Fangs Forgarty X Reader - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I need help finding a oneshot

Its a Riverdale oneshot about Sweet Pea cheating on the reader and Fangs suggest that the reader get back at him by sleeping with someone close to him, so the reader sleeps with Fangs and at the end the reader says “oops” when Sweet Pea barges into her room the next morning.

I know it’s somewhere on tumblr but I can’t seem to find it, any help would be appreciated. 

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2 years ago

Northside Serpent - Fangs Forgarty

Fangs x Fem!reader (eventually)

Jughead x Toni x Reader (friends)

Warnings: bullying?

Word count: 1,154

Summary: Being a Northsider who is very quiet but when the bulldogs and Cheryl are being mean to the Southsiders she speaks up.

Authors Note: That summary is the idea I came up with but it turned into something with that as the underline plot but also something. So I can’t say it's really a good description and I can’t say it's a bad one.


Riverdale Masterlist


Northside Serpent - Fangs Forgarty

“Hey, Juggie.” Y/n waved towards her beanie wearing friend as he showed up in the school parking lot with his friends.

“Y/n/n, long time no see.” Jughead smiled as he approached the Y/h/c-ed girl along with Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea.

“Jug I saw you two days ago.” she laughed, hugging him once he got close enough.

“We haven’t gone to school with each other in a while.” Jug nod's his head at her statement.

“True.” Y/n smiled

“Why are you outside?” Fangs asked the pretty girl who obviously knows Jughead.

“There’s a welcoming party for you all.” Y/n smirks shaking her head as she answered the handsome young serpent.

“Huh?” Jug looked at her confused and suspicious.

“Only a few put it together and yes, it’s who your thinking Jug. But be warned the Bulldogs and Cheryl are very against this.” she explained, shrugging in the process.

“Well before we go in mind introducing us to your friend here Jones? Toni?” Sweet Pea crossed his arms, not missing how Toni had also greeted the girl with a hug.

“Well, if either of you ever paid attention to anything other than pole at the Wrym you would’ve met her already.” Toni stated giving them an annoyed look that screamed ‘I told you so’.

“We’ve known each other since we were in diapers, she’s not just a friend she’s like my sister.” Jug explained to his followed Serpent boys. Jughead could tell Sweet Pea was still wary and Fangs seemed to not be able to take his eyes off her.

“She use to hang at the Wrym all the time.’ Toni added.

“Having known Jughead here all my life FP’s like a father to me.” Y/n smiled at the two boys standing in front of her.

“Like?” Jug scoffed tilting his head in her direction.

Y/n was family, there was no question. There was also no question that she was the honorary adopted daughter of FP.

“Oh haha. Fine, he is practically my dad. He helped my mom raise me and has been there for me my whole life.” Y/n answered.

“So are you a Serpent?” Sweet Pea asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Yes.” Y/n nodded as she answered his question holding her head high. She could understand his skepticism from his point of view.

“Y/n is the Serpent Princess.” Toni smirks nudging her friend, teasing her with her nickname.

“A title my dad gave her and I believe it’s fitting.” Jug stated.

“I’m gonna be the polite one between me and Pea and ask your name.” Fangs smiled

“It's Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n.” Y/n smiled reaching out to shake his hand. “An you?”

“Fangs Forgarty.” he smirked slightly but it ended up just turning back into a smile.

“Nice to meet you Fangs.” Y/n nodded

Once they let go of each other's hands Fangs elbowed Sweet Pea. “ow” Sweet Pea glared at Fangs.

Toni raised her eyebrows at the tall boy. “Introduce yourself instead of integrating the girl.”

“Sweet Pea, nice to meet you Serpent Princess.” he introduced himself after giving the pink haired girl an eye roll.

Y/n laughed at the exchange before shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you too.”

“Now that we're all acquainted, why don’t we all head into school now?” Jug asked, always the lover of education.

With that said they all grabbed their stuff and headed in. After the greeting by Archie, Veronica, Betty, and etc etc … Toni turned to Y/n with a look before asking. “This is Northside hospitality?”

“Welcome to the Northside.” Jughead snarked

“You know Y/l/n I thought once we were rid of Jones here, you would finally understand where you belong.” Cheryl spoke as she approached the group of young Serpents.

“Oh? And where would that be Cheryl?” y/n asked with her voice full of sarcasm as she crossed her arms turning to fully face the red headed Bombshell.

“By my side and the Bulldogs of course, silly. Not with these street rats.” Cheryl smiled her fake Blossom smile. Y/n would know the difference.

“Listen here Bombshell. These street rats as you call them are way better friends than your bulldogs would ever be. As for you Cheryl Blossom. You and I were good friends once upon a time until you decided to become a snot-nosed Bitch.” Y/n spoke pissed off stepping into Cheryl's personal space. Looking the HBIC right in the eyes. Y/n honestly missed having Cheryl as a friend. But then Cheryl she became someone who wasn’t the Cheryl Y/n grew up being friends with. If Cheryl ever came back then they could be friends again. “So leave us alone. I’m where I should be. Are you?”

With that said everyone started to head off to where they needed to be for the first period. After Toni and Y/n left off to their first classes the boys stood in the hallways for a minute. Sweet Pea and Fangs were ready to intervene when it came to Y/n and Cheryl’s talk. But Jughead and Toni had convinced them to back down. Y/n could fight her own fights, they know that for a fact. But they still stood ready as back up if the Bulldogs so much as moved a finger.

“I think I’m in love.” Fangs stated as they watched the girls disappear.

“She’s a Serpent so I’m cool with it.” Sweet Pea stated with a shrug at his friend's words. Truth be told he’s just glad it’s not a Northsider.

Jughead cast a glare at Fangs before saying. “She’s like a sister to me. If you hurt her Fangs I’ll bury you somewhere no one will ever find the body.”

Fangs gulped looking Jug in the eyes promising. “If I can get her to actually say yes then I promise I’ll never hurt her. At least I won’t try to.”

Sweet Pea suddenly got a thought in his head and he smirked. “Jones, you said she’s like a daughter to your dad right?”

“Yup.” Jughead nodded, casting a confused look to the tall dark haired boy. And then it hit him.

Sweet Pea clapped Fangs on the back as he let out an amused laugh. “Good luck Forgarty.”

Fangs turned his head to look at Jughead hoping he could explain since it seemed like he understood what Sweet Pea meant. “Huh?”

“Sweet Pea’s hinting to the fact that you’ll be dating the honorary daughter of Fp Jones, leader of the Serpents.” Jughead explained, and it was true if Fnags could get Y/n to say yes then he would be seeing the confusion leave Fang's face and was replaced by worry and a hint of fear. Jug patted him on the shoulder before continuing. “Don’t worry Fangs. She’s worth it.”

Tag: @gruffle1

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Posted: 2/22/2019

Updated: 12/09/2023


Sweet Pea

~One Shots~

 Color Me Drunk  (W.C. 2,340) (P.D. 4/24/2018)  Completed/Angst

Serpent men have the biggest egos... especially yours

 Hold You Tight  (W.C. 576) (P.D. 5/28/2018)  Completed/Slight Smut

He can practically hear the sighs and moans you make as he worships your body

 Just Tonight  (W.C. 4,642) (P.D. 5/23/2018)  Completed/Fluff

But when your lips touched his cheek, he not only knew that you are his now, but even more so... he is yours

 Too Close For Comfort  (WC. 2,893) (P.D.7/16/2018)  Completed/Angst

It wasn’t Fangs who was with Sweet Pea the night Archie Andrews pulled his gun out

I’m Not Her (WC.1,232) (P.D. 6/30/2019) Completed/Angst

“You’re in love with her.”   “Tell me I’m wrong,” you nearly begged.

Say Something (WC.1,842) (P.D.7/10/2019) Completed/Angst

Sweet Pea never thought he would be so f***ing ruined by a girl, but here he is, clutching the phone to his ear praying to anyone listening that you would pick up.

Sequel to “I’m Not Her”

Tear Me To Pieces (WC.1,738) (P.D. 8/20/2019) Completed/Angst

"You couldn't just stay away, could you?" Pea's eyes shine with unshed tears and bites his lip shaking his head. You can't stand it any longer. 

Part Three of “I’m Not Her” and “Say Something


Bughead (Betty Cooper x Jughead Jones)

~One Shots~

 Heart of Fire (W.C. 910) (P.D. 6/19/2018)  Completed/Fluff

Jughead Jones has no doubt that he would do anything for Betty Cooper. Even sit through a stupid football game to watch her cheer

 Flounder (W.C. 1,647) (P.D. 6/29/2018)  Completed/Fluff

Betty Cooper takes it on her self to try to teach Jughead how to swim, and Alice and FP reconcile while watching them


Falice (FP Jones II x Alice Cooper)

~One Shots~

This Ain’t A Love Song (W.C. 1,911) (P.D. 7/27/2018)  Completed/Angst

FP accepts that he will never be better than a one-night stand, but that doesn't make it hurt less

Flounder (W.C. 1,647) (P.D. 6/29/2018)  Completed/Fluff

Betty Cooper takes it on her self to try to teach Jughead how to swim, and Alice and FP reconcile while watching them


NSFW Alphabet 

*Each chapter contains explict gifs and situations*

1. Sweet Pea (2019-01-30)

2. FP Jones II (2019-02-03)

3. Malachai (2019-02-09)

4. Toni Topaz (2019-02-20)

5. Reggie Mantle (2019-06-06)



Paul Lahote

~One Shots~

Love, Hate, F******  Heartbreak  (P.D. 1/22/2019)  Completed/Angst

When you found out about the wolves and having a soulmate, it seemed that for once in your life things were finally looking up. But not everyone is grateful for the imprint, and eventually all the resentment and anger comes out leaving you devastated and wishing that you never even met the asshole Known as Paul Lahote

The Right Track (P.D. 2/13/2019) Completed/Angst

Sequel to Love, Hate, F****** Heartbreak!

After the night of which you and Paul’s arguments reached a new low, you deal with the aftermath in your own way. What will happen when your imprint appears and you must now face the anguish the both of you have suffered from a ‘needed’ time apart.

IT (2017)


Pepto Completed/Angst  


Who knew? It seems clowns get carsick too…

Harry Potter 

~One Shots~

You Made Me This (W.C. 1554) (P.D. 12/09/2023) Completed/Angst

You just hope you'll hurt less once you say what you wish

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