Emptynester - Tumblr Posts

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I think I self-sabotage SO many things that I actually want in my life because something - the timing, my energy, my outfit (!) - isn’t perfect... . “I’m not going to be able eat healthfully 100% today, so why bother?” . “I’m too tired from ____, so why even try to exercise?” . “I’m so not as athletic as those people, so why even join their support group?” . “That at-home side-gig looks fun, but I’m don’t look like I [workout/know skincare/have fashion sense/whatever].” . So what? So what! (That’s what I have to shout at myself). TAKE THE LITTLE STEPS. Notice what happens! You might find yourself energized by your actions, and taking MORE LITTLE STEPS! 😀. . Cmon, what’s the thing you’re shuffling your feet on today? What’s ONE LITTLE THING you can do? Because, my friend, you CAN do! ❤️ . . *~*~*~*~* If you could use more positivity in your life around your health, fitness, and nutrition goals, DM me. My next 8-week fitness support group is opening up soon. Would love to have you in it. 😊 #motivation #yesyoucan #takeaction #perfectlyimperfect #fitatanyage #keepliving #emptynester #oldbutyoung #nevertooold #faithoverfear #positivity #bodypositive https://www.instagram.com/p/CFLtc0HgCsj/?igshid=gm97p3w63jku