Yandere Homestuck - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

FUCK IT. ANOTHER REQUEST šŸ˜ˆ Iā€™m starving for kankri content rn so maybe yandere kankri headcanons? pls and thank!

šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘ āž–šŸ‘„āž– šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘, this is my first yandere thing man

Yandere Kankri Vantas headcann9ns


Kankri is a simple man- er- troll. He expects nothing but is still let down by his. S t u p I d friends.

But then, you appear. Just someone regular. No popping features. But that drew him towards you. You didnā€™t try. You were perfect just by being yourself. When he finally came up to you he was so nervous, he expected you to be annoying and brash like his so called friends.

And no, he wasnā€™t nervous because he was ā€œshyā€ he was nervous because you were perfect. He wasnā€™t nervous because of you, he was nervous for you. He wanted you to be perfect. And you were.

He came up to you, ready with a long and friendly introduction. When you turned to him, he almost froze. You smiled at him. You smiled. He knew that you were perfect from that day on. But when you spoke. It was absolutely perfect. Time froze. All he heard was your voice. Itā€™s all he wanted to hear

ā€œHey!ā€ You extended you hand out to him, ā€œoh wait! Porrim said youā€™re kankri right, let me list my triggersā€

Y-you knew who he was? Because if Porrim? You cared about his triggers? You cared about how he would have felt if you would have touched his hand without permission?

ā€œYes, I am kankri. Thank y9u f9r listing y9ur triggers. Iā€™m glad t9 kn9w that at least s9me9ne has respect f9r 9thers. Let me 6egin my saying my triggersā€

By the time he was finished he expected you to be zoned out or ignoring him; he turned back to see you in, complete focus, nodding along.

Thatā€™s it, heā€™s gone over the edge. In your first conversation you had already managed to wrap him around your finger.

Let me tell you something, when kankri falls, he falls hard. Every moment of the day is spent with you. Being your personal space, starring at you, and when (gog forbid) heā€™s busy? Heā€™s wanting you. Watching you. Where? Where is he watching? Oh Iā€™m sorry dear, I cann9t say

Heā€™s always watching. Making sure no one. And I mean no one, is even looking at you the wrong way. He has thousands upon thousands of pictures of you.

Heā€™s just so red for you! So.. so... in love. Oh gog heā€™s in love with you.

Im in love with them, Im in l9ve with them, Im in l9ve with them, Im in l9ve with them, Im in l9ve with them

Oh it felt so good to just hear himself mutter it. Oh- Wait whatā€™s that... thereā€™s... someone else... talking to you.

N9, n9, n9 that w9nā€™t d9 at all. My red l9ve. My mate. Please d9nā€™t speak t9 them. Please please please please PLEASE G9G FUCK

Thatā€™s it. Heā€™s gone. He wanted you. He craved you. No one else could have you. Especially not the person you were speaking too. They wonā€™t do at all. Please forgive him. Please?

Kankri, hated violence, really any confederation at all. But the feeling, of thick blood on his hands just felt amazing. It felt so good knowing it was for you. Heā€™d kill thousands more just for you. As long as youā€™d love him.

He washes the blood.

He puts on a fresh clothes.

He smiles.

He walks to his husktop and opens trollion.

He invites you to dinner.

He has prepared the bloody dinner.

He smiles as he hears the doorbell ring.

Ah yes, theyā€™re here. And dinners already done. Perfect

The door opens to reveal you, with your patient smile.

He opened the door.

The second you walked in the stench of copper filled your lugs, ā€œkankri? What is that...?ā€

ā€œN9thing t9 w9rry a69ut.... N9thing at all.ā€

ā€œKankri? I feel a bit lightheaded. Could you get me some waterā€

Then it all went black.

He keeps you chained to a wall. Grotesque, I know. Heā€™s always touching you. Being around you. Forcing you to kiss him. To hold him. Please red love. Itā€™s all he wants. He sits on your lap most of the time. Cooing and fondaling over you.

If His silver tongue manages to convince you to love him well thereā€™s no problem! You will die together! Youā€™re going to be togther forever. Heā€™ll never get tired of you. Heā€™ll eventually let you out and walk around. But he always and I mean always. Makes sure to rub his sweat glands into you. You need to smell like mutant scum. Just like him.

If not well, enjoy the long run. Heā€™s not a patient Troll. He wants you. You are his. You want him just as much. You need him like the air you need to breath. He is your life. Just like you are his. But sweetheart, donā€™t think youā€™re in the clear. He will burn you, cut you, bruise you, anything to make sure you get it. He will punish you until you understand, heā€™s carved his name into your very flesh. Donā€™t worry red love

He loves you. ļæ¼

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4 years ago

If you're currently taking requests, could I maybe get some hcs for a yandere Kankri with an equally obsessive/protective matesprit? And maybe he catches them after the act of 'getting rid of' someone who they deemed too close to kanny? Only if you have time and find it interesting enough though~ Sidenote, I hope you're having a wonderful day or night!


Yandere Kankri Vantas with a protective S/9

Oh the sweet metallic blood dripping down your body. One less problem. One less person to keep you away from your dear sweet kanny. You never thought you like to feeling of crushing someoneā€™s body with you battle axe. The blood felt so warm. Not as warm as kannyā€™s. Everything was perfect.

ā€œDarling? What are y9u d9ing?ā€ Wait-

The sound of someone walking towards you woke you up from your blood soaked trance.



ā€œWait- kanny itā€™s not what you think. Please donā€™t look at me at me like that-ā€œ

ā€œ9h darling, why w9uld I 6e mad?ā€

The feeling of warmth ingulfing you was enough you make you euphoric. Oh he loved you, he loves you, he loves you. Oh god. He loves you. Now you could be together forever. In a blood soaked dance of death and love.

On kankri was absolutely euphoric when he saw you covered in the blood of his friends

He was twitching in anticipation just to hold you. He didnā€™t need to hurt anyone now

Youā€™re were his and he was yours. And no one. Not even death could take you away from him.

Heā€™s over protective of you. He doesnā€™t have to kidnap you which is less work for him.

Heā€™s always going to be clinging to you like itā€™s the end of the world. He loves you so much and how over protective you are

You glare at anyone else who looks at kankri even slightly. Youā€™re always holding on to him tightly.

Youā€™re always overly jealous of literally anyone he speaks to. Youā€™ll kiss him rapidly whenever he does that.

Whoā€™s the top? You are.

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4 years ago

Ay,,may we get some, yandere tavros? Ngl Iā€™m curious on how u think heā€™s like as a yandere

My boyfriend @cursed-cat-archive helped me with this and yes you should send him pictures of your cat


Oh boy howdy oh boy howdy my mans.

Youā€™re fucked

Heā€™s definitely a Selective Yandere. He picks a chooses what he wants to hear from you. Youā€™ll tell him how great heā€™s doing but tell him to calm down the ā€œconfidenceā€ act.


Heā€™s so excited to finally have a friend who likes him and not just gamzee! He loves trolling you, talking to you, anything!

You thought he was amazing, yes, he was amazing! He was so much better than anyone around him! Those other trolls didnā€™t deserve to talk to you! You only deserved someone as amazing as him. And you had that! You had him and you loved him!

You loved him right? You thought he was perfect! Of course you loved him! Oh please love him, please heā€™s going to run back to Vriska, sheā€™s going to hurt him, you wouldnā€™t want that right? Please keep telling him how amazing he is, for his sake?

Everyone notices. Heā€™s so much more brutal, he yells at anyone you even tries to talk to you. He, sadly, canā€™t take away your human friends.. But donā€™t worry! Heā€™ll get rid of everyone for you! These pieces of shit donā€™t need you! Youā€™re his confidence! His little butterfly.

When you finally meet, he drags you away, none of these shit heads deserved you!


Friends. It left a bitter disgusting taste in his mouth just thinking it. It felt like... kissing Vriska again.

He kept you in his Respiteblock, no one except him is allowed in or out. Because no ones left, except one, jade. She keeps managing to escape him.

You did too. You ran and tried to find a way out. If you could just find your way to a window you could use your god tier powers to get out. What is that smell, what is that sound?- Jade?!

Heā€™s, oh god. No, jade. Please god no, is this why all your friends are missing?! Fuck, fuck-


Oh fuck, youā€™re bleeding. Why are you bleeding? Why do your legs hurt so much? Why are you so tried?

Donā€™t worry! Youā€™re going to be okay! Heā€™s going to take great care of you! Even if he has to cut off you legs to keep you from leaving!

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4 years ago

I have another request, kind of connected to my last one! Hm.,, How do you think yandere Kankri would react to being chained up by his s/o in his sleep? My idea was s/o got paranoid abt him lying abt loving them after they killed his friend(s), but really it can be whatever you'd like! ā™” I'm just curious how you think he'd react to it - would he reassure them? Feel offended by their distrust in him? Get excited about them being extra possessive? The possibilities are practically endless y'know?

Yandere Kankri Vantas with a protective S/9, the sequel

The chains were on perfectly. Not tight enough that he wouldnā€™t be able to move but not loose enough that he could run and hurt you or himself

You paced the room. This was wrong, youā€™ve already killed his friends. Thereā€™s so way heā€™d leave you.

He loved you

Of course he did, why did you have to go and mess shit up!

Oh no. Heā€™s waking up. Oh no.

ā€œDarling? Where am I?ā€

He looked at his wrists. Then he looked around the room. He looked at his disheveled clothes, and then finally at you.

ā€œYou were lying to me! You said you werenā€™t going to leave! But I know you donā€™t love me! Who would ever love a monster like me?!ā€

ā€œ9h darling? Is that all? Y9uā€™re s9 cute when y9uā€™re jeal9us. Y9u went t9 all 9f the tr9u6le just t9 keep me with y9u? Even when I wasnā€™t planning 9n leaving? 6ut sense y9u sh9wed such distrust in me, unchain me please.ā€

You unchained him and went in to hug him. He pushed you away and walked out of whatever shit hole you were keeping him in.

You tried to get him to say something to you, anything! But he just ignored you and walked right out of the room.

This is y9ur punishment darling. Until y9u learn t9 trust him, heā€™s g9ing t9 ign9re y9u. S9rry.

You shouldā€™ve had more trust in your matesprite.

S9rry darling.

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4 years ago

Yandere Gamzee please? But like... sweet yandere šŸ„ŗ

Sorry I was gone for so long šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“I tried to write this four times and it deleted every time so here we go

YaNdErE gAmZeE mAkArA

He was just slumped over karkats shoulder watching him, watch you. You were so happy to be playing this game, but in your eyes you were so scared. He needed to protect you. He had to.

He couldnā€™t stop thinking about the way you smiled when he first saw you on the monitor. You were a gift, his gift. He knew that he had to get close to you. So he started to troll you. To try and make you smile whenever he could. It made him so happy

When you first meet itā€™s a ride. He immediately wraps you in a hug and doesnā€™t let go u til your legs give in and you both fall over. Heā€™s so happy your here!

For the first few days you say in his room- whatever trolls call it, you forget.

But one day you realized you never actually left

Now gamzee a semi-lucid, selfish Yandere

He wants all your attention at all times. Heā€™s very loving and sweet to you. Heā€™s convinced himself youā€™re a perfect gift from his Merthful Messiahs. He knows he shouldnā€™t keep you away from your friends but he has to, his mind has become so convoluted that all he can think about is his perfect gift, you.

He mostly keeps you in his respiteblock, unless you desperately ask him to let you go out and talk to someone.

He complies because well, he feels bad. Heā€™ll cling to you and give you kisses every time you seem to stop playing attention to him. You did that way too often

He didnā€™t let you go back out

Heā€™s addict, heā€™s chasing the high he get from being with you, and, like an addict, he need more and more of your time and affection to keep himself satisfied, to keep the parts of himself that scream to kill you at bay... heā€™ll keep you at all costs, even if it means hurting you. You canā€™t leave, he doesnā€™t even need pie or faygo anymore! You keep The Grand Highblood away, you keep kurloz away.

You keep them away

Heā€™s always clinging to you now, not just when you leave anymore, which youre not allowed to anymore, heā€™s cradling you in his arms. Youā€™re his relief, his happiness, his everything.

He brings you food water anything, just donā€™t leave okay? Heā€™ll make sure youā€™re always well taken care of and even if he does need to chain you up for anything heā€™ll always be gentle

But donā€™t wait too long to summit, you wouldnā€™t want any unwanted... things... to pop up would you?

Oh and if you do ever try to leave well,

im sorry my motherfuckin gift YOU AINT GOING NO WHERE

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4 years ago

may we get some yandere zebruh headcanons,please? stinky lil man. . . šŸ‘æ

I see you are a man of taste. You deserve a raise. Go to my house and fuck my f/o

ā¤ļøyandere Zebruh Codakk headcannons šŸ–¤

You both basically meet the same way, reader is trying to make friends and youā€™re tagging along. But itā€™s more off. Strange. Lingering looks, touches, uncomfortable laughs, being too close too soon.

He felt uncomfortably close to you, heā€™d run into in strange places. Low blood places, when youā€™re handing out with Diemen. It didnā€™t make sense

He wasnā€™t suppose to be there. He wasnā€™t suppose to. It felt wrong and uncomfortable. You felt raw and uncomfortable around him. Like he could see everything youā€™ve tried to hide

And he could see it. He paid the drones to watch you whenever you walked pass them. He knew everything about you.

The obession was quick. He saw you and it began it itch at him. Like if he wasnt touching you his skin would burn off. He knew there was no way heā€™d get you to come to him. Youā€™d rather run to Ardata, and he knew that. He knew you hated him but it only made him crave you more.

He doesnā€™t care, youā€™re in love with him. Even if itā€™s pitch black. He calls to drones one night. He knows youā€™re doing to be walking to your hive by yourself tonight, no reader. Just you.

He gets the drones to bring you back to his hive. He canā€™t help holding you in his arms. Like if he even makes a small mistake youā€™ll wake up and disappear. But you fit so well in his arms. Like a perfect little doll

He chains you with velvet in his basement. Heā€™s decorated perfectly just for you. You eventually wake up, to him cuddling into you. No way of moving. You canā€™t do anything. Not even beg to be let go, what are you doing to say with tape covering your mouth?

šŸ–¤Oh donā€™t worry red love, your going to be okay! Weā€™re finally together!šŸ–¤

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4 years ago

Could we get some yandere Eridan in here? Thank you in advance!!

Yandere Eridan Ampora

Eridan was quietly watching his computer, watching that rose human, when a strange thing popped up on her computer. Someone new. Someone who hasnā€™t talked in the entire tome he watched them play.

ā€œHey rose, long time no see!ā€

And that set it off. The computer began to glitch and with a pop! A new human for trolling appeared. He immediately went and began to watch your timeline.

You had been playing with them. But you only called them, never texted in pesterchum, there would have been no way to find you! But he found you! That had to mean something! He immediately went off the rails to troll you. Everyday heā€™d go to his computer to watch your timeline play out.

It was worrying. He did nothing but watch you. Even Vriska was willing to trade John for you. Eridan denied. He found you, so you were his! No one elseā€™s!

The obsession was slow and horrible. The empty feeling he always felt when he watched Fef and sol hang out. But it burned. It burned every single pore on his body.

He had to be with you. Heā€™d die! Heā€˜ll dry up and die without you!

When you finally arrived he wasted no time grabbing your hand and dragging you away. He immediately went into his respiteblock. He chained you with whatever he could find. You were finally together!

That look on your face told him everything he needed to know! You loved him back! He immediately cuddled onto your lap and stayed there for days. He kept you from moving. No matter how much of a god you are. Heā€™s still a high blood, and youā€™ve kept your human weakness.

Heā€™s always around you, youā€™ve forgotten what your friends look like.

Heā€™s the only thing you can remember. Heā€™s kept you malnourished to keep your god tier powers weak.

Heā€™s the only one you need now. After all

ā€œWwhatā€™ll you do wwith out me darlin? The timeline is already doomed!ā€

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4 years ago

how about violent yandere nepeta headcanons? specifically towards her darling, those claws arent just for show.

Violent Yandere :33 < nepeta leijon

IM BACK BABYā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø

Nepeta is very VERY possessive. Sheā€™s been alone with her lusus all of her life. She just wants to have someone, ANYONE.

And oh, it just so happens that a little mouse has sumbled into her hive. Well, itā€™s not EXACTLY her hive you just stumbled apon a cave and looked around before realizing it looked like a hive and deciding to walk away. From your time on alternia, you know that no one gets any sort of privacy.

You were the first person nepeta had seen in a WHILE. She immediately pounced on you and asked you to come inside, she told you everything was going to be fine as her razor sharp talons stabbed into your chest.

She said shes been alone for a little while and sheā€™d love some company, and out of pity and, well, the only thing to do to not get mamied was follow her. She dragged you into her hive, and god knows, youā€™re never getting out after that.

For that first day she treated you like a friend; fawning over you, roleplaying with you, giving you some of her kills. She treated you like how sheā€™d treat Equius.

But after that first night she couldnt stand the thought of you leaving! You were playing with her! You were having fun! You must have been soulmates, why would you stumble into her hive if you werenā€™t meant to be?!

She slashed your ankles and asked her lusus to bring chains, her lusus was back in minutes. She chained you to her cave wall, using your blood to paint on her shipping wall. The best ship, the only ship that try matters! You and her! In all the quadrents, she doesnt care as long as shes with you! She uses her own blood to finish her drawing.

Eventually, sense youā€™re no good to her dead, she patches up your wounds and wraps you in a blanket, and waits for you to wake up. Just staring

Sheā€™s always all over you, fawning on you, watch you, pailing you

:33< You really have no say im the matter! Unless its nice red love i dont want to hear it!

She feeds you(very forcefully) and if she deems it necessary, a.k.a., every time you never listen to her she will use her claws on you. Ripping your flesh into pieces which sheā€™ll gladly eat and lick up! Dont worry! Youā€™re not making a mess! And sheā€™ll have you clean in no time!ļæ¼

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