Persona 5 Strikers - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I'm still piecing together my own Strikers AU rewrite so here are the notes for Maruki, Sumi, and Akechi's roles:


He quietly moved to Okinawa to work with Ubukata but then quit and became a recluse.

This was all due to his research getting found among Shido's stolen shit or something which led to him getting recruited as one of the scientists only to then bail when he saw what it all entailed and seeing it all firsthand. Basically the moment he entered the lab he immediately noped out, especially once he saw an experiment in action along with Ubukata's madness almost reflecting his own. He was also one of the scientists that tried to talk him out of it but was refused or even threatened. He ends up blocking out all memories of that lab due to trauma and hidden guilt for not freeing the desires there himself. Icarus, his new persona, would be calling out his cowardice and continuing the habit of running away from his problems along with his hubris. Also some (attempt at) slow burn HaseMaru. Joins after having a new awakening in the Okinawa Jail as both a fighter and an extra Navi.


Sumi is visiting Tokyo for the summer at her Coach's suggestion albeit recovering but still dealing with things.

Still maintains her kind and empathetic attitude despite it and would be the first of the group to actively try to bond with Zenkichi, starting with helping him set up the calling cards in Sendai and then Sapporo. That bond later extends to Akane due to having traumas in common (this can also help her feel more closure for Kasumi's death since it would be a further indication that she's not alone). The initial concept was her struggling with Cendrillon before gaining Odile after a breaking point but I ultimately scrapped it. Potential AkeSumi too.


Decided to let the others assume he's dead so that he can go take care of himself but then decides to investigate on his own initially.

I guess the best idea I could come up with regarding Akechi is that he's been slowly investigating the change of heart cases after seeing news reports and articles from rehab/shelter. He sets out after being deemed well enough to explore outside the facility as he tries to check out the locations. Not sure when he'd cross paths with the Thieves tho but I am thinking as early as Sendai or Sapporo. He would first appear watching Alice's calling card with a smirk before leaving, indicating slight nostalgia. He's also familiar with Zenkichi and his past due to previously working with Shido and would butt heads with him for his supposed cowardice ("Didn't think the big bad wolf would be tamed so easily"). I would probably attempt closure with him, Haru, and Futaba but how I'm not sure yet.

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11 months ago

guy in outfits under the cut you know the drill

Guy In Outfits Under The Cut You Know The Drill
Guy In Outfits Under The Cut You Know The Drill


there's a gun in one of those fanny packs for his little summer fit. only one though

despite all (gestures vaguely) *this* i'm still a zenkichi only has one outfit truther. joker and ann (specifically) are HORRIFIED learning this and take him out shopping post strikers. they hadn't thought there could be a situation worse than "my-mom-buys-all-my-clothes" ryuji sakamoto out there, but at least ryuji's mom buys more than one thing

i put on that one among us session with jack black in the background whilst drawing the first image, so whatever emotion that fuelled me through that sure as HELL wasn't lust. don't throw me in horny jail

astonishingly, i've run out of ideas for his little p5D crossdressing outfit. so uh. pitch your best forcefem suggestion in the comments below, and don't forget to like and subscribe and hit the bell on your way out

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11 months ago
Finally Resuming Aoi! Decided To Scrap The Initial Idea Of A Ponytail In Favor Of A Haircut And She Looks

Finally resuming Aoi! Decided to scrap the initial idea of a ponytail in favor of a haircut and she looks kinda cute with this hair color...

The colorful clips were from little Akane when she did her hair and she just kept them there.

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11 months ago

So I decided to just go, "fuck it" and consider Aoi Hasegawa finished. I decided to make the top part of her hair (the roots) darker to indicate she dyed it. As previously mentioned, the colorful clips were from little Akane when she did her hair and she just kept them there since. One of the previous versions for comparison

So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part


So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part
So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part
So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part
So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part
So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part

Bonus blushing versions:

So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part
So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part
So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part

Previous versions for comparison (1st, 3rd, and 4th attempts to be precise, 2nd time got lost in the void and I gave the 1st attempt to a moot on Twitter since they took a liking to it):

So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part
So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part
So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part
So I Decided To Just Go, "fuck It" And Consider Aoi Hasegawa Finished. I Decided To Make The Top Part

Anyhow, look at my girl! This one's a keeper for me!

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11 months ago

Omg you mad lad! This is so sad but so brilliant! It makes too much sense!

Potentially adding to the tension is Megatron learning about the Metaverse somehow and trying to eliminate OP's Shadow not really caring how it would effect the real one as he would still land a "win" on his end. Also I'm still figuring out Personas for Team Prime since they would turn human somehow due to changes in cognition and to better accommodate their size. So far I thought about Moses for OP and John Henry for Bulkhead so far. Gah I just feel so excited!

Sooooo... This has been buzzing in my head for a while when I was planning out my P5 X TF: Prime Crossover AU but... Techno-Organic (Human/Cybertronian hybrid) Joker for this particular AU anyone?

(And yes, it's inspired by Sari Sumdac from Transformers Animated (another fave of mine) tho probably a bit darker in this case)

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11 months ago

Ohhhh Myriddin sounds so cool as a Persona idea for him!!! This whole Palace/Jail idea is so good I'm eating this up like crazy!

Like the poor bot having to confront everything he had hidden and bottled up due to all the trauma and burdens that was placed on him but still wanting to help others even if it means he gets hurt himself or worse.

Sooooo... This has been buzzing in my head for a while when I was planning out my P5 X TF: Prime Crossover AU but... Techno-Organic (Human/Cybertronian hybrid) Joker for this particular AU anyone?

(And yes, it's inspired by Sari Sumdac from Transformers Animated (another fave of mine) tho probably a bit darker in this case)

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11 months ago

I swear if I had a nickel for every time Tom Taylorson voices a dad-like character with trauma, long hair and goatee, wields a big sword, and practically adopts a group of youngsters I'd have two nickels... Which isn't a lot but it's funny that it's happened twice!

I Swear If I Had A Nickel For Every Time Tom Taylorson Voices A Dad-like Character With Trauma, Long
I Swear If I Had A Nickel For Every Time Tom Taylorson Voices A Dad-like Character With Trauma, Long

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10 months ago

More stuff for this AU!

Ichinose's (canonically almost non-existent) Character Arc/Redemption

Erm, ok so… I have an idea for Ichinose for my rewrite AU… Namely with how her dynamic with Sophia would play out (which I felt was badly executed and unintentionally gave a poor message in the process) along with adding screentime so that the twist can have more of a punch? A play-by-play: +I'm considering having her be more involved with the Thieves. Namely the Osaka arc where she can bond and connect with them more, maybe even feeling internal hesitation towards her goal. Also her and Maruki and becoming besties is a bonus thing (and since HaseMaru is a main pairing, Zenkichi will probably be a little jelly which gives the group fodder to tease him a bit). +Adding to the bonding, her backstory will probably be discussed earlier (inspired by one of the criticisms I've seen with her) but still kinda vague. Hell I'll throw in a bonus HC/theory that she can't have children which drove her further in the deep end since she wanted to start a family and gets further ostracized (b/c Japanese societal standards for women). +Her and Sophia's dynamic is a little tricky to explain I'll admit but I'll try: Basically I'm gonna have Sophia not be SUPER forgiving for what Ichinose did to her. Like show empathy but still set boundaries and hesitation in reconnecting sort of deal? Basically have it be gradual as opposed to immediate and abrupt/rushed. +Her deciding to join Ichinose on her journey would be the first step to forgiving her and giving that end credits image more impact/meaningfulness. It would be an attempt tho since I still wanna stick to Strikers' themes but at the same time the message for Sophia and Ichinose's conflict felt a little… Iffy. Like give the idea of a child being unsure whether they want to reconnect with a parent who hurt them really badly. Give more nuance. +Also I'm gonna have Ichinose being reluctant to reprogram Sophia to kill the Thieves because that was another reason I had trouble feeling sympathetic to her. It all just felt too rushed a bit. +But yeah other than smaller tweaks such as her reputation taking a small hit after trying to turn herself in (Maruki would try to lighten the mood by mentioning that he tried to do the same thing but got the same response but hey at least like him she can start with a newer slate), that's really it.

New Persona/Outfit for Akechi

+So I couldn't help but wonder: Should I give Akechi a new Persona in my AU? I'm already considering giving him a new outfit (probably controversially since I maaaay steer away from Crow motifs to represent his new lease on life but idk yet) but idk on a new Persona at first. The candidates so far were Hades or Dr. Jekyll (Bless and Curse specialty like Robin Hood. Curse representing the Mr. Hyde personality and Bless representing Jekyll) +I finally decided on Jekyll since this all sounded very much like Akechi:

More Stuff For This AU!
More Stuff For This AU!

+(tw for suicide mention) And of course at the end of the novel, while as Hyde, he ends his own life as a way to stop Hyde from completely taking over. Akechi attempted to sacrifice himself in the Engine Room. +So him gaining Jekyll would be more symbolic of him fully embracing both his good and dark sides (even the depraved aspects of the latter) like Hereward (which would be visualized by Hereward transforming into Jekyll to showcase the start of a clean slate).

+I kinda want to follow up on the glove thing too, the promise of a rematch. Perhaps that would be a boiling point, especially when Futaba, Haru, and Maruki (each one having confronted Akechi for how his actions (indirect or otherwise) negatively effected their lives even if it's just his ties to Shido) enter the picture to protect Joker. +Oh and he's getting a scythe as a new melee weapon! No further comment!

Joker's Family Life

Still a W.I.P. but I may add a small arc with Joker regarding his family life and breaking out of it. Cliche I know but I can't ignore that call! +Ft. Papa Wolf Zenkichi and Protective Maruki! And PegoRyu! +So far I'm leaning towards him being half-french with a perfectionist single mother. My HCs for his family life has definitely changed over the years for sure! +Of course this would come in the form of a small detour after getting a call from her to come to her this instant. He initially refuses but then complies in an almost OOC fashion to the team (even Akechi doesn't have any snark to throw at him). +It would definitely on a happy note for sure but definite angst all around! +It's more like just breaking from the usual formula starting with Zenkichi (having an abusive mom in me and Creepy's Prison of Grief fic) and now suddenly Joker because it'd be interesting to explore. I guess in the case of this AU it'd be a bonding moment for them and Joker would then be like, "Two new dads?!"


You all know the one... The Kyoto bath house... One I think is personally worse than the Ryuji one but yeah. That's being redone! Summary: It's kinda inspired by a post here on Tumblr but it starts like normal except with Akechi and Maruki being a part of the guys' group. When the girls show up, Joker makes themselves known and they get confronted (poor Maruki just trying to stay out of it and covering his eyes). Thankfully Akechi intervenes before Makoto could even try anything and she forces herself calm and allows them to try and leave (Akechi also slightly calls out/snarks at Futaba's massive hypocrisy on calling them pervs when she tries to say the line). Something then happens which leads to Akechi getting splashed by Makoto when he pushes one of her buttons while leaving. His competitiveness kicks in and he splashes her back. One thing leads to another and everyone gets into a massive splash fight until they all get kicked out (Maruki gets the riot act as well since he's technically their chaperone). They bicker but then it turns into light hearted ribbing as they go back to their room. This would be one of the instances where Akechi starts to genuinely care about the other Thieves too since he actually enjoyed himself. Akechi actually feeling like a happy kid again for a moment? Insane! But also yeah, poor Mooki just trying to help explain while keeping his hands over his eyes is just a funny and adorable image too!

That's all I have the energy for! Enjoy while I go back to typing Prison of Grief with Creepy!

I'm still piecing together my own Strikers AU rewrite so here are the notes for Maruki, Sumi, and Akechi's roles:


He quietly moved to Okinawa to work with Ubukata but then quit and became a recluse.

This was all due to his research getting found among Shido's stolen shit or something which led to him getting recruited as one of the scientists only to then bail when he saw what it all entailed and seeing it all firsthand. Basically the moment he entered the lab he immediately noped out, especially once he saw an experiment in action along with Ubukata's madness almost reflecting his own. He was also one of the scientists that tried to talk him out of it but was refused or even threatened. He ends up blocking out all memories of that lab due to trauma and hidden guilt for not freeing the desires there himself. Icarus, his new persona, would be calling out his cowardice and continuing the habit of running away from his problems along with his hubris. Also some (attempt at) slow burn HaseMaru. Joins after having a new awakening in the Okinawa Jail as both a fighter and an extra Navi.


Sumi is visiting Tokyo for the summer at her Coach's suggestion albeit recovering but still dealing with things.

Still maintains her kind and empathetic attitude despite it and would be the first of the group to actively try to bond with Zenkichi, starting with helping him set up the calling cards in Sendai and then Sapporo. That bond later extends to Akane due to having traumas in common (this can also help her feel more closure for Kasumi's death since it would be a further indication that she's not alone). The initial concept was her struggling with Cendrillon before gaining Odile after a breaking point but I ultimately scrapped it. Potential AkeSumi too.


Decided to let the others assume he's dead so that he can go take care of himself but then decides to investigate on his own initially.

I guess the best idea I could come up with regarding Akechi is that he's been slowly investigating the change of heart cases after seeing news reports and articles from rehab/shelter. He sets out after being deemed well enough to explore outside the facility as he tries to check out the locations. Not sure when he'd cross paths with the Thieves tho but I am thinking as early as Sendai or Sapporo. He would first appear watching Alice's calling card with a smirk before leaving, indicating slight nostalgia. He's also familiar with Zenkichi and his past due to previously working with Shido and would butt heads with him for his supposed cowardice ("Didn't think the big bad wolf would be tamed so easily"). I would probably attempt closure with him, Haru, and Futaba but how I'm not sure yet.

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9 months ago
This Was Something I Made For @apostlearcana Yesterday!

This was something I made for @apostlearcana yesterday!

They're both:

Old, tired, and Depressed

Wife not in the picture (dead or absent for 7+ years)

Unhealthy coping mechanisms

Goofy and awkward as all hell

Will kill you if you hurt their loved ones

Estranged relationship with daughters

Started out idealistic but it gets beaten out of them b/c of traumatic events.

Regains said idealism and found more purpose in their lives.

Traumatized af they need serious therapy.

Guilty of complacency in some shape or form when it comes to horrific events (Lucifer with allowing the exterminations as long as Hellborns (Charlie included) aren't harmed or killed, Zenkichi with allowing his wife's death to be covered up so that Akane won't be harmed or killed)

Guys I think the list goes on tbh! XD

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8 months ago
Quick Thing For Father's Day. I Wish They Actually Got To Hug...

quick thing for father's day. i wish they actually got to hug...

sillier thing under the cut

Quick Thing For Father's Day. I Wish They Actually Got To Hug...
Quick Thing For Father's Day. I Wish They Actually Got To Hug...

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8 months ago
I'm Not Too Proud Of This Sketch...I Was Rushing It For Father's Day. Well, I Hope You Like It, Anyway!

I'm not too proud of this sketch...I was rushing it for father's day. Well, I hope you like it, anyway!

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8 months ago

Hey everyone! I can finally present my contribution to Pride Month: Quick edits of my Blorbos complete with HCs!

Alastor: Trans and AroAce (personally strikes me as Demi AroAce but I wanna keep it neutral there)

Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete
Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete

Sumi: Gender Non-Conforming and Pan

I did two different versions of hers there

Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete
Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete
Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete
Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete

Zenkichi: Bi and Demisexual

Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete
Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete

Maruki: Demi-Aromantic (Demiromantic) and Pan

Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete
Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete

Optimus (TFP): Demi AroAce

Hey Everyone! I Can Finally Present My Contribution To Pride Month: Quick Edits Of My Blorbos Complete

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8 months ago
(p5 Spinoff Week Day Six: Home)

(p5 spinoff week day six: home)

“i think he was close enough to make it home, so he wanted to go see akane… let’s leave the two of them be for tonight.” 💙

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7 months ago

Actually felt proud of this snippet of a possible future scene in my Strikers rewrite AU I did on Discord so minus well share it! Some assertive Mooki with a small bit of HaseMaru subtext if you squint.

Do they want to fight or screw each other? Yes. XD

Actually Felt Proud Of This Snippet Of A Possible Future Scene In My Strikers Rewrite AU I Did On Discord
Actually Felt Proud Of This Snippet Of A Possible Future Scene In My Strikers Rewrite AU I Did On Discord
Actually Felt Proud Of This Snippet Of A Possible Future Scene In My Strikers Rewrite AU I Did On Discord

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6 months ago

We're back on track on Prison of Grief finally, there really isn't enough talk of how similar Akane and Zenkichi can be even though she would probably deny it.

Major tw for bullying in this snippet

We're Back On Track On Prison Of Grief Finally, There Really Isn't Enough Talk Of How Similar Akane And
We're Back On Track On Prison Of Grief Finally, There Really Isn't Enough Talk Of How Similar Akane And
We're Back On Track On Prison Of Grief Finally, There Really Isn't Enough Talk Of How Similar Akane And

It's also meant to be a callback/parallel to a similar thing Zenkichi did in chapter 2 as well.

We're Back On Track On Prison Of Grief Finally, There Really Isn't Enough Talk Of How Similar Akane And
We're Back On Track On Prison Of Grief Finally, There Really Isn't Enough Talk Of How Similar Akane And

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