.

“Wait y/n”

You stop and look over your shoulder

“…I’m sorry”

You turned back to face the door before you let yourself out.

Once outside you feel the cold air hit your face, cooling your cheeks and the tears you didn’t know you were shedding.

You sigh as you walk back home with blurry eyes filled with tears.

"𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓈𝑒 𝐼 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝒸𝓇𝓎 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓁𝓂𝑒𝒹 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒻𝓊𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝒾𝒻 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝐼 𝒻𝑒𝓁𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒"

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8 months ago

ᯓ✿ hurts to put in words

ˋ°•*⁀➷ anemo boys realizing they’ve fallen out of love with you

ˋ°•*⁀➷ venti, xiao, kaedehara kazuha, shikanoin heizou, wanderer x gn! reader

₊˚ angst!! very angst!! established (toxic) relationship, small amount of violence, cheating, mentions of alcohol

 Hurts To Put In Words


it’s not like the anemo archon really knows his way around love despite having lived for thousands of years. for him, it was as simple as the spark between the two of you had faded. he had grown apathetic towards you, even emotionless at times. it wouldn’t take a genius to realize what was going on. the love that once resided in his eyes when he looked at you was replaced with a look of pain. he didn’t know how to leave a relationship, but he doesn’t want to hurt you more than this drawn-out and dead romance already has. he’d find himself sipping on some wine, reminiscing the time before the love had faded. he misses those days, but he couldn’t force himself to fall for you again.


he swore to protect you, but his devotion only weighed more heavily on his psyche as time went by. what was once pure love and passion became hurt. it stung to meet your eye, even more so when you cleaned and bandaged the wounds he may have sustained in battle. he told himself it was to protect you from getting hurt, forcing himself to shut down his emotions and subsequently kill his love for you with his bare hands. playful banter was replaced with arguments in which so many hurtful things were hurled at each other. sometimes he really did look at you with pure hate in his eyes, regarding you as nothing more than a nuisance and hinderance to his job of protecting the people of liyue.


the various things he had written for you would gather dust in his room, having gone to waste as his whirlwind romance ended silently. he realized he no longer loved you when you kissed him and he felt nothing. his heart had once fluttered whenever he was near you, but those butterflies in his stomach had simply fluttered away. he’d find himself wondering if it was love at all, choosing to categorize it as a temporary infatuation to justify his growing apathy towards you. he’s quite literally free as the wind, so it wouldn’t take much to simply leave. he’s not going to force himself to be with you when he feels nothing. the love had simply faded with no rhyme or reason.


he’d spend more time at work when he realizes he’s fallen out of love. the excuse for avoiding you is that he’s just busy with work, when in reality he’s often just pacing around his office, figuring ways to break up with you painlessly. whenever he’d say he loves you, it was strained and forced, obvious that he didn’t mean it. he had loved you at one point, but his forcing himself to still be affectionate despite having fallen out of love with you is simply exhausting. it’s all he could do to avoid you and the way you hadn’t seemed to stop loving him. maybe he’d start seeing other people behind your back and fall for someone else the same way he had with you.


he’s the only one who’s blunt about it. he’d simply tell you that he doesn’t love you anymore with disgust in his eyes. he doesn’t have it in him to be nice, and you had known that when you started dating him. it took so long for him to open up to you and begin being affectionate, but it had simply faded and been replaced with distaste and words that sting when they come out of his mouth. he had never said he loved you, but he at least acted like it sometimes. nowadays, his affection was replaced by disgustingly blunt and mean comments that seem to be true. he had simply been betrayed too many times to truly love anyone again, and you were the prime example of a failed attempt to love.

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8 months ago

ᯓ✿ but you’re not mine

ˋ°•*⁀➷ ei and miko (separately) falling for you while you’re dating the other

ˋ°•*⁀➷ raiden ei, yae miko x gn! reader (separate)

₊˚ angst!! unrequited love, no poly eimiko in this one that’ll be a different fic

 But Youre Not Mine
 But Youre Not Mine

the electro archon’s knowledge that you were dating her best friend and the only person who truly understood her would destroy her from the inside out. though her puppet gave a look of indifference, the deity residing within said puppet was anything but. if she could even begin to live up to her citizens’ expectations of her, then would you love her the way you loved the kitsune? ei knew she shouldn’t be so jealous of her only true friend, but she would give the whole world to be the one holding your hand, kissing you, taking you on dates, sharing her snacks with you. having you be just out of her reach was somehow astronomically more painful than the idea of never having met you at all.

the goddess of electro’s love for you was similar to the ideal she ruled over, eternal. the day she finally worked up the courage to confess to you despite your feelings for someone else, a thunderstorm raged outside to signal her inner turmoil. in her artificial throat remained the words she had wished to say to you, but went silent the second they tried to leave her mouth. a love language of averted eyes and avoidance had become the status quo between you and ei, rather unfortunately. if she could tell you how she felt, would you truly understand the weight of the words and what they meant?

for the sake of conversation, could she read your body language? it’s ultimately the best she’d ever get when it comes to you, so it’s best for ei to simply let go and watch you drift away from her. as painful as it would be, it would be for the best. her feelings for you would never truly fade as time went by, the sting of her unrequited love seemed to only grow. loving you from the sidelines had become ei’s unfortunate fate, always making herself cry when she thought about it at the wrong times. she would love you endlessly for the rest of her time living, just say it’s over and let her turn off her feelings and retreat back into her meditation.

in her own time, ei would stop taking control of her puppet so often when you were around. those sparkling purple eyes were replaced with something lifeless and pained indifference towards you.

 But Youre Not Mine

to embrace someone’s drifting heart and force herself to smile would always be difficult to the kitsune. hiding her love for you behind a flirty and caring mask, how long would it be before she cracked and forced herself to simply say she loved you despite your dating the electro archon. she knew she wasn’t much more than a subordinate of said archon and the holder of the gnosis, but that love for you refused to go away. miko often found herself forcing the feelings down just before she said something that would even hint ever so slightly at her love for you. with that heart of hers that seemed on the verge of just breaking from the sting of seeing you with ei, avoidance was the best she could do. the day she met you, she became dizzy and frozen and simply held her breath before she said something that would ultimately embarrass her.

oh how miko wished it was her, why were you even with ei when the guuji-sama was right there? she was a better match for you than the electro archon anyway, that much was obvious. even then, it was just a useless fantasy she couldn’t help but hold onto out of a pained desperation that you would be hers one day. she could treat you so much better than a puppet whose master was barely ever present anyway, right? every night, miko is the one you’d be talking to you until you fall asleep, shopping with you and buying your favorite foods just to see that beautiful smile grace your adorable face again. as long as you were happy, she supposed she could find a way to move one eventually. your happiness and satisfaction were always exponentially more important in the eyes of the kitsune. sure, it would be nice if you could just love someone who was more than willing to sweep you off your feet with her naturally flirty personality. alas, it just wasn’t the right time. you clearly loved ei, so there was just nothing she could do.

watching helplessly from the side as you seemed to love ei more and more as the days went by, that was the life miko was relegated to. how could she truly grow to adore the world around her when it all seemed to remind her of you? the least she could do in this situation is bottle up those overly convoluted feelings that no one ever truly wants and try to forget about them. when you looked at her, what was it behind your eyes that you longed to see within her? her poor heart simply shattered when she found out you were with her best friend when she had loved you for so much longer. such is retribution for falling so helplessly in love with you. why couldn’t she just tell the truth so you didn’t have to lie?

the things she would give to be able to hold you close, have you fall into her the way you did in her best dreams. she knew deep down that in the end, it would never be her turn. maybe one day she’d at least be able to express those feelings.

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8 months ago

ᯓ✿ there was no saving you

ˋ°•*⁀➷ inspired by this amazing fic by beau 🫶 in which your illness only seems to get worse

ˋ°•*⁀➷ baizhu x gn! reader

₊˚ ANGST!!! MUCH ANGST, marrying a corpse but like not in a weird way, character death (reader)

 There Was No Saving You
 There Was No Saving You

he wished he knew from the very second you met that it wasn’t meant to last. the medicines he had brewed for you kept you sleeping and comfortable until the inevitable end. something kept baizhu standing by that bed, he could have gave up but he took care of you. even as you became weaker and barely able to stand for longer than a minute, he was losing sleep looking for something, anything that could cure you. maybe it was his dedication to medicine, or maybe he loved you despite your fleeting life.

in the middle of the night, the doctor had fallen asleep at his desk when he awoke from a nightmare and decided that enough is enough. he had realized something that night, something he hadn’t realized he wanted. baizhu knew deep down that there was absolutely nothing he could do to save you from the rapidly approaching end, this thing is going to kill you sooner rather than later. he’d find himself talking to you while you were fast asleep under the influence of the cocktail of medicines he’d given you to keep you comfortable, telling you everything and pretending you could hear him. if he could only take the ailment that will soon take your life and transfer it to himself, he would in a heartbeat.

as your condition further deteriorated, he knew the end would come in only days. as you took your last breath before falling into an eternal sleep, baizhu’s heart shattered into a million pieces. placing a silver ring on your finger, he’d carry your lifeless body to the grave he prepared just outside his house.

day after day, the doctor would place the flowers you loved on your grave, hopelessly praying that you’d be happy and without the illness that had taken your fleeting life on the other side.

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1 year ago

Gnaw: Grudge Match

For the first time, the Archon War and its ending are subject to a second opinion.

(And that opinion is yours.)

Osial banks across the stormy sky, feathers of his right wing dipping into the clouds above, water and wind forming beads against his wingtips that follow him as he dips back down. You lend him your energy, and Electro arcs across the vast plumage of his wings and pools inside the beads.

He flaps his wing. A single storm bead rockets down from the sky.

Fishing boats and trading ships are reduced to soaked splinters and fractured metal. The remains of sails, now naught but tatters, writhe in the wind before falling into the sea.

Those who do not die from the sheer enormity of the impact drown in the harbor, bleed out from shrapnel of their own ships, or meet their end at the hands of your contributed Electro energy.

Within fifteen seconds, the harbor has been reduced to a graveyard, the ruined husks of an entire fleet now skeletons lying in deathless slumber on the seabed.

Osial laughs, wild and untamed, just this side of lost to mania, and he dives, his wings glimmering with Anemo.

The Golden House didn't really stand much of a chance.

Electrically-charged Mora are funneled en masse into the vortex above, glinting gold with lightning tails flowing up into the sky in chaotic patterns. Some magnetize against each other, some fly alone, others ricochet into the sea or embed themselves into the land.

Several unlucky souls are punched cleanly through by the symbol of their nation's prosperity, leaving gaping holes in their flesh and ruined bones.

Their screams, warped by the wind and rain and the song of thunder, are a beautiful chorus to you. A performance to welcome you home and give warning to those who foolishly stand against you.

Thunder roars, deafening, and lightning falls, piercing Millelith members. Rain weighs them down, wind steals their breath, and the wind chill robs even the most hale and hearty of a steady aim.

Osial flicks out another storm bead. Several buildings are blasted apart, their rubble crushing their neighbors, metal and stone and wood making a cacophony of ruin.

Entire lives are being uprooted. Centuries of tradition are vanishing under the onslaught. The work of thousands of human lives simply vanishes as it topples into the bay, the waves hungrily lapping at the base of the city and greedily swallowing all that cannot escape.

A small smile stretches over your face.

They deserve this.

With a flick of your wrist, the remaining Mora cluster together into a single massive ball, and you will it towards the wreckage of the city with a little mental exertion.

It crashes down into the heart of the city, right where Rex Lapis once died, and it then erupts as all the force keeping it together simply ceases to do so.

Golden coins and human gore scatter in every direction as fleeing civilians are reduced to mulch by this world's most ostentatious fragmentation explosive.

Osial howls in glee, currents of vicious wind tearing humans from the streets and into his waiting maw as he dives again and again.

In the distance, there is a roar.

The earth shakes to its foundations as immense stone pillars rip free, aimed for Osial, their normally flat tops ground to geometrically perfect diamond spearpoints.

"Morax," Osial sneers. "Come to watch your miserable excuse for a city die under my wings?"

The being that appears then is not Zhongli, or even Rex Lapis. It is Morax. An ancient dragon, Archon of Geo. The God of Contracts and War. This is no simple serpent, no puppet meant to be majestic and awe-inspiring - this is the war-form. The true face of a draconic god, plated in metals hewn from the heart of the world, innards glowing with yellow-orange energy.

This Morax is the face of death.

Morax roars in wordless fury at his old foe... but then his eyes catch sight of you.

The roar becomes deafening, full of such hatred and vitriol that Osial briefly forgets to fly from surprise, leading him to dive instead.

On some cruel instinct, you give Morax the smuggest, most shit-eating grin you can conjure, and you mouth 'where were you when they needed you?'

If looks could kill, Morax would have just reduced you to subatomic particles.

You gesture to Osial, your gift helping to subtly translate, and he launches up into the storm and the highest points of the atmosphere.

Morax follows, howling threats in a language you don't know.

(The elements lean forward in their seats. You've just invited them to the best fight this eon. Bets are already being made. Geo and Anemo both grin at the other, eager to see whose champion is superior.)

Meteors fall, carved apart by wind.

Voices carry for thousands of miles, roaring in pain and glee and fury.

Bones shatter, scales are torn apart, wounds ooze blood in quantities enough to bathe Liyue in a red rain... and Gods war.

On the ground, the storm has only increased in strength, now that so much more energy is being poured into the area.

Not helping is the hail of immense stone pieces.

Where godly blood lands, life is burnt away by the acidic touch of divinity.

Those who did not flee before can flee no longer without risking swift, painful death.

(Ganyu weeps, the work of thousands of years falling apart in less than five hours. What use were her labors?)

(Ningguang vanishes into a bunker beneath the stone, where she can wait out this chaos. She will build herself back up. This is simply a setback.)

(Hu Tao watches from a distant field as her home is utterly destroyed.

...some morbid little part of her gleefully remarks that business is about to be skyrocketing.)

(Shenhe is unaware of this happening, having been spirited away into Cloud Retainer's realm the moment said Adeptus realized just who had been given a burial at sea.)

(Yanfei is luckily out of the country right now, instead in Fontaine to deal with a reappearing case she'd long thought solved.)

(Xinyan assists in evacuation efforts, her flames burning away godsblood and rain to shelter those nearby.)

(Chongyun and Xingqiu barely manage to stem the tide of raging Hilichurls that are dead set on killing the escaping civilians.)

(Kequing lies in the collapsed rubble of a multi-story building, her Vision repeatedly shocking her as Electro takes the moment to be immensely petty.)

(Xiao drowns in his Karmic Debt, feathers trying to force their way through his skin as his more animalistic instincts refuse to obey.)

(Baizhu has already fled, knowing that he neither can be nor wishes to be of use in this fight. His work is not yet done.)

(Yaoyao stands guard over the population who have made it to her home village.)

(Yun Jin helps to gather scattered families back together amongst the crowds of refugees. Xiangling and her father work to feed the masses while they are all displaced.)

(Beidou watches the storm from the far horizon on the deck of the Alcor. Going in would be suicide, but not helping is just as unthinkable. She must choose, but the sheer weight of the choice is paralyzing. The fleet follows behind her, whether that is into certain death or into retreat.)

(Qiqi stands in the heaviest torrents of the storm. Where the blood of gods stains her skin, life is breathed back into dead flesh.))

Far above in the heavens, Osial and Zhongli are tangled, claws gouging into the new Anemo Archon's innards as coils attempt to shatter the Geo Archon's ancient spine.

There is a deafening crack as Morax's spine bends in a way it was never supposed to.

Ribbons of intestine hang from the massive wound in Osial's underbelly.

Both of them begin to fall to the face of Teyvat tens of thousands of miles below, and you are along for the ride.

Osial lets out a wheezy cackle as he tightens his grip on Morax, drowning in his own blood.

Morax writhes, wings unresponsive.

You hug yourself against Osial. Impact comes far sooner than you expected.

There is darkness.

When you wake, you are in the shallows of an immense crater, exactly where Liyue Harbor should have been. The moon glows pale white above you.

Shattered pillars and ruined buildings jut from the not-quite-bay.

Sitting next to you is a not-very-undead Qiqi. She gives you a relieved look when she sees you're alive. You offer her a thumbs up, as though that will solve the issue.

She accepts it with as much grace as anyone in her situation can and returns the thumbs up, smiling at you faintly.

Beneath you is Osial, dying from mortal wounds but still very alive. Somewhere in the distance is a similarly wounded Morax.

You climb down from your dying companion and come to face him.

"Ah... good. You still live. I did not fail you," Osial gurgles. "Thank you... for helping me settle the score, my maker."

You tell him to hold on. You're sure there's something you can do to heal him. He lets out an amused huff.

"Your kindness is touching, but I know my end is coming. I can feel the Abyss."

You refuse. Osial is yours, damn it. Your friend. Your first Archon. Your protector.

A feeling wells up inside of you.

He will not die. You won't allow it.

Your eyes burn as tears stream down your face. You rest a hand against his scaly face, and ask him to trust you one more time.

"Of course. Always."

You let your power flow. The world erupts into starlight as a new constellation is born, sky adorned with a new pattern of stars: Serpens Fidelis.

The loyal serpent.

Where once laid your dying companion is now a male of mortal human size, who sits up, obviously quite discombobulated. He manages to find his feet, though repeatedly stumbles as he takes his first steps.

Scarred tan skin faintly reflects the moonlight, bathing him in an ethereal glow. Silver locks of hair with deep blue accents seem to drink in the moonlight.

He turns to you, finally, and grins, canine teeth closer to fangs than human, Cherenkov blue eyes glimmering with undeniable joy.

"Thank you, my maker. This new form is far less damaged."

From his right hip dangles a Hydro vision. The Anemo Gnosis is in your hands instead. It appears the cost for his life was you reclaiming the archonhood you bestowed upon him.

He is otherwise entirely nude and doesn't particularly seem to notice this. Maybe that's because he's never had to wear clothes before.

You kindly point this out to him, more than a little embarrassed on his behalf, your hands over Qiqi's eyes so she doesn't see.

Holy shit, was he always that built?

He grins at you, shooting you a salacious wink. "Yes, yes. Get an eyeful of my statuesque physique. I worked for many years on it."

You ask how he managed that as best you can while dying of embarrassment.

"You become quite proficient at lifting weights and swimming at the same time while trying to struggle free of stone javelins pinning you to the seafloor," he says mildly.

He manipulates the water and stormclouds into a set of luxurious robes. A sash at his waist now holds the Hydro vision.

On his back rests a fragment of the Jade Chamber carved into a massive greatsword.

"Shall we gloat over our dying adversary together, my maker?"

Yes, this sounds like a phenomenal idea.

You let Qiqi go, now that Osial is not running a one-hydra nudist colony, and she follows behind the two of you like a lost puppy.

Morax has returned to the form of Zhongli by the time you get to him.

The Vortex Vanquisher lies shattered at his side, and hundreds of rips and tears in his clothes display his grievous wounds.

Osial confidently struts over.

"Why hello, hated enemy mine~"

Zhongli weakly snarls up at him, and also at you, his fists curling feebly at his sides.

"Damn you both. May the Creator strike you both down into the depths of the Abyss."

Osial lets out a small 'snrk', begins to lowly chuckle, and slowly escalates to peals of howling, gleeful laughter. Zhongli just looks offended while Osial laughs himself nearly sick.

"By the maker, you have no idea who you're talking to right now, do you?" He wheezes, tears in his eyes, clutching at his sides.

"The destroyer of my people and an abomination wearing the skin of the Creator of All." Zhongli fires back, indignant. "Are you blind?"

"Go ahead and pray for our maker to save you. See what happens," Osial says, grinning cruelly.

Zhongli murmurs a prayer for protection from evil.

A faint glimmer of magical energy escapes his lips and swirls just above your hands. You cringe at it and wave it away like it's smoke.

Zhongli goes ghost-white, his eyes becoming impossibly wide.


Tears bead at the corners of his eyes as his actions finally begin to play back in his mind.

"Please, my maker, forgive m-"

Osial cuts off his head.

"What an asshole," he snickers, some blood now on his cheek, a massive grin on his face. "I'm glad he's dead."

You just look at him like he's crazy. Which he probably is.

"Oooooooooohhhh, that's who you are." Qiqi says from behind you, having caught on to your true identity.

Another massive hydra erupts from the ocean in the distance and lets out a sound akin to whalesong.

"HI, HONEY!" Osial yells in her direction before immediately bolting towards her.

You let out a distressed sigh. Exactly what kind of mess have you just gotten into?


@the-dumber-scaramouche @thatdeadaquarius @ssak-i @imyme20 @fried-lotud @acacla @itz-luna @iruiji @crierofirony @itsredactedlove @sweetsthetik @leafanonsforest @oxyotl @kkazuyass @featuredtofu @resident-cryptid @d4y-dr3am3r @crimson-ashes @red1sg0n3 @the-real-fandom-person @code-roevember @yourlocalsourwolf @rhoswen-drake @minimari415 @reversearrowhead @call-me-shroom @evqnescents @valeriele3 @mochicurls21 @sinnful-darling @fleshdotmp4 @ash1 @chilling-on-the-moon @fluffy-koalala @extremelytoastybread @euphoricaldemise

This should probably be all of you.))

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5 months ago
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

home (i think i’m better off alone)

Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

being the youngest ragnvindr was like a dream come true growing up. a loving father and two doting older brothers, you couldn’t ask for anything more. well, it was a dream come true until diluc’s 18th birthday, the day crepus died. it was as if your family crumbled down around you in an instant; no time to even attempt to salvage what was left. with diluc leaving mondstadt and kaeya furthering his own life away from the place you all once called home, they left you to pick up the pieces. alone.

now playing. . . home by three days grace

status. — ★ on going (10.14.24 - TBD)

content. — ★ male!reader, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, major slow burn, reconciliation, suggestive and nsfw scenes, side ships, eventual happy ending.

warnings. — ★ death, mild depictions of panic attacks, blood, physical confrontations, depictions of trauma and ptsd, self loathing, attachment/abandonment issues, poor coping skills, implied alcohol abuse

disclaimers. — ★ major genshin spoilers, especially kaeya’s lore! each act will have 5-10 chapters, every chapter will have individual warnings stated, any chapter including nsfw content will be in red, there will be romantic esc relationships with other characters, but endgame is aether.

update schedule. — ★ sporadic

note. — ★ posting this now to get a general idea on how many people actually want this (still working on the first chapter), but i will still write it regardless ^~^

tag list. — ★ open (4/50); contact me through messages, asks, etc non-anonymously to be added.

m.masterlist genshin. masterlist wattpad ver

Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)


i. rainy night ii. daydream iii. fire and ice iv. foolish v. my salvation









Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

© sillykenma. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.

Tags :
5 months ago
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

home (i think i’m better off alone) —

act i, chapter i “ rainy night ”

chapter sypnosis. — ★ you’re reminded once again why you love your father so much when he silently comforts you during a nightmare, even if it’s the middle of the night

content warnings. — ★ mentions of nightmares, fear of rain, subtle hurt/comfort, age: 9

word count. — ★ 306

tag list. — ★ @cb97s-laptop @i-am-tiredd @solarrexplosion

an. — ★ welcome to the first chapter!! i know it’s extremely short but this is more so to establish the relationship with crepus, the next chapter will definitely be longer!!

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Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

you’ve always hated the rain. no matter if it’s a light drizzle, the moment you feel the water droplets wet your hair you feel your heart start to race, chest tightening as your anxiety rises.

it was even worse when it started to rain while you slept, your fear of rain seeping into your dreams.

your once peaceful thoughts slowly turned dark, just as the sky darkened, making you toss and turn in your sleep, a small frown adorning your face.

it was almost as if crepus, your father, could tell what was happening behind your closed bedroom door.

he leaned his ear against it, breath steady as he listened for any signs of distress from you. once he heard you let out a small yelp, one he wouldn’t have heard if he hadn’t been listening intently, he didn’t waste time in opening the door and rushing to your side.

he kneeled down at your head, petting it as he hummed softly, something he always did when you were having a nightmare. only the sound of his humming and his light touch soothed your panic; your breath evening out as your dream became pleasant once again.

he kissed your forehead gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “sleep well, little one.” he said, slowly standing up and walking back to the door, taking one last glance at you before leaving; shutting the door gently as he did.

the only evidence that he was there the previous night was a small piece of chocolate sitting on your nightstand that he only gave to you and your brothers when you were feeling bad, whether emotionally or physically.

as you carefully picked the chocolate up and softly held it in the palm of your hand, all you felt was happiness. happiness that only your father could give.

Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

© sillykenma. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.

Tags :
2 years ago


Please be patient and gentle with me, I may take a while to deliver!

I may not always be taking requests, as I quickly get carried away/overwhelmed.

This means that while the ask box will always be open, this is for you to share your thoughts/brainrots, not to request! To make it easy for you, here are the request statuses:



JUST SMUT is as it sounds, may not be very long.

HEADCANONS OR SCENARIOS may vary in length and/or detail.



Food play // coprophilia (scat) // knismolagnia (tickling) // age regression.

I don't write Abyss Traveler or reader.

Can be sent as a brainrot but not a request:

Non-con // CNC // temperature/wax play // more than 3 participants (foursome+) // teacher/student // modern/school AUs

I don't write trans reader or characters but if you're comfortable, I could try to expand the overall idea.

(These are because I enjoy them in fics, but wouldn't feel confident writing them myself)

Depends on the context:

Incest/stepcest // threesome.

(These are fine as a brainrot)

Anonymous asks are welcome! But if you're sending a request (especially smut), it'd be easier to know what your blog is so I can message you if I have a question about your ask.


Specify what format you want! (just smut, headcanon or scenario)

Include reader's physical gender (F, M or Gn), as well as their role during the smut (top/bottom and sub/dom.) I always keeps your preference in mind, but might naturally keep it Gn.

If you want top!gn reader, let me know what you want the smut to include (in terms of actual penetration: real cock or a strap? Or just foreplay).

Let me know if there is anything you DON'T want to be included, especially for hard!dom reader or character (e.g. cock stepping, mommy/daddy, etc.)

2 characters is my limit for headcanons, 1 max for scenario. This may change. You are welcome to ask for more characters with the same prompt.



Tags :
2 years ago

oh my lord, thinking abt kaveh who comes home and sees his beloved s/o in his oversized shirt and he suddenly gets so possessive at the sight and just rails you all while youre wearing only his shirt 😩 idk im just head over heels over this pretty man and him being dominant is just muah 👌🏻 ndjwndkskks bonus: i imagine kaveh losing it if it’s alhaitham’s shirt you’re wearing one day instead of his and all hell loose

I will admit rn that I know absolutely nothing about this man, but omggg... he's so gorgeous I can't–

This is longer than I planned but that just shows how much I love this idea. Ty for sharing 🩷

I've never done angst so pls ignore if it's clumsy

Oh My Lord, Thinking Abt Kaveh Who Comes Home And Sees His Beloved S/o In His Oversized Shirt And He

Jealous Kaveh

Reader: Bottom!Gn // Genre: Smut, angst

Cw: angst (he thinks you're cheating), rough/emotional sex, slight choking, slight degradation, it gets resolved I promise

Oh My Lord, Thinking Abt Kaveh Who Comes Home And Sees His Beloved S/o In His Oversized Shirt And He

Due to your recent antics, Kaveh is wholly unsurprised by what he finds when walking through the door to his room: you, leaning against the wall in a clearly provocative manner, clad in only a shirt so huge on you that the sleeves almost reach your mid thigh.

Rolling his eyes, but unable to hide the affectionate smile that breaks through, Kaveh makes his way over to you. His hand takes its usual place on your hip, though when he pulls you nearer, he can't help but notice that something feels... off. Different.

The odd feeling settles low in his stomach, making him feel almost nauseous, but he pushes it to the back of his mind quickly. He wouldn't want to push you away, especially not when you're looking this good, and obviously trying to rile him up – again.

Kaveh draws you into a kiss, then. It's slower than usual, passing for overly loving, when in reality, his mind is filing through the new information that has so rudely made itself welcome in his mind.

You smell like Al Haitham; or, more so – he notices as he leans down to kiss your neck – the shirt you're wearing does.

Ah, it all makes sense now.

He'd registered that something was out of place as soon as he'd seen you: the shirt itself was of a similar fashion as his own, so while he didn't immediately recognise it, it was a common enough fit that he wouldn't be surprised to see it in his closet. But, even so, the mischievous smile you'd failed so miserably to hide certainly gave away that you were hiding something.

Kaveh wasn't sure he wanted to know what that was.

With a frustrated groan, Kaveh pushes you against the wall, taking care to cushion the back of your head with his hand. He breaks the kiss then, looking deep into your eyes, and the intensity that swirls in his own makes you almost nervous.

He was angry. But, what made you really realise your mistake with this little prank, was the watery glaze of tears that covered his eyes.

Just as you're about to apologise, reach out your hand to encase his cheek in your loving warmth before the situation gets out of hand, he beats you to it.

His hand shoots up to encase your neck, cutting off your words as he presses his lips to yours once again, messy and unco-ordinated – nothing like the kisses you usually share. The barest hint of pressure against the sides of your throat coax you to gasp against him, grabbing onto his shoulders at the threat. But it's not needed, really. Kaveh can make you light-headed with a single look; so how's it going to be this time, when his control has already unravelled, just barely hanging on by a thread that's ready to snap?

Minutes go by like this. You, pressed to the wall and squirming beneath Kaveh's rough handling; and Kaveh, one hand roaming your body in a hurry, the other pinning your tongue down so that you can't try to explain, collecting your drool before it spills.

Finally having enough, Kaveh grips onto the collar of the shirt that drapes over your body, his hand tensing before it jerks with a quick movement– the offensive fabric falling to the floor in two pieces soon after. As if seeing and feeling it weren't enough, the distinct "Riiipp" that sounded far louder than it should have in your ears was certainly enough to glue you in to what Kaveh had just done.

You'd both be in trouble once Al Haitham found out. But first, you'd have to hope you can get through the wrath of your jealous boyfriend before even starting to worry about that.

Now that you'd separated, you could finally see the full effect of the situation in Kaveh's face and erratic actions. He's keeping you as close to him as possible while also keeping you pressed flat against the wall, the fingers that are coated with your spit coming down to press directly into your exposed hole. As impatient as he's feeling, his movements are still sound and practical, making you feel good and forcing moans from your mouth at how different than usual it all feels.

Even though you feel bad for making him feel this way (you really should have thought this through more beforehand), you can't help but enjoy the roughness of his actions. His fingers move fast and hard, scraping deliciously against your walls as they curl inside of you, coaxing you to open up for him. It leaves you clinging onto him to support your balance, your legs growing shaky from the sudden onslaught of pleasure.

But then, it's over far too quickly. Kaveh pulls away before you can reach your peak, hoisting you up until your legs are locked together behind his back. And then, with no other warning, he's pushing into you.

It's instantly overwhelming, the pace he sets from the start a complete 180 from what you're used to with him.

On any other night, you'd describe the sex between you and Kaveh to be making love. Gentle touches and whispered praises, kisses full of passion and reciprocated "I love you"s.

Tonight, he's gripping you hard enough to form bruises, harsh breaths being hissed against your skin, bites of desperation and broken "I love you"s. Except this time, his hand covers your mouth, forcing you to listen as he pours his heart out. Tonight, he's well and truly fucking you.

And it's all because he thinks he's losing you.

As much as you want to take him into your arms and wrap him into a hug so tight that he can't move, so that he has to listen to you as you explain about how stupid you'd been... you know there'd be no getting through to him as he is now.

Of course, if you'd truly wanted him to stop, if he was hurting you rather than sending bursts of white-hot pleasure coursing through your entire being with every rough thrust that smacks against your ass – then he would. As far gone as he is in his own mind, taking out his confusion and anger on you – Kaveh would never do anything to make you uncomfortable. Even now, he's looking into your eyes every few moments, a silent check-in to make sure you still want this. To make sure you still want him.

He's high-strung on emotions, nerves running wild and caught up in the pleasure. The truth is, in this situation, the best thing to do is let him work through it however he needs.


A while passes like this, his hands glued to your hips, hard cock slamming as deep into you as possible. Eventually, Kaveh's mind finally starts to come back to him, as he takes in the utter mess he's made of you: eyes rolled back, mouth parted around the moans that are punched out of you with every push of his hips, and nails digging into his shoulders and slicing down to his chest when you're jostled too far.

He's slowing down his erratic thrusts then, worried it's too much for you, that he's overdone it. He's about to pull out, ready to take care of you so that you can have a proper conversation once you're both in the right headspace, when he's completely taken back by your response:

You slam yourself back down onto his cock, begging him not to stop and to be rougher.

And only then does Kaveh realise that this was your plan all along.

No longer is he worried about the security of your relationship or the validity of your feelings for him. You were just being a needy little whore, begging for attention and playing on his frustration with his room-mate.

Now, as he picks his thrusts back up to the blinding speed they'd been before, insults and degradation spills from his lips, mixed with the grounding kisses that you'd started to miss. Now, it was the perfect mix of gentle and rough, old and new.

And when the night is over, cum dripping from your hole, Kaveh will pick up the discarded shirt that got you into this mess in the first place, using it as a cloth to wipe up the sticky mess that drips down your thighs.

Oh My Lord, Thinking Abt Kaveh Who Comes Home And Sees His Beloved S/o In His Oversized Shirt And He
Oh My Lord, Thinking Abt Kaveh Who Comes Home And Sees His Beloved S/o In His Oversized Shirt And He

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2 years ago

Hii im new here! Found your blog by chance and I love how you write! Would you be able to write wanderer x jealous!reader on valentines day? Lets say Wanderer has got a lot of admirers from the akademiya and reader is just silently furious abt it but doesnt say anything. When Wanderer finds out he fucks them nicely and praise them/ reassures them <333

Apparently I struggle to do angry jealousy, I just make it sad... but it's light this time! And soft.

Also it feels so weird writing Wanderer as a name??

Want to skip the lead up? Look for the NSFW sign that marks the smut!

Hii Im New Here! Found Your Blog By Chance And I Love How You Write! Would You Be Able To Write Wanderer

Valentine's with Wanderer

Character: Top!Wanderer/Scaramouche

Reader: Bottom!Gn // Genre: Smut, angst

Cw: Classic Scara misunderstandings, praise/reassurance, fingering, soft sex, slight angst(?) it's more hinted I guess

Plot: A little // Word count: 1.9k

Hii Im New Here! Found Your Blog By Chance And I Love How You Write! Would You Be Able To Write Wanderer

Valentine's Day: a day of love, gifts, and showing appreciation for your partner.

Usually, everyone tries to take the day off, freeing up their schedule so that they can focus entirely on the occasion, however it may be that they want to spend it. Which is why you were quite surprised to find yourself alone in bed when you woke up in the morning.

Now, that's not when you started feeling doubt. After all, maybe Wanderer, your boyfriend of the past few months, was in the kitchen. Breakfast in bed is a traditional start to Valentine's Day, and an easy way to get in anyone's good books. But, when you heard nothing after a few minutes of waiting, – no clanking of cutlery or slamming of cabinets – you just had to go see where he was.

Unluckily for you, all you could find was a little note, hastily sprawled and left waiting on the counter:

"I'll be gone for a while, don't wait up for me. I left you some breakfast in the cupboard, it might need heating up if you stay in bed too long, but that's not my fault...

–Happy Valentine's Day."

As usual, his handwriting is kind of hard to read; quick and messy. But, at least he did technically make you breakfast, even if he also alluded to you being lazy.

However, what most takes your attention, is the blotch of ink that splattered right at the end of "fault". It was as if he were hesitating to let go, to pick up the pen and leave it at that.

Which is why you felt oddly warm at the fact that the last part was perfectly legible and obviously had been written slower than the rest.

Even though you know Wanderer isn't particularly fond of outright expressing his feelings, you thought that surely, today of all days, he could push aside his own pride for you. Even just a little. Maybe that was too high of an expectation. His ambitions never let him take a break, so why would he take one for a made-up holiday?

Well... at least he's aware enough of your excitement for the day to acknowledge it first thing in the morning, even if he wasn't there to actually say it.

But, you knew that with Wanderer, everything would be awkward and touchy the first time around. You had to move slowly. Baby steps, you remind yourself, as you head back to your shared room to start getting ready.

It's only the start of the day.


You wish it weren't Valentine's Day.

Every street was lined with couples, each and every one of them holding hands, carrying flowers... things that you should be doing with your boyfriend right now.

And it didn't help that you felt like everyone was judging you for being alone, especially when most of them likely knew who you were dating. It's not like you hadn't seen them staring before now.

You couldn't blame them, really. Wanderer had shown up in Sumeru suddenly and didn't feel especially inclined to explain himself, so of course people would be curious. You just didn't like the way that their eyes would... linger after him. Even when you were there! And on the rare day that Wanderer was comfortable enough to let you hold onto him in public, the admiring stares turned to full-blown jealousy.

Now, what was wrong with that? Shouldn't that be an ego boost for you? You'd thought so too, at first. But then you realised that just meant they'd want to try and steal him from you.

You thought you could put up with it at first. After all, you knew that Wanderer wouldn't stand for anyone else touching him or getting in his way other than you. You trusted him just fine. You didn't trust the average Akademiya goer, though. They all seemed to think they were entitled to have whatever – or whoever – they wanted, just because they'd gotten into the prestigious school at all.

You'd tried to bring up your concerns to Wanderer about the whispers going around and the jealous looks you'd get when walking through the streets or halls of the Akademiya. Almost instantaneously, he shut down your complaints, finding the words so easily that it almost felt as though he hadn't even tried.

"Tch... they're annoying and only want to waste our time. Just ignore them like I do."

That response was actually exactly what you'd expected to hear, and while you were grateful for his straightforward answer, you'd wanted a more... passionate outcome. Something to show he cared.

That definitely isn't what you got, considering he didn't even look at you when he said it.

After that, you didn't want to bring up the same problem again. Especially not on Valentines Day, even though he'll probably come home having been confessed to over twenty times in the past hour alone. Okay, maybe you were over-exaggerating a little, but it really didn't feel like it to you. Plus, it's the day of love! You're allowed a little leeway for feeling paranoid, right?

Maybe this evening will be better, when Wanderer finally comes come.


As you walk through the door, you're instantly met with a faint smell that you recognised to be the lavender lemongrass scented candles that you kept around the house. Of course, this clued you in to the fact that Wanderer must already be home. But what solidified this, was that when you walked through the doorway, there he was, waiting for you standing next to a vase of beautifully arranged flowers. It was mainly made up of your favourite flower, along with some of the famous Valentine's flowers as well, such as roses, carnations, and even some daisies.

Most likely, it was thought up by the florist that he went to. But at least he knew your favourite flower, as well as followed the tradition of buying them for you at all.

Often times, it was unusual for him to initiate physical touch with you; even though he was comfortable with you, he still just wasn't used to it yet. Tonight, however, he seemed to have no trouble in walking right up to you, taking your hand to guide you into the living room, where you could both just relax in each other's company. The calming lavender lemongrass candles eased your mood quite well, and you were happy that your Wanderer had really tried for Valentine's day.


Hii Im New Here! Found Your Blog By Chance And I Love How You Write! Would You Be Able To Write Wanderer

You had a lovely evening with your boyfriend, cuddling on the couch as you spoke in hushed voices about anything and everything (even if he was slightly apprehensive to start), the lovely atmosphere of romantic music quietly flooding through from the street.

And even though it had felt perfect, as you get ready to retire for the night, the candles having gone out a while ago, you can't help but feel the uncertainty from before start to overtake your thoughts again.

Resigning yourself to forget about it, you get into your side of the bed, your Wanderer already having been waiting for you to return. But he can tell that something in your mood has changed almost as soon as he lays his eyes on you again.

"What's wrong?"

"... Nothing."

He leans forward, showing his engagement. "Bullshit. If you don't tell me, there's nothing I can do to help you get over it."

"I just... those people from the Akademiya... they're still bothering me." You look down at your hands.

He sighs, closing his eyes for a second, "I've told you to just ignore them. There's nothing I can do to control how people think of you, or me, or us."

"I can't just ignore them!" You whine, "They're always looking at us when we're together... it's making me worried..."

At that, he looks over at you, his eyes scrunching as he thinks your words over. "Worried about what?"

Not sure how to say it, you move yourself to lay against him. Your back is pressed to his chest now, and the feeling of his warm breath on your neck helps to soothe your thoughts just enough for you to find the words:

"...I don't want them to take you from me..."

Now, it's Wanderer's turn to be silent. Now, he realises the mistake he'd made in telling you to just ignore those insignificant people; by ignoring the problem himself, he'd made you focus on it more. Of course you'd be feeling worried about this, he'd shut it down the first time you'd tried bringing it up.

You didn't need to just forget about it. You needed to work through it so that you could forget about it.

After almost a minute of tense silence, you're surprised when you feel his lips press gently to the back of your neck, accompanied moments later by his arm curling around you, pulling you ever closer against him. His hand rests over the place where your heart rests, while the other intertwines your fingers with his against your stomach, as if caging in the butterflies that start to flutter.

"Allow me to try again..." He presses a kiss to your ear before speaking again, "you don't need to think about them, or what I think about them." The hand on your heart shifts to cup your chest, your breath wavering when his hand brushes over your hardening nipples. "Because I'll never want anyone but you."

Then, the night is almost a blur.

Wanderer sneakily pulls a bottle of rose scented lube from under the pillow, liberally gathering some as he starts to stretch you out on his fingers. The scent slowly fills the room, intoxicating you on the heady fragrance, allowing it to pull you deeper into the moment.

He steadily pushes his fingers against the sensitive bundle of nerves inside of you, never slowing until after you've cum around his lubed up digits. Your hand finds purchase with the one on your chest, tightening your grip around him as you come down from the residual high.

He's whispering short encouragements to you while you collect your breath, the moans you'd been letting out dying on your tongue. Wanderer slowly lifts your leg, allowing him to guide his hard cock to finally, finally press against your hole, not making you wait to feel him as the slowly pushes in.

You don't need to adjust much, the lube and his attentive fingers having done the work well enough that only the comforting sensation of being full registers in your core. He starts thrusting when you signal that you're ready, his pace is easy and the power behind his hips is controlled enough to pull a soft moan from you with each stroke. It's different from what you're used to, but it's good. So good. And what makes it better is the hushed and stuttered, "I love you," and, "You're the only one that matters," that gets breathed into your shoulder as you both approach your shared climax.

The next morning, you wake up to find your Wanderer exactly where he ended last night; right next to you in your bed. You close your eyes contentedly, knowing you'll never have to worry about him being taken from you.

He's your Wanderer.

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Hii Im New Here! Found Your Blog By Chance And I Love How You Write! Would You Be Able To Write Wanderer
Hii Im New Here! Found Your Blog By Chance And I Love How You Write! Would You Be Able To Write Wanderer

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2 years ago

I’m not sure what a brain rot is but I can totally see cyno trying to hard to be in control but he can’t do anything because the dom girl reader is just to good to him.this man is begging for somthing but she won’t give that easily since he broke his promise of being careful during a mission so he got punished

A brainrot is exactly what you just did! It's basically sharing an idea about a character that you can't stop thinking about. It's usually smut, but I think angst and fluff can count as brainrot too 🩷

Im Not Sure What A Brain Rot Is But I Can Totally See Cyno Trying To Hard To Be In Control But He Cant

Punishing Cyno

Reader: Female // Genre: Smut, Angst

Cw: Vaginal sex, edging, slight angst, blood/injury (mentioned)

Im Not Sure What A Brain Rot Is But I Can Totally See Cyno Trying To Hard To Be In Control But He Cant

I can totally see this as the whole cliche where Cyno doesn't tell Reader that he's leaving for this mission, because he knows she'll want to talk him out of it. So then he'd go without telling her, and he shows up a week later just covered in blood and some injuries that aren't typical for him to return home with.

Then she has to patch him up at home, because Cyno doesn't want to waste time going to a local healer (and he doesn't want anyone else to know that he messed up so bad).

While he's recovering, Reader is very obviously upset with him. She's ignoring his attempts to explain himself, maybe even avoiding him for a few days, except for when she brings him something while he has to rest. Then, of course, all the tension comes to a head in an emotional sex scene.

Reader is riding him, forcing him to lay down against the soft pillows while she sets the pace. Cyno keeps trying to push up onto his elbows, hissing in pain and halting his movements when his cuts and bruises flare up again. Every time this happens, Reader stops moving, settling her ass against his hips and staring him down angrily until he relinquishes. She sits there, cockwarming him until he eventually gives in, quietly pleading for her to "please keep going..."

And she does, but slower this time; gradually bringing them both to the edge at the same time... of course, she may just decide to edge him a few times, to make sure he's definitely learned his lesson. Each time she does this, he'll beg so nicely, even apologising for leaving so secretly in the first place. When Reader decides he's atoned well enough, then she'll show her mercy, finally letting him cum. After all, Cyno is still recovering from his injuries; she can't go too hard on him. Yet.

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Im Not Sure What A Brain Rot Is But I Can Totally See Cyno Trying To Hard To Be In Control But He Cant
Im Not Sure What A Brain Rot Is But I Can Totally See Cyno Trying To Hard To Be In Control But He Cant

Thank you for reading! 🩷

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2 years ago

im not very sure if you write angst or not? but could you do cyno x fem!reader who had a miscarriage? how would he handle it?

Im Not Very Sure If You Write Angst Or Not? But Could You Do Cyno X Fem!reader Who Had A Miscarriage?

Cyno's S/O has a miscarriage

Character: Cyno // Reader: Female

Genre: Angst // No CW (except for the topic)

Im Not Very Sure If You Write Angst Or Not? But Could You Do Cyno X Fem!reader Who Had A Miscarriage?

It'd take a little while for it to really hit Cyno. I mean, he'd know what had happened, of course, and what it means for the both of you. But he'd struggle to actually work through the utter grief he'd be feeling right after receiving the news. He can't even imagine the amount of pain you're feeling right now, and if he's honest with himself, he's not sure he would want to; because with the way he is right now, he doubts he'd be able to take it.

Cyno's mind would be completely on helping you get comfortable back at home, taking care of anything he thought you needed help with, and just overall keeping you calm during the whole process. Not only does it allow him to know that you're safe and getting stronger, it also helps to give him a distraction. He can only hope he's doing the same for you...

After you're mostly okay, Cyno would need a little bit of time to himself – of course, he'd never leave you for long, especially when you're both so vulnerable. He'd be gone for a few hours at most, just trying to clear his head and set straight all of the thoughts that had gotten muddled up after days of being unable to sort through them. And when he comes home just before the sun starts setting, eyes slightly puffy and tear tracks not completely wiped, all he wants to do is hold you – or even just sit next to you, if you need the space.

After a short while, you'll start to hear his whispered reassurances: "This doesn't change anything between us. We will still be the same people, and we will still be together... but we'll also have something– ...someone to remember." And as much as his quiet rambling does work on you, you can still tell that some of it is what he needs to hear.

At some point, you'll both need to have a very serious conversation about how you want to proceed; ultimately, it's your choice. Cyno isn't going to try and dictate how you should heal, what you should do, or even when things should happen. As long as you're able to get past this, he doesn't care how long it takes before you want to try again, if that is even something you'd want to do.

At the end of the day, all that Cyno needs is for you to be okay.

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Im Not Very Sure If You Write Angst Or Not? But Could You Do Cyno X Fem!reader Who Had A Miscarriage?
Im Not Very Sure If You Write Angst Or Not? But Could You Do Cyno X Fem!reader Who Had A Miscarriage?

Thank you for reading! 🩷

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2 years ago

Hi how are you? I’m new to tumblr so I hope this isn’t a problem anyway I was thinking if you could do hc or a scenarios with (any genshin character) or traveler separate tho where yn isn’t in best shape(chubby yn lol) so when traveling with them they are behind schedule and the journey doesn’t as planned. Yn might feel insecure or uncomfortable with traveling them next time but (who ever you decide to put) assures them that they are not a problem, and they shouldn’t be ashamed of themselves

haha i hope this is alright, and I wish this see’s in good times :D

Pls send help, I can't tell if this is fluff or angst. Both??

Hi How Are You? Im New To Tumblr So I Hope This Isnt A Problem Anyway I Was Thinking If You Could Do

Traveler reassures chubby!reader

Character: Traveler (not specified as Lumine OR Aether)

Reader: Gn, implied chubby

Genre: Fluff, angst // Cw: Slight/implied self doubt, tiny misunderstanding

Hi How Are You? Im New To Tumblr So I Hope This Isnt A Problem Anyway I Was Thinking If You Could Do

Tagging along with the Traveler wasn't quite how you'd expected it to be. From what you'd seen and heard, you thought that their commisions would most likely entail a few deliveries, getting some information from people, and maybe an escourt mission here or there. Not fighting all day and climbing mountains and cliffs.

Truthfully, you didn't think it'd be so bad! Even when things started to ramp up a bit, with a hilichurl ambush on the road, you'd been able to hold your own for a little while. But when that "one little ambush" turned to "seeking out every hilichurl camp in the nation"... Well. Safe to say, your stamina wasn't high enough to hold out for hours of fighting, especially when you hadn't been prepared for it in the first place.

So, when the Traveler insisted that they accompany you back home earlier than what was planned, (with at least 4 camps left to clear out) you couldn't help but feel as if you'd let them down. Even though they'd easily shut down your attempts at an apology, you still looked back on the day, thoughts telling you that they'd have been better off on their own.

You'd been so concentrated on your own thoughts, that you hadn't seen the bright smile and little wave that was thrown your way before the Traveler turned, leaving you at your door. Their promise of returning later in the week was muffled to your ears, and you only came to your senses to question what you'd heard a few seconds later, but left it at that, assuming it was just an average "goodbye".


Safe to say, when the Traveler showed up at your door a few days later, asking if you'd want to join them for another adventure, you certainly weren't expecting it.

Just like the Traveler and Paimon were equally surprised when you hesitated to answer, compared to how excited you'd been the first time they offered. They shared a look, questioning your different behaviour; but unlike Paimon, who was ready to accept your messily thrown together excuse, the Traveler could tell that you were hiding something. Shooing their flying companion away briefly, they looked at you with an expression softer than you'd seen before, carefully asking why you weren't feeling up to it.

Regardless of how you answer, the Traveler can still tell that now would be a good time for some reassurance.

"If the work was too much for you, you're perfectly welcome to sit on the sidelines! I'm sure Paimon would like some extra help being a cheerleader..." they laugh at the image, the sound quickly fading when they have another thought, "But seriously though, what's most important is your safety. I wouldn't want to drag you along with us if you're not comfortable! After all, company is always the best when spirits are high, and you'd still be an important asset to our team without fighting," They look around then, whispering as if telling a secret, "not that I'd stop you if you ever wanted to join in..."

A few seconds of silence pass, before you burst into a small fit of laughter, not expecting the silly display. The Traveler joins in soon after, easing up after seeing you relinquish the worries you'd been holding.

When Paimon returns, curious about the laughter, you accept their invitation after a few more moments of contemplation. It's not like your lack of fighting would be much different than what they're used to, you rationalise. Paimon doesn't do much more than float around, anyway. You'd be doing more work than her just by walking!

Of course, even their little spiel can't completely dissolve everything you'd gotten worked up about; with time, you'd realise that the Traveler didn't need the help. But they sure did appreciate the friendly atmosphere that you brought along.

Hi How Are You? Im New To Tumblr So I Hope This Isnt A Problem Anyway I Was Thinking If You Could Do
Hi How Are You? Im New To Tumblr So I Hope This Isnt A Problem Anyway I Was Thinking If You Could Do

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1 year ago





(Posts that have multiple genres will be coloured, e.g. Angst, Fluff, Smut)

Angst fics:

Valentine's with Wanderer : Scaramouche X Gn reader, Angst and Smut

Fluff fics:

Smut fics:

Thursday evenings : Zhongli X Gn reader

Stressful business : Florist!Tighnari X Gn reader

Chance encounters : Tighnari X Nymph!Fem reader

Apologies due : Thoma X Fem reader

Cordyceps mishaps : Tighnari X Fem reader


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