Falcon Imagine - Tumblr Posts

Words: 1314 Warnings: a little bit of cursing Summary: Bucky wants to take a flight to Bucharest, unfortunately at the airport there are problems because of his metal limb. Sam and Steve need to calm their friend down, but it all goes wrong.. Requested by: anonymous Gif: x Author: Beast

The terminal gate had a large sitting area with the generic airport rows of chairs that were stuck together, some of which were already filled with a mix of waiting passengers, a few of them cheerfully optimistic while some looked irritated. The wide, glass windows afforded a great view of the planes outside.
Bucky was sitting at the chair, his legs crossed nicely as he was checking his phone and email. He cursed and checked his watch.
„I’m gonna kill ‘em” he grunted under his breath.
Standing up to stretch, he looked around the terminal gate and noticed that the number of people had dwindled. Bucky resisted the temptation to lick his lips, a nervous habit that he’d never lost.
He spotted Sam and Steve several minutes later.
“You both are late. AGAIN” Bucky crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ve been waiting for fucking two hours!
Steve approached Bucky and put his large hand at man’s shoulder.
“I’m so sorry, Buck. There was a huge traffic jam” blonde said in a soft voice, trying to calm his buddy down.
Bucky only rolled his eyes.
“Fine. Can we go now? I don’t wanna miss a flight”.
Steve nodded and pulling out his documents, with Sam and Bucky by his side, he went to the airport check-in.
When their documents had been inspected, guys went in the direction of security’s machine to check upon metal stuff in their luggage.
The closer they were, the more stressed Bucky was.
“Steve, shit, I won’t pass it, ya know..” Bucky gently pointed at his left arm, carefully covered by a grey hoodie.
“Easy, Buck, we’re gonna make it” Steve patted his friend’s back, trying to give Bucky his support.
As soon as the trio stopped in front of the machine, they gave their bags to one of the guards to let them check it.
After a while, the tall man asked Steve to go through a metal detector.
Steve went through it without any problems and as soon as he did, he turned to gave Bucky a look. He knew his friend was a bit terrified.
Sam also went through the detector without any issues.
And then it was Bucky’s turn.
“Sir?” the tall guard looked at Bucky with a suspicious gaze. “Is everything alright? You can do it now.”
Bucky nodded nervously and after several deep breaths he slowly stepped through the machine.
As soon as he did, the detector started to beep like a crazy, signaling presence of metal with flashing of a little red light.
Another security guard approached Bucky and started to search him down.
“Pockets are clear” he said to other man dressed in an uniform.
It was until guard touched Bucky’s metal arm through his hoodie. Man frowned and glared up at Bucky.
“Sir. We need you to pull up your sleeve, please” guy said slowly, looking carefully at Bucky.
Barnes sighed deeply and gave a brief look to Steve, who only nodded.
Bucky slowly rolled up his sleeve, revealing his metal limb.
Two other security guards came to check upon Bucky’s metal arm.
“Uhm.. Sir.. Is that real or fake?” one of men, an older dude with glasses asked politely, blinking few times.
Bucky hesitated and as annoyed as he was, he mumbled quietly.
Guards gathered themselves in a little circle, whispering something among each other.
“I knew it’ll end up like this, Steve” Sam leaned to blonde man and chuckled softly.
“Shhh, Sam, not now” Steve raised his hand to give his friend a sign to be quiet.
Bucky was still standing in a place. He felt like an animal caught in a snares. Feeling glances of other people, who were looking at him out of curiosity, Bucky growled loudly.
“Ekhem. Shall we?” he gave an anxious look to the older guard.
Man nodded and took a deep breath.
“I am sorry sir, I am afraid we cannot let you through with that metal.”
Bucky blinked and instinctively looked at Steve with an imploring glance.
“I have to go with my friends” Barnes felt like an idiot saying this. “We have a flight to Bucharest.”
Was he trying to explain himself?!
Steve approached them and smiled gently.
“Yes. He’s with us. We have very important meeting there and we can’t miss this flight” Steve has shown his ticket to guards. “Please.”
The older man shook his head.
“I am sorry sir, it’s the main rule and we have to obey it.”
Steve was about saying something, when other guard cleared his throat.
“Sir” man looked at Bucky, “is there something you can do with this… metal limb?”
Bucky blinked and shook his head.
“No. Don’t think so, for fuck’s sake..”
“Oh yes, he can!” it was no one else but Sam who stand next to Steve. “Buck, you can reattach it.”
“Oh, for sure, little fucker!” Bucky growled aloud, causing the guards gave him an odd glances. “Ya know I can’t do it now!”
Sam giggled.
“Easy, man, trying to give ya some idea” Falcon shrugged with a cheeky grin on his lips.
Oh, how much Bucky was hating that grin!
It caused his rage increased within seconds.
“Fuck you, Sam!” Bucky blew a hit in Falcon’s shoulder, but Sam blocked his hit.
Guards immediately came in between two men to separate them from each other.
“EASY!” the older man shouted. He turned his face to Bucky. “Is there any chance for you to reattach that metal limb now?” he asked.
“I’ve been telling you that no! For fuck’s sake, are you deaf, man!?” Bucky jerked, trying to free his hand from grasp of security guards.
Falcon only laughed, looking how frustrated Bucky was.
“You can try to put your hand up in the air and go through that machine again!” he laughed from his own joke. “Maybe it’ll work, huh?”
Steve punched Sam’s shoulder, making an angry face and narrowing his brows.
“Sam, stop, don’t make it worse!”
But Falcon’s comment made Bucky yelled loudly.
“Fuck you, Wilson! Why are you such a cunt, huh!?”
Sam smirked again, laughing hardly.
“Because I love to piss ya off, Buck!” he chuckled.
The guards were thinking for a while.
“Well.. Maybe we can try to wrap your limb in some material..” one of man suggested.
Steve nodded eagerly.
“Let’s give it a try, men.”
Few minutes and outbursts of anger later, Bucky’s arm was wrapped in a large white piece of a material guards have found in an janitor’s room.
Steve was standing in front of Bucky.
“Relax, take it easy” Rogers instructed his friend before the next attempt.
He made a place for Bucky and gently pushed him ahead.
Sam was standing next to the guards, awaiting for the event development.
Bucky walked through the detector once again, but he didn’t succeed. Again, the machine started to beep.
Steve just knew it won’t end properly as soon as he spotted like Sam took a step ahead in the direction of Bucky and like he was spreading his arms.
“Go back to the shadow, Winter Soldier! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” Sam intoned with a deep voice, trying to sound like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings.
Before Steve barely could say something, Bucky simply jumped to Falcon and after a while both men were tussling on the floor.
“How dare you, little fucker!” Bucky was yelling, strangling Sam a bit.
Wilson was blocking each move of Barnes and after a moment of fight, he managed to kick Winter Soldier off himself.
When Bucky was laying on the ground, gasping for air, Sam crawled to him and punched him at the shoulder, choking himself with a laughter.
“I am sorry, man!” Sam rolled at his back, Bucky did same. “I just had to do it.”
Bucky growled, but after a second he was laughing too.
“Fucker” Bucky playfully punched Sam’s shoulder. “I hate you.”