Factkin Explanation - Tumblr Posts
What is a factkin of a person? How does it work? Thanks :)
To answer your question: Basically Factkin is an involuntary kintype that is factual based. It's someone who identifies as someone in a non physical way. It's never really factual. It's like taking a factual base and filling in the cracks with fiction. It's based on online personas or how you perceive them. Like I said, it's never really factual since you don't actually know the person.
Of course don't go around telling people you kin them! That's inappropriate and weird!! No one will appreciate that and of course impersonating someone is never okay. People have boundaries and its never okay to do any of that. Factkins know that they aren't like Ryan Reynolds or Matpat. If they genuinely believe this then they aren't a factkin, they are experiencing delusions and suffering from psychosis. Remember, committing crimes and impersonating real people are never okay!!