Ex Muslim - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Imma be honest muslims freak me out like y'all believe and want to implement the most crazy shit ever heard of. Like imagine wanting to and actually killing someone just because the left the religion, imagine stoning someone to death for having sex outside of marriage, imagine killing someone for being gay, or cutting someones hands off for stealing. Like no sane person can look at all this and much more shit like sex slaves, marital rape, marrying literal children and be like yup perfectly reasonable and peaceful religion.

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9 months ago

I'm not an atheist but I am an ex muslims

Things I would think when I did feel scared of what if Islam is real is question what kind God would call themselves infinitely merciful then give u graphic depictions of hell, what God would treat males and females so vastly different even tho were both the same species, what God would literally make rules to make sure anyone that leaves Islam should be killed for it.

Also something that has helped almost completely solidified to me that Islam is fake is watching ex muslim content


Friendly ex muslim

Islam critiqued

Harris sultan

This is a question to other ex Muslims, as someone who's an ex muslim but shaky in their lack of faith.

As an ex muslim, there're moments where I find my religious brainwashing come over me and I suddenly find myself panicking out of fear and think, what if islaam is real after all? What if I do end up going to hell?

What are some things that you use to ground yourself when this happens? What are some things I islaam that are undoubtedly incorrect, that gauruntee that islaam is fake? How can I be secure in my atheism and lack of belief in islaam?

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8 months ago

It is so funny to hear men say Islam gave women rights like bitch what rights, we can't even leave the house without a man's permission in Islam, men are allowed to beat their wives, women have no fucking rights in Islam we are treated like literal fucking children.

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8 months ago

I swear when I hear shit like all ex muslims do is talk about their ex. As if all muslims don't talk about Islam. Like Islam controls every god damn part of your life and if your a women controls absolutely everything. Like hell I'm gonna stop talking about this bullshit religion.

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8 months ago

Somebody should make a religion that gives men the same rights women get in Islam and watch how men lose their mind. Like now men get half the inheritance of women, can't leave the house without their wives permission, have to cover up in extreme heat waves, have women beat men for fear of misbehaviour.

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8 months ago

I swear anytime I hear a man say women have rights in Islam and they would rather be women makes me think these pieces of shit actually think women enjoy the oppression were under as muslims.

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8 months ago

The amount of hate I had towards being a women when I was muslim, like I hated everything about being a women solely because of stupid man made religion, made me think I am a man's property and that I don't even deserve to have rights. I wonder how many end up hating themselves for something a pedophile made up

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8 months ago

You know what pisses me off

Muslims don't have to pretend to be ex muslims in order to not get kicked out or worse killed

Muslims aren't forced to wear the clothes that ex muslims wear because anything else is illegal or you would be killed or jailed

Muslims aren't forced to do the rituals of ex muslims

Muslims aren't forced to do anything ex muslims do but you know who are, ex muslims were forced to fast, pray, wear hijab all in fear of being kicked out or worse killed.

And even after everything we've suffered were expected to keep our mouths shut because poor little muslims can't handle the fact that we have right to free speach

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8 months ago

Do you know how creepy islam is to infantalize women to such a degree that we can't even leave the house without a man or a man's permission, we can't marry without a man's permission. We are seen as so stupid we can't be witnesses in court, we are seen as deficient in intelligence so much that we can't divorce our husband without a man's permission. But we're so mature even as children that we can get married to any man our father chooses

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8 months ago

It is so disgusting to see muslim parents make their 2 year old daughters wear hijab you are sexualizing a baby you disgusting fucking incel

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8 months ago

Muslims should not be parents nor do they deserve to be if u believe in child marriage, men's right to own sex slaves, robbing women of their rights and the fact that someone leaving Islam deserves to be killed. You don't deserve to have kids.

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8 months ago

If y'all think muslims in the west are sexist you are yet to meet an Indian muslim, I am not allowed to wear shorts at home meanwhile my brother's get to walk around half naked, I wear anything slightly tight that shows I have breasts I am absolutely disgusting in my mother's eyes.

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8 months ago

The amount of mental gymnastics muslims go thru on a daily basis is insane.

Hadith clearly stating women are deficient in intelligence. Muslims- no u don't understand it's not saying women are stupid it's just saying that women are just deficient in some things and men aren't. Because women have periods and men don't, means their deficient in religious terms.

Hadith talking about how women will be cursed by angels if they don't have sex with men. Muslims- no u don't understand it's just talking about extreme cases where a women says no to sex everytime only then she gets cursed by angels.

Ayah talking about how women get half the inheritance of men. Muslims- no u don't understand men get more inheritance because their money is a women's money and a women's money is only her, also nowhere is it said that a man's money is a women's money infact women need permission of men just to spend their own money.

Like where do you pull out these explanations from because God did not come down and bestow it upon you and it is clear as daylight what it actually means. If a Hadith calls women stupid that is actually what it is saying, if a Hadith says that women shouldn't say no to sex and be raped that is actually what it is saying.

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8 months ago

I swear Indians are just on another level of sexist add muslim to that Indian and now you've got the most the sexist creation possible.

Periods are already seen as impure in Indian culture add Islam to the mix and now you have no way to be progressive because even your religion conforms to your already sexist beliefs

Women should stay at home, guess what Islam not only conforms to your beliefs but now you can't even leave the house without a mans permission

Men are superior to women, Islam will literally tell you this in every way possible

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8 months ago

I find muslim so funny like you wanna tell me believe this extremely misogynist religion and you think you're a feminist or that Islam gives you rights. Like you are not even seen as an equal in Islam. Your husband literally has the right the beat you, like what the heck is wrong with you.

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8 months ago

I find it funny when muslim women say I never understood all the things in Islam,( as in misogynistic parts) but when I got older I did. Girl that's just the stockholm syndrome settling in. Literally you have been groomed into thinking this misogynistic religion is ok. And I doubt you've understood it you've either given up on understanding it or are still struggling with it.

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7 months ago

I hate hate modesty culture I hate when girls are told to cover up for men, I hate if you wear anything remotely covering it's seen as modest wear even tho no matter what men wear it isn't seen as modest wear. Honestly we should just ditch the word modesty all together

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7 months ago

It just pisses me off how it's written as women were or weren't allowed to do this or that, no we were actively denied things. We weren't waiting on men to give us permission to do stuff we were denied the freedom of stuff from threats to physical abuse not fucking permission

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7 months ago

As a woman your body isn't yours, people are constantly telling you that what your wearing is wrong and even going as far as fixing your hijab for you. Trying to cover you up even when you did not ask them to, just another one of those disgusting things about Islam

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