E.v.o.l Au Update - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

E.V.0.L Au Update

So it’s been like a year or something idk??? Cause I’m a stupid procrastinating sh*t. But I’ve finally buckled down and wrestled myself into inspiration mode and here we are.

I have the prologue and chapter one finished! I just wanted to see if anyone still wanted to talk about it or go over it with me before I actually post either of them though.

Also I probably won’t post chapter one until I have the second one mostly written? Which will hopefully be soon so long as I keep myself in line?

Sorry again about being so d*mn lazy lol. Hopefully people are still interested in this.

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@ren-allen @noneed4thistbh @accidental-sanders @demonvirgil @totalwhovian @bandgeek82002-love @allycat31415 @notalwaysthevillian @cloudchaser7 @iamredxd @lacrimosathedark @idon-kno @darkhumourandfandoms @phangirlandkilljoy @nikova-eve

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