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3 years ago

Long SOOP rant. Fuck Hybe.

When they renovated those three mansions,I though,ok,they will clearly rent the space later. Which was obviously better than letting them sit there unused. Win-win,both for the fans who get a new Soop season,and whoever owns those houses.

When BTS almost only wore clothes with the Soop designs,instead of their own outfits,it felt weird,but those pajamas were cute so whatever. When some of the cooking and eating scenes reminded me more of those Run eps which were a Paradise Hotel ad,I was like,whatever,if still feels nice to watch them eat.

When they were mostly shown spending time inside their own rooms,(with a lot of PPL in the background),or using the kitchen(full of luxurious appliances),I said well,it was just because they wanted to be genuine and show how they really spend their time when they are alone(ok that might still be true). When they seemed a lot less enthusiastic to be there compared to the first season,I thought it was only because they were about to drop PTD then and had too much on their plate.

When scenes were cut and the editing was a mess,and it didn't feel like there was that much interest to tell a coherent story this time,some people thought it was because it was being shown on JTBC and BTS usual chaotic interactions and drunk shenanigans were too much for cable TV,and it made sense,so I believed that. Well,that one could still be true.

When from the start the whole thing felt like a giant promotion of that space,with BTS not fully invested in being there,I should have taken everything at face value.

I found out that that recently there was a tour for a few lucky Armys in the Soop filming location.



So,the place looks like this now:

( I hope posting these is allowed. If not let me know)


BigHit was always good at milking stories from reality. At turning what could have been boring moments into scenes to be remembered. But,lately they are not even allowing real moments to happen naturally. The story is there even before the action happened....


Nice,right? So much thought into this. But it was a 4-day trip only. Does it deserve this level of romanticizing?


Cute cute cute. The person who designed soopy and those who made the merch are so good at their job. I really want all of this now. But that’s the problem...


Maybe my reaction is too harsh,but when I saw this,what I first felt was not excitement or fondness,which are my usual BTS-related emotions,but discomfort. All those ~nostalgic~ photos strewn everywhere of ~healing memories~ that never even felt like that when watching the show,just make me feel used. Do you think they’ll remove those when they later rent the mansions? I doubt it.

You can say,but what about the ahjumma who turned the restaurant where BTS used to eat into a shrine? Well,good for her. Because they actually did use to eat there. She just capitalized on it. But this is different,because the place was meant to be shown on tours from the beginning. So the Soop lost half of genuineness even before it happened.

Yes it's a reality show,so it's already a collection of personal moments being sold and transformed into a narrative by the editors and showrunners. But the balance was different until now. Maybe that was all fake too,but in the first season at least,the image being pushed by the company didn't seem to be that different from the story BTS told about the time they spent there. They genuinely looked like they were relaxed and enjoying being with each other,so adding labels like 'healing' over the whole thing didn't seem disingenuous.

Basically,now they just needed to get BTS' to bless the house with their presence so they can sell the bathwater later. Jungkook slept in this bed! Yoongi played guitar on this chair! Namjoon read this book on this same couch! Don't you want to breathe the air BTS farted in? Now you can!

Product placement is a thing. BTS advertising too many things these days is also a thing. But,so far,in all their reality and travel shows,you could see that BTS at least got some enjoyment out of being there,or that their experiences were the main product being sold. Here,it was not even about BTS. They were props to this huge ad for an ugly house no one fucking needs to stay in.

It's especially feels like a betrayal that they took a show that brought people so much genuine joy,and turned it into just a 5 episode-long ad.

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