Enjoy My Brainrot - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
Ive Done It, I Did It And I Have No Regrets

ive done it, i did it and i have no regrets

Eclipse looks ✨stunning✨ (and also ready to tear someone to pieces…)

@mads-does-stuff did the idea first bc i convinced them, then i kept my words and did it myself (i was giggling so much while making this)

got the idea originally when i saw a post from @nightixx and i had to

this is the original dress -

Ive Done It, I Did It And I Have No Regrets

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1 year ago

Rick, Pearl, and Donald: CRM’s Alliance of Three

Rick, Pearl, And Donald: CRMs Alliance Of Three

1x01 Analysis of Donald Okafor

Secrecy is the main theme for the CRM. Major General Beale is its commander. Lieutenant Colonel Okafor is its prime visionary. We see it in his confession of bombing LA, Atlanta and a stadium in Philly. We see it in his quest to recruit Rick Grimes and Pearl Thorne, and in his quest to 'quietly' dissolve the military's As and Bs system of culling and control. Although Beale and Okafor disagree on something major, they signed off on the construction of Omaha and Portland, secretly destroyed the former and passed it off as an accident. Why would they do this? The CRM seems set to rule the Civic Republic forever, but that's not the case. This secret is the most important one, a card I think Okafor was holding onto until the best time to reveal it it to Rick. The purpose is not to implement a liberation of the people, but to implement a soft coup so the Civic Republic would not learn about the monstrous people they're ruled by or be able to do anything about it.

It begins with the main walking dead theme and its sudden flip. It begins with secrets and Okafor's vision: “Monsters that kill the monsters—that’ll be over soon.”

Rick, Pearl, And Donald: CRMs Alliance Of Three

To start, let's remember our hero Rick Grimes. In The Ones Who Live, personal freedom is one of his themes. When Rick refused to back down, this is what Okafor did:

a) The CRM already revoked his freedom of movement, his freedom of association and they continued to pressure him into joining the military even after he took his own hand in his attempt to escape. b) The writers even had Rick acknowledge that, “People here can’t leave. They aren’t free.” c) When Rick said, “If I’m an A and I think for myself…” Okafor shrugged it off. d) When Rick held him at knife point, Okafor pulled out the ace card and threatened his wife and child to prevent him from leaving, once and for all.

Donald Okafor is a villain. He does not care about what Rick Grimes wants and what he believes. He cares that the man has inherent power, that he is a juggernaut. This is Palpatine seducing Anakin Skywalker to the dark side to get ultimate power. And like Anakin, Rick has to metaphorically die to 'survive' this fraught partnership. Pearl accepted it, and eventually Rick understood it.

Thankfully, our other hero Michonne interrupted Okafor's moment in the sun. But Rick still has to know what he wanted, because he and Pearl are poised to inherit his plan and will disagree on what to do with it.

So what does Okafor want? He wants the CRM to keep its sovereign power over the Civic Republic. World Beyond viewers know a timed shift of power was included the CRM's founding. This is their Death Star’s fatal flaw. But the CRM is not the kind of group to accept being scrutinized, interfered with, and audited. They are not the kind of group to accept the possibility of being dissolved due to the atrocities they committed. They are the kind of group to manufacture their value and necessity to the Civic Republic’s government through degrees of obfuscation. Any and all other threats to their absolute power (see Michonne's group) would also be vanquished. That's their average Monday.

This leaves us with two versions of one final question.

What if Okafor had survived? (Secrets, secrets, secrets.)

1) If Okafor had lived to execute his soft coup within the military, once Rick and Pearl were in place, he would “tell them one more secret” and reveal the Civic Republic’s threat via the oncoming oversight. He would explain that the CRM was founded as an emergency protocol. He would ask Rick and Pearl, what happens if the emergency continues? There would be no more As or Bs within the military. They would not need to do this to prevent the Civic Republic from learning what kind of monstrous people are out there in the waste. They would no longer need to hide the fact that the Civic Republic is being ruled by them. These layers of secrets would make it near impossible for Rick to approach the general population and Pearl's already drunk the koolaid; Okafor would strongarm Rick into fighting for this evil cause, and Rick would run the risk of dying to avoid engaging in it.

Since Okafor hasn't survived, what then? (Secrets, secrets, secrets.)

2) Since Michonne did interrupt Okafor’s moment in the sun, in the fallout, Rick has an even more compelling decision to make. He will want to run away with Michonne. He’ll try to get home. With Rick’s escape, obviously Jadis will try to save her own skin. And Beale will bring down the hammer. But I think Rick will find out about the secret threat to the CRM. I think he will see he almost got roped into a hard coup masquerading as a soft coup, and that he would have committed atrocities like the others the CRM had done before, or he’d have rather died. It’s kind of amazing. After choosing to live by dying metaphorically inside, he will realize how much worse CRM was all along. That and Michonne’s encouragement will be enough to convince Rick Grimes to be the leader of a liberation, whereas before Okafor’s death there would have been literally no one available to take on such a daunting task.

To finish with more poetry: Donald Okafor help set up Omaha and Portland, but between him, Rick and Pearl, he's the first to die. That would make him a foil, or opposition, to that community’s role in the story. I'd bet that Pearl is a foil to Portland and Rick is a foil to the Hidden City, hopefully indicating his survival. I’d like to see that, anyway.

Rick, Pearl, And Donald: CRMs Alliance Of Three

There are only 6 episodes so let's see how far they get. I think this is a compelling run down of what's possible. One villain set it up, but he's dead now. The others will take us other places. We'll see.

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1 year ago

Someone stepped into her bedroom, and she woke up.

One beat.

She grabbed a knife.

Two beats.

Her power flared.

Three beats.

A hand tightened over her wrist until the knife went clattering from her fingers, and she struck out and found no purchase.

They grabbed her leg, and there was the horrible sensation of being moved against her will, and she slammed into the ground.

Not her bedroom floor.

She blinked, and a boot came to rest on her sternum.

“Done fighting?”

The ceiling was the kind of bright, shiny metal that gave her headaches.

“Hadn’t started, really.”

The boot lifted, and she sat up, rolling to her feet.

She sighed.


The villain blinked.

Behind them, the hero stirred.

“Oh. Them?”

The villain gave her the kind of smooth look she reserved for psychiatrists.

“I have a deal for you.”

Despite herself, she laughed.

“When do you not?”

“Would you rather I just kill you?”

“You could, if you wanted. But you don’t want to.”

The villain’s jaw clenched. “And why would you think that?”

She jerked her head towards the hero, bound in glowing cuffs.

“You just kidnapped me, and yet all you can look at is them.”

At this, the villain hummed. “I don’t care about them.”

“I know. You want them dead.”

The villain eyed her.

“You know an awful lot, don’t you,” they said, and it was a question and a demand all in one.

“Yeah well. You’re looking at them the way I did, for a while. And the way you looked at me, for a bit.”

“You were a hero.”

“I still am. I just don’t work with them.”

The villain cocked their head at the hero. “Now why wouldn’t you tell me such a pretty little detail. Have you been holding out on me?”

The hero shrugged, but their jaw was tense. The villain clucked at them.

“They gave me your name, you know. When I asked for one.”

She stared at the hero. “Asked for one?”

“Someone who would make the choice the hero isn’t strong enough to make.”

She tore her eyes from the hero, looking at the villain.

“I’m a hero too, you know.”

They smiled, just a bit.

“They didn’t give me your name because of that, though.”

“The choice involves them dying, doesn’t it.”

“So astute. Are you sure you work with them.”



She was back to staring at the hero. They wouldn’t meet her eyes. “I used to work with them. I don’t anymore.”

The villain gave something akin to a sympathetic coo.

“Aww, lovers quarrel?”

Her power cracked through the air.

“What’s the deal,” she snapped.

The villain went quiet.

“They die, or you come with me.”

For a moment, she just stood there.

“That’s a stupid deal,” she swallowed. “Who would pick them dying?”

The villain tilted their head. “I don’t know. Who would.”

The hero looked at her with such a scorching and silent ‘please’ that she looked away.

“You’re such an idiot,” she hissed, and she wasn’t sure which of them she was saying it to.

“Something to say?”

It took her a moment to slide her electricity back into her skin.

“Well, I know why they picked me.”

The villain didn’t have to ask before she answered.

“They want me to choose for them to die.”

Silence, the kind that hovers over cemeteries, slid between them.

A moment later, the villain laughed.

They looked at the hero, and they wouldn’t meet their eyes.

“You think she’d pick for you to die?”

The hero’s eyes said they knew she would.

“I told you I was done,” she said quietly, and the villain and hero’s gaze snapped to her. “I told you that you hurt me, and I was tired of fixing it. I told you I wouldn’t say sorry for your messes anymore. I told you that you had burned what we had, and that I would never come back.”

She had to stop to breathe.

“You were my best friend, you idiot. And I love you, and you broke it. And I still hate you for it, and I wanted you to die so I wouldn’t have to grieve someone who was still alive, but I won’t let you do it like this.”

The villain opened their mouth, but she cut them off.

“You don’t get to use me as a way out,” she seethed. “I stopped being your answer when you stopped being my problem. And believe it or not, I don’t really want to look at you right now, either.”

The hero was crying, but they didn’t say anything. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

“Me. Take me. Let them go.”

The villain didn’t move.

“They truly thought you would—“

“Yeah,” she said quietly, and this time it sounded like a sob. They both ignored it. “They really thought I would pick for them to die.”

“God, still a hero,” the hero croaked, and she stared at them. “Your power still crackles when you’re mad.”

“Stop it—“

“Just let me go,” they whispered. “Let me go, please.”


“It hurts, and I’m tired, and I’m done,” the hero murmured. “Just pick yourself, and leave.”

She wanted to be angry. She wanted to be scathing and screaming and unleash everything contained in her bones.

But she didn’t.

“It hurts,” she said gently. “But you broke it. And I moved on. And you have to live with that.”

A tear ran down the hero’s cheek.

“I don’t want you dead,” she admitted, and they looked like she had gut punched them. “But I haven’t forgiven you, either.”

She turned to the villain.

“Let them go.”

For a moment, they simply stared at her, as if they couldn’t process what had just happened.

“Alright, I- yeah, got it.”

She gave one last glance to the hero.

“Get some help, please,” she studied their face. “And maybe we can talk someday. Not soon, but. Close. Alright?”

“You’ll forgive me?”

She gave a one shoulder shrug, like this wasn’t crushing her. “We’ll see.”

The villain gestured for her to follow them, and the hero coughed.

“You’ll be okay?”

At this, she smiled.

“Still a hero, darling. I’ll be out in a day.”

Thanks @hojo76 for the writing prompt you gave me like a month ago

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