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A Sweet Man
Sweet pea x chubby reader
Warnings: fluff, bullying, body shame, swearing
Today was like any other day at the Wyrm for the gang. Sweet Pea playing pool against two other serpents and then winning their money. Toni serving drinks at the bar to the newer and older serpents. Jughead sat in a booth writing on his laptop. Across from him sat his girlfriend Betty Cooper a sweet and polite girl. Who loved him with all her heart. Cheryl was sitting at the bar with Toni. Then there was Y/N who was just admiring Sweet Pea as he played pool. Now Y/N was not like other girls on the Northside she prefred the Southside over the Northside. She wore darker clothes and talked with no filter for she had grown up with two brothers and her father. Due to her parents being devorced, that happend when she was only 7. But she had spent the summers with her mom. Y/N also didnt like the same things they did. While other girls were watching gossip or fashion shows while doing nails or makeup. She had prefered to watch an anime, cartoon or some horror movie. But mostly you could catch her watching Supernatural or one her favorite animes like Fairy Tail. Then while other girls listend to Justin Bebbier or Fith Harmony. She would be listening to Black Veil Brides, Falling in Reverse, Panic! at the Dicso, or Hollywood Undead. As you could see Y/N didnt really fit in with the female corperation she was more of a tomboy. Those were not the only thing that was different about her. She was chubby but she could live with it. As she went to the gym and on walks, she would also mostly eat right. To try and lose some weight. So Y/N was different but that is what Sweet Pea loved about her. Did I mention that Y/N was dating Sweets. They have been together for 1 year and going strong.
Y/N P.O.V.
I couldn't help but watch as my boyfriend laughed with the older serpent and then win his game. Witch would make his smile even wider. I gave him a smile and a round of applause to congratulate him on winning his game. "So.. how has life been in the snake pit?" I heard Cheryl's voice behind me as I turned to look at her. "What is that suposed to mean?" "Oh, please Y/n/n" she said. "What Cheryl is trying to say is. How are things going between you and Sweet Pea." Toni said while drying a glass. "Oh," I replied "Well things are great, we have been the same as alway." "That great to hear, and of course as you know me and Toni are doing wonderfull like always." Cheryl said looking at Toni with loving eyes. I coulnt help but think about how cute they were together. My attention went to the arms wrapping around my waist and the head nuzzling into my neck. "What are you ladys talking about?" I herd Sweets deep voice in my neck say while prepping kisses on my neck. I gave him a giggle in response and told him. "Nice to know you talk about me to other girls kitten," he said while pulling away to rest his head on my head. "What do you say we make our way back home?" he said placing a kiss on my head. I only hummed in agreement.
As we made our way out of the Wyrm we said our good nights to our friends. When we made it back home I changed into one of Sweets shirts and a pare of short shorts to sleep in while he only put on a pare of sweats and no shirt. I climed into the bed and he did the same. While getting comfortable I cuddled into his chest. That gave me a sence of calming and reassurance.
The next day at school tho was not going good for Y/N. All day most of the football team and other around school would pick on her for her weight and then for dating a serpent. But she would just tell them off and say she was proud of who she was and stick up for Sweet Pea on how much she loved him. Others who were watching thought she was noble for saying what she did about him. Finally when it came time for lunch she could just sit with her boyfriend and friends. As she was making her way to the table where her boyfriend and his and her friends sat Reggie passed but her bumping her to the floor and calling her a fat Surpent Slut. Others just laughed at her. That was the last straw as she pushed her way through the crowd of kids in line to get their lunch. When she finnaly had made it out of that place. She couldnt help but cry because she knew she was bigger then others. And she couldnt help but think about how Sweet Pea had deserved someone better than her. " Baby?!" she herd the fimilliar voice of her loving boyfriend yell as he finally cought up to her. " Hey Sweets," was all she saud to him looking down. "Whats wrong love?" he asked pulling her close to his chest. As she wrapped her arms around him she said "You deserve someone better then me. Im fat, weird,clumsy, and I dont dress like other girls," she saud crying into his chest. "Oh love, I love you for who you are and if I had to say I prefere a girl with meat on her bones." He said while bringing his hand down to grabe her ass. "And I love how you can get so rilled up about one of your shows or how you dont like bright colors all that much. I find it cute how clumsy you are. It adds to your personality. It makes you who you are." Sweet Pea said loving down at her and planting kisses on her head. " I love you so much Sweets," she said after hearing him confess all of that. " I love you too kitten," he said leaning in to meet her lips in a kiss that had shared both passion and love with maybe a bit or lust due to him geting a little handsy after grabbing her ass. " What do you say we ditch the rest of school, go to pop get some food and head home and watch movies." Sweet Pea said. "That sounds amazing but we gotta cuddle to, " Y/N said giving him a serious face. " And that too, " he laughted, while walking to his bike. "I love you Y/N," "I love you Sweet Pea,"

Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Malachai x Reader
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Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Toni Topaz/Reader
Rating: Explict
Posted: 2/22/2019
Updated: 12/09/2023
Sweet Pea
~One Shots~
Color Me Drunk (W.C. 2,340) (P.D. 4/24/2018) Completed/Angst
Serpent men have the biggest egos... especially yours
Hold You Tight (W.C. 576) (P.D. 5/28/2018) Completed/Slight Smut
He can practically hear the sighs and moans you make as he worships your body
Just Tonight (W.C. 4,642) (P.D. 5/23/2018) Completed/Fluff
But when your lips touched his cheek, he not only knew that you are his now, but even more so... he is yours
Too Close For Comfort (WC. 2,893) (P.D.7/16/2018) Completed/Angst
It wasn’t Fangs who was with Sweet Pea the night Archie Andrews pulled his gun out
I’m Not Her (WC.1,232) (P.D. 6/30/2019) Completed/Angst
“You’re in love with her.” “Tell me I’m wrong,” you nearly begged.
Say Something (WC.1,842) (P.D.7/10/2019) Completed/Angst
Sweet Pea never thought he would be so f***ing ruined by a girl, but here he is, clutching the phone to his ear praying to anyone listening that you would pick up.
Sequel to “I’m Not Her”
Tear Me To Pieces (WC.1,738) (P.D. 8/20/2019) Completed/Angst
"You couldn't just stay away, could you?" Pea's eyes shine with unshed tears and bites his lip shaking his head. You can't stand it any longer.
Part Three of “I’m Not Her” and “Say Something
Bughead (Betty Cooper x Jughead Jones)
~One Shots~
Heart of Fire (W.C. 910) (P.D. 6/19/2018) Completed/Fluff
Jughead Jones has no doubt that he would do anything for Betty Cooper. Even sit through a stupid football game to watch her cheer
Flounder (W.C. 1,647) (P.D. 6/29/2018) Completed/Fluff
Betty Cooper takes it on her self to try to teach Jughead how to swim, and Alice and FP reconcile while watching them
Falice (FP Jones II x Alice Cooper)
~One Shots~
This Ain’t A Love Song (W.C. 1,911) (P.D. 7/27/2018) Completed/Angst
FP accepts that he will never be better than a one-night stand, but that doesn't make it hurt less
Flounder (W.C. 1,647) (P.D. 6/29/2018) Completed/Fluff
Betty Cooper takes it on her self to try to teach Jughead how to swim, and Alice and FP reconcile while watching them
NSFW Alphabet
*Each chapter contains explict gifs and situations*
1. Sweet Pea (2019-01-30)
2. FP Jones II (2019-02-03)
3. Malachai (2019-02-09)
4. Toni Topaz (2019-02-20)
5. Reggie Mantle (2019-06-06)
Paul Lahote
~One Shots~
Love, Hate, F****** Heartbreak (P.D. 1/22/2019) Completed/Angst
When you found out about the wolves and having a soulmate, it seemed that for once in your life things were finally looking up. But not everyone is grateful for the imprint, and eventually all the resentment and anger comes out leaving you devastated and wishing that you never even met the asshole Known as Paul Lahote
The Right Track (P.D. 2/13/2019) Completed/Angst
Sequel to Love, Hate, F****** Heartbreak!
After the night of which you and Paul’s arguments reached a new low, you deal with the aftermath in your own way. What will happen when your imprint appears and you must now face the anguish the both of you have suffered from a ‘needed’ time apart.
IT (2017)
Pepto Completed/Angst
Who knew? It seems clowns get carsick too…
Harry Potter
~One Shots~
You Made Me This (W.C. 1554) (P.D. 12/09/2023) Completed/Angst
You just hope you'll hurt less once you say what you wish

Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Reggie Mantle/Reader
Rating: Explict
Click Here To Read!
I’m Not Her (W.C. 1,232)

Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Sweet Pea / Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: “You’re in love with her, tell me I’m wrong,” you challenge.
Read on Ao3 here! Or click Keep Reading below!
"You are so unbelievable," you huff as you storm into the trailer. Tossing your jacket onto the sofa, you stomp your way into the bedroom.
Sweet Pea is right on your heels, slamming the front door and making his way down the narrow hallway to lean against the door frame. He rolls his eyes and cockily tips his head.
"As much as your sass is hot, you're starting to irritate daddy. Now either you cut this shit out and tell me what the hell crawled up your ass tonight or you knock this of to instead knock the headboard against the wall instead." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively but you only glare at your boots as you unlace them and kick them off.
"Is sex the only thing you ever think about, is that the only thing this relationship is based on. Is that all I am to you? Because I actually like you. That's why for the past two weeks I've planned a nice date night for you and I. I made the reservations, called off work, and bought this brand new outfit for you only to ignore me the minute you spot Archie with Josie!"
Pea nods in mock consideration, before a smug smile cracks across his face. One you'd really love to smack away.
"Oh, I get it. You're jealous!"
You lean over to wail one of your boots at his smug face but, of course, the big oaf ducks before impact. Merely chooses instead to move to approach you and then pull your struggling form against his chest, a chuckle vibrating against your cheek.
"Isn't that just adorable. Greens definitely your color, baby. But you're being more sensitive than usual, are you PMS-ing or something?"
You grit your teeth and shove him as hard as you can, managing to put at least 2 feet between the two of you. You take pride in the shocked face Sweet Pea makes at your outburst.
"You think this is a fucking joke? You humiliated me."
Sweet Pea recovers with an annoyed look and eye roll.
" Jesus God, y/n, chill out. It's not a big fucking deal. You're so fucking irritating anymore."
You've hit your limit. Instead of saying anything else to him, you decide to take your leave instead. Sweet Pea can't deny the sudden wave of panic as you push past him into the cramped living room. The one he first kissed you in, the one that held the multiple candles you would buy on a whim, the one you both decorated for Christmas with a tree and gifts. He can swear that the smile on your face while you decorated was brighter than any of those lights. He doesn't know why, but in those few seconds it took for you to walk out the door, he's taken back to every memory he's shared with you. His bedroom where you took care of him in when he'd over drink or when he caught the flu. The bed you made love in, well you referred to it as 'making love' but he crudely referred to it as fucking. He remembers how your face fell at that, and it felt like he couldn't breathe. He made his way to where you were pulling on your coat.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm leaving," and with those few words Pea's heart clenched.
"So that's it? It's over?" 'Of course it is you idiot. You betrayed her, you hurt her. Coward.'
He can't help but to flinch when you turn to him with a face void of any emotion, although your eyes were glassy, he didn't know which sight hurt more.
"Don't act so surprised. You and I both knew this was coming, it's what you wanted after all, right? That's why you wanted to keep me a secret from people, why you kept on flirting with people, ditching me to listen in on her practices. Why you wouldn't even take me to prom, all because she was with someone other than you. While you were stuck with me, the girl who gave everything she had to you like an idiot." A few traitorous tears escape from the corners of your eyes and he moves to get near you, only stopping as your body goes rigid and you compose yourself once again.
"I'm done being that idiot, your idiot, Pea. I know now that all I ever was to you was an easy lay, a cook, a maid, a cover-up, an excuse to show up everywhere she was. I was your dirty little secret, your second choice to the amazing Josie McCoy. I thought that I could change your mind, make you see how happy I could make you... even at the expense of my own. I thought if I tried hard enough that I could be enough for you, like she is. But I know now that I'm not her. And that is why I'm not enough for you. But I do know that the smartest thing Josie ever did, was turn away from your bullshit... something I wish I could've done from the beginning." Tears now course steadily down your cheeks, but a weight has lifted off your shoulders with each word. While to Sweet Pea, the words felt like a bullet to his heart.
'No,' he thought, 'you're my everything. I was so stupid. I'm so sorry. I don't want her, you are enough.'
"You're in love with her."
Pea stands there with his mouth opening and closing like a fish, his mind going a million miles an hour with all the things he desperately wants to tell you. 'No. NO. Don't think that baby, you are my light. My love. My happiness. I was just so scared of you, of how much you changed me, changed me into someone so much better than a serpent asshole. I fell for you so hard, so quick, it was easier to push you away than to endure the way you make my heart race the minute I set my eyes on you.' Words he couldn't bring his mouth to say.
"Tell me I'm wrong," you nearly begged. Oblivious to the war raging inside the boy in front of you, holding your breath in anticipation that for once, he would choose you.
You nod your head, accepting his silence as his answer. You put your hand on the doorknob and suddenly Pea remembers his functioning vocal cords, but all rational words all pleas and professions of love escape him in his last ditch effort to get you to not leave.
"Wh-where are you going?"
"I'm going home."
"But, but you are home."
You don't answer, instead pulling the door open and palming your keys. And in that last moment, before you step out of the trailer, out of his life and this single sided relationship, you turn to meet his dark eyes one last time. You don't see the man you fell in love with, not the man who would cook you breakfast in bed, the man you gave your first time to, the man you dumbly hoped to marry one day. No, he wasn't any of those anymore. He was your first heartbreak, a lesson to be learned.
"Not anymore."
And with that slamming of the door, the boy fell to his knees in grief while you, like all the memories, were gone.
Say Something (W.C. 1,842)

Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Sweet Pea / Reader
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: Cussing, Underage Drinking
Summary: Sweet Pea never thought he would be so f***ing ruined by a girl, but here he is, clutching the phone to his ear praying to anyone listening that you would pick up.
*Can be read as sequel to “I’m Not Her” or can be read alone*
Click Here for Ao3 or Click Keep Reading for on here!
Sweet Pea never thought he would be so fucking ruined by a girl, but here he is, clutching the phone to his ear praying to anyone listening that you would pick up.
"Hey this is y/n, I'm not around to pick up bu-"
"Damn it!" He punches the red call button and leans back against his headboard, phone tossed away and his hands tugging through his hair. It's been a week since you walked out and he feels as if he's going fucking insane without you. The only other times he's cried so hard were when his parents abandoned him as a kid, and when he nearly lost his best friend. But this was different. When he's gone through hard times before, he had you. You were the light of his life and his fuck-up caused him to be alone. Sweet Pea struggles to swallow around the lump in his throat, eyes burning from continuous tears. He's a mess.
He needs you. He knows that now. With you he felt powerful, attractive, safe... loved. But you're gone, and he feels like he might die from the aching in his chest, from every single fucking memory of you two running through his head. Beer, he needs a beer, multiple. Pea wobbles on his feet and slowly makes his way into the catastrophe of which is his den. He took all of his pain out on the trailer for the first three days, and it shows. Pea pushes the flipped couch out of his way, eyes trained on the dinky fridge that hold his newest best friend. Said fridge is bare of all edible substances aside from the four 6-packs Fang's gifted him when he heard of the breakup. Fuck, even the word makes his heart spasm. He grabs a bottle and pops it open, leaning against the counter. He takes a long swig, welcoming the bitter taste.
Pea doesn't know how much longer he could live like this. Hell, he's had to hold himself back from running to your house even if it's just to catch a glance at you. Because he sees everything but you anymore. The coat hook, empty. His shower void of all your soaps, your side of the closet... bare. He feels like you're a ghost now and he's frantic to just prove that you were ever in his life at all! But the loneliness that's slowly suffocating Pea proves that you are very much real. You were his, for a short while, but he was the one that never took 'being yours' seriously. He remembers your face when you begged him to just be honest about how he feels for you, that he loves you. But he couldn't. Not because of anything other than he's a coward that doesn't deserve you. He remembers when Betty and Jughead came to get the things you left behind, Jones had to almost sit on him so Betty could come in and out safely, taking all he had left of you.
Pea starts to shake as the next wave of this ever-lasting mental breakdown comes upon him. He wishes this was all just some stupid fucking nightmare and he would wake up to you squirming away from his snores in your ear. He would let you go, but before you could get off the bed, he's grab you back and crawl on top of you. He'd whisper all the naughty things he wanted to do to you, watching the lust dance across your eyes. Pea would nearly lose it as you let out a little moan, grinding against his bottom half, him kissing your neck-
"God fucking damn it!" Pea wails his bottle against the wall and slowly slides down to the floor, begging someone -anyone - to put him out of his misery.
"Fuck, y/n," his voice cracking into uncontrollable sobs. He can't be bothered to try to make his way into the bed as his vision darkens, finally giving into exhaustion on the glass ridden tile.
A little while later, a few forceful pounds on his door stirs Pea out of his drunken stupor, but only to groan, hoping if he stays somewhat quiet that whoever out there will get the fucking hint. He wants to suffer, alone. Pea imagines you're doing the same thing, at least he hopes you're as broken up about this as he is. Soon the bangs stop, but before he could slip away again, a powerful shove sends his door nearly off its hinges, no doubt cracking the frame. Pea nearly uses all of his energy to sit up, seeing double of a certain purple haired vixen. Fuck he want her seeing him like this. He tries to scramble to his feet as Toni looks around in shock.
"What the hell did you do? I was expecting a mess, but it's like a fucking war zone Pea!"
"Why are you here?"
"You're joking right? You haven't left here in a week and you've been ignoring every single person who's tried to get you. I'm the last resort!"
Pea just lolls his head back against the counter and closes his eyes, trying to block out the spinning room.
"Fuck off." Toni just snorts at that and makes her way into the kitchen, only sighing at the broken glass. Neither of them speak as she fetches the broom to clean it up. Soon she just slumps down next to Pea, slightly gagging at the alcohol rolling off of him in waves. Pea just hopes she'll get bored with his silence and just leave, but Toni just plays with her bracelet, trying to find the right words.
"Do, do you want to talk about it?" Pea finally turns to look at her, and she flinches slightly at his bloodshot eyes and red skin, making it clear how broken he feels right now. She's at a loss, never having seen him so torn up over something before. He usually is so good at burying his feels, so having his face being so easy to read shakes her a little.
"Have you seen her?" Toni takes a deep breath, hesitating a little before giving a solemn nod. She can't stand to look at him as she continues.
"Yeah, I've seen her around lately." Pea swallows and then asks the inevitable.
"H-how is she?"
"She-e was very upset before, but-" Toni cuts off taking more interest in her jeans at the moment. Pea's anger spikes again as he shoves her shoulder.
"But?" Toni just sighs and runs her fingers through her hair.
"I don't think you want to know-"
"Quit fucking around."
"She-s, she's... happy." Pea whips his head around, furrowing his brows. What the fuck does she mean you're happy. You should be a hermit, constantly crying like he is. You were never a good liar, so he's sure you aren't faking, but, but that just pisses him off! How fucking dare you being happy without him.
"Happy? Happy! Are you fucking serious?!" Anyone else would be shocked, but Toni would expect this. Still, she couldn't help being a bit coy.
"I though you're supposed to say that you're just happy because she's happy and all that sappy shit." He only just glares and then turns to face the wall.
"No. I don't want her happy unless she's with me. I'm a selfish mother fucker. Who the fuck does she think she is? She should be wallowing in sadness and alcohol like I am, not fucking acting like she's celebrating! If she was here right now I'd-"
"But shes not. And she's not your fucking problem anymore, so your opinion means shit."
Pea just puts his head down, accepting the loss just a little more. Toni feels bad at cutting his rant off, but for Pea, being drunk and angry wouldn't do anyone good! She stands up and reaches her hand out to him. He stumbles to his feet and they make the journey to the bedroom. Pea just flops face down to the bed and Toni just stands there, unsure if it's safe to leave him right now.
"You don't have to fucking babysit me, I'm not gonna do anything stupid." Pea mumbles from his pillow. Knowing how Pea is when he's drunk, Toni just shifts and then grabs him a glass of water, and leaves with a final worried glance. Pea tries to fall back asleep, but Toni's words keep ringing through his head.
"She's happy."
He doesn't know if its the loneliness or alcohol that leads him to try calling you again, already expecting the same voicemail message.
"What do you want Pea?"
He nearly falls off the bed at the sound of your voice, you picked up! He fumbles with words and you only huff at the silence, ready to hang up.
"No,wait, y/n. I-I've been trying to get ahold of you," and then he pauses... the anger kicking in, "why the fuck haven't you been answering me?" He doesn't need to see you to know you're doing an eyeroll right about now.
"Why the hell do you care? I'm not your girl Pea, so it's none of your business. Did you call just to fucking chew me out? Me life doesn't revolve around you anymore."
Pea takes a deep breath, eyes starting to blur with tears.
"No-no. I'm sorry I didn't mean to- I, uh, I just," he takes a moment to collect himself, "I just really miss you... I lo-"
"Don't say you love me."
"W-what the fuck do you mean? Why not? Are you with someone," Pea rambles. His emotions giving both of you whiplash. You just ignore his ramble, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Because with you, every time you say you love me, it means a little less."
Your voice nearly cracks, and you wince, hoping he hadn't caught it. But he did, and it gave him hope to push a little more.
"So you just want me to forget about you, about us? There definitely has to be someone else, who the fuck is he. Is it Andrews? Mantle?"
"Oh just shut up Pea, can't you just accept that maybe I'd rather bealone than with you? Do you think I'm that much of a floozy?"
"Fine, if that's how you feel. Then do this one thing for me. Then I'll leave you alone, you won't hear a fucking peep from me. Just, swear to me that this mean nothing to you."
You nearly choke on your cries, but you know what he's doing. He playing you, even now.
"That's not the po-"
"I want an answer, dammit!"
"You aren't gonna get the answer you want Pea."
"Lie to me then."
You need to stay strong, to prove that you will survive without him. That you don't need him.
"Don't call this number again."
"Y/n, I'll keep calling for the rest of the night if I have to, until you answer me."
"Guess you'll have a long night then."
You left him once again that night.
Tear Me To Pieces (W.C. 1,738)

Fandom: Riverdale
Word Count: 1,738
Pairing: Sweet Pea / Reader
Rating: Teens and Up
Summary: "You couldn't just stay away, could you?" Pea's eyes shine with unshed tears and bites his lip shaking his head. You can't stand it any longer.
Part One I’m Not Her
Part Two Say Something
AO3 Or Click Keep Reading Below!
You sigh as yet another call vibrates through your phone, disrupting the rare moment of peace you're finally experiencing. You know its him. Pea wasn't joking when he promised to be relentless. It's been a rough month since your last conversation, but thats something you won't ever tell another soul. Riverdale doesn't exactly have the best track record of keeping secrets, so you bode well to suffer in silence. But damn, you miss him so much. Crying yourself to sleep nearly every night has taken not only a mental toll on your body, but quite noticeably a physical as well. You've barely eaten, face slightly gaunter and dark purple bags under your eyes. And mentally, you're exhausted, a constant war waging inside of your mind. To give in or fight through the loneliness.
But when the phone started to ring again, your body makes the choice, launching at your phone to quickly answer it.
"Hello," you flinch at the croak that comes from you.
"Y/n, Jesus-Christ in Prada boots, you sound like shit, everyone's been trying to get ahold of you for the past 3 weeks! Three! Where the hell have you been?" You almost hate yourself for the small stab of disappointment that it wasn't him but you merely wince at Cheryl's blunt response. Before you could muster up a crappy excuse, you hear a sigh and the phone being snatched away by her pink haired beau.
"Don't mind her, Y/n, she doesn't take being ignored well - baby, no, I love you for it don't worry- ," her voice gets softer when she talks to her girlfriend. You hate the tears that well up in your eyes at tone, and you hate your mind for replaying all the times you were addressed in that soft tone, from your own love. Fucking. Hell.
"Y/N, you still there?" You shake your head, trying to calm your racing mind.
"Yeah, I-I'm here," You take a deep breath hoping for your voice to be at least a little more steady, "I'm sorry for disappearing on you guys, I've just had a lot to think about. And I think best alone, but I-I think I'll be o-okay now."
You almost laugh at your own lie as you catch sight of your horrid appearance in your dresser mirror. 'Okay' when the fuck is anybody really okay? What does okay even mean? The awkward silence ensues as Toni decides within herself whether it would be better to call you out on your lie, or not. You can just imagine the standoff going on between the two Vixens right now, no doubt having you on speaker, and no doubt one wanting to call your bullshit more than the other. A disgruntled groan is your only warning before you realize that yes, you're in for it..
"Okay? Yeah, and you're also not supposed to mix gold and silver jewelry but does it look like I give a damn? Listen, what I'm about to tell you is what you told me when my darling JJ was taken by the cold clutches of death and deceit. Get your shit together. Take off the stupid Snoopy PJ's that I know you're wearing. Put on a bra, yes, the buckle type, boo-hoo. Pull on the red dress in the closet that I got you and do whatever you have to do to get the rest of you presentable. Blow torch, laser, hell I don't care, but you got 5 minutes till I'm picking your sulking ass up. We're going out."
You're stunned when the line goes dead, eyeing your PJ's with wonder. You're not sure what being gifted you Cheryl Blossom, God or the Devil, but you know you're dead if you don't start running around now. Off you go, moving more than you had in the past few weeks, and becoming out-of-breath embarrassingly fast. You stand in front of the mirror, contemplating what to do with your hair. Luckily you sleep in braids so it's not a complete rats-nest, and you're relieved when soft waves fall past your shoulders. Your pale complexion and purple bags can't be helped much, so you decide to just fuck it and go without makeup. You're not trying to impress anyone anyways.
You're shuffling your way to the door, when it's suddenly thrown open and in strolls your raptor. Cheryl eyes you before scoffing and rolling her eyes, reaching her hand into the bag Toni is holding. Toni sends a sympathetic smile before Cheryl's tossing a pair of low-heeled sandals your way. You eye them and then eye the determined aura surrounding the red bombshell, deciding to pick your battles instead, and begrudgingly pull on the stupid shoes. Cheryl puckers her lips scanning your face but a look from Toni sends her stomping her way back into the car, Toni and you following behind. As you settle into the back seat, you fold your arms and stare out the window, wishing you could crawl back into bed right this minute. Stupid caring friends. Cheryl turns on the radio, drowning out the heavy silence with some upbeat tempo.
"Where are we going?" Toni reaches up to adjust her mirror till you can see the dazzling smile she sends your way, which you're sure she meant to be reassuring but actually worried you more. "Well, Veronica's having a little get together at the speak easy so Cheryl and I thought it would be good to get you out and about. Betty and the rest of them will be there too!" You bristle a little at the thought of being around so many people so soon, you feel like you're coming out of mourning. But you need to move on, you tell yourself, enough hiding away. You just nod, tongue too heavy to give any other reply, but also too heavy to ask your only question. An unspoken one that Toni can catch in the glint of your eye.
"No. He- he went out with Fangs tonight. Figured you two weren't ready to be around each other yet."
You turn back to the window, fighting down a new wave of tears but Christ, you weren't sure if they were from relief of disappointment of his absence. You don't have time to ponder it though, you've arrived and Cheryl practically throws herself out of the car desperate to get to the soirée. You step out continuously tugging at your dress and Cheryl fusses with your hair before linking herself between you and Toni before strutting up to the packed venue. Cheryl pushes the three of you past the line of people, and you can't help but to giggle as Toni sends out apologies to the other jilted guests. You breathe a sigh of relief as you finally descend into the speakeasy, quickly staring in wonder at all the beautiful decorations. You don't know how long you stand with your mouth open but soon Cheryl's placing a drink into your hand and pushing you towards your group of friends to 'mingle.'
"Y/n, I've been so worried," Betty pauses during her skip towards you to glance back at her beanie wearing shadow who offers a soft smile and a nod," we've been worried." You gently squeeze her when you're drawn into her arms, trying to keep all your thoughts and emotions buried deep. You refuse to be anymore of a burden.
"No need, I'm a big girl Betty. It's just a little high-school drama."
You pray she buys the smile that you plaster on your face, a timid one is returned though it doesn't dull the concern shining through her eyes. You need to get the attention off of you.
"So where's V?" Betty looks at you for a - painstakingly long - moment more but then turns to point out the hardworking entrepreneur behind the 'bar.' Perfect.
"I'm gonna grab a refill," you lift your empty glass, "want anything?" At her quick deny you scurry off before any other intervention of feelings come upon you. You've only been here for 5 minutes but you're already wanting to steal Toni's car to go home. No doubt the Cherry Bloodhound would catch you, but maybe some air would help just as much. Your legs move faster at the idea and soon you're pushing past some ignorant kids making out in the phone booth, flashing a small wave at Pop's before you're out the door. You face the building running your hands down your face and the brisk air filling your lungs. Finally alone.
"Y-Y/n," a wavers a voice from behind you.
For fucks sake.
The voice, his, sends shivers through your body but it looks as if you were shivering. You feel him walking closer, practically feeling his breath on your neck, but instead of his hands a jackets placed over your shoulders. You whip around, and Pea's eyes widen as he steps back, afraid he's crossed the line already. Your eyes asses over his figure, taking in the similar purple bags under his eyes that haunt your own. He's in nothing but a white t-shirt, his breath visible in the cold air. You move to return the jacket but he steps back again, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"P-please, it's cold. I don't want you out here freezing. " You don't know what to say, the awkward silence causing you both to look down at your feet hoping maybe it would swallow you whole.
"Listen, I, uh, I promised Toni that I wouldn't show up here tonight. I- I was with Fangs but I, well," he stops to scratch the back of his neck, you blushing when you catch the slight show of skin as his shirt lifts. A surge of anger hits you, but more at yourself than him. Embarrassed at how much control he still has over your body but too bad it doesn't come out that way.
"You couldn't just stay away, could you?" You push away the guilt that stabs you when he flinches, looking away, at your brash tone. Pea's eyes shine with unshed tears and bites his lip shaking his head. You can't stand it any longer. Your blood is roaring in your ears as you close the last the last few feet of distance and clutch the neckline of his shirt, dragging his face down to yours.
"I swear I really fucking hate you." Then you mold your lips to his.
girls will have the serial killer genes and decide to make it everyone's problem
What the frick frack sniggety snack is up with Riverdale and their obsession with incest?!

Iconic comic book love triangle of my childhood brought to modern life by MAC Cosmetics. <3
It’s scarily good at how accurate they are portraying cult behavior. Like how they target Kevin when he is in such a vulnerable place, they show him that he can have what he wants on the farm that when Betty goes to him for help/warning he doesn’t see the problem with them being a cult.
As our much loved/hated show comes to an end, I feel compelled to record, for posterity, the greatest thirteen pieces of dialogue to spring from the pens of RAS and his henchmen. It was, of course, originally a top ten list, but I simply could not exclude a few of these treasures. Without further ado:
“I dropped out in the 4th grade, to sell drugs, to support my nana.”
“That means you haven't known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football.”
Spoken by: an inmate of Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center, and Archie Andrews.
In: 3 x 2
Yeah, okay, this one had to be on the list. It’s funny, I’ll admit. It’s a great example of the overwrought semi-sincere melodrama that helped make this show so special. It’s low on the list largely because The Normies got their hands on it, so every time I hear someone make a reference I get all “do not cite the deep magic to me, witch.”
“No! No! What are we supposed to do now? I’m horny as heck!”
Spoken by: Archie Andrews
In: 7 x 16
Season 7 is undeniably dreadful, and yet there are diamonds in the rough. The occasion is the failure of a projector, just as Archie and Reggie prepare to watch a pornographic film. The utter desperation with which KJ Apa delivers this line is exquisite. One is made to feel they are witnessing a genuine tragedy.
“Tonight, they’re making an exception and debuting a cover of the song my parents claim they were listening to the night Jason and I were conceived.”
Spoken by: Cheryl Blossom.
In: 1 x 1
Really a fantastic line. A wonderful encapsulation of the casual absurdity of Cheryl’s character, and a foretaste of the lunacy we would plumb in later episodes and seasons.
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit in and I don’t want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That’s weird.”
Spoken by: Jughead Jones
In: 1 x 10
A genuine classic. “High school football” before “high school football.” One is never entirely sure just how sincere the line is meant to be, both on a meta-level and in-universe. A perfect illumination of Jughead’s pretentiousness. It is made all the better by the occasional cuts to Lili Reinhard’s agonized face.
“At the last dance, multiple students were murdered.”
Spoken by: Principal Holden Honey.
In: 4 x 2
Delivered as an explanation to Toni and Cheryl, as to why there would be no school dance this year. Principal Honey is in fact supremely rational in the cancellation of this dance. This being Riverdale, he is of course treated as an unreasonable tyrant.
“Bro, I know all the secrets of this universe.”
Spoken by: Archie Andrews (evil version)
In: 6 x 5
Spoken as evil Archie reveals his evil plan to keep the parallel universes apart. KJ Apa’s delivery once again makes this line. He is comically sinister. Strangely, he sells it.
“A Vughead kiss, right now, in the present might be precisely what it takes to save a future Bughead from imploding.”
Spoken by: Jughead Jones.
In: 2 x 14
One of those lines that both makes me laugh and makes me genuinely angry. This was a fairly early season, and this may have actually been the first line to get me asking, ‘did they genuinely write and deliver that?’ Extra points for use of the atrocious ‘Vughead’ portmanteau ship name rather than ‘Jeronica.’
“I’m the ultimate wild card. I am the daughter of The Black Hood. The nightmare from next door. I’m training with the FBI and I’m coming for you, you psycho bitch.”
Spoken by: Betty Cooper
In: 4 x 14
Just delicious. Another one of those lines that leaves you somewhat unsure whether or not the writers understood how genuinely hysterical it was. “The Nightmare from Next Door” sounds like an announcer hyping up a wrestler. Spoken with a raw sincerity by Lili Reinhart. Also points for the heavy homoeroticism between Betty and Donna.
“For I am Cheryl Blossom, Queen of the Bees.”
Spoken by: Cheryl Blossom.
In: 5 x 16.
This one really doesn’t require any elaboration.
“Elijah ascended…and I will, too.”
Spoken by: Edgar Evernever.
In: 4 x 5.
Admittedly, this one is only spectacular with context. But in context—the context being that Chad Michael Murray delivers this line while dressed like Evel Knievel and standing in a cartoon rocket right out of a Warner Bros cartoon—it becomes utterly magnificent.
“It’s not queer baiting, it’s saving the world.”
Spoken by: Veronica Lodge.
In: 6 x 22.
It’s actually hard for me to decide whether this one is funnier with or without context. Without context it’s wonderful, but it possibly becomes even funnier when you know that the context is that Veronica needs to kiss Cheryl to transfer superpowers into her body so she can turn into a Scarlet Witch knock-off and stop a magic comet summoned by Sephiroth an English wizard who is also the Devil.
“If there’s no wedding reception, it means the Gargoyle King has won.”
Spoken by: Kevin Keller.
In: 3 x 12.
One of my personal favorites. This is a perfect line because like #3, it requires no real elaboration. There is absolutely no context in which it isn’t hysterical.
1 .
“Word of my exploits serving Nick his comeuppance has seeped into the demimonde of mobsters and molls my father used to associate with, so the five families are sending their youngest and brightest, their ‘princes,’ as it were to, well, come court the rare Mafia Princess who can belly up to the bar with the big boys.
Spoken by: Veronica Lodge.
In: 2 x 20.
This is, in my opinion, the all-timer. Every word is perfect. The rapid-fire alliteration. The use of the word ‘demimonde.’ The entirely unnecessary addition of ‘as it were.’ This is borderline Dr. Seuss. The fact that Camila Mendes delivered it without cracking a smile should have won her an Emmy. No. An Oscar. This line is Riverdale.

Literal Goddesses 💙✨💙
We love you Cami and Lily
I really liked the Indian adaptation of the Archie comics. There's so much hate on it due to nepotism and misguided conception of elitism. If anything, the movie is trying to dismantle anglicized elitism. It reminds you that the grass is greener on the side you water it and I can't begin to tell you how amazing that perspective is.
Carrie: The Musical
I love that in a musical episode Archie somehow ended up in the back of the pack for me. It’s an episode where he should shine since his character spent season one living his Troy Bolton fantasy. Alas, his moments seemed kind of dull in comparison to the others.

Are the River Vixens being slaughtered at a rate that warranted funeral uniforms? Or is their uniform budget so astronomical they though “why not”?