Episode 3 Part 2 - Tumblr Posts
Supernatural Series Rewrite
Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
Dean Winchester x named reader (eventually)
Series Warning: language violence, angst, fluff, sexual content, Gore, molestation, mention of sexual harassment, usual supernatural violence. (If you’re triggered by any of these then please don’t read)
(A/n- I had to give the reader a name, there’s reason behind it but you can change it if you want. I changed some of the plot and some of the scenes but mostly it’s the same. I do not own the supernatural series but there are some things that are completely my imagination, it has nothing to do with the actual mythology or the series)
Dead in the water part 1
Season one. Episode Three.
Dead In The Water (Part 2)

"can we join you?" Sam asked Andrea as the three of you approached her. she was sitting at the park watching her son as he sat few feets away, colouring something.
"I am here with my son."she replied smiling and Dean looked over to him. "Oh.. mind if I say hi?" Dean asked and walked over to him without waiting for reply.
"tell your friend, this whole Jerry Maguire thing is not gonna work on me." Andrea said as you and Sam sat beside her on the park bench. "I don't think that's what this is about."you said trying not to sound jealous or rude.
"How is it going?" Dean asked the boy an kneeled in front of him but he didn't say anything, just kept colouring like he wasn't even there. "Oh, I used to love these things." Dean said picking up one of the green little army men toys. He starts imitating noises to grab Lucas' attention but it was no use.
"So, crayon is more your thing?" still nothing, he just kept colouring. "That's cool. Chicks dig artists. Hey, these are pretty good." Dean said looking at his drawings. "You mind if I sit and draw with you for a while? I'm not so bad myself." Dean grabbed a crayon and sat on the bench and started drawing. "You know, I'm thinking you can hear me. You just don't want to talk. I don't know exactly what happened to your dad... But I know it was something real bad, I think I know how you feel. When I was your age, I saw something. Maybe you don't think anyone will listen to you or...or believe you. I want you to know that I will."
You watched from the distance as Dean tried to talk with the kid. It automatically brought a smile on your face. Somehow you knew exactly what he was saying to Lucas. At some point you stopped listening to Andrea, you had no idea what she was saying. your whole attention was on the green eyed hunter who was now sitting on a park bench and colouring with a 6 years old. You rolled your eyes when his eyes met yours and he winked at you. You looked back at Andrea and tried not to look back at him.
"Lucas hasn't said a word, not even to me. Not since.... His dad's accident." your attention was on Andrea and you started to listen again as Dean walked up to the three of you.
"Yeah, we heard. Sorry." He said.
"What are the doctors saying?" Sam asked.
"That it's a kind of post-traumatic stress." Andrea said. You could remember similar thing happening to you after your mom passed away. You could relate with Lucas and so could Dean.
"That can't be easy for either of you."
"We moved in with my dad. He helps out a lot, it's just.. when I think about what Lucas went through, what he saw."
"Kids are strong, you will be surprised by what they can deal with." You said breaking your silence.
"Hey Sweetie..." Andrea said when Lucas walked up to you and handed Dean a drawing sheet. "Thanks Lucas." Dean said and you leaned in to look at the drawing and then he walked back again.
"I think we should head back. Thanks for your time."Sam said and you made your way back to the motel.
"I'm gonna go grab some lunch, you guys want something?" Sam asked. "Yeah.....lunch." you answered and he rolled his eyes before separating his away from you two. It was a bit of awkward silence between you and Dean when you entered the motel room.
"So? You're not gonna call James Dean?" Dean said sitting on one of the beds and you sat on the other.
"it's not even close to 6 yet, don't wanna look too desperate. Besides what's it to you?" You asked putting a hand under your chin and resting it on your knee.
"What? You're my friend right? I mean friends share things right?" He looked like he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince you. "Yeah, I guess." You said with a smirk and lay down on the bed, not even bothering to take off your boots. "You know what? I think I'm gonna call him once it is done." You lied waiting for Dean's reaction and you could literally feel him getting pissed off. You tried to control your giggle. If you were honest, it was really flattering that it bothered him so much. "Yeah whatever." He mumbled a reply.
"So, I think it's safe to say we can rule out Nessie." you heard Sam as he walked inside the motel room making you sit up with a frown. "What do you mean?" You asked.
"I just drove past the Carlton house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead." Sam replied looking at you and then at his brother.
"He drowned?" Dean question with and raised eyebrow. "Yep. In the sink."
"What the hell?" You mumbled but loud enough for them to hear. "So this isn't a creature, we are dealing with something else." you added. "Yeah but what?"Sam asked.
"A water wraith maybe? Some kind of demon? I mean, something that controls water." Said Dean and it hit you in the head.
"Water that comes from the same source. The lake." You said making both the brothers look at you. "Which would explain why it's upping the body count. Lake's draining, it will be dry in a few months. Whatever this thing is, whatever it wants... It's running out of time." you added.
"And if it can get through the pipes, it can get to anyone, almost anywhere, this is gonna happen again soon." Dean said getting up.
"And we know one other thing for sure, it has got something to do with Bill Carlton." You said.
"Yeah it took both his kids." Dean said and continued wearing his shoes.
"And I've been asking around, Lucas' dad, Chris, Bill Carlton's godson." Said Sam.
"Then let's go pay Mr. Carlton a visit." Dean said getting up and you followed him to the car.
The whole ride you spent talking about the possible outcomes of what it could be, and all three of you agreed on one thing, vengeful spirit. You came up with it and you were pretty sure that you are right but you couldn't explain why would a vengeful spirit want to hurt the whole Carlton family.
When you finally pulled up at Carlton house bill Carlton was sitting on the same spot as last time and the three of you walked up to him.
"Mr. Carlton?" you said in a soft voice when you reached him and he looked up at you. "We would like to ask you few questions if you don't mind." said Sam.
"We are from the department of-" Dean started but he was cut off by Bill.
"I don't care who you are with. I've answered enough questions today." Bill said not looking away from the lake.
"your son said he saw something in the lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there?" You asked but he didn't answer so you continued. "Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Will's death, we think there might be a connection to you, your family."
"My children are gone. It's... It's worse than dying." His voice broke and his eyes filled with tears. None of you could understand how he must have felt at the moment. "Go away... Please." He said and the three of you turned around to leave him alone and walked back to the Impala.
"What do you think?" Sam asked as you approach the car.
"I think the poor guy's been through hell. I also think he is not telling us something." Dean said. While they were busy talking you're glanced at the house carefully.
"What is it?" Sam asked you and you ignored him. "Dean can I look at that drawing Lucas made you." you said not looking away from the house and Dean handed you the paper.
"Huh, maybe Bill's not the only one who know something." you said opening the folded paper, staring back at you was the six year old kid version of Carlton house. Both of them seem to understand what you're talking about.
"We gotta talk to the kid." Dean said getting inside the car, and you and Sam followed. You arrived at the sheriff Devin's house and knocked on the door. Andrea was the one who opened up. She looked a bit confused to see you guys.
"we need to talk to Lucas about the drownings." You blurted out when Dean was about to say something and he gave you a little glare.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good time."Andrea said.
"Just for a few minutes." Dean pleaded.
"he won't say anything. What good it's gonna do?" She protested.
"Andrea, we think more people might get hurt, we think something's happening out there." Sam said.
"My husband, and the others, They just drowned. That's all." She stuck to her point.
"if that's what you really believe, then we will go. But if you think there's even a possibility that something else can be going on here, please let me talk to your son." Dean said and Andrea look down nodding her head to the direction of her son's room.
"Thanks, come on Alex." Dean said and walked toward his room. "Wait, me? No I can't." You let out a small nervous laugh.
"Yes you. Look we've both been through this." He pulled you to a side. "And besides I don't know how to talk to kids." He said.
"Yes you do. You did great in the park and you love kids remember." You said and he glared at you. "And Dean we'll probably scare him if we gang up on him. Go, you got this." You said and he nodded then you pushed him inside Lucas' room and walked back to Sam and Andrea. Lucas was sitting on the floor and colouring and dean bend down to his height. "You know, I wanted to thank you for the last drawing. But the thing is, I need your help again." He pulled out the drawing Lucas made him before and put it down in front of him.
"How did you know to draw this?" Dean asked and Lucas kept colouring. "did you know something bad was gonna happen? Maybe you could nod yes or no for me." Dean said but there was no reaction from the boy.
"You are scared." He finally stated. "it's ok, I understand see, when I was your age I saw something real bad happen to my mom. And I was scared to. I didn't feel like talking just like you.. but, see, my mum, I know she wanted me to be brave, I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave, and maybe your dad.. wants you to be brave, too." Dean said and your heart broke for little 4 year old Dean being scared and alone.Lucas finally put down his colours and looked up at is mother, then he picked up another picture and handed it to Dean. "Thanks Lucas." Dean said and got up.
when you got back in the impala, Sam was looking at the picture Lucas drew and Dean was driving. "Andrea said that the kid never drew like that till his dad died." He says over the music.
"there are cases, going through a, traumatic experience would make certain people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies." Dean explained.
"whatever is there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow? It's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns. So if you get a better lead, please." Dean said and you raised your eyebrow at his behaviour.
"Sam can I see the picture." You said and he handed it to you and sat sideways on his seat so he could see both you and Dean. "I think I've seen this somewhere, we have to find this house." you said.
"Oh, well the problem is, there's about thousand yellow two stories in this County alone." Dean said.
"You see this Church? I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here." You sassed back.
"Oh College girl, thinks she is so smart." He said making the two of chuckle.
"Or maybe you are just really slow." You said making Sam laugh harder.
"You know, what you said about mom." Sam said after a pause and you slipped down further into your seat. 'again with the uncomfortable family topic.' you thought but didn't say anything. "You never told me that before." Sam continued.
"It's no big deal." there was a little awkward silence before he broke it. "Oh God, we're not gonna have to hug or anything are we?" Sam chuckled at his brother and you sigh, happy that the uncomfortable conversation was end.
He pulled up in front of a white Church and all three of you got out of the Impala. You looked at the church and then at the drawing. there was a yellow House across the street similar to the one in the drawing.
"Maybe it's his house." You said pointing at the little boy in the drawing standing beside a small red bicycle.
"Well, there's only one way to find out." Sam said making his way to the house, you and Dean followed him. Sam knocked on the door and an old lady opened up. "We are sorry to bother you, ma'am, but does a little boy live here by any chance. He might wear a blue ball cap, has a red bicycle." Dean asked.
"No, sir." She was not lying but she immediately started to become paranoid. "Not for a very long time." Her voice broke and you gave her a confused look. "Peter's been gone 35 years now." She said and led you inside the house. She stood in front of a picture of a young boy. "The police never...I never had any idea what happened. He just disappeared." You looked around the house and your eyes fell upon the set of tiny green army man. You nudged the boys and nodded at the table where the set was.
"You know... It's... It's worse than dying." Mrs. Sweeney said and a tear visually rolled down her eyes.
"did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?" Dean asked.
"He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school and he never showed up." She broke down a little and you stepped forward in order to give her comfort. You were short but she was even shorter than you. You put your hands on her shoulder as to calm her down, not knowing what to say. Your eyes fell on a picture stuck to the mirror behind her and you took it. You turned it and the back of it said. "Peter Sweeney and Bill Carlton, 1970." You put it inside your pocket before Mrs. Sweeney could notice.
The three of you decided to drive back to the Carlton's house to confront Bill Carlton. "They were childhood friends " Sam said starting at the picture you gave to him.
"Ok, this little boy Peter Sweeney vanishes and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow." You said.
"Yeah Bill sure as hell seems to be hiding something."
"And Bill, the people he loves, they are all getting punished."
"So what if Bill did something to Peter?"
"What if Bill killed him?" You wondered out loud.
"Peter's spirit would be furious. It'd want revenge, it's possible." Dean agreed.
"See. I told you it was probably a vengeful spirit." You exclaimed and hit the back of Dean's shoulder. "OW." He exclaimed.
"Oh my god, did I hurt you little girl?" You asked in a monotone.
"Alex, you probably don't know this but for a little creature like yourself, you hit quite hard." He said as he pulled up at the Carlton's house.
"Mr. Carlton." Sam called out as the three of you made your way around the house and toward the lake. "Hey check it out " Dean pointed toward the lake and you saw Bill in a speed boat going further into the lake. You guys ran as quick as you can and made your way to the dock.
"Mr. Carlton, you need to come back." You yelled while waving your hands in the air.
"Come out of the water!"
"Turn the boat around!" Dean yelled but he kept going. Suddenly the boat was flipped in the air by an invisible force and as soon as it hit the water, both the boat and Bill both vanished.
"Call 911." You said and Sam was immediately on his phone. The cops came 10 minutes later and you guys decided to stay there and give your statements.
"Oh You guys are coming with me." Jake stated when you started toward the Impala. You decided not to argue and go with him.
When you entered the precinct Andrea's voice rang in your ear. "Alex? Sam, Dean. I didn't expect to see you here." She stood up and handed something to Lucas.
"So now you are on a first name basis." Jake said before turning to his daughter. "What are you doing here?"
"I brought you dinner."
"I'm sorry sweetheart, I don't really have the time." He told her.
You frowned at the Look on Lucas's face. No one noticed it but he looked a little panicked. "I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?" You heard Andrea ask her father and your attention was back at them.
"Right now we don't know what the truth is but I think it might be better if you and Lucas went home."
Suddenly Lucas started whimpering as he stood up and and started pulling in Dean's hand. "Lucas, hey, what is it?* Dean asked bending down to his height but Lucas kept whimpering. Andrea was by his side in an instant. "Lucas, it's okay, it's okay. Hey, it's okay." Dean said and the boy calmed down a little.
Andrea lead her son out of the precinct but he kept looking back at Dean. Jake frustrating banged his cap on the door and went inside his office.
Dean was staring at where Andrea and Lucas went. You grabbed his hand and he instantly looked down at you. You give it a gentle squeeze and smiled at him reassuringly. Letting him know that the three of you will solve the case, for Lucas, for the 4 year old Dean.
Dead in the water part 3
@rach5ive @paintballkid711 @hobby27 @colie87 @iilooveereadiingfiics @spnchick1996 @greenarrowhead @for-a-brothers-love