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Chasing the shadow || Part I

Summary: You're Ezio's friend. You meet him for the first time since many years. Words: 1407 Warnings: none Author: Cass
[Y/F/C] - You favourite color [Y/H/L] - Your hair length [Y/H/C] - Your hair color [Y/N] - Your name [Y/L/N] - Your last name

You were living in Rome for a long time now, your parents moved out from Florence when you were 10 years old only. You left everything behind, your whole life, every good person and every friend, including your childhood friend named Ezio.
For a long time you were sending letters to him and he was writing back to you. One day everything has just stopped. You never heard anything from Ezio again and it was sad, it ripped your heart apart. You were close with him, he was your best friend even if your parents didn’t like him.
You good remembered, how you both were running around streets of Florence, simply enjoying your time of youth, making troubles not once or twice.
You still could remember how sad he was when your parents were living the town with you by their side.
The only thing that has left you was a necklace, that Ezio and his mother had given you before you left Florence for good.
You sighed loudly playing with the jewellery, watching how beautiful Rome was. All those people, beautiful places, shops... It was your home now, a place where you were feeling safe.
Now you were living alone, your parents bought you house in a good district. They made sure, that you had everything that you needed and they were regularly paying you visits, which were a bit annoying for you. You were an adult woman now.
One day you decided to go and make small shopping for the evening. You put on your favorite long, [Y/F/C] dress, than slowly brushed your [Y/H/L], [Y/H/C] hair and looked at your reflection in the mirror. You looked like a real aristocrat, you only smiled at yourself and quickly grabbed your basket and some of the money.
The weather was nice and the city was calm, like really calm. Guards were walking thought streets, bards were playing happy songs on their instruments (two bards even got some money from you). And finally you found your shops.
Shopping went rather quick, you good knew what you had wanted to buy and how much you had wanted to buy. It never was a problem for you.
During your way back home someone ran into you. It was a man, dressed in white raiment with a hood on. He quickly grabbed your elbow before you fell on the ground. “Mi dispiace veramente, signora”. Man only said, he made sure you are standing still and he continued his runaway.
“Imbecille!” you yelled after him and in the same moment you saw group of guards, they were following the stranger.
You spend whole day sitting on the balcony, thinking about your accidental meeting with the man n the street. You still could see him in your thoughts. He looked like someone strong, someone in hurry, but he remained polite, he probably was dangerous. The hood, guards...
You only shook you head trying to get rid of those thoughts, because suddenly you heard a weird noises form… Somewhere… You couldn’t really tell, from where they came, but then suddenly you saw the man from the town, but he didn’t look as good as then.
His white raiment was stained with blood, probably his own, he was tired and you could tell this basing on his breath and heavy gasps, that you both could hear. Probably guards got him earlier...
“Where is he?! He for sure went that way!” You could hear guards screams. You looked at weak man and pulled him inside your house, he was even too weak to protest. You quickly closed balcony doors.
“What you did?” You muttered as you laid man on your own bed.
You sat on bed and thought what you can do, then you decided to try to use the knowledge that you had from your friend, who was a doctor.
“I’m sorry, but I have to take it off… At least upper part of your clothes..” You said and slowly tried to take off his hood, but immediately he grabbed both of your hands. “Calm down, no matter who you are, my mouth are silent. I promise.” You said, looking at him. Man only nodded and let you remove his hood off. And you had to say, that he was handsome… Really handsome. You smiled at him softly and started to take care of his wounds. Sometimes he let out a hiss or a quiet moan, but it was all. For most of time he remained silent, being rude enough to look into your cleavage, when he was thinking you weren’t paying attention.
After an hour you sighed softly, than got up from bed. Man slowly sat up. “Grazie, signora.” ”Sei benvenuto, signore. It was nice to help you, but I think you should rest a bit and I’m more than sure you won’t be able to run tonight.” You smiled at man.
He smiled back softly. “I think you are right, signora. May I ask you a question?” You nodded slowly. “Of course, yes?” “Your necklace… Where did you get it?” He asked, watching you carefully. “It’s a gift from a friend.. I got it before I left my home town..” You only said and shrugged, taking necklace into your hand. “Goofing around streets of Florence? Getting into troubles? Spending whole days having fun?” Man asked, smiling at you. “Yes but how… You… Ezio… Ezio Auditore..?” You asked, you were deeply shocked, your eyes were wide and you had no idea, what was exactly happening now.
“One and only… [Y/N] [Y/L/N]! My beloved friend!” Not paying attention to the pain, he simply got up from bed and took you into his arms, hugging you tight as he only could.
You laughed happily and almost started cry from happiness, right now you realised, how much you were missing him. You sighed and nuzzled to him.
“I missed you so much… I… I’m sorry… Few years after you left, so many things had happened in my life… That… I just lost my contact with you.” He said, still holding you tight in his arms.
You nodded. “It’s okay.” You took his hand and looked at him with tears in your eyes and with a big smile on your face. “We have whole night for each others.” Ezio stroked your cheek and nodded. “You are right.”
Both of you spent whole night at talking. He told you about terrible things that happen to his family and about what he had to do and who he had became. You told him, what was happening with you after you left Florence. You felt sorry for him, so many bad stuff happened to the man, but you were proud of him at the same time.
At morning Ezio put on his raiment and looked at you. “It was nice to see you again. I hope… We won’t lose contact this time…” You giggled and shook your head. “As long as you will find time for me in your busy life.” “Will you patch me up sometimes? It’s better than going to medics… I don’t need to pay.” He shrugged. You only laughed loudly. “Ezio, this house is big as you can see… And I live here alone. I can promise you that… You and your assassins will always find a help and shelter here, I will always be ready to take care of their wounds, give then place to proper rest and feed them with homemade dishes. It will be pleasure for me to help you.” “[Y/N]… I don’t know what to say… Grazie.” He hugged you. “You know… There is one thing that I wanted to do for so long… I wanted to do this before you left, but… We were too young.” You blinked. “But… What do you…”
You were cut off by a kiss, deep and strong one. When man broke the kiss ,you looked at him in shock. Ezio put on his hood and smiled at you briefly. “We will meet later, wait here at me. If something will happen, you know, where my sister and mother are. They will give a shelter to you. See you, bella.” He simply left your house, jumping out of the window.
You watched him for a bit and then you walked back to your bedroom. “Ezio Auditore… You’ve changed so much.” You whispered quietly under your breath, gently touching the necklace on your decolletage.
Chasing the shadow || Part II

Summary: Your quiet life quickly get complicated Words: 1712 Warnings: none Author: Cass

It was a month since you met Ezio again and you two were together now.
You were happy. You finally felt alive.
Taking care of assassins was something good for you. You were busy but never alone, assassins appreciated your work.
Your duty was to take care of every Ezio’s assassin. Sometimes assassins were coming to you, they were sick or hurt. You were patching their wounds or you were making sure they will recover really quick from any sickness. It was hard, some assassins were stubborn as hell,sicknessa tough task to keep them in bed.
The nicest work was when assassins were coming to you to get something to eat. It was nice to cook for more than one person. You were cooking for everyone, for sick and hurt assassins and of course for hungry assassins
Sometimes it was hard. Some nights you had to stay awake. Just like one night when you peacefully slept in your bed, dressed only in your [Y/F/C] nightgown. Suddenly your arm was grabbed and sshakd.
“[Y/N] wake up… please…” You good knew this voice, it was Ezio.
You looked at him.
“What is it…?” You muttered and sat up, rubbing your eyes.
“We need your help..” He said and looked over his shoulder, shoulde same and looked behind him. Two of his assassins were holding the third man. He was badly hurt… really really badly. You blinked in shock and looked back at Ezio. “Something has went wrong? Take him to free room, undress him, Ezio, take my bag and go with them… I will dress up and join you really quickly.” You only said and everyone listened to you. Taking care of assassin's wounds took you many hours.
You spend whole night, sitting on bed next to the hurt man, making sure everything is okay.
Ezio walked into room.
“Tesoro… come to bed, you need some rest.”
You only shook your head.
“I will be fine. I need to make sure… that he won’t die.”
Man only sighed and walked to you, he kissed your forehead, stroking your cheek.
“Bene, but please as soon as he will be fine. You have to take care of yourself. Buona note.”
“Buona note, my love.” You said quietly.
It was the worst night ever but you loved this work, many assassins were thankful because you saved their lives. You often talked with your friend who was a doctor, he was teaching you new stuff what made you only better in your work.
You also felt happy from different reason and it was because you were with Ezio, you two were together and this made you really happy. He was always making sure you are safe. No matter what it was, a walk, small trip for shopping, meeting with friends, always two assassins were somewhere close, keeping their eyes on you.
Ezio even made sure, that you got your choker. Simple black ribbon with silver assassin’s emblem.
This was your life now. No matter how hard it was sometimes, you loved it in the way it was.
You were walking around your living room, reading book. Nothing interesting, some medical stuff from your friend. You were just walking and repeating words from pages, you were trying your best to memorize them.
Suddenly someone grabbed your waist and picked you up, you let out a loud, scared whimper and you were scared until you saw who it was.
It was Ezio with happy smile on his face, you looked at him and laughed. “Ezio... Don’t scare me like this, please.”
“Scusami.” He said simply and kissed you.
You kissed him back and slowly took off his hood. “I missed you...” You said quietly.
Ezio put you back onto floor and hugged you tightly. “I missed you too so much.” He tried to hug you even tighter but he only hissed.
You blinked surprised, than you looked at him, frowning. “What did you do?” You asked angrily.
“Me? Nothing!” He said and smiled at you, “alright, alright... I just got stabbed few time.”
You rolled your eyes annoyed. “Sit.” You growled and went to find your bag.
Ezio sat down on your bed. “Don’t be mad, mi amore.” He said and started undress himself.
“Il mio bel, idiota.” You growled and stared dressing his wounds.
“They started looking for you...” Ezio looked at you, he seemed to be worried.
You were gently cleaning his woubes, you looked at him. “For me...?”
“Well... Not particulary but they know that there is someone in the city. Someone who helps us, they slowly try to look for this person...”
You shivered. “But... what I will do now..” You said deeply scared. You were brave, but not brave enough to stand still about possibility of being captured.
“Don’t worry, you will be safe. I premise.”
~~ Few days later~~
You took your basket and left your house. You walked trough calm streets of Rome, looking around at houses, people, at the whole world which was surrounding you.
You felt a bit weird. Ezio left you again to take care of some ‘important stuff’, you hated it because he was always leaving you under care of his assassins and the truth was you needed him the most.
You looked around, this weird feeling on the back of your neck was still presence. No one, only two assassins on the roof, but around you... no one. No suspicious people. You took deep scared breath and continued your walk, no matter how fast you were walking this feeling didn’t left you. For sure it wasn’t because of assassins, you were already used to their presence, it was something different and you could felt it in your bones. You only shook your head and walked even faster to do shopping and go back to home as quick as it was possible. Was it paranoia or you just lost the habit of feeling good around normal people, knowing your position now?
You got everything that you needed, Some food, medicines and fabrics. You were looking around whole time. But no one was after you, all you could see were people, normal people and guards that were walking around the streets. Everything was extraordinary.
“I think it’s paranoia..” You muttered to yourself when you opened door to your house. It was when you saw both of your “protectors” on the ground, they were probably dead, but this wasn’t the thing that scared you the most.
There was five heavily armoured soldiers and their captain. Man looked at you hardly. “As I can see, we were right. This place really is an assassin’s hideout, and you need to be their “famous” slut.”
Man growled, walking closer to you. “You are arrested. As a traitor!” man ripped off necklace from your neck.
You wanted to fight, oh so badly, but you know you had no chance. If you would start a fight, you would die. Being arrested was ‘better’ option in your situation. You only looked at man, growling under your breath.
He smiled and grabbed your cheek. “You won’t try be so strong later.” Man said. “Take her!” He ordered to his men and left your house.
Soldiers were really harsh with you. They put tight rough ropes on your hands and pushed you out of the house.
The walk to the prison... was terrible, every person, no matter if you know these people or not. They were looking at you, frowning, whispering between each others, turning their back to you.
You felt bad but, you also knew you were doing the right thing. No matter what people were thinking.
People in prison tried to pull out information from you. Cold water, beating up, intimidation... nothing made you talk. Maybe it was a mistake for you not to talk, but you knew you had to stay loyal to Assassins.
By the end of the day you were threw into a small cell, filled with mud and old hay. Your once beautiful dress was destroyed, your hair was a mess, your face was completely devastated, just like the rest of your body.
You whimpered, when you tried to got up from floor, but all you could do was getting onto your knees and hands. You looked around and saw an old matters, stained with blood and with other fluids you didn’t want to know about.
You forced yourself to move. You slowly laid down on your new ‘bed’ thinking about what will happen next. Will Ezio return on time? Or maybe his assassins will make him go back... or maybe they will help you? Maybe you will die here? What will happen tomorrow? What they will do to you next time?
All those questions filled your head, you were scared, but also full of faith, even when strong pain was filling your body.
Next day everything has been repeated: tortures, questions, tortures, questions... over and over again.
In the end of the day, you were just laying on your bed, listening to screams and guard’s talks. The thing that you heard frizzed your blood.
“What with that assassin’s woman. The one that was helping them?” “You didn’t heard. She don’t want to talk. She will be hanged tomorrow.” “Why so quick?” “Captain is mad. I think he has a plan. I have no idea.”
You could feel tears in your eyes you didn’t want to break down, especially not now...
“Where is she?!” Ezio yelled loudly. His voice was full of fear and anger, his eyes were full of rage. “How could you let something like this happen to her!?”
Assassins that were supposed to protect you looked at each other, one of them started to talk.
“We... We tried, but...”
“They were awaiting...” The other one finished. “We didn't have any chances..”
“Imbecilli! You two have to find her. And tell me where is she. Understand?” He asked frowning.
Both man nodded and quickly ran out of house.
Ezio sighed heavily and looked around your devastated house. He felt so bad now, just every place reminded him about every single good moment with you.
He slowly sat down and rubbed his face.
“I will find you... I promise.” He said quietly to himself, clenching his hands into a fists.
A/N: Hey guys. I just wanna say that writing of next part... may take a while... Reason:

I’m really sorry guys but I want finish game when I still have too much of free time but I promise I will try write as fast as I will be able to ;)
Chasing the Shadow || Part III || Ending

Summary: After all scary events your life may become calm. Words: 1973 Warnings: none Author: Cass

You could see this. Sun rising on the sky, slowly changing black night into a bright day. Through small window you could see how they were preparing everything, one sight at the gallows made your stomach hurt. Just the imagine of you… hanging there made you sick. Your stomach hurt, your heart was beating faster, you had problems with catching a proper breath, your mind was one big mess.
“What will happen with me later?” “What my parents will say?” “This is the end..” “I don’t wanna die.” All those thoughts, they were loud like a war drum in your head.
You sat on the floor and pulled your legs to your chest, trying to calm yourself down.
“It’s okay… He is gonna come. He would never leave me. He loves me…” You kept repeating those words to calm down your mind.
And you were right. He was gonna come, but he had to plan everything. Ezio didn’t plan to kill whole prison to get you out. He wanted show everyone, that you are assassin’s property that no one can touch or hurt. They had to know that you were under their protection.
He wanted to prove you that you don’t need to be scared. His plan was simple. Assassins kill guards and he kill your executioner and get you, than make sure you will be safe.
You felt cold shivers going through your body when door to your cell hes been opened. Two guards smiled rudely at you. They grabbed your arm and dragged you out of cell. You tried your best to release yourself from their strong grips, you tried to kick and jerk but nothing helped, they were too strong for you.
They took you to the same place from last time… dark cell, few candles and the same old, wooden chair, stained with blood of others that had the “pleasure” to visit this place. You looked around when guards threw you onto this chair.
Then you saw him, he was a commandant of this place. He send you the same smile as guards before.
“Soo, I see you again… Listen, I’m sure you know what fate waits on you outside, so better talk now and I will change my decision”
“No! I will never betray my assassins! NEVER!”
Man only shook his head and slowly put on leather glows. You good knew what this meant…
Man smiled at you rising his hand. “Than suffer for your assassins, slut!” He said and hit you in the face.
The wave of pain moved through your body, even when range of pain was your cheek that become red and swollen from the force of impact. You felt tears in your eyes but you stayed as brave as you could, you saved assassin’s lifes not once. You were brave for them because you knew they will pay all their debts.
Hit, hit, hit another hit, hit after hit was aimed into your already aching face.
“Where are they! Where?! No one will come to safe you.”
Man growled and sighed heavily. He looked at you, all he saw was pathetic, beaten up woman.
“Take her, we will see each other later.” He said and looked away. Guards dragged you back to cell and closed door behind you.
You sighed and again looked outside, you saw how people started to gather up around the gallows. You felt like something squeeze your throat… was it again an imagine of you hanging there.
You felt like with every minute you were closer to your end. What if this man was right, what if they left you, what if this was really your end.
One thing made your heart stop… you saw them… older woman and man… You recognized them, your parents. Two the most important people in your life, people who gave you everything. You felt even worst.
You put your hand between bars and whimpered.
“Mamma! Papà!”
Somehow your mom looked into your direction, she quickly pulled her husband by hand and ran to your window.
“Dio mio! My child…”
She took your bruised hand and put it on her cheek.
“What have you done…”
“Is it true?! You really helped those assassins?!” Your father growled. “How could you? This is such a shame for us! For whole family!”
“Stop it! Looked at her.” Your mother yelled at him.
You looked at them both, with tears in eyes.
“I really… I didn’t… I wanted to… I had to… please forgive me.”
“There is no forgiveness for you.” Man said. “You deserve the same fate like every assassin.” He said and walked away.
Woman looked at you.
“Is it about him, about this man?” She asked looking at tears on your cheeks.
You only nodded feeling how words got stuck in your throat. “Yes… He is one of them, I was helping them. Sorry Madre, I love him.”
Woman smiled sadly and put hand between bars to stroke your cheek. “Mother always forgive, I love you my child.” She kissed your hand and slowly walked away.
You felt terrible, you just slide onto floor and started cry, you felt like you really changed.
They came for you, again two guards, they brought black cape for you. One of man put it around your shoulders and put hood on your head. They pushed you out of cell, but you didn’t break. You tried to keep some self pride. You walked, like a lady, listening to all screams, you didn’t pay attention to stuff that were threw into your direction.
You walked onto platform and listened how judge was reading your judgments. “Do you have anything to say before your die?” man asked.
You took deep breath.
“I did nothing wrong! I helped people that really needed this. People which we all need!” You yelled only to meet angry screams from people.
You looked at all of them, you saw your parents somewhere in the crowd. You mother was crying when your father stayed still.
Then you felt thick rope that executioner put onto your throat, he even didn't take off hood from your head.
Suddenly there were some moves in crowd, white hoods! Your heart started beating faster, not from fear but happiness, now you felt safe. You watched how few guards disappeared and were replaced with assassins in guard’s uniforms. One of them winked at you when small knife threw from crowd, weakened rope.
“[Y/N] [Y/L/N], I sentence you to death!” judge yelled.
Your executioner pulled the lever.
The hole under you opened up but you just fell down because rope wasn’t now strong enough to hold your weight. You looked out from the hole to see Ezio quickly killing judge and executioner.
People watched everything terrified.
“People of Rome!”
He yelled and helped you get out from hole. “This woman is under my protection. You touch her - you’re gonna have to fight with me!” He yelled. “I wanna you all to know that. No matter who you are, normal citizen or a soldier. You can’t touch her!”
After that Ezio got onto his horse and helped you got there too. “Let’s go home” He said quietly.
Ezio jumped off of his horse and took you into his arms.
“What they have done to you?” He said and opened door to his hideout. There were few assassins, they all looked at you and with smile on their faces.
You could saw and feel how happy they were that they saw you again, you heard so many nice words from them. Your man only smiled at you.
“Let’s go take care of you.”
It took him few hours to fully wash your body and properly take care of you, every touch made you shiver.
Ezio gently touched your cheek “You are safe now. No one is gonna touch you ever again.” He said and kissed you softly. You only whimpered happily and kissed him back. Now you really felt safe like never before.
It took you two months to return to your condition. This two months some showed you how much you did for brotherhood, Sometimes you were walking next to Ezio but sometimes not. No matter of that you always could see ready breakfast, it wasn’t always perfect but you could see that assassins tried their best, they were always offering their help, they were bringing you flowers, they were making shopping for you. Assassins were coming to you only to check if you feel okay and to make sure you aren’t sick or hungry. It was so sweet from their side. Now you knew what you were for them.
But still the most important from them was your man, Ezio tried be with you as often as possible. You loved to lie down to sleep next to him and in the same way to wake up. He always made sure you fell okay and that all your injuries healed properly, he made sure you feel safe.
After few days you walked to Ezio and nuzzled to him.
“What are you doing?” You asked quietly.
He smiled and pulled you onto his laps.
“Just planning… I try to find something about Zaccheo [Y/L/N]” Ezio said and stroked your hair. “He is a Templar.”
You blinked and looked at him shocked. “Zaccheo [Y/L/N]…?”
Ezio only nodded. “Something’s wrong?”
“He… He is my father..” You said “But… But he can’t… I mean… God, it would explain his… his behavior two months ago… He was oddly happy that they will hang me…”
Ezio looked at you confused.
“What are you talking about..?”
“My parents found me right before execution. My father… He said that they should hang me because I worked with assassins.” You said. “But he… I would… I never thought that he may be a templar.”
“[Y/N]…” Ezio started, “I’m sorry but… I need to take care of him. He is dangerous… For all of us…” He said and touched your cheek gently. “I’m really sorry…”
Ezio spend whole night, calming you down but finally you started undstood. That this really needed to happen. You agreed and you did this because you decided to stay with assassins.
You watched how Ezio was leaving hideout to do “his mission”, you knew he was going to get your father. You were scared even when he promised he won’t touch your mother. You trusted him.
You didn’t sleep that night, you waited only to see him and to hear that he did this. When he returned, he looked weird.
“What happened.” You asked.
Ezio looked at you.
“Hey, So… It’s over, Just your father… He Said ‘I’m not afraid of death. I could see why The Order is important. You, assassins pull good people onto bad way. My daughter is a good example of it.’ I never..” Ezio Shivered ” I… i never thought about that in such way.”
You walked to him.
“Ezio… you all did nothing. I joined because I wanted to, no one forced me to anything.” You said and looked at him.
He smiled sadly and hugged you tightly.
“I love you… I will always protect you but… now I want you to pack some stuff. We are leaving Rome tomorrow’s morning. Don’t ask where we are going… you will see.” He said and kissed you.
You returned the kiss and nodded.
At morning you both were ready. Your horse followed Ezio’s horse. You had no idea where are you were going, but you honestly wanted to leave the city. Your direction was unknown but you were with your man and everything bad stayed in Rome. You felt good with this.
Since this day your life got crazy as hell but finally after long time everything become normal. Ezio took off his hood on forever and you became his wife.
Life finally become calm.