Eridan Ampora X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Eridan Ampora general headcannons
Bitch, oh no
Now for him it doesn’t matter if your a troll or human. He’s still annoyed by your presence as he is by everyones
He watches you though, through the monitors. He watches how smart you are, how smart you are unlike that witch, how you use science and facts instead of magic
He finds it interesting how you’re still willing to listen to everyone else talk about their magic, even if you yourself can’t use it.
He only decides to become your patron troll AFTER you’re already balls deep in your adventure
He’s actually very calm to you like he’s not to LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE. He actually likes talking to you and bring up being moirails
You don’t know what that means so of course you ask karkat, and tells you to say no to eridan but like, who the fuck listens to karkat? Not you that’s for sure
So you say yes and he’s so excited. It’s shocking to everyone when they see him glubbing and his flippers flapping in happiness
Kanaya has to make sure he’s not having a stroke
He soon finds out he’s red for you with some help from gam, their conversation went something like
“BrO mOtHeR fUcKiN rEaLx, ThEyRe NoT eVeN yOuR mAtEsPrItE yEt”
“Wwell I nevver! They’re not my matesprite!”
“BuT yOu WaNt ThEm ToO bE, iTs In YoUre MotHeRfUckIn EyEs”
“ShHhHhH bRoThEr ReAlX, tHeYlL sAy yEs”
“I’m goin now!-“
“mOtHeRfUcKiN mIrAcLeS”
(Sorry I didn’t have any other colors, all other purple will be eridan)
Well let’s do a bit of angst, he ends up getting chopped chopped by Kanaya as he bleeds out he only thinks one thing
“Sorry... I really couldn’t meet you could I? I really am a screww up, aren’t I?”
When you end up meeting on the astroyed he’s so ecstatic! He’s pacing and waiting patiently. No one can stop him from glubbing happily.
When he finally sees you he’s stunned, so of course, you had to run up and tackle hug him. Like moirails do, ya know.
He later has to man up and pull you aside, and of course ask you to be his matesprite. You, again, don’t know what that means cause like. WHO LISTENS TO KARKAT??
So you tell eridan to wait for a hot second as you run off, of course he’s defeated and starts to walk away as you literally TACKLE HIM and say yes
Karkat is annoyed that you keep bothering him with your stupid questions on quadrants, but he’s happy that eridans happy. The guys been moody and sad for a while, it’s good to see the guy happy
He loves shoving his relationship is solluxander’s face. He literally carries to and laughs at sollux as he runs off
Most dates are spent sitting around in eridans “room” and just like, sitting. Talking, mostly about how you miss your planets. You both made empty promises to show eachother your planets.
You need to help this guy with his self esteem issues. He’s Lusus failed to teach him any better.
He’s also really clingy, but just say the word and he’ll get off of you. He just loves being around you. He never really had anyone to be his and who loves him
Plz hug him bb
His kisses are quick and passionate! He comes up to you and takes up ten seconds of your time with a kiss
Could we get some yandere Eridan in here? Thank you in advance!!
Yandere Eridan Ampora
Eridan was quietly watching his computer, watching that rose human, when a strange thing popped up on her computer. Someone new. Someone who hasn’t talked in the entire tome he watched them play.
“Hey rose, long time no see!”
And that set it off. The computer began to glitch and with a pop! A new human for trolling appeared. He immediately went and began to watch your timeline.
You had been playing with them. But you only called them, never texted in pesterchum, there would have been no way to find you! But he found you! That had to mean something! He immediately went off the rails to troll you. Everyday he’d go to his computer to watch your timeline play out.
It was worrying. He did nothing but watch you. Even Vriska was willing to trade John for you. Eridan denied. He found you, so you were his! No one else’s!
The obsession was slow and horrible. The empty feeling he always felt when he watched Fef and sol hang out. But it burned. It burned every single pore on his body.
He had to be with you. He’d die! He‘ll dry up and die without you!
When you finally arrived he wasted no time grabbing your hand and dragging you away. He immediately went into his respiteblock. He chained you with whatever he could find. You were finally together!
That look on your face told him everything he needed to know! You loved him back! He immediately cuddled onto your lap and stayed there for days. He kept you from moving. No matter how much of a god you are. He’s still a high blood, and you’ve kept your human weakness.
He’s always around you, you’ve forgotten what your friends look like.
He’s the only thing you can remember. He’s kept you malnourished to keep your god tier powers weak.
He’s the only one you need now. After all
“Wwhat’ll you do wwith out me darlin? The timeline is already doomed!”