Episode 5 Part 2 - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Supernatural Series Rewrite

Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist

Dean Winchester x Named Reader (eventually)

Series Warning: language violence, angst, fluff, sexual content, Gore, molestation, mention of sexual harassment, usual supernatural violence. (If you’re triggered by any of these then please don’t read)

(A/n- I had to give the reader a name, there’s reason behind it but you can change it if you want. I changed some of the plot and some of the scenes but mostly it’s the same. I do not own the supernatural series but there are some things that are completely my imagination, it has nothing to do with the actual mythology or the series)

Bloody Mary part 1

Season One. Episode Five.

Bloody Mary (Part 2)


Charlie was sobbing when you found her in the park. You guys quickly went up to her and you sat beside her on the park bench. "Hey, what happened?" You asked, rubbing her shoulder softly, knowing she was scared of you. She told you about Jill between sobs.

"And they found her on the bathroom floor. And her-her eyes were gone." She completed her story and looked at you with pleading eyes. "I'm sorry." You whispered, loud enough. "And she said it. I heard her say it. But it couldn't be because of that. I'm insane right?" She said and you realised this might be the only time when telling a woman she's crazy could be a good thing.

"No, you're not insane." replied Dean.

"Oh god, that makes me feel so much words."

"Look...We think something's happening here. Something that can't be explain." Sam said like it was suppose to make her feel better. "And we're gonna stop it. But we could use your help." Dean said and you knew where this was going.

Charlie took the three of you to Jill's house. "There. That's her room." She said pointing at the window on the first floor. Then she went to the front of her house so she could let you in her room.

"Do all the teenagers have to live on the first floor." You groaned but then realised you were just one of them. Sam was the first one to climb up, and then he helped you and then Dean. Charlie soon opened the window letting the three of you in.

"What did you tell Jill's mom?" You asked.

"Just that I needed some time alone with Jill's pictures and stuff. I hate lying to her." She replied.

"Trust us, this is for greater good. Hit the lights." Dean said and she turned off the lights and something caught your eyes on the wall behind Jill's bed. "Is that Nick Carter?" You stared at the life size poster of the member of back street boys. "Sorry." You apologized when you saw three pairs of eyes glaring at you. You never let your inner fangirl out. NEVER. But you always wanted a life size poster of backstreet boys or at least one of them.

"What are you looking for?" She asked after shaking her head and trying to ignore the comment you just made. "We'll let you know as soon as we find it." Dean replied as Sam took out the video camera. "Hey, night vision." Sam said and turned the camera to you and you pressed a button to turn on the night vision. "Thanks. Perfect." He commented and turned it to his older brother. "Do I look like Paris Hilton?" He asked, posing for the camera.

"No, but you do look like Butthead." You said making Sam and Charlie chuckle and Dean glare at you. Sam opened Jill's closet and started filming on the mirror and around it.

"So I don't get it. I mean first victim didn't summon Mary and the second victim did. How's she choosing them?" You asked crossing your arms across your chest and letting the Winchester do all the work. "Beats me." Said Sam. "I wanna know why Jill said it in the first place." Dean said stopping in the middle of the room with the EMF in his hand. "It was just a joke." Charlie answered, a little shamefully.

"Yeah well, somebody's gonna say it again. It's just a matter if time." You pointed out the obvious.

"Hey." Sam said and turned to face him, he was looking at something under the mirror through the video camera. "There's a blacklight in the trunk right?" Sam asked.

"I'll get it." You grabbed Dean's keys and jumped out of the window.

When you got back inside Sam had already pulled out the mirror and laid it on the bed. He peeled off the brown paper and you tossed him the black light. He shined it on the back of the mirror revealing a handprint with a name.

"Gary Bryman?" Charlie read it out loud. "You know who that is?" Sam asked her and she said "No."

You and Sam went to the library to do some research on Gary Bryman, Dean and Charlie waited for you in the park, according to him if he steps into one more library, his head would explode. A big wide grin came across your face when you finally found what you were looking for. "I told you I am good at this." You said turning toward Sam and flipping your hair dramatically. "Yes you are." Sam agreed with a slight chuckle. "Now tell me I'm a genius."

"You're a genius."

When you got back to the park Dean and Charlie were sitting on a bench and Sam and you started explaining what you guys found. "So, with the help of my incredible skills we found out that Gary Bryman was a 8 years old boy killed in a hit and run 2 years ago." You explained and Sam continued the rest. "The car was described as a black Toyota Camry, but no one ever got the plates or saw the driver."

"Oh my god." Charlie gasped and you asked her what happened.

"Jill drove that car." She answered looking up at me and then at Dean. The 3 of you looked at each other with knowing looks on your faces. "We need to get back to your friend Donna's house.”

The 3 of you went to the shoemaker house with Charlie. You had no idea how she managed to get you guys in. You rush to the bathroom and Sam pulled off the mirror in front of which Steven shoemaker died. Sam shone the blacklight on the mirror and read the name out loud. "Linda shoemaker."

"Why are you asking me all this?" Donna asked when you questioned her about the named woman and about her death. "Look, we're sorry, but it's important." Sam, being the ever so polite one, said. "Yeah. Linda's my mom, ok? And she overdosed on sleeping pills. It was an accident, and that's it... I think you should leave." She said when you didn't look convinced. She knew you guys were kinda accusing her dad for her mom's death.

"Donna just listen-"

"Get out of my house." She yelled before you could finish your sentence and walked away. "Rude." You mumbled and rolled your eyes.

"Oh my god. Do you really think her dad could've killed her mom?" She asked with a gasp. "Maybe." Sam said and you rolled your eyes. "Fuck maybe. He definitely did." You said without thinking twice. "Sorry." You apologised looking at the 3 pairs of eyes glaring at you again. "I think I should stick around." Charlie and you nodded.

"Alright, well, just whatever you do, don't-"

"Believe me, I won't say it."

The 3 of you decided to do some more research after. You and Dean were sitting in front of the computer searching about any Mary who died in front of a mirror anywhere in this country. "Wait, wait, wait, you're searching nation-wide search?" Sam asked.

"Yep, the NCIC, the FBI database. At this point any Mary in this country who died in front of a mirror is good enough." You said, successfully hacking into another database.

"But if she's haunting the town, she should have died in the town."

"I'm telling you there's nothing local. we've checked. So unless you've got a better idea." Dean said staring at the screen as you scrolled through case files. "The way she's choosing her victims, it seems like there's a pattern." Sam said. "I know I was thinking the same thing." Dean said and you continued looking through the database. "With Mr. Shoemaker and Jill's hit and run--"

"Both had secrets where people died." You completed his sentence. "Right. There's a lot of folklores about mirrors that they reveal all your lies, your secret. That they're a true reflection of your soul, which is why it's bad luck to break 'em."

"Yeah, yeah, so maybe if you've got a secret like a really nasty one where someone died then Mary sees it and punishes you for it." Hearing Dean say it, it all came crashing down to you. You couldn't make eye contact with either of the boys, so you stare at the computer screen harder, you didn't even hear who said what next. The mouse was not in your hand any more. "Alex, ALEX." A voice broke you out from your almost panic attack. "What?" You asked looking between the boys.

"Are you ok? What happened? You're sweating like crazy." Sam said and your hand subconsciously went to your face. "Oh, nothing. I just, I'm gonna go get some fresh air." You didn't wait for an answer, just grabbed your jacket and walked out of the motel room. The boys gave each other confused looked.

You walked out to the parking lot, looking up at the starry sky. Maybe this case was it for you. Maybe it was Universe showing you signs that it was your time to get punished for the past, but you did what you did to protect yourself, there's nothing wrong with protecting yourself. And the person who really deserved a punishment, got it.

"Do I deserve to die like this?" You ask looking at the sky, particularly to no one.

"And who are you exactly talking to?" A voice came and you turn around to see a blue eyed boy with blond hair, he looked about your age.

"To my friend, his name is 'none of your damn business.' " you replied wittily and turning back to look at the sky. You felt him walking up beside you. "Brick." He said introducing himself. "Don't care." You said in a monotone.

"Liam was right." He said to himself and you looked at him with and you looked at him with an raised eyebrow. "My friend Liam, he says, the prettier the girl the crazier she is." His words made you laugh this time.

"That's bullshit."

"No seriously. You're lucky you're pretty otherwise you look really crazy standing here talking to the sky."

"You have no idea just how crazy I am."

"I do. Just told you. 'the prettier the girl the crazier she is.' and I don't know why but crazy is kinda my type." For a second he made you blush and you looked away. "But seriously what are you doing here?" He asked looking around at the empty parting lot.

"Just taking some fresh air. Trust me these rooms can be pretty suffocating sometimes. What are you doing here?" You asked with an raised eyebrow.

"OH, I work here. I was just taking out the trash."

"You work here?" You raised an eyebrow looking down his outfit. A pair of jeans and a blue button up which wasn't even buttoned up and a white T-shirt inside.

"My dad kinda owns this place so I get to skip the uniform sometimes." You nodded and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear that fell on your face. "weird how you know about my job and I don't even know your name."


"Alex, think we found one.......In Indiana." Dean trailed off looking at the blond boy beside you as he walked up to the two of you. Dean was clearly glaring at the guy and he was glaring back at Dean.

"Dean, this is Brick, he works here and Brick this is Dean. My--"

"Boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend." Dean said cutting you off and the glare on Bricks face turned into hurt. Before you could open your mouth and defend yourself he said. "Oh, I'm sorry, Man. I didn't know she was taken. I'll get going then." He smiled at you and walked away.

"What was that?" You asked glaring at the Winchester standing in front of you. He didn't answer your question instead turned around and started walking. "No. Don't you dare ignore me Winchester. Why'd you tell him you're my boyfriend."

He suddenly stopped walking and turned around making you bump in his chest. "Because..... Because I wanted to."

"Oh because... Because you wanted to? You know what then? I'll go in there and strip in front of him because I want to."

"No, you won't." He said with a frown.

"Oh try me." You said turning around threatening to go back. In a quick movement he grabbed your hand pulled you back to him. "You will do no such thing, you get it. We are leaving for Indiana..... Now." with that he dragged you inside the motel.

The two hours ride to fourt Wayne was pretty awkward for you and Dean, although Sam had no idea why you guys were suddenly not talking to each other. Again. Sam made some phone calls which you didn't really pay attention to. All you knew was that you guys were meeting a detective at the station about Mary Worthington and apparently you were reporters.

Part 3




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