Ezio Auditore Da Firenze X Reader - Tumblr Posts
When My Back Was Turned (Ezio Auditore X Reader)
Words: 3645
Warnings/Themes: Injury, Violence, Blood, Not Quite Character Death, Angst, Fluff
Characters/Pairings: Ezio x Reader, Claudia, Mario, Maria (briefly mentioned)
A/N: This is just something I’ve been working on and finally decided to post. I almost didn’t. This isn’t the whole story that I wrote, there is more to the ending, but it felt too rushed for me to want to post it. Some background information for this one, I imagined the reader/ this character as ten years younger than Ezio. And in a form of self-indulgence, she comes from a world where AC is just a game, but I imagine it also has it’s version of Templars and Assassins that no one knows about. Thanks for reading!

They limped up to the villa, having abandoned their horses at the stables at the entrance to the village. Eyes had been glued to the battered pair from the moment they had approached. He wasn’t as badly beaten as she was, only sporting a split lip, a sprained wrist, and various cuts and bruises. He held her upright with an arm gently around her waist. He didn’t want to jostle her bruised, possibly fractured, ribs or her recently dislocated shoulder. She was bleeding from multiple wounds along her face and hands.
They were on their way to what was supposed to be a simple visit to Monteriggioni that turned into an ambush by some mountain bandits. Ezio had made it out relatively well and was already running away, thinking that his wife was just behind him. However, her shout of surprise told him otherwise.
As she had been about to follow him, a couple bandits grabbed her. And before she knew it, they had shoved her over the cliff face. It felt like she had rolled for hours when it had been mere seconds before her hand grabbed onto a young tree sprouting from the rock. It groaned and cracked under her added weight and threatened to break. Upon catching herself, her already damaged body smacked the rock and a sickening pop sounded as her arm left its socket.
Ezio had immediately jumped into action, swiftly dispatching the remaining attackers, and rushing to the cliff's edge. His heart hammered in his chest at the sight of her clinging to that sapling for dear life. She was too far down for him to grab her and she definitely wouldn’t be able to climb back up with her shoulder. Thinking fast, he stripped the cloaks and capes from the fallen bandits and tied them together into a makeshift rope. She could barely keep a hold of it as he pulled her back up to safety.
He held her close to him, petting her sweaty and bloody hair. He whispered comforting words to her as she shook against him. He knew she was scared of heights and falling, the reason for her refusing to free-run on certain buildings and to do a Leap of Faith, unless absolutely necessary. However, in this situation, she hadn’t been in control and it terrified her.
Once she had quieted down, Ezio sat her up properly and told her he needed to reset her shoulder. She had nodded somberly and let him pop it back into place without a peep. Ezio almost found it amusing how she can take the pain of a dislocated shoulder with only a wince, but she couldn’t handle heights. But now wasn’t the time to tease her.
Recovering their horses that had run off with their packs, the pair made their way back to Monteriggioni.
A doctor was already waiting for them as they entered the villa, some kind villager sending for one when they saw the two. Mario and Claudia stood with the doctor, the older female’s hands over her mouth, and Y/N was practically unconscious by the time they made it to the trio.
Mario swept up to take the woman into his arms, allowing Ezio to cradle his wrist and follow them into their shared room. (Y/n) was placed gently on the bed and the doctor immediately began his treatment. Ezio collapsed into the chair at the foot of the bed, his armor digging uncomfortably into his flesh.
“What happened?” Mario began his interrogation before Ezio could get his bearings. Shaking his head, Ezio began to carefully remove his armor. Claudia was already helping the doctor remove (Y/n)’s, who moaned in pain. The younger man’s eyes fixed on her at the sound.
Seeing that his nephew was not going to answer him now, Mario rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. Until (Y/n) was cared for and out of danger, Mario knew Ezio wouldn’t speak to anyone about the mission. This wasn’t the first time this has happened, but it is the worst condition either of them had been in in a long time.
“Once you two are rested, meet me in my office to discuss what happened.” Mario placed a hand on Ezio’s shoulder, squeezing gently. The younger man simply nodded, not wanting to take his eyes off his wife.
Nearly an hour later, (Y/n)’s wounds were patched up and Claudia had changed her into a loose shirt and pants. Ezio’s wrist had been wrapped and put into a sling and his lip cared for. He had moved his chair to be right next to her as she slept, tucked into the bed and her favorite blanket pulled up to her nose, just the way she liked it. He wished he could curl up with her in that bed, but on doctor’s orders, she was not to be moved around too much or her ribs would not heal properly.
Ezio knew he should probably go find his uncle but speaking to anyone and leaving his wife’s side didn’t sound very appealing. So he sat in his chair, watching as her eyes flickered behind her eyelids. She must be having a bad dream. As she often does after a particularly bad mission.
He reached over and stroked her cheek with his good hand, smiling softly when she nuzzled into his hand. She would probably wake in the morning grumpy and very hungry. An angel when she was asleep but a terrifying beast upon awakening. Ezio smiled wider at the thought. She would definitely kill him had she known his thoughts.
At some point in the late evening, Claudia knocked and left some food on the table next to him, squeezing his shoulder and telling him to eat and rest. He nodded and picked at the food. The roasted duck didn’t quite smell or taste as appealing as it did when he wasn’t consumed with worry.
Many times has he tried to convince his wife to retire from Assassin duties, to stay safe and live life to the fullest while she was still young. But those conversations usually ended with him sleeping on the floor and her not speaking to him for a full evening. How dare he think that she would ever let him face the dangers they did alone.
After eating as much as he could stomach, he carefully stripped from his robes and stepped behind the partition in the room. A tub filled with water sat in the corner, filled earlier with hot water by a maid. By now the water was less than lukewarm, but he hardly felt it as he lowered himself in. She had already been cleaned by Claudia with a cloth and a basin of water.
The partition was positioned so he could still see her on the bed when he leaned back. On his own terms, he would have just climbed into bed after changing into a sleeping shirt, but since he began courting her, she always refuses him to enter her bed unless clean.
‘I don’t want my bed smelling like blood, metal, and sweat!’ She had yelled at him early on in their relationship. No matter where they were if there was a bed, she had to be clean before entering it. He figured it came from whatever futuristic upbringing she had.
He still vividly remembers that day, he had just brought the Apple to Leonardo’s workshop with his uncle and Niccolò for the artist to study. When Leonardo had reached out to touch it a bright, golden light engulfed the room and a figure fell from thin air. Ezio had rushed forward to catch the person.
She was unconscious and dressed in strange clothes. But he wouldn’t lie, this stranger was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. In the next few days they had found out she came from a different world, far in the future. She had been tasked by a being called Minerva to guide Ezio on his journey.
Six years had now gone by and she had since become a master assassin and his wife. His gaze fell down to his bruised knuckles. A gold wedding band laid just above one, on his left ring finger. He didn’t normally wear it on missions but seeing as how this was supposed to be just a visit back to Monteriggioni, he had worn it proudly. It had a red smudge of blood on it. Removing it from his finger, he washed it in the waters.
Finishing up in the tub, he threw on a sleeping shirt and stepped quietly over to the bed. He was always hesitant when sleeping with her when she was injured. He was either a fitful sleeper or a cuddler. Neither one is very good for her injured state. But he knew she wouldn’t rest as well without him next to her. So being cautious, he placed a few pillows between them before fully settling in. He laid on his side, careful of his wrist, and gently stroked a knuckle across her soft cheek.
Her lips quirked up and she turned her head to nuzzle into his hand. He let a gentle smile take over his face. Even battered and weary, she still found a reason to smile. Pride swelled in his chest at being the reason for her smiles most of the time. A truly beautiful thing to behold.
“Buonanotte, amore mio.” He withdrew his hand, but let it rest on her stomach. As his eyes closed, he felt calloused fingers wrap around his.
“Buonanotte, Bello.” Her voice was raspy and quiet, but it was still the sweetest sound he'd ever heard.
A knock to the solid wood door roused him from his dreamless sleep. As predicted, he had moved a lot in his sleep. Now he laid on his back, arms sprawled out and one leg tossed over the barrier of pillows, his foot tucked under her leg. The sheets had bunched around his waist and the duvet tossed over her slumbering body. Drool was crusted to the side of his mouth and his hair was in disarray. She, of course, looked positively heavenly, despite her injuries.
Rising from the bed, Ezio straightened his appearance and moved to the door as a second knock sounded. The kind Doctor from the previous day had returned, most likely to change her bandages. Behind the elderly man was Claudia, a tray with fruits, bread, and two small bowls of soup on it.
“Ah, Dottore, Buongiorno. Come in.” Ezio stepped to the side, letting the two into the room. He excused himself to behind the partition to change into more presentable clothes. It was somewhat difficult with only one good arm, but he managed. After struggling to button his shirt up with one hand he gave up, stepping out from the partition. Claudia rolled her eyes and buttoned his shirt up for him.
“Nothing but a child.” She grumbled, poking him roughly in the chest. He chuckled, rubbing the spot.
“Careful, Claudia, I still have uses for him.” A raspy voice came from the bed. Claudia’s attention snapped over to her sister-in-law.
“(Y/N)!” The siblings rushed to the bed, leaving enough space for the doctor. “How are you feeling?” Claudia questioned. The younger woman gave a pained smile as the Doctor peeled back the bandage on one of her deeper wounds.
“Like hell, to be honest. And I’d kill for some ibuprofen…” She bit her lip and pressed her head further into the pillows when the doctor dabbed an alcohol-soaked rag into the wound. Ezio took a step closer, worry flooding his veins. He truly hated seeing her in such a state. He was beating himself up inside for not getting to her sooner.
“I can give you a poultice to take the edge away around your ribs.” The doctor began rewrapping her wounds. “I’d advise you twist or move around as little as possible for the next few weeks to give your ribs time to heal, and only wear loose clothing. Your other bandages must be changed every eight hours.”
“Grazie, Dottore.” The woman nodded in appreciation. The doctor smiled and set a small jar of the poultice on the bedside table. After giving a few instructions on the next few weeks of healing, he bid the three farewell and departed.
“I’m glad you’re already doing better, mia sorella.” Claudia sat on the edge of the bed, taking Y/N’s hand in hers. “You had me worried sick seeing you return like that.” She lightly scolded.
“Sorry, Claudia. Next time I’ll tell those bandits to not attack us. Just because you worry about me.” Y/N smiled.
“Piccola merda.” The two women laughed, only to be cut off from the grunt of pain from the junior. Ezio finally stepped forward, still silent as before. He took the jar and removed the lid, setting it on the table.
Claudia stood up out of the way of the man on a mission. His face was drawn into a concentrated frown and he refused to look at his wife’s scratched-up face. With stiff and precise movements, he pulled up her shirt to just under her breast. Her skin was a vivid purple, the bruise forming overnight. His brows furrowed deeper at the sight.
His sister excused herself, sensing that the two needed to talk. But not before directing her brother to make sure to feed his wife the soup she had brought. He merely grunted in response, dipping two fingers into the greasy concoction.
Despite his angry demeanor and calloused hands, his touch was feather-light on her skin as he spread the poultice on her ribs. Her eyes didn’t leave his face as he worked. It had been so long that either one of them had been injured like this that Ezio was having a hard time controlling his emotions.
“Bello…” Her voice was just a whisper, but it had his finger freezing over her skin. He sniffed and grabbed a rag to wipe his hands clean. “Ezio. Look at me.” Her fingers closed around his wrist, tugging him down to sit next to her. He slowly brought his eyes up to meet hers. And the tears immediately sprung to his eyes.
“Oh, my love…” Her own vision blurred with tears and she threaded her fingers with his. “It’s okay, I’m okay.”
“I should have been faster… I should have made sure you were following me…I’m so sorry, mia bella.” He covered his face with his free hand, the other squeezing her fingers. His chest constricted with suppressed sobs.
“Ezio.” Her voice was soft but stern. He managed to look at her again. “This is not your fault. You had no way of knowing what was going to happen, not even your sixth sense could have predicted this… I don’t blame you for this happening, so I don’t want you to blame yourself either.”
He sniffled and wiped the tears from his face.
“And besides, I promised to kick the ass of anyone who wronged you. So don’t make me kick your ass when I get out of this bed.” She gave him her signature lopsided grin. He let a laugh escape him despite the want to sob instead.
“Now, I’m starving, so help me sit up.”
“Sì, Signora.” Ezio helped her up and placed the tray of food in her lap. There was just enough for the two of them. They ate in silence for a few minutes, not realizing how hungry they were.
“The real tragedy here though is that I think I lost my hairpin down the side of that cliff.” She pouted as she popped a strawberry into her mouth. The dainty gold hairpin had been an anniversary gift from Ezio two years ago and she wore it every time they took a break.
Ezio chuckled. “I shall buy you all the hairpins until the void of missing that one is filled.”
“Oh, my dear, I fear your wallet will weep. As it may take all the hairpins in the world for the hole in my chest to be filled.” She feigned distress, pressing the back of her bandaged hand to her forehead.
A yawn suddenly forced its way from her, stretching her chest painfully.
“You should sleep, it will help you heal.” Ezio cleared the tray and set it next to the door. His wrist twinged. He almost forgot his own injury. Despite the pain though, he once again helped his wife lay down and pulled the blankets up to her chin. Her eyes batted slowly up at him; her lips pursed ever so slightly. He huffed a laugh and bent down to press a slow kiss to her waiting lips.
“I will be back before you wake again, mia bella.” After kissing her forehead, he made sure she closed her eyes then left the room. He had to report to his uncle about the attack. Not something he looked forward to.
It took a little less than six weeks for her to be fully healed. Her ribs still twinged dully when she twisted wrong, but daily stretches were quickly strengthening her muscles again. Ezio had finally broken his moody attitude now that she was up and walking.
The pair had stayed in Monteriggioni while she healed but constantly corresponded with the others in the Brotherhood. But today, the two were finally returning to Venezia to continue their search for Savonarola and The Apple.
She knew Ezio was anxious to resume their search, but despite being injured, she was glad they had somewhat of a break. She knew it would be around this time that Savonarola would be making his way into Firenze to steal control from the Medici. In the next three years, they will be storming the city to take down the corrupt monk. And then they won’t have a moment to breathe.
“Tesoro, are you ready to go?” Ezio’s voice brought her back from her thoughts. She smiled up at her husband and nodded. They were already packed and had their horses ready for the long journey. She hugged Mario, Claudia, and Maria goodbye as they met them at the town's entrance. She mounted her horse, Ezio on his horse trotting up next to her.
Waving, the pair left the town. And for the next eight years, they fought tooth and nail against the Templars. They defeated Savonarola, regained the apple, took down Rodrigo, and returned to Monteriggioni. Got run out of said town and came to Rome. Together, they began the rebellion against Cesare, starting with destroying the machines he forced Leonardo to make for him.
The two had destroyed all but one, the naval cannon. Following the engineer and getting past the guards was the easy part. Burning the blueprints was also easy. But when it came to actually destroying the machine and the naval fleet, that had proved to be more difficult.
Ezio rowed the gondola while she manned the Cannon. And slowly but surely, they dispatched the large ships. They had survived a few near-hits, the small boat rocking violently, the ropes and extra ammunition sliding around on the floor.
She cheered as the last ship went down in flames, Ezio breathlessly laughing next to her. His arms were on fire from rowing.
Y/N turned the Cannon, facing down onto itself. She looked over to her husband with a grin. “Would you care to do the honors, messere?”
“Don’t mind if I do.” Ezio wrapped his hand around the firing mechanism, “Perdonatemi, Leonardo.” He pulled back on the lever and they both turned to dive off the side of the boat.
But as she had said once, many years ago, they could not have predicted this.
As the boat had been rocking from enemy fire, and she moved around, a rope had looped itself into the perfect snare around her foot. When she jumped from the boat, it tightened, the other end is tied off on the metal machine. She had dived perfectly, was swimming next to Ezio as the explosion went off.
And then she was yanked back.
As the Cannon sunk to the bottom of the bay the rope tightened even more around her leg. She was quickly running out of air as she tried to free herself. Her hidden blade picked the wrong time to jam, if only she cleaned it as often as she should have.
Ezio was just about to break the surface when he turned to look at her. And his blood went as cold as the water around him. Managing to take a deep breath at the surface, he dove back down, swimming as fast as he could. She was sinking fast, faster than he could keep up. He watched desperately as she finally gave up, looking up at him and giving him an apologetic smile.
“NO!” The word only came out as a bubbled scream, mixing with the last bit of air leaving her body. Her eyes slipped shut and she descended into the dark depths. Out of his vision.
Not caring about his swiftly depleting oxygen supply, Ezio continued to swim after her. His lungs burned and his arms and legs grew slower. Just when he thought he was going to pass out as well, a bright golden light illuminated the bay, he could see the outline of the Cannon as it sunk. But not her.
The ache in his chest became too much and his body moved to the surface on its own. His head broke the surface and he gasped for air. His body was filled with relief, but his mind was a typhoon of emotions. Panic, confusion, grief.
He knew that light, he had seen it fourteen years ago when she first entered this world.
And just as she had come, she disappeared just as quickly.
Chasing the shadow || Part I

Summary: You're Ezio's friend. You meet him for the first time since many years. Words: 1407 Warnings: none Author: Cass
[Y/F/C] - You favourite color [Y/H/L] - Your hair length [Y/H/C] - Your hair color [Y/N] - Your name [Y/L/N] - Your last name

You were living in Rome for a long time now, your parents moved out from Florence when you were 10 years old only. You left everything behind, your whole life, every good person and every friend, including your childhood friend named Ezio.
For a long time you were sending letters to him and he was writing back to you. One day everything has just stopped. You never heard anything from Ezio again and it was sad, it ripped your heart apart. You were close with him, he was your best friend even if your parents didn’t like him.
You good remembered, how you both were running around streets of Florence, simply enjoying your time of youth, making troubles not once or twice.
You still could remember how sad he was when your parents were living the town with you by their side.
The only thing that has left you was a necklace, that Ezio and his mother had given you before you left Florence for good.
You sighed loudly playing with the jewellery, watching how beautiful Rome was. All those people, beautiful places, shops... It was your home now, a place where you were feeling safe.
Now you were living alone, your parents bought you house in a good district. They made sure, that you had everything that you needed and they were regularly paying you visits, which were a bit annoying for you. You were an adult woman now.
One day you decided to go and make small shopping for the evening. You put on your favorite long, [Y/F/C] dress, than slowly brushed your [Y/H/L], [Y/H/C] hair and looked at your reflection in the mirror. You looked like a real aristocrat, you only smiled at yourself and quickly grabbed your basket and some of the money.
The weather was nice and the city was calm, like really calm. Guards were walking thought streets, bards were playing happy songs on their instruments (two bards even got some money from you). And finally you found your shops.
Shopping went rather quick, you good knew what you had wanted to buy and how much you had wanted to buy. It never was a problem for you.
During your way back home someone ran into you. It was a man, dressed in white raiment with a hood on. He quickly grabbed your elbow before you fell on the ground. “Mi dispiace veramente, signora”. Man only said, he made sure you are standing still and he continued his runaway.
“Imbecille!” you yelled after him and in the same moment you saw group of guards, they were following the stranger.
You spend whole day sitting on the balcony, thinking about your accidental meeting with the man n the street. You still could see him in your thoughts. He looked like someone strong, someone in hurry, but he remained polite, he probably was dangerous. The hood, guards...
You only shook you head trying to get rid of those thoughts, because suddenly you heard a weird noises form… Somewhere… You couldn’t really tell, from where they came, but then suddenly you saw the man from the town, but he didn’t look as good as then.
His white raiment was stained with blood, probably his own, he was tired and you could tell this basing on his breath and heavy gasps, that you both could hear. Probably guards got him earlier...
“Where is he?! He for sure went that way!” You could hear guards screams. You looked at weak man and pulled him inside your house, he was even too weak to protest. You quickly closed balcony doors.
“What you did?” You muttered as you laid man on your own bed.
You sat on bed and thought what you can do, then you decided to try to use the knowledge that you had from your friend, who was a doctor.
“I’m sorry, but I have to take it off… At least upper part of your clothes..” You said and slowly tried to take off his hood, but immediately he grabbed both of your hands. “Calm down, no matter who you are, my mouth are silent. I promise.” You said, looking at him. Man only nodded and let you remove his hood off. And you had to say, that he was handsome… Really handsome. You smiled at him softly and started to take care of his wounds. Sometimes he let out a hiss or a quiet moan, but it was all. For most of time he remained silent, being rude enough to look into your cleavage, when he was thinking you weren’t paying attention.
After an hour you sighed softly, than got up from bed. Man slowly sat up. “Grazie, signora.” ”Sei benvenuto, signore. It was nice to help you, but I think you should rest a bit and I’m more than sure you won’t be able to run tonight.” You smiled at man.
He smiled back softly. “I think you are right, signora. May I ask you a question?” You nodded slowly. “Of course, yes?” “Your necklace… Where did you get it?” He asked, watching you carefully. “It’s a gift from a friend.. I got it before I left my home town..” You only said and shrugged, taking necklace into your hand. “Goofing around streets of Florence? Getting into troubles? Spending whole days having fun?” Man asked, smiling at you. “Yes but how… You… Ezio… Ezio Auditore..?” You asked, you were deeply shocked, your eyes were wide and you had no idea, what was exactly happening now.
“One and only… [Y/N] [Y/L/N]! My beloved friend!” Not paying attention to the pain, he simply got up from bed and took you into his arms, hugging you tight as he only could.
You laughed happily and almost started cry from happiness, right now you realised, how much you were missing him. You sighed and nuzzled to him.
“I missed you so much… I… I’m sorry… Few years after you left, so many things had happened in my life… That… I just lost my contact with you.” He said, still holding you tight in his arms.
You nodded. “It’s okay.” You took his hand and looked at him with tears in your eyes and with a big smile on your face. “We have whole night for each others.” Ezio stroked your cheek and nodded. “You are right.”
Both of you spent whole night at talking. He told you about terrible things that happen to his family and about what he had to do and who he had became. You told him, what was happening with you after you left Florence. You felt sorry for him, so many bad stuff happened to the man, but you were proud of him at the same time.
At morning Ezio put on his raiment and looked at you. “It was nice to see you again. I hope… We won’t lose contact this time…” You giggled and shook your head. “As long as you will find time for me in your busy life.” “Will you patch me up sometimes? It’s better than going to medics… I don’t need to pay.” He shrugged. You only laughed loudly. “Ezio, this house is big as you can see… And I live here alone. I can promise you that… You and your assassins will always find a help and shelter here, I will always be ready to take care of their wounds, give then place to proper rest and feed them with homemade dishes. It will be pleasure for me to help you.” “[Y/N]… I don’t know what to say… Grazie.” He hugged you. “You know… There is one thing that I wanted to do for so long… I wanted to do this before you left, but… We were too young.” You blinked. “But… What do you…”
You were cut off by a kiss, deep and strong one. When man broke the kiss ,you looked at him in shock. Ezio put on his hood and smiled at you briefly. “We will meet later, wait here at me. If something will happen, you know, where my sister and mother are. They will give a shelter to you. See you, bella.” He simply left your house, jumping out of the window.
You watched him for a bit and then you walked back to your bedroom. “Ezio Auditore… You’ve changed so much.” You whispered quietly under your breath, gently touching the necklace on your decolletage.