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Yandere!ENHYPEN's reaction to: Crush!Reader rejecting them to prom

Genre: Yandere AU, Angst
Pairing: Yandere!ENHYPEN × GN!Crush!Reader
Warning: Mentions of violence, cursing
Requested: Yes
A/N: Requests will be closed on the 11th of April! Btw, would you guys like a tag list? If so, you can always tell me if you want to be in my tag list. Anyways, have a good day ~
It took him a whole week to manage to find the courage to ask you to prom. What made him do the first step was that if he didn't ask you out early anyone else could take you as a date and he absolutely wouldn't like that.
As soon as recess began he went up to you.
“Can I talk to you in private for a second please?” He asked you.
“Yeah, sure.” You answered him, you were a bit shocked that he, out of all the people would want to talk to you. He was popular but generally stocked to his friend group.
You followed him to a much quite place to talk more comfortably.
“I was wondering do you want to go to prom with me?” He blurted out looking at the floor in embarrassment. You truly felt sorry for him, he seemed sweet but you just weren't interested.
“I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid that I have to decline...”
Lee Heeseung ¦ 이 희승

Heeseung felt mixed emotions, he was sad that you didn't want to go to prom with him, since that also meant you didn't like him back. But he also felt anger towards your rejection. But most importantly he was curious of the reason of your rejection.
“It's fine. But may I know the reason why?” You didn't expect a question from him. But still you answered him truthfully.
“I already have a date.” He nodded and asked you who he was before wishing you a good day and going on his way. He knew what he had to do to your date. It was only a matter of time.
Park Jay ¦ 박 제이

He was more than angry at your words. Did you just reject him or was it a nightmare? Either way he wasn't taking no for an answer.
“What do you mean? Why can't you go with me?” He questioned you aggressively. Which took you by surprise, you didn't expect such a reaction for rejection.
“Well, I already have a date, so..” You trailed off, now feeling embarrassed for no reason. If he was angry before, he was now furious.
“Ditch him. You're going with me, I don't even fucking care who he is.” He ordered you.
“But I can't do that! I like hiー” Before you could even finish your sentence you were now pinned onto the nearest wall.
“I said: Ditch him. You're. Going. With. Me. Got it?” He paused “Good”
Sim Jake ¦ 심 제이크

He was discouraged by your rejection, but he wasn't about to give up.
“You already have a date, right?” He slightly smiled, embarrassed. You nodded as a response to his question.
“Makes sense, should've been faster..” He trailed off, feeling disconcerted.
“Can I know who's your date maybe?” He asked you wanting to know as much as possible about your date before taking action. You answered him, not knowing what was his sinister plan.
After walking away he thought to himself.
“I hope my hit man will be able to help me this time too”
Park Sunghoon ¦ 박 성훈

He was so upset and offended. How could you reject him? You should have a really good reason to decline his offer.
“What? And why? Is there anyone else who has already offered you to be their date? Can they even compare to my level?” He questioned you, saying every word fastly in a way that was hard to comprehend for you.
“Huh? I just already have a date and I really like them so...” You spoke with your words getting quieter and quieter by second.
“Ah yeah? And who's that?” He snickered. You weren't totally sure whether you should answer or not his question, yet you still did, not seeing what could possibly go wrong.
“Pff. You like someone like that? Whatever. You're going with me in the end.” He walked away smirking, knowing that he'll get what he wants in the end.
Kim Sunoo ¦ 김 선우

He seemed very chill and cool about your rejection, which made you feel better about turning him down. But in reality he was everything he was everything but cool and chill. He absolutely despised your answer. He hoped that you couldn't go with him because you had other things to do than to go the prom but when you told him that you had someone else to go out with, he lost it.
“Ah and who is your date then?” He asked wanting to end the person who stopped him from going out with you. You answered him calmly not thinking anything of it.
“Right, just so you know they're not going to be there anymore so... If you still want someone to go with I'm still here” He told you goodbye and went on his way before planning how he was going to get rid of your date.
Yang Jungwon ¦ 양 정원

As soon as you turned him down he knew that it was probably because someone else asked you faster than him.
“And can I know why?” He asked almost sounding nonchalant. His tone startled you a little, it was a contrast to how he was speaking earlier, with him sounding more hsy, calm and reserved. But you still decided to answer him.
“Well I have a date with somebody else, and I'm kind of crushing on them, so I don't want to miss my chance you know...” You told him, trying to sound as casual as possible as his eyes were piercing through your skull and were making you nervous.
He was already planning his murder in his head.
“Well I hope you two have fun” He walked off. He didn't need to ask you who it was as he had the habit of stalking you.
Nishimura Riki ¦ 西村 力

He was confused with your response. Did you just seriously reject him?
“Um, I don't think you understand me clearly. It wasn't really a question you know.” He spoke his eyebrows furrowing.
“What? I can't go to the prom with you.” You told him not understanding his behaviour.
“And I don't care. You're going out with me whether you like it or not.” He took a step forward.
“But I loveー” You were cut off by Riki pushing you to the wall.
“I don't want to repeat myself. I said you're going with me. And I don't care about some idiot that you apparently love. Got the memo?” He glared at you before starting to go his own way.
“Make sure to cancel your date with him or else. I'll see you around.” And with that he was out of your sight.
Wahhh , how do you write so good😻 gimme your brain bae
You nailed it 😩🖐️
Yandere!ENHYPEN's reaction to: Another member liking their S/O

❁ Genre ⇛Angst, Yandere
❁ Pairing ⇛Yandere!ENHYPEN × GN!Reader
❁ Warning ⇛Jealousy, violence, cursing
❁ Requested ⇛Yes (I did a request combo because they were similar)
❁ A/N ⇛Request are closed, tag list is open! Sorry for not posting frequently, I can't manage my time correctly lol. This is getting too long I'm cutting this in two sorry. I hope you have a good day/evening/night ~

˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*Lee Heeseung ¦ 이 희승 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Heeseung already suspected Jay from the beginning, the way he was always looking at you and was always engaging in conversations with you and always found an excuse to spend more time with you. Bit he was his fellow member and he tried to trust him as much as possible. But it was always getting on his nerves whenever he always complimented you shamelessly even when he was there too.
“Y/N you look really pretty/handsome today” He'd say, and Heeseung could've swore that he could have beaten the living thing out of him.
Jay was often buying you gifts and was always ultra kind and patient with you. Which bothered Heeseung.
But he'd always try his best to let it go, because it was true you were pretty/handsome, but it still irked him and rubbed him the wrong way.
Everything was going somewhat finely until Jay actually tried to kiss you even though he knew you were Heeseung's. He was infuriated and if you didn't stop him he might have killed Jay on the spot.
“The fuck did you think you were doing, asshole?!” He told Jay, grabbing him by the collar.
“Isn't it a known fact that their my partner?” He growled as he tightened his grip.
“I-I'm sorry I don't know what came over me, I justー”
“Shut up. I know how much you like them. But you gotta stop right now if you don't want to get hit.” His grip tightened even more and Jay now had trouble breathing correctly.
“Got it?” Jay nodded eagerly.
“Good.” Heeseung released him. As he walked away grabbing you by the arm.
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*Park Jay ¦ 박 제이 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

He was always weary of everyone ever approaching you in general, so it did not take long for him to notice how softly Jake was looking at you at all time. How much he tried to make plans with you, how much thought he put in his gifts or words to you. He immediately suspected that Jake liked you. And he wanted to put a stop to it as soon as he noticed. But he was still nice to Jake as he was still his best friend. And Jake acted like he understood, and that he'd tone down with you to make him more comfortable, and while Jay was still a bit weary he trusted him.
But he was more firm and strict when he saw Jake being a bit too close to you.
“Hey Y/N, did I tell you that you looked beautiful today?” He smirked. You laughed and thanked him out of politeness, but you knew how Jay was and how if he found out Jake was going to be regretting ever approaching you.
Jake leaned in, and now your faces were very close. As soon as Jake started to get closer to you, Jay somehow appeared and threw him on the ground harshly.
“I thought I warned you to not approach them huh?” He brought his fist close to his face.
“I fucking knew you liked them. You bastard.” He gave a punch to his face.
“I'm so sorry! I won't do it again! I just- I knew it was wrongー” Jay started to choke Jake.
“Don't ever approach them, ever again. Better yet don't even think about about approaching them.” He squeezed Jake's neck even tighter.
“I like to think that you understood your lesson now, hm?” Jake tried to nod as Jay smirked.
“I'll let you go, but don't say a single word about what happened and remember, don't try to do any of this shit again”
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*Sim Jake ¦ 심 제이크 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Jake absolutely despised the closeness that you shared with Sunghoon. But he absolutely never tried to put an actual stop to it, he just thought that being jealous of his best friend wasn't right, especially because you were amazing and it made sense that people liked you and wanted to become close to you.
And with that mindset he bottled inside all of his feelings about you and Sunghoon's relationship. It was especially hard for him when he saw Sunghoon consistently complimenting you and you always accepting them and most of the time returning them too. To be fair, Jake never gave you a reason not to, he was always nice and kind, and getting punished wasn't something that happened in your relationship. And he always wanted to tell Sunghoon to tone it down, but he didn't want to come across as mean or whatever.
But he started to feel even worse when Heeseung started to tell him how weird it was for you and Sunghoon to be this close, how Sunghoon always gave you tons of gifts, how he always complimented you, how he always went out of his way to spend alone time with you and such.
“Yeah man, it seems like Sunghoon's definitely fancying them” Heeseung told to Jake as he was sulking at the thought of it.
“You think so too?” He sighed as his head sunk low. He went to look out for you in the room that Sunghoon shared with the younger members. And when he opened the door he saw the worst thing in his whole life.
“Looking like a snack as always huh?” He “jokingly” said, you laughed being used to his flirty jokes that he often used with you.
Sunghoon was so mesmerised by your smile and laughter he couldn't help but lean in and try to kiss you, as he did in dreams. You didn't even notice as your eyes were closed by your laughter.
“What the actual fuck” Jake interrupted Sunghoon. He immediately stepped back, he felt his stomach sink. He knew how wrong what he tried to do was, and he immediately regretted it.
“I-I'm so sorryー Fuck, I mean it's all my fault okay? They didn't do anything I should have thought about the consequencesー”
“Shut up. Why the fuck did I even trust you in the first place? You know what I can't stand your face right now, if Y/N wasn't there right now, you would have at least ended in the hospital.” His face was now emotionless, which scared both you and Sunghoon.
“Now you better keep whatever you have to yourself and don't try that shit anymore or you're fuckin' dead okay?” He took a deep breath. And he brought you to your house.
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*Park Sunghoon ¦ 박 성훈 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

He already didn't want to present you to vuis members. He wanted to keep you to himself, and he knew that his members were handsome and that they might steal you from him. But you kept insisting to meet them, and he couldn't resist you and your cuteness. And he regretted his decision very early.
It didn't take you long to get pretty close to all of them, but you got particularly close to Heeseung, he was funny and you two's personalities matched perfectly. You knew how jealous Sunghoon could be, but you thought that he wouldn't mind it when it was was his own members, but you were wrong. In fact, it bothered him even more. In his head, his members were like family to him and they knew that you were his so why would they do this to him? This idea angered and saddened him. He despised the idea of both losing and his second family.
He was very quick to realise how Heeseung was fancying you, and he wanted to put an immediate stop to it as soon as he noticed, but Heeseung's older than him so he kept his frustrations and anger to himself.
It all bottled up very quickly in him, and it wasn't long before he snapped or cracked.
He constantly rolling his eyes whenever you and Heeseung were together and he was more than ready to break someone's arm whenever he complimented you shamelessly.
“Ah Y/N, looking good today huh? Heeseung would often say to you. And he did try to tell Heeseung about it, but Heeseung kept reassuring him that nothing was going on and that nothing would ever be going on either. It didn't reassure him at all, his behaviour whenever he was near you never changed, it even got worse. But the vase that broke the camel's back was when he found you and Heeseung talking and joking. It seemed somewhat fine, he was used to it. But when Heeseung suddenly grabbed your cheek and brought his face closer to yours he lost it.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He shouted.
“I fucking knew it anyways” He mumbled. He then threw the nearest object to Heeseung making fall to the ground. He didn't waste any time before grabbing his throat and squeezing it.
“I fucking tried to be nice and let you do whatever and that's what you try to do?” He squeezed his throat even harder.
Heeseung was almost about to pass out, but he stopped just in time. Tears were falling out of your eyes without you knowing. Sunghoon got up and looked down on Heeseung.
“Now you know what you shouldn't do.” He hurriedly brought you to your house and calmed you down.

Tag list! : @stacey-stonem
It doesn't , it's so good 🤗🧚🏼♀️ I really love it 🤍🤍
It's not because it's his birthday, it's because he loves you

❁ Genre ⇛ Yandere AU, angst, fluff ??
❁ Pairing ⇛Yandere!Rich!Jay × GN!Reader
❁ Warning ⇛Yandere themes, mentions of murder, violence
❁ Requested ⇛ Not really
❁ Word Count ⇛1k
❁ A/N ⇛ Request are closed. Tag list is open. Happy birthday to our favourite Monday Man Jay! 💚 Alright this fucking sucks so yeah. Hope you all have a wonderful day/evening/night!

Once again you found yourself disobeying to him. You didn’t intend to but you felt really tired and you didn’t have the strength to cuddle him, you just wanted to go straight sleep. But that wasn’t in Jay’s plan. So as always, he did what he had to do put you in your place, or as he says. You didn’t have energy to lay down with for an extended period time, so you didn’t have energy to be punished either. You barely reacted to any of his hits or insults. Even if you were bleeding, in that moment it didn’t matter much; You were feeling so down and tired that you could only hope that his punishment would make you pass out, so that you’d finally get some rest. It seemed like your prayers were heard, because it didn’t take much longer for you to pass out and succumb to slumber. It felt somewhat nice, you finally got some rest. Sure, it wasn’t in the best way possible but it was all you could have at the time so you took it.
But Jay wasn't heartless, he still loved you dearly. Even though it was pretty late at night, he still checked in on you frequently and took it upon himself to treat your wounds and to make sure you were okay. After making sure your wounds would heal properly and rapidly, he brought you to your bedroom before delicately setting the bed. He took a look at you, and despite the bandages and bruises he still couldn't believe how dazzling you looked. You always did, but your sleeping figure always softened him up. He couldn’t help but lovingly smile at you. But he was also getting tired. So, he decided to lay down next to you. He loved it when the last thing he could see before drifting off to sleep was your stunning face.
When he finally laid down, he couldn’t sleep being tired. His mind was filled with thoughts especially since tomorrow was his birthday. What was going to do? He would have loved a surprise from you, but it was clear that your current state wouldn’t allow you to do much. But nevertheless, he still wanted to spend an enjoyable time with you on his birthday. After a while he managed to doze off.
The next morning, he woke up earlier to cook you breakfast. All of the maids thought that it was weird for him to cook breakfast, especially this early; on his birthday they were pretty used to do all the work.
“If you don’t mind answering, why are you doing all of this? Isn’t it your birthday today?” One of the maids asked him.
“It’s my birthday, so I thought I’d do something nice for Y/N” He answered not looking up from the pan in front of him.
“That’s sweet of you.” The maid nodded before continuing to clean a shelf.
“Didn’t you punish Y/N last night? She probably has some wounds and whatnot on their body. Who took care of it?” Another maid asked him.
“I also took care of it. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
“Aw, you’re sweet. But I’m sure they’ll really appreciate it if you told them that it was you who took care of them.”
“I don’t know... I’ll go and wake them up.” He said as he finished putting the food on the table.
“However, you better keep that to yourself or else you’re getting fired and probably killed or something” He then went to your room to wake you up, expecting you to be asleep. He instead found you looking at yourself while sitting on the bed, looking rather confused.
“Oh, I see that you’re awake” You hummed in response.
“Is something bothering you?”
“No, it’s just that I was wondering how I got there and how did I get those bandages...” You told him, still looking at your arms.
“Ah, it’s just the maids... Yup. The maids.” He answered you, his face showing pure disbelief. You didn’t know but his stomach was filled with butterflies. For some unknown reasons he felt really flustered.
“Let’s go eat breakfast before it gets cold.” He helped you get out of the bed, your hand in his, he brought you to the table and helped you sit down. You both started eating, the food was really good, you felt obligated to ask who made it, so that you could compliment them properly.
“Wow, who made the food?” You asked putting your hand in front of your mouth. And before Jay could answer the previous maid answered your question for him.
“Oh, Jay did this time. It’s good right? He put his love into it.” You looked at Jay with your eyes widening. Jay could feel his cheeks reddening by the second.
“Oh, well. Thank you, Jay. The food’s delicious.” Jay blushed at your words.
“You’re welcome.” A smile forming on his face.
“But you know, I only did this because it’s my birthday.”
“Pff... It’s not because it’s his birthday” The maid chuckled. “It’s because he loves you.” she laughed some more. Jay was caught off guard.
“Yup, he was also the one who took care of your wounds and such” The other maid added. As much as you wanted to think his behaviour was adorable, you knew damn well how crazy he was, he quite literally made you pass out the previous night. But still, you knew that it would be better to get on his good side.
“Thank you, Jay. It’s really nice of you.” You faked a smile.
“You’re welcome.” He smiled at you.
“And also, I did do it because I love you.” As much as you wanted to feel happy, you couldn’t help but feel grossed out. How could he say that he loved you when he literally beats you up? You truly hated the maids and Jay but for your own safety, shutting your mouth was the best decision.

Wahhh this is sooo good ! Slay bae! You go queen!💜😩✨🤍

❁ Genre ⇛ Yandere AU, Soul mate AU, University AU
❁ Pairing ⇛ Yandere!Rich!Heeseung × GN!Reader
❁ Warning ⇛ Murder, jealousy, death, Stockholm Syndrome, cursing etc...
❁ Word Count ⇛ 4.1k
❁ SYNOPSIS ⇛ What happens when the person who’s supposed to complete you and your soul, the person who you’re supposed to love unconditionally, the person who you’re linked to happens to be a psychopath absolutely obsessed with you?

You were just like the others. You always dreamed of finding your soul mate of love just like the rest of the people in your town did. The race or gender didn’t matter to you, finding the love of your life did. But you weren’t in a hurry either. You knew that some people met their love soul mates earlier than other, whether it was when they were a child or when they were elderly. As long as you met them one day or another you were content.
You were very excited when you finished high school, a lot of people around you told you that they met their soul mate in university. So, you hoped that you too, will be able to meet your soul mate in university. It seemed fun, all the stories that those people shared with you made you a little envious.
As university started the excitement started to wear off, and you settled in. While you didn’t meet your soul mate within the first months, the whole experience was so enjoyable that you didn’t actually mind not having met your soul mate yet.
One Thursday afternoon, you decided to wander around your campus, as they weren’t any classes you needed to attend; a bowl of fresh was all you needed. There wasn’t anyone around, at least not anyone that you could see. You didn’t pay much attention to your path, and as result you tripped on a random rock that was in your way. You fell to the ground, and before you could get up, someone called out to you. You held your head your head up to see a young handsome man holding out his hand to you. The second you had an eye contact; you both knew you were made for each other. You both felt your cheeks heating up and your hearts beating faster. He helped you getting up. And he started introducing himself.
“Um, hi. My name’s Lee Heeseung. I’m a music major, it’s my third year here.” He spoke shyly.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. I’m a law major, it’s my first-year here.” An awkward silence took place as you both looked at the ground. Heeseung took his courage in both hands and started talking again.
“Well, I think you noticed it too but...” He took a pause before continuing.
“But I think you’re the one. I think we’re love soul mate.” He felt his face becoming redder by the second. To not let the atmosphere become awkward again you spoke up.
“Yeah, I think so too. Wow- I didn’t expect it to be frank.” You chuckled.
“I’m not sure how that whole soul mate thing works, but I suppose we should be... Like you know...” He was now sure to be red as a tomato.
“Dating?” he said hesitantly, an awkward chuckle coming out of his mouth. As much as you were excited to have met your soul mate, you still wanted to take your time, as he still was a stranger. You knew that you’d get close in no time, but it was all new to you. So, you decided to communicate this feeling Heeseung, who was apparently going to become your future life partner.
“I guess so, but I’d prefer taking my time with this whole control, if that’s fine for you” You spoke, still shy and nervous.
“Yeah, I totally understand. I actually feel the same way.” He agreed.
“I was scared you wouldn’t want to at first. But I’m glad we’re on the same page.” You sighed out of relief.
“I’m glad too, I need to get going, but before doing that here’s my number.” He took out a pen and a paper out of his paper before writing his number on it and handing it to you. You were flustered and took the paper in your hands, you examined it, admiring his handwriting, before carefully putting it in your bag.
“You have a nice handwriting” You complimented him. He smiled; did he just get complimented by someone that looked as perfect as you? He couldn’t believe his ears fully. He let out a small giggle, showing you the most beautiful smile, you ever had the chance to witness in your life.
“Thank you. I need to go now; I’ll talk to you later.” His smile growing even more.
“Okay, see you!” You smiled back as he went his own way. You stood in your place for some time, thinking about what just happened. The moment you had waited for your whole life, finally happened. And it happened to be a handsome man. You considered yourself the luckiest. A few content sighs later, you decide that it was time for you to get to your house. You went and grabbed your scooter, and went home. When you arrived, you immediately texted your closest friend, Hyejin, about your newest encounter.

After talking for a while, you decided to go on with your nightly routine.
When you settled in your bed, you still felt a bunch of butterflies in your stomach as you drifted into slumber.
The next morning you woke to find a good morning text from Heeseung. It put a smile on your face and you didn’t waste time to answer him. You only chatted for five minutes before you decided to get ready for university, you didn’t want to be late, especially since it was your law class. Your favourite and most important class.
As soon as you arrived at the entrance of the building, you found a familiar figure standing up, on his phone. You got closer and recognise Heeseung. You were intrigued, why would a music major wander around this building. It was pretty far from the building they usually go to to take their classes; or at least that was what your friend who was also a music major told you. You approached him, greeted him and asked him what was the reason of him being here. Your question took him aback. He should’ve expected a question like this, yet he was still a bit surprised. He made up an excuse on the spot, how was he going to explain how he found your schedule and the building you were supposed to go to? It would be suspicious, you only knew each other for one day, he didn’t meet your friends whatsoever. You would find out way to soon how he stalked you. He didn’t want you to find out how quickly he became obsessed with you. He needed to have you first before all of his behaviour could come to light to you.
“I dropped one my friends off, I was about to go.” He quickly answered trying to sound as natural as possible. You nodded, it made sense, but you arrived a bit early and your friend wasn’t there yet, so you decided to talk a bit more to Heeseung. Eventually your friend arrived, it was time fro you to go to class. You said goodbye to Heeseung and hurried to your class. While Heeseung was sad by your departure, he was happy because he managed to find more information on you, information that he knew would be very useful to him later. He found stuff about your family and friends, which he knew he was going to use later in case something went wrong.
Whenever he had time during the day, he’d go on social media to find every single piece of data about you.
As much as he wanted to take a step further, he wanted to have your trust first. And to do that, he must agree to everything you do and have almost the same taste as you, he needed to seem perfect in your eyes. And that’s what he did. In this way he managed to collect even more information, and within a few weeks he managed to go on dates with you. Everything was accordingly to his plan. He wanted to be able to get you to live with him.
Heeseung would contact everyone in your circle to get to know you event better, he’d pass himself as someone sweet who just wanted to surprise their soul mate.
You on the other hand, was falling even harder for him. His tricks definitely worked on you. And soon enough, you wanted to actually start dating him. You couldn’t help but imagine what your life would be at his side. You wanted to live with him, it wasn’t the first time you had dreamt about being his spouse. And while you knew it was a bit early, you couldn’t help but fantasise about it. But firstly, if you ever wanted to get to that point, you needed to start dating him.
You woke up one morning feeling absolutely determined to tell him about how you wanted your relationship to go to the next level. And while you wanted tell him the second you woke up; it was a better idea to announce it in person. It was a week-end, so it was a great day for you to invite him over to your house. This idea made you all giddy, and you had butterflies in your stomach. You took your phone in your hands, closed your eyes and took a deep breath before texting Heeseung to come over.

Your heart was beating fast in your chest, even though you were soul mates, you were still thrilled. You had always waited for your soul mate and therefore you had never dated anyone before. As he said he came within the next 10 minutes. You opened the door to him and you both sat down on the couch.
“So, what's the matter?” You took a deep breath before proceeding. You explained your feelings towards him and how you thought it was time for your relationship to go to the next level. You could barely look at him because of your nervousness. He felt so happy that you felt this way. It meant that his plan was working. You brought your head up to finally see his reaction and you were met with a Heeseung fully smiling and with eyes filled with love. You felt so relieved that he felt the same way as you. And that was how the two of you officially started dating.
Heeseung only needed you to get you to agree to live with him. Which was going to be harder than actually dating you. And while the idea of living with him didn’t particularly displease you, you didn’t know yet if you were ready to take such a big step. It annoyed him, because he kept seeing you hang out with a lot of people, boys and girls, and while he knew that you were soul mates, they took time from you that you could spend with him instead and he absolutely despised that. He saw how some people were too touchy with you, and he got dark ideas, sometimes he felt as if he could’ve killed some people on the spot. But he never could, he wasn’t even supposed to see all of that in the first place.
But there was one time when all hell broke loose.
You were just hanging out with some of your friends; you had a project to work on together. As always, Heeseung was observing you from afar. One of your mates was what Heeseung considered too touchy and clingy. He was often putting his hand on your thigh or on your shoulder. The friend in question didn’t even notice he was doing all those things. But Heeseung was too angry to think rationally. His body was filling up with pure rage, how could you not stop him from touching you further? As soon as it was time for you and your friends to go home, he went and kidnapped him and didn’t waste time to get rid of him.
When you heard the news, you were so devastated, you had just lost a dear friend of yours. Heeseung didn’t like to see you sad, but he absolutely hated that you were sad for someone like your friend, who in his eyes, was completely in love with you. On spite of everything, he still comforted you, he did not want to seem like a bad boyfriend whatsoever. But since that incident, he now wanted to take action faster. Instead of making you move in with him, he chose to kidnap you instead. It seemed like you couldn’t keep people off of you, and he had to keep them off himself. Which he found annoying, and he didn’t want to get caught. In any way, if he went to jail that would mean he’ll never be able to see you gain, which he couldn’t afford to do.
He made a plan on how to kidnap you successfully. Since these days you were busier and he couldn’t get to see you often, he couldn’t lure you into his house. He had to do it the traditional way. He chose to kidnap you one night after one day where you went and worked with your friends for that project. It was already dark outside; it was the perfect moment for him to act. He knew chloroform would take too much time to act properly, he also knew that using any other chemicals without proper medical administration could severely harm you or even kill you, which he didn’t want at all. He was just going to force you, as they do for little kids.
You were far from your home; it was late and dark and you were exhausted and tired. You saw a car parking not so far from you which scared you a little. You saw a tall man getting out of it, which scared you even more. The man then went another way which reassured you. Heeseung was a little nervous about this operation, but he needed to overcome it, because if he was too nervous it could make his whole plan fail. He took a deep breath before taking you by surprise, he put his hand and a tissue over your mouth to muffle your screams and cries of help. And within minutes you were now in his car, which you failed to recognise. You were now tied up in a car with someone who you thought you didn’t know. He made sure to not say a single word until he arrived. Your eyes were overflowing with hot tears, so much so that you failed to recognise the house that you were brought in at first.
After Heeseung dropped you on the couch, you started to look around you and you recognised the house. Heeseung removed his black clothes to be more comfortable. As soon as you saw him, you tried to scream. He sighed, and looked at you.
“I’m sorry Y/N. But I did what needed to be done. Don’t worry I’ll untie you soon.” He looked at you sadly.
“But I promise you I’ll treat you very well, after all you’re my soul mate. I only did this to help you, it’s necessary.” He came closer to you and crouched down to your level. He put his hand on your cheek and wiped some tears before dropping a kiss on your nose.
“Shh, don’t cry. I don’t like to see you crying, okay?” He wiped your tears off a second time.
“You and I are linked together; I know what is the best for you.” You didn’t know what to believe, after all he just kidnapped you, but at the same time, he was your soul mate. But you were too tired to even think properly, that just stopped crying altogether. Heeseung eventually untied you, seeing how tired you were, he brought you to his bed and tucked you in.
The next you woke up still feeling a bit tired. After a while you decided to open your eyes and look around. You became scared as you noticed that you weren’t in your room anymore. You immediately got out of bed, and you went to the living room. You noticed that you were in Heeseung’s house the second you saw the living room. You couldn’t remember a single thing from the previous night. How did you even end up here? You rushed through the house to find Heeseung and to see if he could explain and answer all the questions you had. You found him drinking a glass of water next to the counter.
“Good morning love.” He greeted you with a soft smile on his face. You frowned a little.
“Good morning to you too...” You took another look around before speaking up.
“How did I end up here? I don’t remember anything.” You asked him.
“Don’t you remember? You agreed to move here, you moved in yesterday.” He said confidently as it was the truth. It really sounded convincing, that while you were sceptical, you took it as the truth. Though you didn’t fully believe it? You were pretty sure that not too long ago you weren’t ready. But now that you moved in, you weren’t going to go back.
“What day is it?” You asked him, you knew that you still had to go to university.
“It’s Thursday, love” You remembered that you had a law class on Thursday mornings.
“Oh shoot- I need to go to class or else I’m going to be late!” You exclaimed. Heeseung frowned for less than a second before going back to his more chilled and calm face.
“You’re not going to university anymore, love” He informed you. You tilted your head in confusion and raised an eyebrow.
“Since when?”
“We both decided that you wouldn’t go to university anymore once you’d move in. You’re so forgetful, aren’t you?” He laughed lightly.
“Wow, that’s weird... I don’t think that’s a good idea. I want to work in the law, and without that degree, I won’t be able to.” You told him.
“You said that you wouldn’t work when you’d move in.” He frowned.
“No way I said that. That has always been my dream. I’m going to the university now; I don’t want to be late.” As you tried to go the bathroom, your arm was gripped firmly. You turned around to face Heeseung.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“What? And why?”
“You can’t. For your own safety. Don’t you know how dangerous the world is? I’m your soul mate, I can’t afford for you to get hurt in an way.”
“What are you even talking about? Nothing has ever happened to me.”
“You were almost kidnapped yesterday. Be glad that I was here to save you. And do you even remember the murder of your friend? This place is not safe. And it’s my duty as your boyfriend and soul mate to protect you.”
“What- I was ? But you know I can’t just not go out anymore.”
“Look, there’s no point in arguing. You’re staying here, and you don’t have a say in it.” Your eyes widened.
“What the fuck? Forget it I’m not staying here. I’m moving out.” You tried shaking off his arm off of yours.
“I don’t want to harm you, but if you keep trying to go I’ll have to do something. And you might not like that something.” You gulped. You trusted Heeseung, but he was being really suspicious, and while he was always the perfect man, you couldn’t help but be scared. As a result, you decided to oblige.
Weeks and weeks passed, and you started to feel really lonely. You started to miss your friends and your family. And you tried to tell Heeseung about your loneliness, but he kept insisting that you didn’t need them and they could all potentially hurt you. He even used past conflicts and arguments with your friends as reasons to not talk to them.
However, as much as you wanted to believe him, the lack of social life was driving you crazy, you needed to do something. You took your phone and for the first time, you disobeyed to Heeseung. You searched through your contacts and sent a message to an old friend of yours. Your heart was about to jump out of your chest. What if you got caught? You didn’t want Heeseung to do something to you. But you still went through as the desire to have friends and to talk to different people was stronger.

Your heart was pounding rapidly in your chest as you waited for a potential answer. You almost gasped when you saw that they answered you. You were so happy and you didn’t waste a second before texting back.

You felt really good after talking Hyunjin. Not wanting to get caught, you deleted every proof of you ever talking to anyone. You got as close as you were before with Hyunjin and eventually you became more lenient when it came to deleting evidences. And as you got closer to Hyunjin, you started to reveal your current living situation. In general you believed that Heeseung only wanted the best for you, and you had great living conditions except for the lack of social life, which was the only aspect that truly bothered you.
Of course, it was no surprise that your friend was shocked by your life. And they slowly tried to convince you to get out and even tried to make a plan on how to escape. While your brain was now wired to accept how your life was, you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be able to go outside again, how nice would it be for you to see your family and friends.
One nice afternoon, after having talked to Hyunjin. You went to the bathroom quickly. Heeseung took a look at your phone and saw that the message app was recently opened. There was no need for you to open your message app, so he opened it only to find that you were talking to somebody else. He was disappointed. He knew you were really obedient, he couldn't lay a single finger on you. He knew how messed up your brain was and he couldn’t hold it against you completely. However he was mad at your friend for trying to take you away from him. So much so, that his old stalking skills were now coming handy. He let you enjoy the few days of talking with Hyunjin you had before he decided to kill them. He was very gruesome and restless when he killed them.
But he still didn’t feel like just killing them was enough. He also needed you to understand a lesson so that you wouldn’t need to do the same mistakes again. He chose to announce you the death of your friend himself, except he announced via Hyunjin’s phone. He went to a nearby park after doing his business. He opened the phone and went to your contact number before staring to talk to you with a visible grin on his face.

You were frightened and extremely sad, you had just learned that another friend of yours was murdered. Hell, you even got messaged by their murderer. You were shaking on the couch. You wished you could tell someone, but you had no one. You couldn’t tell Heeseung, he would know what you have been up to. You alone in this, you had just lost your only friend and all you could do was cry.
After a few minutes, you heard the front door unlock. You quickly tried to wipe your tears off to not make Heeseung suspicious. He entered the room with a smirk plastered on his face. He saw your sorrowful and heartbroken state and much to your surprise his small smile did not fade one bi. He instead came to you and held your cheek.
“It seems like you received my message correctly.” He nodded.
“W-what?” He smiled some more.
“About your little friend Hyunjin. Who did you think killed them?” Your eyes widened in horror. He shook his head and brought you to his chest and rubbed your back in circles to soothe you.
“Don’t worry, okay? I did this for you and our relationship. Did you see what they tried to do? They tried to separate us. When we’re soul mates.” You kept sobbing.
“They were no use, you’ll get over it eventually. I love you, okay?” He reassured you, as you cried on his shoulder. As he kept telling you reassuring phrases and praises, you started to believe him again. You were now convinced that nobody else mattered except him, and that you didn’t need anybody else but him in your life for you to be fully happy. And that was what he wanted from the start and his life goals were now fulfilled, since now he could live forever with the person he was linked to.

Tag List! : @axartia, @nikipedia07, @fvniki, @fr-eeze-world, @leeknowbuttsmasher, @nicelicious, @ywbst, @willowcxmilee, @hiqhkey, @enha-doodles2
Imma fucking adult who thinks you are fucking dumb and not of legal age to write this shit.
Alright? What makes you think I'm dumb? Why am I not of age? Those type of things in movies are not 18+ whatsoever? If you are an actual adult or a responsible one at that, you wouldn't call a minor fucking dumb.