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3 years ago

Headcannons for the Madrigal Grandchildren Couples

Author's Note: Everyone here is 15 or older


Isabela & female character

Dolores & Mariano

Luisa & male character

Camilo & female character

Mirabel & male character

Antonio & female character



Isa was never really interested in a relationship ever since Mariano

She was finally allowed to grow what she wanted for the first time since she was 5 and she spent the first couple of years reconnecting with her family after Casita fell

She was 22 when she was supposed to be with Mariano

She was 25 when she met you

You were a traveler who had stumbled upon Encanto, a botanist (studier of plants) searching for new plants to catolouge

It was a match made in heaven

The first time Isa saw you flowers burst from her hair and made a trail right to your feet

You look up from the flowers and your jaw drops as you see the most gorgeous woman in front of you, blushing bright red as you meet her gaze

You walks up, introduce yourself, and it's a done deal

Both of you are so captivated by each other, with their knowledge of plants, beauty, magic, and each other in general that it doesn't take much for you and Isa to fall in love

The first time you kissed Isa on the cheek was in public, and a rose bush exploded

Camilo and Mirabel would not stop teasing her about it

Isa is the one who works up the courage to ask you out after the urging of her family. The first time you kissed her flowers bloom along the length of Encanto, and everyone knows you said yes

Eventually you decide to stay in Encanto and become a member of the Madrigal family



The Guzmans and Madrigals have always been close family friends

Dolores had been in love with Mariano since she was a child, he was the whole point she asked for a vision from Tío Bruno. She was heartbroken when she saw he would end up with Isabela

After the vision, she becan to pull away from Mariano - which was difficult. He was always over, and would always hang out with her and Isa

Dolores crushed from afar, often using her chores as an excuse whenever Mariano would approach

She craved his presence after she pulled away from his friendship, so she settled for listening to him (Callatè Camilo, she was not a creep -)

Mariano was confused and a little bit hurt when Dolores pulled away - was it something he did? His mamá always said he talked too loud. He liked Dolores, and he missed her quiet presence whenever he would talk about his poetry to her - Isa always got bored when he did.

Dolores would always go soft when Mariano would lower his voice when speaking to her, tell her about the newest novel that came out, show her his poetry he was composing that she already heard him whisper about it late at night

After Casita fell, Dolores and Mariano began spending lots of time together, relearning everything they knew about each other

Also, Mariano is the one that says "I hear you" and she says "And I see you" because for the first time, Mariano is hearing everything she has to say about him and Dolores has had enough of just listening to him and is right in front of him, telling him how she feels

Isabela is the best wingwoman ever

One of the reasons Isa didn't want to be with Mariano was that she grew up idolizing her parents quiet love; Mariano was the total opposite, with loud PDA, grand gestures, ect. This is why Dolores is more suited for Mariano - she grew up with her parents not being able to take their hands off each other and can't picture love any other way

Dolores put a kibosh on the whole "5 babies" thing. 3 kids was the highest she was going for, and Mariano eagerly agrees because who is he to deny his amor?

Dolores wants to take it slow when she's dating Mariano. She gets married midway through 23, and has a daughter at 24. She is 27 when she has another girl, and is 31 when she has a baby boy.

Félix, Camilo, and Antonio are thrilled to be an abuelo and tíos. Pepa is the only one to start clouding over when being called abuela because she doesn't want to be old



After Casita fell, Luisa spent the time finding herself - her likes, hobbies, ect. She began growing her hair out, wear more jewlery, and wear more feminine dresses without fear of ripping them due to excessive work

Luisa knew that some people in the Encanto had talked about her body - how tall she was, how big she was, ect. It wasn't insulting, but there were some comments that did stick with Luisa throughout her teens and into adulthood

When she was younger "Luisa gets bigger everyday" was a common phrase in the household. One time Abuela said "We'll have to find the tallest person in Encanto for Luisa, or else she'll never get married!" and that always stayed with her

At the end of the day it doesn't matter to Luisa though. She has good days and bad days just like any other girl, and "she glows cause she knows what her worth is."

She met him when she was 20 years old

She was out lifting things for the final chores of the day when she feels a light tap on her shoulder

Luisa turns around and is met at the sight of a handsome young man, head brushing the top of her chest as he whips out the most beautiful bouquet of flowers she's ever seen

At first, Luisa thinks they're for Isabela (because they're flowers, and no one's ever given Luisa any flowers, and like hell was a man her age giving flowers to Mira)

The man and Luisa are both bright pink when he explains they're for her, and in a rare bout of confidence, Luisa flirts with him

This goes on for a while, the man showering her with gifts and compliments, Luisa flirting and sending him swooning

He starts joining Luisa when she's relaxing, and Luisa grows to love his company. Their dynamic is chattermouth and appreciative listener who loves how much they talk. He insists on helping her with her chores so she can get more time to relax, and Luisa always insists on him joining her with a blush

You can definitely imagine Luisa demonstrating her strength to him and he just whips out a wedding ring and asks her to become his wife because he is utterly weak for this woman

Luisa is sitting at the dinner table, smiling as she brushes her lips along the latest batch of roses he sent when she sees her Tía Pepa and her Tío Félix flirt, and suddenly she sees him

Luisa instantly sets out to find him, and when she does, she bends down and presses the most loving, tender kiss on his lips. Luisa carries him bridal style when his knees give out



Camilo was 18 years old when he first began to notice her

He was in the town square with his Tía Julieta, helping cheer up some of the injured children while shoveling his face with food. A red skirt flashes by his vision, and thinking it was Dolores, he turns around and freezes

She was just finishing up her chores, strands of hair escaping her messy bun as sunlight bounced off her tan skin. She's honestly the most beautiful person Camilo's ever seen, and the arepa drops out of his mouth

Right as he begins to follow her, a shout of his name suprises him, and he turns to see a fuming Pepa thundering about the missing arepas. While he's getting chewed out, he turns around to catch one more glimpse of her, but she's gone

Later that night, Camilo can't stop thinking about the girl and sets out to find her the next day. It's easier than he thought it was - after he saw her yesterday, it's like he sees her everywhere: in the market getting groceries, in the square finishing her chores, ect.

He goes up, introduces himself, and is blown away: she's captivating. She's fiery and strongwilled, sassy and sarcastic. She matches Camilo’s quick wit with her own so easily it surprises him, and is unafraid to call him out on his pranks and is unimpressed by his shapeshifting

He was desperate to be her friend, so he wasted no time finishing his chores so he could spend time with her. He would tell jokes and shoot cheesy pickup lines after her, and while at first she considered Camilo overrated and a nuisance … he did manage to amuse his way into her heart

After they become friends, her and Camilo had this thing where they flirt and give each other bedroom eyes almost constantly, and they know that they like each other ... they’re just too afraid/awkward to actually do anything about it.

Everyone in the Madrigal family knows about them, and it drives them crazy. It gets to the point where Camilo acts lovesick when she’s not around - subconsciously thinking about her and bringing her up in conversations

Camilo will just be sitting down for family dinner, piling arepa after arepa on his plate, and is unaware of his family’s stares until he sits across from Isa. Isa clears her throat with a smirk matching Dolores’ and shows her primo a mirror (why she brought a mirror to dinner he’ll never know) and Camilo’s eyes widen in horror. In his reflection is her face. Camilo had unconsciously shapeshifted to look like her during family dinner (and Ay Dios Mío, does the family tear into him that day).

Honestly, Camilo was such a ladies man in Encanto, the family was starting to wonder if he was ever going to settle down. Seeing Camilo panic-shift and grow flustered at even the sight of this girl is the best thing to have happened to Isabela. She’s going to get back at Camilo twice as hard for teasing her with the whole Mariano situation

Not only do this girl and Camilo flirt and have fun with each other, they can be serious and confide with each other when needed. Camilo finds himself pouring about his deepest insecurities to her, and she listens, never judging how he feels, giving him the most caring and attentive face he’s ever seen, proving that she is listening to him, totally and completely

Camilo can listen for hours as she talks, feeling light as a feather listening to her voice, and watching her hands move as she gestures. This girl is the only person to make him blush. He's flirted with tons of people, done tons of things with people, and none of them make him feel the way she does

They weren’t each other’s firsts, but they were each other’s bests, her challenging Camilo in the best way and him showing her the brighter, looser side to life other than work



Mirabel is 20 when she met him

After Casita fell, she spent all her time dedicating herself to her family and making sure the town was independent. She helped her Abuela through her trauma, helped integrate Bruno into society after 10 years, and helped her entire family learn that they were more than just their gifts after decades of being taught otherwise. So you can see there was a lot on her shoulders for a 15 year old

Years passed since that fateful day Encanto broke and things were going well for that small town. Outsiders were more welcome and the community was more self-sufficient than ever. The Madrigal family was allowed to become a normal family, growing larger and larger now that the grandchildren were growing up. 

Mirabel was walking around town, enjoying the candlelit night of Encanto when she heard the most magical voice sing 

A musician is playing in the square, and people were crowding around him despite the late night. After Mira realized she wouldn't make it through the crowd, she quickly begins scaling a palma de cera Isa planted in town, desperate for a look at the voice.

She shoves some fronds out of her way and sees the most handsome man playing on his guitar, singing in his magical voice. He tips his head back and his eyes meet Mira's. She almost falls out of the tree, and once she steadies herself he seems to be smiling at her as he plays, eyes sparkling 

After he finishes the song, he meets her as she ungracefully slides down the tree. Mirabel's face is hot as she offers if he wants to take a walk and get a snack. He agrees

Mirabel stumbles home in a daze, and she finds herself rambling to her mamá about him with a flushed face. Dolores overhears, which mean Camilo knows, which means that the entire family knows about her crush by dinner time 

 The family is definitely overprotective of Mirabel - she’s the baby of the family and their miracle. They got to make sure the guy she’s seeing is worthy of her and can handle the chaos of the Madrigal family 

Whenever they’re alone in a room you can always count on Antonio watching them with death eyes, Dolores eavesdropping, and Isa, Camilo, and Luisa ready to break down the door whenever they sense something inappropriate going on 

Their favorite moments are the quiet ones, where Mirabel is sewing or doing embroidery, while he is gently strumming along to his guitar and writing down lyrics 

He is pleasantly surprised when he finds out Mira can play the accordion. When Mira sings his face turns bright red as he stares at her in awe. She starts dancing and he wants nothing more than to kiss this girl

He always makes sure to murmur soft endearments and compliments in Spanish. Although Mira knows her worth now, she still likes to hear how much she is needed and loved 

Abuela always smiles when she sees them together because after Mira told her how they met, all she can see is her and Pedro



Antonio is 15 when he met her

It’s been 10 years since Casita fell, and ever since then the Madrigal family has been growing and growing, with Dolores’ marriage to Mariano and the birth of their children and the rest of the grandchildren falling in love

Antonio met her when when his jaguar fell sick. He had tried to give him Tía Julieta’s cooking, but that only worked on humans, not animals. Antonio was starting to panic when Mirabel reminded him of the new family that moved in that happened to be veterinarians

The vets came to Casita to have a look at Parce, and Antonio is struck when he sees how pretty she is when she walks through the door 

The girl and her papá heal up Parce, and it was like he was never sick at all, zooming around and nuzzling the humans in thanks

When they are about to leave, Antonio grabs her hand without even realizing it, and they both freeze. Shyly, Antonio offers to show her around his jungle room and his heart jumps when she agrees 

Since then her and Antonio have become good friends; they both adored animals - she was fascinated by how the animals were drawn to him while he was fascinated by how she cared for them

Seriously, Camilo once walked in Antonio’s room to see an anaconda draped over their shoulders - he almost had a heart attack. (But why can’t we hold her, she’s friendly -) 

Her and Antonio complimented each other in the best ways; she was bright and bold, and was able to draw Antonio out of his shy shell and he was able to gently calm her down when she would get too excitable 

Pepa would always start whenever drizzling she saw both of them together - her little Toñito was growing up and falling in love, and him and her reminded Pepa so much of her and Félix she would always start crying

Antonio loved being her friend, so when he found himself falling in love with her, he panicked and began drawing in himself. Parce and the rest of his animals wouldn’t allow it. Antonio was embarrassed and mortified to see his animals not-so-subtly set him up with her - the coatis and toucans would steal their belongings so they would have no choice but to see each other, Parce would pointedly act extra affectionate with her, and there was that one time his anaconda literally wrapped herself around their waists to make sure they stayed together

The rest of the family thought it was adorable and would absolutely not help 

She is the one to confess to him, in one of those quiet moments where Antonio was not surrounded by animals and her not feeling the need to fill the silence and enjoy the peace. She isn’t one to dance around a subject unless she’s oblivious, so out of nowhere she just says that she likes Antonio

Antonio has to wait for the meaning to sink in, but when it does, he sees her staring straight ahead, her face slowly turning red. Shyly, he says he likes her too. It’s an innocent and sweet confession, and when she leaned over and kissed him, it was the same as well

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