Exe Not Art - Tumblr Posts

Theory/headcanon (?) Betrayus is an albino and his mother dyed his hair so he doesn’t stand out too much
Everyday i go to bed hoping that my body factory resets just to wake up, get my chronic headache and feel like shit
I opened up tumblr today after taking a break from it and was suprised to see that i got 19 new notifications, i never got so many and considering the notifications died down when i left i thought i would get maybe 0-3 when i come back
I wanted to thank everyone im really not that happy with my art at the moment but it seems like yall like it since my latest artwork is the one with most notes
Looking at my art has been awful, idk but i feel like i weirdly flanderize characters personalities when i draw them, its very off-putting
Hey guys
New tnmn art dump coming soon, I have a really bad headache so it’ll take a bit longer
I wanted to thank everyone for the amounts of notes I got was huge I never got so many ever
I love you guys
Im sorry to say this but the daycare post is postponed for the moment due to artfight
I hope this isnt too bad :(
I have something to admit
I havent progressed in the tnmn daycare au and completely lost interest on finishing it
Also my tnmn fixation is dissapearing too which makes me sad, i like tnmn i dont want the interest to dissapear it happens everytime 😭😭😭
I am so sorry guys
i believe in jonk supremacy
Jonk loves you too ❤️