mostly comics. a bit of everything20something | strong for π΅πΈπ¨π©ππ°πΊπ¦π»πͺ
437 posts
All-0f-the-above - Tumblr Blog
ever since season 4, seeing miraculous ladybug trend gives me the closest thing to heart palpitations a 20something can get
the superhero's parallel to the hero's journey is one of an almost unbreakable curse: someone is harmed or killed while you are unable to stop it. you spend the next part of your life learning how to stop exactly that, promising yourself it won't happen again. you think to yourself, "if only I had been more prepared the first time, then I could have stopped it."
except defusing bombs isn't the issue. the person planting them is.
betrayal can't be anticipated: that's what makes it a betrayal.
and it's impossible to predict every single time someone will need life saving medical care.
still, you fantasize, "if I had the knowledge I have now, things would be different." and you save others from the same situation. time and time again. but still you ache. you didn't do it all those years ago. it haunts your every triumph.
it's not until you look in from the outside. the exact same thing happens to someone else this time, and you weren't able to stop it.
as you're beating yourself up for it and desperately trying to control the damage that's been done, you see someone sitting off to the side. they are alone and wrapped in a blanket. when you talk to them, you are shocked to hear that they blame themselves.
"What?!" you exclaim, "it wasn't your responsibility to stop this- you couldn't have known! it's on the shoulders of the perpetrators and people like me, who couldn't make it in time."
they are inconsolable. "from now on," they say, "I won't be so naive, and I will do everything I can to stop this from happening again."
you know when a battle is lost, so all you can do is nod and step away. back to your own business.
but it makes you terribly sad for someone to lose their innocence in such a way. to blame themselves for the consequences of someone else's evil. to never again see the world as a hopeful place: just a mosaic of fulfilled and missed opportunities.
and your story, the hero's story, will be tragic as long as you continue without looking inward.
it is only by considering your own beliefs that you are free of the vicious cycle:
sometimes, there is no happy ending, no clever way out. sometimes, awful things happen and there is nothing we can do about it. all we can do is pick ourselves off the ground, movement by excruciating movement, and hold our heads high. we continue. because it is worth it. not because you can "fix" things now. not because you will do things "right" this time. but because you deserve a good life. a life after the bad things. a joyful life.
this is when when you, the hero, finally realize that you're living a triumph. that even after something tragic happens, your life is not a tragedy.
writing is weird because there are no WIP shots to show people as you work. they are sitting there like "hey are you doing anything" and I can't just show them the rough draft and be like "yeah almost done"
how have the major comic publishers not made a character named Deepfake who can seamlessly impersonate people and uses it to cause social and political unrest? it's literally on a platter right in front of you, guys
you flap your arms when you happy stim, I turn into one of the inflatables outside a car dealership. we are not the same
okay I made the sideblog and reblogged all my gf things from this acct. will also add this acct to my pinned post and make myself a pseud on ao3 for this shit. god what has this show done to my life
ok that's it I'm making a gravity falls sideblog I can't keep doing this without one

everything is placeholder rn because SOMEONE couldn't fucking chill /joking
ok that's it I'm making a gravity falls sideblog I can't keep doing this without one
ok that's it I'm making a gravity falls sideblog I can't keep doing this without one
fuck now I have to write this. FUCK

Yknow that one au

sketches of the boys i did for an animation im planning
if it looks like I have a normal amount of thoughts about fiddauthor then I hate to break it to you but many of my posts are queued. I go two days without them then wake up in a cold sweat at 4AM and write until I have to get up
both Stan and Ford think this about themselves
I am BEGGING you to drop your ao3 url (if you have one that is) I adore pt!fiddleford and the amnesia!/fiddbill! Au you made. Honestly I just like seeing older fiddauthor and it feels like everyone just writes about them at backupsmore or in the bunker.
aw thanks anon! I'm pretty intimidated by the GF fic authors because they write such gold... at some point though I'm definitely going to write some fic on there for fiddauthor
my ao3 is the same as my tumblr: all-0f-the-above ... it only has ninjago rn bc of my sideblog, but at this rate with the Gravity Falls fiddauthor brainrot the next thing I write will def be them. first probably not the angsty idea I came up with, but eventually I'll write it out since it's knocking around in my noggin anyways
yes yes billford is like huffing toxins that make you see pretty colors but will kill you quickly, while fiddauthor is the rush of your hands touching because both of you reach out at the same time
im going fucking Crazy about the themes of autonomy and consent and need vs want in the billfiddauthor situation.
like. bill does NOT care about fords autonomy. for a second. he gets one yes and after that fords free will is out of the question. he will cage him torture him use him puppet him until he remembers that.
but fiddleford has every chance and justification to ignore his autonomy. he never does. he can wipe his mind he can pin him down he can stop him. he never considers it. its not a thought in his mind..
and bill and ford need each other, for a time. bill needs him to get out and ford needs his affection. and it Fucking Kills Them. bills absence feels like physical pain to ford. fords escape feels like an attack to bill.
but.. ford and fiddleford want each other.they want each others company and touch and kindness. they dont need to need each other. they cant want each other and its ok.
if Bill had thought ONE step ahead he could've made a deal with Fidds. then he could've gotten Ford to do whatever he wanted
get Fidds to feel insecure about his intellect or charm or something and have Bill possess him when he's nervous about fucking up his relationship with Ford
can you IMAGINE? there's the muse like usual and then there's Fiddleford, who seems to be supportive about this whole project, even if he does have some weird memory lapses. oddly enough, when they are intimate or loving, Fidds gets really nervous then totally confident. Ford waves it off because the other personality is alluring in its own way
then the memory gun would have been invented by Ford to destroy Bill and, in the process, erased Fidds' memories
the PAIN from Ford. he has to, effectively, kill the one he loves to save the universe. to lure him in by making Fidds nervous and triggering Bill taking over for him. kissing Bill/Fiddleford (FiddBill?) and cradling his head only to pull the trigger on the memory gun. whispering "I'm sorry" right after he blasts him
knowing Ford, he'd drop Fidds off at Emma and Tate's, explaining extreme amnesia, and wallow in his sadness back at home. he publishes the breakthrough paper and patents some of his technology, all under Fidds' name. it was his work, anyway. and the Mcgucket family doesn't deserve to lose their income just because of Ford's decision.
Fiddleford doesn't remember Ford because he's not there to trigger his memory and Ford never checks in on him directly. he surveils his house, sure, and watches him from afar, but never gets into direct contact with him.
Ford could have even ended up in the multiverse this way. he calls Stanley, asking for his help to disperse the journals like before, but, like before, his dimensional portal malfunctions when Stan confronts him in the lab.
when Stanley meets Fiddleford, his introduces himself as Stanford Pines, but the only familiar thing about him is the cut of his jaw and his build. Fidds could've sworn they'd met before, but so many things about this guy seem unfamiliar, he brushes it off as weird deja vu.
he's been getting that ever since the accident. he used to work for Stanford, but somehow everything he remembers is wrong. this one doesn't wear glasses, nor does he have special hands. his voice is hoarser and he isn't interested in taking walks around Gravity Falls' forests. Fidds read about it somewhere, that your brain makes up memories where there are none. figures his has done that with everything he's forgotten.
when Ford comes back, it feels like he's got a word on the tip of his tongue. he knows something, it's just not coming forward. the new fella ignores him a lot. that's alright- not everyone has to be friendly. but when he hears this guy is the real Stanford, the one he worked for, Fiddleford gets curious and asks him about the accident. he figures he has a right to know, and if he has to guilt the guy a little, well you gotta do what you gotta do.
"please, call me Ford" makes him remember their college dorm room.
"that's plausible" and he can recall their first meeting.
when memories rush back of their college years, Fiddleford gets severe vertigo trying to stand. Ford's hands holding him steady reminds them of their first embrace.
the blush right underneath Ford's glasses and fidgety nervousness send Fiddleford back to the first time they kissed, intoxicated one minute, sober the next.
he falls to the floor, getting a headache from all of the remembering. Ford offers to lift him up and bring him to the car. a split second after being pulled up by the armpits, he recalls the first time they made out on purpose. it was after a fight on something trivial. both of them were just being hardheaded, and Ford pushed him to the ground. after profusely apologizing, Ford kneeled down. face to face like that, the air disappeared between them. neither were looking at the others' eyes. by the time they glanced back up, the fight was over.
a few chaste kisses on the floor turned into Ford heaving him up to stand. what happened after replayed into present day Fiddleford's mind as he was held steady by an older Ford asking, "are you alright? oh god I knew it was too early. I shouldn't have met with you I knew-"
he stops talking when Fidds puts a hand on his cheek, "we were close once."
Ford didn't dare breathe, "yes, once."
tragically college!Fiddleford looks like if Shaggy was forced to do college good

they smoochin
*holding Fiddauthor between my hands* WHAT have you DONE to my BRAIN
Fiddleford goes to physical therapy for his posture when Ford and Stan head out on the sea for the first time. months pass. Tate nags at him to do his exercises, and Stan drags his twin away from the deck to get some rest every 16 hours.
by the time the Stans get back to Gravity Falls, it's winter and the ocean is no longer a pleasant place to adventure; their bones are old and don't handle the cold too well. Soos drives out to pick them up from the port.
Stan notes an unfamiliar form standing at the shack when they arrive, "Hey Soos, what's with the new guy?"
"He's not new, Stanley-" Ford is plastered to his window in the backseat and opens the door before the car's in park.
"Sixer! What's the deal?!"
Stan swings the car door wide open, about to give his idiot brother a piece of his mind on how to behave in front of little, impressionable, kids. When he rounds the hood of the car, he's greeted with an image he hasn't seen for a long while: Ford hugging someone. Not just any someone- judging by Tate's proximity and the notable absence of a small, bearded figure- it's McGucket.
Except the old man's now tall. Taller than Ford. As if his height wasn't enough, he also looks completely different: the beard's cut short and there's no hat covering his bald head. Now he resembles the roommate in the photos Ford brought onto the Stan O'War.
Tate's completely changed, too. Not physically, but you can tell from the way he stands close to McGucket and has a small smile on his face. He finally has his dad back.
Ford, he supposes, got someone back, too.
will make sequels to this from Tate, Fidds, and Ford's POVs. not the exact same story, but different snapshots of the same transformations. follow the FiddlefordGetsPT tag if you want to get updates
this was originally just supposed to be a post about how Fiddleford was taller pre-Portal!Ford so like with physical therapy and better posture would he be taller again? how would Ford take it? yeah whoops it became this

Okay, I get what Tim sees in him now actually. They're both convinced they're the normal one, and somehow they're both wrong
As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
as much as I adore NoPortal!Ford who stays with Stan and Fidds, within canon, the 30 years Ford spends on his own are fucking crucial to his character development. in that he gets all the weirdness and adventure he could possibly ask for- and he figures out he prefers home. it shows him a much, much crueler world and makes him appreciate kindness
given how hardheaded and stubborn he is, only experience could make him grow the fuck up and realize there's so much more to life than chasing ideas
both Ford and Stan are immature just in wildly different ways, and we see them both grow up during their time on the show. but none of that would've been possible without the consequences of their actions wearing them down for three decades