Eyyyy Same Boat On Zenkichi's 3rd Tier Idea! - Tumblr Posts
Hi would you please make the second and third awakenings for zenkichi and Sophia?
Second: Sköll! Not really a trickster but is a mythological wolf who's name means "Treachery" or "Mockery" so I think it works
Third: Accordinf to Wikipedia, Victor Hugo loosely based Jean Valhean on a man named Eugène Francois Vidocq, so I'd go with Eugène. Design-wise I'd probable make him robocop-inspired. Shiny and stuff
Sophia: I already consider Pandora her second but also a pithos is. The thing Pandora had? So we're going to pretend she had a first and that that first was Pinocchio.
Thus her third is going to be Ferdinand, after Ferdinand Guillame the first actor to portray Pinnochio on film. I'd think the design is pretty sleek, a lot like Eve in Wall-E