Ellen Claremont - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

dialogue I wish they'd added in the movie:

- Henry's middle names being both of the gay kings

- Alex convinced the turkeys will kill him

- Zahra and Shaan saying they banged it out

- Alex noting they're making out in front of Hamilton specifically

- Let Alex talk about Laurens and Hamilton


- Henry bribing a nightwatchmen at the museum in order to get in

- Alex hating loving Henry's polo outfit

- Oscar telling Alex that Saint Maria's watching so he and Henry better not have sex in his house

- Literally all the shit Oscar and Ellen threw at each other in the book (for those who don't know they're divorced and don't let Alex forget it)

- Ellen ACTUALLY having a powerpoint about safe sex and cancelling her meetings to give Alex planned parenthood phamplets

- Photos of David in their texts COME ON

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1 year ago

rwrb movie referencing dialogue in the book (just the ones I remember the best at 4AM after watching it):

- thank you for the etiquette lesson, your majesty

- it's your royal highness

- takes the cake?

- but darling we were ever so careful

- you have a lot of moles is that from the inbreeding

- dumb tie color argument

- you've been wanting him to dick you down for ages

- shut up stop talking

- you're going to stay 500 feet away from me at all times then I'm going to do very bad things to you

- gay as a maypole. ...I don't know what that is

- why not name him Bowie? ...bit on the nose don't you think ?

- you let her bring a phone in here?!

- the B in LGBTQ isn't silent you know

- it was my fault for making assumptions when I first gave you the talk SO

- I thought the prince of England would be more of a candy ass

- I thought you might be to have a Catholic moment ... Hey you little shit you're talking to the patron saint of gender neutral bathrooms

- I've never felt this way about someone before

- tell me you want me to leave :(((((

- Henry's lil fantasy about dancing at the museum

- history, huh? bet we could make some

- there's no going back after this. ... God I hope not

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