Episode 5 Part 1 - Tumblr Posts
Supernatural Series Rewrite
Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
Dean Winchester x Named Reader (eventually)
Series Warning: language violence, angst, fluff, sexual content, Gore, molestation, mention of sexual harassment, usual supernatural violence. (If you’re triggered by any of these then please don’t read)
(A/n- I had to give the reader a name, there’s reason behind it but you can change it if you want. I changed some of the plot and some of the scenes but mostly it’s the same. I do not own the supernatural series but there are some things that are completely my imagination, it has nothing to do with the actual mythology or the series)
Phantom Traveler part 3
Season One. Episode Five.
Bloody Mary (Part 1)

"You, you killed your mother. It was you that should have died, not her." His drunk sickening face taunted you, well a lot younger version of you. You couldn't move at all, it was like you were pinned to the wall. You were shaking , trembling, crying, you knew what was coming next. You didn't want to be hurt again so you kept begging him to stop. But it felt like your throat was clogged, you couldn't say anything. The next thing you know a bottle was flying towards you and smashed right beside your face, you felt the pieces of glass getting stuck in your skin.
Now he was walking toward you slowly, he fling his hand forward to grab you but you yelled 'NO'. The next thing you see was him dead on the floor. Blood everywhere, you looked down at your hands, they were covered in blood. His blood.
"Sweetie, what did you do?" A soft voice came and you turned around to see your mother dressed in an attire you saw her last in, a faded white sleeping gown. "You killed him. You're not my daughter, you killed him. They were right, you're a monster. I gave birth to a monster."
"No, mama." You pleaded in a little voice. "I am not a monster."
You were woken up by Dean's voice yelling at his brother to wake up. You looked at the passenger seat as Sam woke up gasping. You were still panting and sweating from the nightmare. You quickly pulled up your sleeve and wiped your face before the either one could notice.
"What happened?" You asked, trying not to sound too panicked.
"I was having a nightmare again?" Sam replied honestly, but it sounded more like a question for Dean.
"Yeah, another one." He replied.
"Hey, at least I got some sleep." Sam joked which you did not find funny at all, but it made you scoff anyway. "What about you?" He asked turning the conversation to you.
"Slept like a baby." You lied through your teeth. Even if they knew you were lying, they didn't question it and respected your privacy which you appreciated.
"You know sooner or later, we're gonna have to talk about this." Dean said diverting the conversation back to this brother.
"Are we here?" Sam asked ignoring Dean's words.
"Yeah, welcome to Toledo, Ohio." Dean replied making you groan. You grabbed the newspaper you were reading about the case before you fell asleep, looking at the circled articles, you asked.
"So what do you guys think really happened to this guy?" You asked the brothers.
"That's what we're gonna find out." Dean replied. The three of you got out of the car and started walking toward the morgue. The hospital was weirdly quiet, it's not like there's always noises in hospitals but it was just creepily quiet.
You looked the desk of the doctor but there was no one, just an open book. But you really didn't blame him, mean who wants to sit in a room surrounded by dead people 24/7. The nameplate on the desk said Dr. D. FEIKLOWICZ.
The coroner was there though and when he saw the 3 of you he looked up from his book and said 'Hey'. 'Hey' you greeted back cheerfully, knowing already it was time for you to use your charms, that is if it's necessary. "Can I help you guys?" He asked, eyes lingering at you for a few seconds.
"Yeah, we're the med students." Dean said and he looked at the 3 of you confusingly before saying "sorry?"
"Oh, Dr. Feiklowicz didn't tell you?" You asked like you were the most innocent creature on planet.
"We talked to him on the phone. We're from Ohio state. He's supposed to show us the shoemaker corpse. It's for a paper." Dean said backing up your story.
"I'm sorry. He's at lunch." He said.
"Oh, he said, oh, well, you know, it doesn't matter. You don't mind just showing us the body do you?" You asked with a sweet smile and leaned forward, he hesitated before answering. "Sorry, I can't. Doc will be back in an hour. You can wait for him if you want."
"An hour? Ooh, we gotta be heading back to Columbus." Dean said looking at you and Sam and you nodded with a pout. And Sam replied with an 'yeah'. "Look man. This paper is half our grade, so if you don't mind helping us-" Dean continued only to be stopped by the coroner. You knew he started growing annoyed as Dean started talking to him 'stead of you. "Oh, look, man....No." He said.
"I'm gonna hit him in his face, I swear." You heard Dean say, you turned around and gave them both a 'Let me handle this' look. They knew what you were about to do and you knew they hated it just as much as you do. You turned back around with a sweet smile, you leaned down making sure he got a clear view of your assets, you smiled at him even though it made you sick to the stomach.
"Look, what was your name again?"
"Ralph." He answered.
"Ralph. Wow, that's such a strong name, kind of like you." You said making him giggle and you could literally see the blush even on his bald head. "So Ralph, you have to understand, ok. This paper is really important for us, I can not afford to fail it. I mean eventually I have to come work at this hospital--"
"Yeah, but I can't do that if I fail this paper. I really need your help, would you really let me fail, Ralph?" You pouted and his eyes traveled up from your chest to your lips.
"Follow me." He said after a few secs getting up. You turned around with a victory smile only to see Sam and Dean glaring at his bald head. If glaring could kill he would already be dead a few times.
"For a record I really don't like you doing that." Dean said. "Yeah me too." Sam agreed as the 3 of you followed Ralph into the morgue.
"The newspaper said his daughter found him. She said his eyes were bleeding." Sam said.
"More than that. They practically liquefied." Ralph corrected Sam as he pulled off the cover from Steven shoemaker body. You scrunched your nose at the site of the body, god you are never gonna get used to it.
"Any sign of struggle, maybe somebody did it to him?" You asked.
"Nope. Besides the daughter, he was all alone." He replied.
"What's the official cause of death?" It was Dean's turn to ask a question.
"Uh, doc's not sure, he's thinking massive stroke, maybe aneurysm. Something burst up in there, that's for sure." Ralph, said.
"What do you mean?" Sammy asked.
"Intense cerebral bleeding. This guy had more blood in his skull than anyone I've ever seen."
"But the eyes. What'd cause something like that?" Sam asked which you know the answer to but you were also sure it wasn't what happened, its never regular science, its always freaky ghosty stuff.
"Capillaries can burst, see a lot of bloodshot eyes with stroke victim." Ralph said, trying to sound smart in front if you.
"Yeah? You ever see exploding eyeballs?" Dean asked.
"That's a first for me. But, hey, I'm not the doctor."
"Hey you think we could take a look at that police report? You know, for our paper?" Dean said.
"I'm not really suppose to show you that." He said.
"Ralph." You said with a pout and that was all it took for him to give you guys a copy of the police report.....Well that AND your number. Bobby's number to be honest but it's not like you're gonna meet him again.
"Might not be one of ours. Might be some freak medical thing." Sam said and you rolled your eyes at his naiveness, like it has ever been some freak medical thing in your entire lives.
"How many times in dad's long and varied career has it actually been a freak medical thing and not some sign of an awful supernatural death?" Dean asked as you guys made your way downstairs.
"Uh, almost never?"
"Alright let's go talk to the daughter." You said as you guys entered the car. Dean started toward the shoemaker house where the funeral was held.
"By the way, did you really give him your number?" Sam asked and scrunched up his nose.
"What? No, are you crazy? That was Bobby's number. And trust me, Bobby doesn't like when guys call him for me." You said making both the boys laugh.
"Uncle Fester's in for a surprise." Dean said, this time making you laugh. You know Bobby's gonna chew your head of for giving a guy his number, again. Yes, you've done it before, but you know that he would rather you give them his number than your's.
By the time Dean pulled up in front of the shoemaker, the funeral was already going on. There was a picture of Steven shoemaker on a table right when you walked in. The ceremony looked a little fancier than your liking.
"Feel like we are underdressed." Dean said while looking around. "Not me. Speak for yourself." You said and and Sam looked at your clothing only to realise you were wearing all black. From your tank top, to your Jeans to your shoes to your Jacket, everything was black.
You guys walked further inside the house and asked an elderly man for Donna shoemaker. He took you to the backyard if the house and pointed at 4 girls sitting. You walked up to them and you saw the blonde girl looking at Dean like he was a piece of meat and it made you glare at her.
"You must be Donna, right?" Dean asked one of the girls with short brown hair. "Yeah." She replied.
"Hi, uh, we're really sorry." You said awkwardly with a smile.
"I'm Sam. This is Dean, Alex. We worked with your dad." Sam said and you realised you had no idea what the fuck Steven shoemaker did.
"You did?" She asked in a surprising tone.
"Yeah, this whole thing.......I mean, a stroke."
"I don't think she really wants to talk about this right now." The less blonde girl, who was sitting beside Donna said "it's okay. I'm okay." Donna replied.
"Were there any symptoms? Dizziness? Migraines?" You asked jumping in on conversation. "No." Replied Donna.
"That's because it wasn't a stroke." a young girl turned toward Donna and said. she didn't look only older than thirteen. "Lilly don't say that." Donna said and you realised it was her younger sister, lily shoemaker.
"What?" Sam asked.
"I'm sorry. She's just upset." Donna apologised on behalf of her sister. "No it happened because of me." Lily said. "Sweetie it didn't."
"Lily why would you say something like that." Sam said as he knelt down beside her.
"Right before he died I said it."
"You said what?" Sam asked softly.
"Bloody Mary, 3 times in the bathroom mirror..... She took his eyes that's what she does." Her confession made you and Dean raise your eyebrows.
"That's not why dad died. This isn't your fault." Donna tried to convince her sister like any sane person.
"I think your sister's right, Lily." You said.
"There's no way it could have been bloody Mary. And your dad didn't say it did he?"
"No I don't think so."
You walked back inside the house and somehow managed to sneak upstairs. You opened a door to realise it was the bathroom where Steven died. There was still some dried blood left on the floor.
"The bloody Mary legend. Dad ever find any evidence that it was a real thing." Sam said, already he was talking to Dean.
"Not that I know off." Dean replied walking further I side the bathroom.
"I mean... Everywhere else, all over the country kids play Bloody Mary. And as far as we know nobody dies from it."
"Maybe everywhere it's just a story but here it's actually happening." Dean and Sam converse as you stayed silent.
"The place where the legend began?" Sam asked and you opened up a cabinet where the mirror was. "But according to the legend, the person who says..." Sam stopped when he saw the mirror right in front of his face. He closed the cabinet making you pour at him. "The person who says you know what, gets it. But here--"
"Shoemaker gets it instead." You completed his sentence, breaking your silence. "Right."
"Never heard anything like that before. Still, the guy did die right in front of the mirror. And the daughter's right. I mean, the way that the legend goes, you know who, scratches your eyes out." Dean said.
"Now what? We can't take her name, what is she? Lord voldemort?" You scoffed at your own joke.
"It's worth checking into." Sam said and right then you heard clicking of heels against the floor. Before you could sneak out of there the less blond girl from before walked inside 'what was her name again?'
"What are you doing up here?" She asked as she looked at the brothers and then at you.
"Who are you?" She asked straight forward.
"Like we said downstairs, we-we worked for Donna's dad." Dean replied.
"He was a day trader or something. He worked by himself."
"No, I know, i-i meant--"
"And all those weird question downstairs.. what was that? So you tell me what's going on or I start screaming." She said and you felt this sudden urge to punch her in the face and break her teeth.
You crossed your arms across your chest with a challenging look on your face. You were about to make a snarky comment but Sam stopped you and Dean was already holding you back knowing it he doesn't you'd actually punch her.
"Alright, alright." Sam said, giving you a look. "We think something happened to Donna's dad."
"Yeah, a stroke." She replied sassily but you could see that she was afraid of you.
"That's not the sign of a typical stroke. We think it was something else." Sam explained to her.
"Like what?"
"Honestly. We don't know yet. But we don't want it to happen to anyone else. That's the truth."
"So, if you're gonna scream go right ahead." You said knowing she wouldn't dare.
"Who are you? Cops?" She asked and you looked at the boys.
"Something like that."
"I'll tell you what, here if you think of anything, you or your friends notice anything strange, out of the ordinary, just give us a call." Sam wrote down his number on a piece of paper and handed it to her. After that the 3 of you left the shoemaker's house.
"Alright. Say Bloody Mary really is haunting this town there's gonna be some sort of proof right? A local woman who died nasty." Dean said as you guys walked into the library and looked around the stacks of books.
"Yeah, but a legend this widespread, it's hard. I mean, there's like 50 versions of who she actually is. One story says she's a witch another says she's a mutilated bride. There's a lot more." You said as you walked further inside.
"Ok so what are we supposed to be looking for?" Dean asked and this time sam was the one who answered "well, every version's got things in common. It's always a woman named Mary. She always dies right in front of a mirror. So we gotta search local newspapers, public records as far back as they go, see if we can find a Mary who fits the bill." Sam said making you groan.
"Well that sounds annoying." You said and Dean nodded in agreement. "No, it won't be so bad and it won't be bad at all for you, you love reading, as long as we...." He stopped mid sentence when he saw all the computer in the library were out of order. It made you groan even louder. Sam scoffed and said. "I take it back, this will be very annoying."
When you guys got back from the library Sam fell asleep after a bit of research, and like the really good people the two of you are, you let him. You and Dean were on research duty, which usually excites you but not when you go at it for hours and find nothing.
"I can't find shit!" You suddenly exclaim out loud making Dean jump and he glared at you. "Sorry." You apologized before shutting your book and putting it aside. You got up and walked toward him. "You found anything?" you asked, sitting beside the older Winchester, his eyes never left you.
"Nothing." He replied softly. You put your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes for a second, but opening them back again before his face could come and haunt you. "I'm tired." You said softly. The longest you slept this whole week was for an hour and you knew that Dean was aware of that.
"Take a nap ." He suggested and pressed his nose against your hair, sniffing them slightly.
"I can't." 'i can't, because every time I close my eyes I see him.' you didn't dare to say it though.
"Why?" He asked with a frown.
"Because, I can't just leave you alone here for researching can I? You'll go crazy." You said, it wasn't a complete lie though. You knew the only reason Dean Winchester was sitting silently doing his research was that you were with him, otherwise he would go crazy, surrounded by so many books alone. Before he could fire back any remark Sam woke up with a loud gasp, taking you by surprise.
"Why'd you let me fall asleep?" Sam asked in a gruff voice.
"Because I'm an awesome brother." Dean said and you have to say you have no doubt about it. "so what did you dream about?" Dean asked.
"Lollipops and candy canes." He replied in a monotone.
"And unicorns?" You asked in hopes of lightening mood a bit, they both let out a small chuckle.
"And Unicorns.... Anyway you guys find anything?"
"Beside a whole new level of frustration? Nothing." You said with a groan.
"We looked at everything. A few local women, a Laura and a Catherine committed suicide in front of a mirror and a giant mirror fell on a guy named Dave but uh...No Mary." Dean said referring to the newspaper arrivals you showed him at least half an hour ago.
"Maybe we just haven't found it yet." Sam said
"I've also been searching for strange deaths in the area you know, eyeball bleeding, that sort of thing, but there's nothing. Whatever's happening here maybe just ain't Mary." Dean said and as he finished Sam's phone started ringing.
"Hello." Sam said as he picked up the phone "Charlie?"
Part 2
Taglist : @rach5ive @paintballkid711 @chubby-dumplin @hobby27 @colie87 @iilooveereadiingfiics @spnchick1996 @greenarrowhead @for-a-brothers-love @deanw-is-pretty @puppies-make-me-extra-happy @eternaleviee