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Yandere!ENHYPEN's reaction to: Crush!Reader rejecting them to prom

Genre: Yandere AU, Angst
Pairing: Yandere!ENHYPEN × GN!Crush!Reader
Warning: Mentions of violence, cursing
Requested: Yes
A/N: Requests will be closed on the 11th of April! Btw, would you guys like a tag list? If so, you can always tell me if you want to be in my tag list. Anyways, have a good day ~
It took him a whole week to manage to find the courage to ask you to prom. What made him do the first step was that if he didn't ask you out early anyone else could take you as a date and he absolutely wouldn't like that.
As soon as recess began he went up to you.
“Can I talk to you in private for a second please?” He asked you.
“Yeah, sure.” You answered him, you were a bit shocked that he, out of all the people would want to talk to you. He was popular but generally stocked to his friend group.
You followed him to a much quite place to talk more comfortably.
“I was wondering do you want to go to prom with me?” He blurted out looking at the floor in embarrassment. You truly felt sorry for him, he seemed sweet but you just weren't interested.
“I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid that I have to decline...”
Lee Heeseung ¦ 이 희승

Heeseung felt mixed emotions, he was sad that you didn't want to go to prom with him, since that also meant you didn't like him back. But he also felt anger towards your rejection. But most importantly he was curious of the reason of your rejection.
“It's fine. But may I know the reason why?” You didn't expect a question from him. But still you answered him truthfully.
“I already have a date.” He nodded and asked you who he was before wishing you a good day and going on his way. He knew what he had to do to your date. It was only a matter of time.
Park Jay ¦ 박 제이

He was more than angry at your words. Did you just reject him or was it a nightmare? Either way he wasn't taking no for an answer.
“What do you mean? Why can't you go with me?” He questioned you aggressively. Which took you by surprise, you didn't expect such a reaction for rejection.
“Well, I already have a date, so..” You trailed off, now feeling embarrassed for no reason. If he was angry before, he was now furious.
“Ditch him. You're going with me, I don't even fucking care who he is.” He ordered you.
“But I can't do that! I like hiー” Before you could even finish your sentence you were now pinned onto the nearest wall.
“I said: Ditch him. You're. Going. With. Me. Got it?” He paused “Good”
Sim Jake ¦ 심 제이크

He was discouraged by your rejection, but he wasn't about to give up.
“You already have a date, right?” He slightly smiled, embarrassed. You nodded as a response to his question.
“Makes sense, should've been faster..” He trailed off, feeling disconcerted.
“Can I know who's your date maybe?” He asked you wanting to know as much as possible about your date before taking action. You answered him, not knowing what was his sinister plan.
After walking away he thought to himself.
“I hope my hit man will be able to help me this time too”
Park Sunghoon ¦ 박 성훈

He was so upset and offended. How could you reject him? You should have a really good reason to decline his offer.
“What? And why? Is there anyone else who has already offered you to be their date? Can they even compare to my level?” He questioned you, saying every word fastly in a way that was hard to comprehend for you.
“Huh? I just already have a date and I really like them so...” You spoke with your words getting quieter and quieter by second.
“Ah yeah? And who's that?” He snickered. You weren't totally sure whether you should answer or not his question, yet you still did, not seeing what could possibly go wrong.
“Pff. You like someone like that? Whatever. You're going with me in the end.” He walked away smirking, knowing that he'll get what he wants in the end.
Kim Sunoo ¦ 김 선우

He seemed very chill and cool about your rejection, which made you feel better about turning him down. But in reality he was everything he was everything but cool and chill. He absolutely despised your answer. He hoped that you couldn't go with him because you had other things to do than to go the prom but when you told him that you had someone else to go out with, he lost it.
“Ah and who is your date then?” He asked wanting to end the person who stopped him from going out with you. You answered him calmly not thinking anything of it.
“Right, just so you know they're not going to be there anymore so... If you still want someone to go with I'm still here” He told you goodbye and went on his way before planning how he was going to get rid of your date.
Yang Jungwon ¦ 양 정원

As soon as you turned him down he knew that it was probably because someone else asked you faster than him.
“And can I know why?” He asked almost sounding nonchalant. His tone startled you a little, it was a contrast to how he was speaking earlier, with him sounding more hsy, calm and reserved. But you still decided to answer him.
“Well I have a date with somebody else, and I'm kind of crushing on them, so I don't want to miss my chance you know...” You told him, trying to sound as casual as possible as his eyes were piercing through your skull and were making you nervous.
He was already planning his murder in his head.
“Well I hope you two have fun” He walked off. He didn't need to ask you who it was as he had the habit of stalking you.
Nishimura Riki ¦ 西村 力

He was confused with your response. Did you just seriously reject him?
“Um, I don't think you understand me clearly. It wasn't really a question you know.” He spoke his eyebrows furrowing.
“What? I can't go to the prom with you.” You told him not understanding his behaviour.
“And I don't care. You're going out with me whether you like it or not.” He took a step forward.
“But I loveー” You were cut off by Riki pushing you to the wall.
“I don't want to repeat myself. I said you're going with me. And I don't care about some idiot that you apparently love. Got the memo?” He glared at you before starting to go his own way.
“Make sure to cancel your date with him or else. I'll see you around.” And with that he was out of your sight.