Fantasy Jin Au - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Are you doing a tag list for ᾰ̓γᾰ́πη, because if you are could I be on it please? 🥺 It’s so amazingly written that I’m HOOKED, I reread it 3 times. 💜💜

I can! Absolutely, thank you so much for being interested and asking! I’m glad you like it so far!💜💜💜

If anyone else wants to be in the taglist, please let me know!

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4 years ago

ᾰ̓γᾰ́πη - Pt. III


Pairing(s): Cursed!Seokjin x Reader

Genre(s): Fantasy Au, Fluff, Soulmate Au, Angst

Summary: “There’s a story whispered around here. One surrounding the beautifully carved statue of a man at the center of the town. Legend says that when the hand of his true love graces his palm, he shall wake from his cursed marbled slumber. It’s always been a silly old wives tale, until you give in to a friend’s dare.” (prompt idea from writing-prompt-s)

Warning(s): mild language

Word Count: 3.7k (oops)

Part I, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, …

taglist: @best-space-boy​ @maryelixabeth @mochimaw​ @yeontanismypresident​ @hannahantonette17​ @ign-is​ @fanfuckingfic​ @koala-wonderland​ @suchgayaesthetic​ @dulcaet​ @anoynmoustumbler​ @annoyingpessimist​

~ if you want to be added to the tag list for this fic, feel free to send me an ask! thank you💜

“It’s also a pleasure to finally see you again, Althaia,” Seokjin adds after a not at all awkward pause while Mira swiftly prepared an herbal tea meant to relax her noticeably uncomfortable guests. Looking over the rim of your cup as you took a long sip, your eyes darted from the man now sitting at the table across from you to the woman seated to your right.

He was watching her intently as she swirled her spoon around her cup, lightly agitating the liquid to blend the honey she always added. She once told you she’s not one for bitterness, and because she could never find the perfect blend sweet enough on its own, honey would have to suffice.

A long, dramatic sigh accompanied her look of disinterest.

“I’m quite surprised, though you don’t seem to be.” Again, your gaze flitted between the two, unsure of what to make of the situation. Mira didn’t seem bothered at all, almost as if this whole thing was something she expected, or at least, knew might be coming.

Why was she not correcting him? Insisting he must be mistaken; her name is Mira, not...not Althaia or whatever he said. And how could he insinuate he knows her in any way? He’s been a statue since before you were even born and Mira is only a few years older than you.

Mira had remained quiet, content as Seokjin waited for any kind of response. It would make more sense if she had outright denied his accusations, shut him down and insist a mistake had been made. Instead, she slowly moved her attention from her earlier ministrations, softly gazing upon you for a brief moment, then turning to him.

“I honestly didn’t think you’d remember me after all this time, let alone be able to recognize me, Mr. Kim.” Her voice was low and calm, calculated as she mulled over just how to address the situation to come. Something about the tone of her voice didn’t sit right with you. This was no longer the slightly agitating neighbor you’d grown fond of.

This person next to you was entirely different.

In the deepest part of her being, Mira knew it from the moment she met you that things were finally changing.

“What do you mean ‘remember?’” you piped up over the silent stare down the two had unconsciously engaged in. At an utter loss, your mind had taken the small bits of information provided to try and come to some sort of viable conclusion, but to no avail. Perhaps your mind was still processing your own dilemma, and you couldn’t afford to lend any brain power to this situation, or maybe it was just too far-fetched to even fathom.

Now, the two stared at you as if you were some poor, pathetic creature or a doll made of porcelain. Pitiful was one way to put it and it made your insides clench and churn, the situation all too reminiscent of a lamb about to be sacrificed to the slaughter. Eerie how suddenly you were the only one without a clue and it didn’t help that it now felt as if you were seated next to two strangers and not just one.

After the two continued in an annoyingly cryptic battle of stares, almost prodding the other to speak first, you decide the time for silence and secrets is officially over. Slapping two hands on the oak table as you shoot from your seat, the crack of skin on wood makes them fully focus on you. Not even bothering to look either one in the face, you let out a hefty sigh and close your eyes, mind suddenly battling an intensely growing migraine.

“Look, I don’t know whatever ‘this’,” hands waving between the two of them, “is, but I’m tired and done. With everything. Feel free to settle this on your own, I’m going home.”

Before you could even make it 5 steps from your seat, the slightly ajar front door slams shut...on its own. Like a lone wind had decided to fiercely bound though the opening, or more fittingly, a spirit decided to trap you inside.

“The hell was that?” You mumbled to yourself as you cautiously approached the door, afraid it may come suddenly to life, considering the day you’d had.

As your hand curled around the cool metal knob, you heard someone rise from their seat, “Wait, Y/N, just stay and let...let me explain.”

Swiveling your head around enough to see Mira standing firmly by her chair, a scared expression on her face, the atmosphere shifted. It set you off, igniting a sense of, you’re not sure, maybe fear, within you. Something wasn’t right. Nothing about this whole situation felt right.

“I can’t do this. I don’t know what’s going on, but it doesn’t feel right. I can’t be here...with you.” You weren’t sure what exactly was triggering this flight response within you. Not once in your time knowing her had Mira ever done anything for you to react this way towards her, but today, with her pushing you to touch the statue, to the odd sense of familiarity between Seokjin and her, to the strange aura suddenly radiating off her, it was all too much.

Your senses were overloading. Too much had transpired and you’d not been given enough time to properly digest anything. Going from a relatively boring life to one suddenly plagued by some kind of weird magic, sorcery, whatever it was, in the span of a few hours is too much.

The migraine you’d been fighting was on the cusp of becoming a full fledged breakdown.

Ignoring the protests of the two behind you, again your body moved towards the door, handle turning a fraction of an inch before everything stopped.

Seconds, maybe minutes you stared at the slab of wood. Not a muscle moved, like your entire body was paralyzed, only slow shallow breaths could escape the numb confines of your lips. As if you no longer controlled the only vessel with which you solely could. You were a marionette, controlled by invisible strings.

And then all at once, a warm tingly feeling seeped through your veins, bringing with it the sweet taste of freedom. Nerves alight, muscles contracting, you finally had your body back.

But with this came the intense fear of the whole situation. Every other thought within you was gone, mind shut down, body going into lockdown mode, syphoning your remaining energy into getting away.

Away from whatever this strange new danger was.

Slowly, cautiously, prey reacting to predator, you turned your body back to the table.

It hurt. Hurt to look at them. To look at her.

At first, a part of your mind jumped straight to blaming the newcomer, but deep in your soul, you knew.

She looked pained, as if she hadn’t just defiled you in some unbelievable and terrifying way. Like she had instead been the one to somehow become nothing but a husk reduced to a master’s bidding.

The questions of how and why were disregarded for a greater purpose, saving yourself from whatever was happening and preventing it from ever happening again.

How dare someone you trusted, cared for, looked up to, do whatever that hell that was to you, a friend, even for the fleeting moments she did.

The blood in your body was now cold, face pale and painted with such a deep look of betrayal you could feel the guilt radiate from her being.

“Y/N.. I-“


You didn’t even breathe when she flinched at the steel tone of your voice. This was all too much. This whole day was entirely too much. You needed to get away from this, from them, and you needed to do it now.

She knew what she’d done. Not only had she lied to you your entire friendship, but she’d hurt you in a way that shouldn’t be humanely possible. Panicked in her efforts to come clean to you, protect you, and protect herself, she’d acted too quickly, doing something she’d swore never to do again. It was one thing to keep secrets, but another to use them against someone.

Seokjin forgotten, you briskly made your exit, making sure they couldn’t see as the tears fell.


“If I see one more walk by, I’m going out there and beating the shit out of them,” you mutter to yourself halfheartedly underneath the comfort of the blanket fort you’d built in the living room.

After spending a few days trying to piece yourself back together, you’d decided the best course of action was: avoidance. Within the tiny walls of your home, you could stay cooped up in a safe space and forget everything that happened. Statue man could stay with her and you could go on with your life, without the both of them.

It seemed do-able at first, spending an unhealthy amount of time in bed, watching movies, the occasional brief call with your mother, but it of course couldn’t stay that way.

You’d been naive enough to think that the town would go back to normal, find something new to obsess over and forget all about you and the stupid statue.

Oh, how wrong you’d been.

Suddenly your house was like an attraction for everyone. As soon as the sun rose, you’d catch a few faces passing by your windows, just outside the front gate. There they’d sit for a few minutes, gawk and gossip, and eventually leave, and be replaced by a new set of oglers ready for a show.

You weren’t afraid of the attention, just miffed that your plan to lay low and be alone failed from the beginning.

Despite the annoyance from the nosy town folk, you were grateful that it had only been them, and not two other faces outside.

Watching the last of the group of young girls get bored and disperse from your window, you turn your attention back to the movie on your screen. As the characters moved and music played in the background, you forced yourself to try and focus on that. Instead, thoughts of Kim Seokjin and your friend weasel their way in over the noise.

What were they doing? Were they thinking of a way to fix things with you? Had they forgotten about you and moved on? How did she even do that in the first place? And what is the whole backstory between them?

The questions tore you up inside, fighting with the stubborn part of you that wanted to forget them completely. The other downside to isolating yourself was the immense amount of free time to think about everything that’s happened. It was a nightmare going over everything, every single bit that made no sense, bits and pieces not adding up in any way you could understand.

Just a few days ago you were a normal girl living life in a boring town fighting with your friend over the legitimacy of a town legend.

She was your only friend, the only person who listened, who understood. Could you forgive her for what she did? It was quite obvious she’d been keeping things from you, but for how long, and why? And Seokjin, your soulmate, how are you supposed to love someone you don’t know, who’s probably lived a whole life before yours even began?

If he is your soulmate, why didn’t he stop her? Did he feel the pain you did when you were robbed of your own self? How could he see you in such distress and not do anything? Why hadn’t it scared him as much as it had you? What parts of Mira’s hidden past was he privy to that you were not?

Perhaps you were putting too much onto the whole soulmates thing. After all, how could you expect a stranger to assert himself into such a personal thing, even considering the circumstances. When it all comes down to it, soulmate or not, Kim Seokjin is an outsider, an alien to you.

He is no more a part of your life than the nosy towns people, the visiting tourists, or the migrating birds. You don’t owe him anything, and he you.

The only thing you could wish for him right now, is to go about his own life and not force himself into yours.

Pillow clutched unknowingly tight to your chest, grounding yourself, you couldn’t help the dull ache in your heart. That was the only thing you would allow yourself to chalk up to the soulmate thing. Maybe one day, like them, you’d be able to ignore it too.

Movie long abandoned, you trudged your way back and forth, pacing across the wooden floorboards like a caged animal. You were desperate to get out, see the stars, breathe in the fresh air, but your body was still afraid of what leaving these four walls might incur. Whether you were ready to face them or not, you couldn’t sit there and drive yourself insane any longer.

The sun had set hours ago, the light from the moon casting a hazy white glow over the landscape, and you were desperate for even just a second to bask in it.

Grabbing a light jacket to fend off the chilly night air, you brace yourself, hand wrapped tightly around the door knob, and take a deep breathe.

Now that you were truly thinking about it, it must look overly pathetic from an outsider’s perspective. You’d been holed up in your home for four days now, only peeking suspiciously through your windows to glare at the onlookers and then returning to a pitiful mope-fest with only one attendee; you.

You owed it to yourself to snap out of it, move on, and go back to life as normally as possible. The only thing you could control was yourself. It doesn’t matter what others do or don’t do, you need to do what you can, for you.

And right now, that’s enjoying some fresh night air and being brave.

Taking that first step out onto the front porch is what you imagine the first astronaut on the moon must’ve felt. The most mundane of things became a huge feat, and you weren’t about to ruin it for yourself, no matter how silly it seemed.

Looking out across the street, the sidewalk empty and streetlights dim, it was like you were finally yourself again. The stars above and the moon shining bright made the first smile in days appear.

All of the worries, the questions, the bitterness lifted away by a light breeze, the clouds in your head dispersed and you had the sudden urge to forgive. All your life you’d been quick to judge and draw conclusions, but something within you told you there was more to this than meets the eye. You needed the truth.

Like fate had been keeping a close eye, your attention was drawn to the figure making its way along the outside of your fence line. The long dark hair caused a breathe to catch in your throat, and you were suddenly questioning if you were really were ready to face things.

She stopped just before the gate, head looking up and catching your eyes with her own.

Hesitating, she clears her throat, “I...I didn’t think you’d be up.”

Watching as her hands lifted up, you spot the neat paper bag tucked within her palms.

Still afraid to say anything, not trusting yourself to stay calm and collected, she continues.

“He’s been asking a lot about you. I wanted to do apologize.”

She pauses, waiting to see if you’d run away or tell her to leave, but when you nod in the direction of the bag, she finishes, “I showed him how to make your favorite cookies. But I thought it be best if just I came to drop them off. I didn’t want to overwhelm you.”

Arms protectively crossed over your chest, you take another deep breath and slowly descend the porch on step at a time. Instead of meeting her at the gate, you plant firmly in the grass.


It sounded choked coming out and you hated that. Not only did you not want to seem weak in front of her, you didn’t want her to think you hated her. The only thing you want is the truth. She owes you that much.

Mira fidgets a moment and returns her attention to you, not quite in the eyes, but it’s close enough.

“I didn’t mean to-I just-“ Tripping over her words, not exactly sure how to begin or where to go, you stop her quickly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Finally meeting your eyes, she sees the strength you’ve managed to muster up, sees that twinge of forgiveness at the helm and realizes it’s now or never.

“I’ve wanted to explain everything, I just wasn’t sure how to go about it.”

“So instead you instigate me to break some curse you already somehow knew I’d be able to, pretend to be someone your not this entire time, and somehow posses me and take away my free will?”

The look of shame that melted onto her face struck a chord of guilt deep in your soul, but this was something you had to do. For too long you let others have free reign, it was time to take control.

“I wasn’t sure if you could handle it, or even believe me in the first place...”

“And how am I supposed to ever believe you now? I don’t even know who you really are, what you are...”

Tension building quickly in the cool air, things were becoming muddled. You weren’t even sure what you were pushing for, a confession? A secret so dark and unbelievable it was grounds enough to hide from you for as long as you were friends.

“I’m a witch.” There’s a long pause. You both stand there, staring at each other, unsure of who’s to make the next move. Mira’s afraid she’s just divulged her dangerous secret to someone who can’t handle it, and you’re afraid you’ve officially lost your mind.

“I know I sound like an old record player by now, but maybe we should take this somewhere more,” she pauses to look around the darkness cautiously, sending a shiver down your spine, “private?”


Turns out cookies at 2 in the morning are a good way to smooth over the confessions of the magical past of your only friend. Not going to lie, you’d taken plenty of breaks to try and absorb and process the incredible amount of information Mira, or formerly known as Althaia in the late 1800s, if you can believe it, had to unload on you. In her defense, you’d pushed her quite hard to open up and be 100% honest with you.

“So, you just...change your appearance and house every few centuries and pretend to be someone else?” Rubbing your head to ease the growing headache as you mindlessly shoved another cookie in your mouth, you felt like a little kid asking an adult really strange questions that shouldn’t have a serious answer.

Mira nods, wrapping her hands around the mug of coffee you made her and taking a sip.

“And you knew Seokjin when he was alive, well, in his own time, before he turned into a statue?”

She cringes a bit and it catches your attention, “About that...”


“You mean, you’re the one that cursed him?!?” It was probably the hundredth time you’d asked her that in the past half hour, but you couldn’t help it, you suddenly felt like you were going crazy, trapped in some bad supernatural rom-com or something. 

Sighing loudly enough to voice her growing impatience with you, she nodded, “Yes, for the millionth time. I put the curse on Kim Seokjin.”

“Well, why?” Resting your chin in your palms, eyes wide like a child, you prayed further. You just couldn’t understand why on Earth she’d curse him in the first place. Even if she is a witch, what could have warranted him to invoke a curse? And why this particular curse?

“Well, it’s not really my story to tell...”

Holding true to your childish theme growing in this conversation, you pouted, bottom lip sticking out and leaning forward on the table, “But you cursed him, how is not yours to tell?”

Mira only shakes her head, a small smile playing on her lips at your antics. You’d only shown your stubborn side like this to her on few occasions, and it made her laugh at how you could be so apathetic one minute and youthfully enthusiastic the next.

“True, but there’s much more to it than it seems. Besides, I think it’s time you both get together, talk, and figure things out.”

Your silent for a moment, fighting another pout and mulling over her words. Then suddenly, it hits you.

“Well, if you’re the one who cursed him, you can break our soulmate bond too, right?”

Her grin morphs into a neutral line, lips curled in. Like she’s trying to think of the best way to let you down.

“The thing is, I only enacted the curse. The means to break it were decided by fate, not me.” The look of disappointment that washed over you couldn’t help but bring a prick of guilt from the witch.

She’d invoked the curse reluctantly to help another, and now she was hurting someone again. If she could go back, maybe she’d have done differently.

Silence again stretched out between the both of you. It was one thing when it was some folk lore from town, but now knowing the truth, and knowing it is all very real and unavoidable; unfix-able, it’s a harder pill to swallow.

“Do you,” you squeak softly, eyes trained on the floor, “do you think we can actually do this? That I can do this?”

Mira’s hand reaches across the table to softly grasp your own. Despite your protests, a small tear slips from the corner of your eye, and you rush to brush it away.

“I’m scared.”

“Scared of what?” Even though she understands, she wants to hear you say it, for yourself to hear it.

“Of being tied to a stranger forever. Forced to be with someone I may not ever fall in love with...”

“To possibly fall for someone who’s forced to be bound to me forever, who may never truly love me back.”




 Not going to lie, writing this portion was like pulling teeth. I’m not 100% happy with how it turned out, but in order to progress the way I want, I needed some things cleared up first. Now that we know Mira’s little secret, how will Y/N and her’s dynamic change? How will Seokjin fit into Y/N’s life and this new world? I promise, Y/N x Jinnie shenanigans are coming in the next part! 


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4 years ago

ᾰ̓γᾰ́πη - Pt. IV


Pairing(s): Cursed!Seokjin x Reader

Genre(s): Fantasy Au, Fluff, Soulmate Au, Angst

Summary: “There’s a story whispered around here. One surrounding the beautifully carved statue of a man at the center of the town. Legend says that when the hand of his true love graces his palm, he shall wake from his cursed marbled slumber. It’s always been a silly old wives tale, until you give in to a friend’s dare.” (prompt idea from writing-prompt-s)

Warning(s): mild language

Word Count: 4.5k 

Part I, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, …

taglist: @best-space-boy @maryelixabeth @mochimaw @yeontanismypresident @hannahantonette17 @ign-is @fanfuckingfic @koala-wonderland @suchgayaesthetic @dulcaet @anoynmoustumbler @annoyingpessimist @em-i-ay @tellmeyoulovemepls @btsficlibrarymex

~ if you want to be added to the tag list for this fic, feel free to send me an ask! thank you💜

“I understand, sweetheart, we’ll talk again when you can.”

The guilty sigh you’d breathed out was louder than you’d anticipated, sending your body into a jerk response to cover the receiver. You didn’t want her to hear it, to hear you sound so exasperated. She didn’t need any more to worry about, not that there was any chance she’d remember any of this, let alone something as insignificant as a sigh.

“Alright, I’ll call again soon. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Finger pushing the end call button, you visibly relax despite the growing uneasiness inside. As much as it warmed you to speak with your mother, the more time passes on, the harder and harder it gets. Especially when you have to backtrack on progress you’ve made by pushing calls off until you figure out the other situation at hand.

Despite Mira’s assurance, you couldn’t keep pushing your Seokjin issue on her (even though she seems to be just as involved as you).

Coming to terms that you’d been wrong about the legitimacy of the statue story was one thing.

Having to now deal with the consequences, being a strange man now forever a part of your life and finding out that not only do things like magic and curses exist, but that your best friend is a witch and she’s the one who pushed you to ‘awaken’ the stupid statue that is now apparently your soulmate and is behind this whole ‘curse’ thing, and not only did she lie to you the whole time, but there’s some looming backstory you haven’t had the courage to ask about and there’s no way out, no waking up from this dream, and—breathe— maybe you have lost your mind?

Spending the last two or three days—time seems to blur together at this point— trying to figure everything out, so far has just left you with more questions than answers. The only thing you could focus on that wouldn’t drive you bat-shit crazy, was preparation.

Whether you liked it or not, accepted it or not, Seokjin was tied to you, and that meant you had to buck up and act like an adult. Tidying up the guest room was chore number one, which you’d spent too many hours going over and over again.

Should I use the blue sheets or the gray ones? How many pillows will he need? What about an extra blanket, he might get cold? What if he doesn’t like the wallpaper?

Agonizing over the little details, while painful, helped hone your mind in on something mundane. It was much better picking between sheet colors than trying to understand the intricate details of the reanimation of a Medusa-victim-esque curse.

Once the room was all set up, you’d realized just how disorderly the rest of the house was. Your many days in self-isolation made for a dingy atmosphere, and, not that you were trying to impress him or anything, you desperately needed to tidy up.

Another whole day was spent on doing just that, and now, on the third day, with nothing left to procrastinate on, you’d started the day with your weekly phone call to your mother.

Now that that was over, there was only one thing left to do.

Go get your soulmate.

You shrugged on a light jacket, the fabric tickling your arms as you smoothed it on. Looking in the mirror, you tucked a stray hair back behind your ear, making sure everything was in order. The deeper you looked at your reflection, the more details you could make out.

The dark circles making a home beneath your eyes, reminding you of the sleepless nights tossing and turning and thinking. The marks and lines blooming from the constant frown that had only now begun to fade; from the tugging and rubbing, running your hands over your face to wipe away the tears, the frustration, the anxiety.

In all, you weren’t in the most pristine condition but it was a huge improvement from days prior.

It would have to do.

The walk down the block to Mira’s was rather short, only a mile r so down the road, so you’d opted for leaving the door unlocked and started down the concrete path.

It was a nice enough morning; sun shining, birds chirping, flowers and trees swaying gently with the breeze. It was dreamy, the kind of atmosphere that begged you to put on a light cotton dress, pack a nice picnic basket, and lay out in the grass watching the clouds pass.

Days like these reminded you of your childhood.

The times spent rolling down grassy hills with your father while your mother laughed, catching crayfish in the stream and ending the day stargazing in the backyard.

It was a simpler time; back then. When love was enough and her dementia hadn’t shown yet; Dad was still here and everything was right.

So much time had passed since then, bringing with it so many changes.

You guess that’s the funny thing about life. One minute, it’s the simple things, peaceful and sweet, and the next, you’re alone in that same house reminding your own mother who you are over the phone every week and taking in a complete stranger.

Change happens, whether you expect it or not, and whether you want it to or not.


“Good morning! Jin decided he’d break out an old pancake recipe he had once ‘perfected,’ his words-not mine, for breakfast this morning, so I hope you’re hungry.” Mira’s spritely attitude helped ease the tension forming in your muscles. Dropping your jacket and shoes at the door, you followed her soft steps and the smell of bread toasting as it wafted through the hall.

A quick glance around showed an entirely new atmosphere in Mira’s home you’d never encountered before. While it was always cool and calm, it was now warm, bright, even more homey.

The sounds of batter frying in a pan, the soft buzz of the ceiling fan, and a gentle hum of a tune you’d never heard before had your mind drifting into a blissful peace you seldom visited these days.

Rounding the corner, the first thing to catch your eye wasn’t the soft sun rays peeking through the curtains of overgrown vines in the windowsill, but the back of a man putting his heart and soul into something as simple as breakfast.

Every twitch of muscle, sway of an arm, bob of his head, it was like he was casting his own spell, one that bewitched you without ever having to look in his eyes. The moment, though elongated as it seemed, was cut quite abruptly when Mira ripped her chair from the table and plopped down excitedly, causing the man to start and swing around.

His eyes found the source of the noise, earning a half-hearted irritated sigh and quirk of the left eyebrow, but then his eyes found the new presence in the room.

The way his gaze slowly lifted, taking in every inch of your being, had you fidgeting in place. You knew he meant nothing of it, at least not in the way you might have interpreted it, but that didn’t stop the slight heat rising in your cheeks when he finally looked at you in the eyes and smiled softly.

It was strange. All the pep talks in the world, the lecture you gave yourself on the way over on the propriety to follow with Seokjin, since he is still technically a stranger, none of it prepared you for the warm fuzzy feeling that blossomed within every cell of your being when he smiled like that.

No one had ever elicited that feeling within you, not once in your whole life, and suddenly, it was like the feeling of coming home after a long day of work. Like you were meant to be here, to see him smile at you and return the gesture. Like this is how every morning should be.

The nervous butterflies that had once made a cozy home in your stomach were silent, no longer stirred by the anxiety of the situation. If this is how you feel with something as simple as a smile, maybe living together and getting to know one another won’t be so bad after all.

“Good morning Seokjin.” It wasn’t like you to take initiative like this, but normalcy have been thrown out the window at this point. You just couldn’t help yourself because for the first time, you felt happy; simply happy.

His eyes shone just a bit brighter at your greeting, smile widening as he positioned himself to face you completely. Hair slightly mused and adorning an apron with a bit of flour strewn about, he bowed, ever so dramatically. The sight had your cheeks flaming again, not one to be used to such attention, but the feeling was made worse when Mira snorted in the background.

“You guys are something else, I have to say,” taking a breather in between her laughing and her words, Mira looked from you to Jin then back to you. Despite her taunting, you caught the lightest hint of a smile.

Breakfast that morning was indeed one of the best meals you’d experienced in a long time.

Living alone for so long had made for quick and lazy meals, sometimes even resorting to simply snacking all day. Your palette had been almost destroyed from the lack of flavor in your diet, and this breakfast, as simple as it looked, was a kick in the right direction.

True to his word, Seokjin’s pancakes were nothing short of perfection. Paired with fruit, toast, and lively conversation, you caught yourself feeling as if you were a part of a family again.

From the way Mira and Jin nagged each other, to the soft smiles and nudges as Jin waited patiently for you to try his food, it was all a sight you’d long forgotten was even possible for you to experience again. A feeling that you’d grown accustomed to living without, but now that you’d had a taste again, you weren’t going to let it go so easily this time.

“I’m just going to grab my bag,” Jin offered, jogging down the hallway to what you guessed was the guest room Mira had offered him while you sorted yourself out. Time had ticked down so quickly and suddenly you were faced with that anxious feeling fluttering around inside you as you waited for Jin to go home.

You’d been able to spend the day learning little things about him; simple things like how he likes to go to bed pretty early and wake up at the crack of dawn to cook breakfast so he could watch the sun rise.

Conversation had flowed easily between the two of you, only needing Mira to guide the flow a few times, but otherwise it was actually quite nice.

Obviously you still have a lot to learn about your new housemate, but this feels like a pretty good starting point considering the circumstances with which you’d been thrown together.

You hadn’t even noticed you were tapping your foot, wiping your increasingly clammy hands on your jeans, until Mira reached out and nudged your shoulder. Bringing your gaze up from its place on the weird crack in the hallway floorboards, you met Mira’s soft gaze. As calming as it could be, it also made you feel a bit pitiful.

“I’m nervous...” you started, eyes flickering between Mira and the hall, “but excited too.” A smile that was shared between the two of you, a quick nod of understanding, then padding of feet.

Seokjin made his way back to the huddle you’d formed at the front door and shared a grin, hand wrapped around the straps of a small knapsack full of the few things he had.

Mira had said that she had given him just a few things to make sure he’d fall back into routine and not feel totally helpless. It also seemed that she had kept a few things from their previous encounter in the past, giving them back to him now.

You weren’t going to lie, the curiosity of the story between them intrigued you to no end, but it just didn’t feel like the right time to ask him about it. Mira still refuses to hash out any details, and you weren’t about to bombard Seokjin with endless questions about his past, especially when the vibe Mira had given off about the whole situation seemed a bit tense.

All in all, it’s a subject you’d put a pin in and promised to revisit later when you felt it was your place.

“Ready to go?” It just seemed like a formality at this point, seeing as he already had his stuff together and apparently had been patiently waiting for you to come and tell him he was welcome to come home for a while now.

To come home. Home. That big old house that you’d grown up in had become just a house after Dad died and Mom went away. Now someone you’re only really acquainted with is coming in and disturbing your dynamic, but you can’t say that that is a bad thing. After all, you’d hadn’t thought of that place as a real home in a long time. Things really can change quickly.

To be quite honest with yourself, you’d easily fallen into a somewhat solemn routine. Doing your own thing, working from home, avoiding public gatherings, and keeping to yourself. At that point, being a recluse was quite natural to you, and you’d found a complacent comfort in that. Now faced with the prospect of starting fresh, joining society again, and becoming an active player in your life, the feeling was rapidly morphing from anxiousness to excitement.

Finding a friend in Mira was always something you chalked up to pure coincidence. You’d even actively tried to push her away many years ago, when wounds were still fresh and the dark tendrils of loneliness had you trapped deep within your own mind. It was a time when you thought you needed to be alone; deserved it.

But this, this crazy, unbelievable, impossible situation with Seokjin, this was fate. Destiny. Whatever you want to call it. A divine intervention to pull you out of the spiral you’d worked yourself into.

It’s taken you a long time to find your passion for life again, and you were still working on it with every coming day, but having others around to give you something to look forward to helps.

Being around someone like Seokjin, even with the minute knowledge you had of him, reminded you that maybe you do deserve to be happy, to rediscover the joys of life again. Struck with an overbearing urge to reclaim the time that’d been wasted away, you were no longer afraid of whatever the future may hold for you.

Maybe you were overthinking things, perhaps you’d been star struck by the pancakes, but a feeling deep in your gut told you that this was the turn around you needed.

A quick nod of his head and a grateful word to Mira, and you were now on your way home.

The sun just beginning it’s evening descent, sky painted an array of wonderful colors that had your mind thinking of how beautiful it’d be to sit in your garden and paint it to your heart’s content. Warm rays still basking the world in a golden glow, giving everything a soft and dreamy haze that made your whole body tingle.

It was a sight that made the event even more special in your mind. Funny, how for so long you’d fought the idea of bringing this man into your life, and now you couldn’t have asked for a better evening to do so.

Peeking a quick glance over at your companion, wanting to just check on how he was doing now that he was actually faced with staying with you for real, you weren’t prepared for the heavenly sight you found.

If you thought the trees and flowers looked beautiful bathed in sun rays, the only way you could describe Seokjin in this light would be ethereal. The way the golden tones brought out the unearthly shine to his face, the way his eyes sparkled like freshly cut gems, and how his hair softly swayed with the breeze, it was a breathtaking view. The most incredible thing you think you’d ever bear witness to.

When his eyes suddenly locked with yours, you’d become painfully aware of the fact that you’d been staring, a blush quickly rising to your cheeks. In an effort to play it off, you quickly cleared your throat and jogged forward to press your hand against the gate latch.

Thank goodness you’d been saved from an awkward conversation by the arrival to your newly shared abode, and double thank goodness Jin let it slide and didn’t decide to pester you about it.

That was another thing you learned quickly over the last couple of hours; Jin was definitely one to tease but never in a malicious way of course.

Guiding him in through the front door, you flicked the light switch next to the stairs as Seokjin slipped his shoes off. Looking around the space quickly, a new flicker of nerves set in.

‘What if he doesn’t like the house? What if he hates his room?’ Suddenly your mind was again racing a million miles a minute and you were scared he’d want to leave.

A brush against your shoulder caught your attention, eyes moving to see the large hand settle softly against your skin.

Seokjin smiled, making sure you really took the gesture in and understood what he was trying to do. Again, you were finding yourself wondering the full potential of a soulmate bond, as he easily calmed you with the simplest of gestures.

“Um, so...your room is upstairs, first door on the left,” the words were struggling to come out coherent, but you pushed along, “mine is the door across the hall. You can go put your stuff away and we can hang out, maybe start some dinner or something...” You were grasping at straws, trying to find something simple to ease the both of you into your first night living together.

It was awkward, at least in your mind. Reminded you just how long it’d been since you’d had any real meaningful human interaction like this, and you wished you’d tried harder to socialize beforehand.

He chuckles, probably sensing your struggle, wanting to ease your mind, “I’ll go put my stuff away and then we can make dinner together, how does that sound?” Again, it both intrigued and slightly annoyed you how smooth he was at directing your mess of an attempt at conversation.

He seemed too good to be true and that made you question just how someone like him could end up cursed in the first place. How could someone as seemingly perfect as him be your soulmate either? Every aspect of him seems so different from you in every way possible.

“Okay.” You hated how small your voice sounded, hated the way your thoughts ruined what started out as a nice day. You knew how ridiculous your were being, overthinking the simplest things and making mountains out of nothing.

Sending him a smile to reassure him you were fine, he ascended the stairs with a spring in his step. It was like watching a new puppy explore his surroundings or a child excited for Christmas Day. That smile quickly turned into a soft grin as he disappeared from your sight to find his room.

You made your way to the kitchen, finding yourself dusting a few things off and straightening a book up here and a magazine there. Padding across the wooden floorboards you decided to somewhat rethink your personal narrative for now.

Instead of soulmates, for the time being, you were just simple roommates. No pressure, no obligations, just two people living together and getting to know each other. Events leading up to this no longer mattered, the only thing that does is getting to know him and learning to live with another person again.

Easy, right? People get roommates all the time, so this didn’t need to feel any different.

Pulling out a few utensils and pans from the cupboards, you weren’t exactly sure what Jin would want to cook together, so you decided to wait for him until you got everything out.

Just as you were watering the tiny herb garden you’d started in the kitchen windowsill, which you’d neglected to do earlier and now the basil was looking a bit droopy, you heard the patter of footsteps down the staircase and enter the room.

“Is that room really for me?” Seokjin asks, voice a mix of breathlessness and disbelief. Turning your head to look at him and answer, you saw the hopeful look on his face. It was endearing, so much so you forgot what you were doing and spilled a bit of water on the counter.

Left hand snatching a tea towel from the drawer, you wiped the mess up and smiled at him.

“Of course. Why, do you not like it?” Considering the trouble you’d made for yourself agonizing over his room, you couldn’t help but ask him if not just to reassure yourself that you’d overreacted.

“I love it! It’s just...I’ve never had a room that big before,” When he averted his eyes, you caught the slight tint of pink dusting his features and it gave you a surge of confidence.

Finally you’d done something right.

“I’m glad,” you smile, “maybe sometime this week we can go into town and get a few things to make it your own.”

Jumping slightly, only to recompose himself as he crossed the floor to lean on the counter across from you, “Really? I mean, we don’t have to. I don’t want to be a bother or anything...”

The roles had reversed in such a short time, now Seokjin was the one tripping over his words. Thinking back, maybe the two of you aren’t as different as you thought.

The universe works in mysterious ways, Mira had once told you, so maybe you and Seokjin being brought together, albeit crazily, isn’t that hard to believe. Again, you had much more to learn about each other, but it’s nice to find a commonality between the two of you.

Right hand outstretched to softly wave him down from his ramble, you ease him out with another soft smile.

That was another thing you’d have to get used to with Jin around. Genuinely smiling.

“It’s no bother at all, this is your home now too.”

You hadn’t noticed his hand slide across the counter until the warmth radiated from his palm as he laid his hand over yours.

A simple gesture; an easier way to say thank you when words failed to express the gratitude correctly. It was nice, made you feel like you mattered in a way you’d never felt before.

Seokjin would bring about many firsts with you as you both learned to coexist together.

That night was spent experiencing the silly and sassy side of Seokjin. He suggested a simple chicken and vegetable dish the two of you could tackle together.

From the sarcastically annoyed looks he gave you when chopping the vegetables and herbs, “I said mince not mush,”- to the horrible yet charming jokes he cracked as he sautéed, showing you the proper way to hold the spatula and the pan, it was a blissful evening that went by all too quickly.

Seokjin finished drying the last dish you’d handed him, after arguing with you for a whole 5 minutes over who should do the dishes, and turned to you with a lighthearted sigh.

Hip set against the counter, you found yourself staring out the large bay window behind the sink out into the backyard.

The view of the mountains, stars shining bright in the sky, it was a sight you often took for granted. Finding yourself changing in all sorts of ways, this was another, remembering to find the beauty in the simplest things.

After a second or so, the burning of his gaze on you had you turning your head to face him. A simple smile that seemed to stretch on for miles and bring a youthful glow to his cheeks had you wondering if this was what life with Seokjin would be like.

Making dinner, soft smiles, lively conversation. It reminded you of your parents, back when they would dance around the kitchen to an old song you’d never heard of and stare at each other over a glass of wine like they’d never seen anything more amazing.

Maybe someday you could have a life with Seokjin just like they did. Someday love him like your mother loved your father.

“Thank you.” It was quiet, so quiet you thought for a brief second he might not have heard you.

A soft laugh passed his lips before he followed your gaze out to the scenery, “For what? I should be the one saying thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” You couldn’t help the slight blush rising to your cheeks, hoping it was dark enough in the dimly lit kitchen that Seokjin wouldn’t notice.

“Yes I do. You didn’t have to let me stay with you or accept me at all. You could’ve just said I was crazy and told me to piss off.”

The short giggle that came out was quickly hidden behind your hand, but Seokjin had already heard it and was determined to hear it again.

“Why are you thanking me?” He asks and you turn to look at him. A good thank you should always include eye contact, your father had once told you, no matter how incredible hard or awkward it would feel for you.

“I don’t know... for making this whole thing easier. I wouldn’t just let any old statue into my home, you know.” Another chuckle fills the air.

“You know, I’m starting to understand why the universe bound us as soulmates.”

“I’m glad it did,” he says and there’s that little sparkle in his eyes again that makes your heart race a little faster.

It’s silent, but not in a tense, awkward way. It was nice, peaceful and soon you were upstairs parting ways for bed.

Your hand grips the knob on your door, twisting slightly when Seokjin clears his throat again. You turn and exchange another grin.

“Goodnight Y/N.” It’s simple and as mundane as it gets, but it’s different in ways you can’t fully describe. It’s not the first time he’d told you goodnight, but this was the first time you wouldn’t be parting for long.

Every other goodnight left a mile or so between the two of you, now only a few feet and two slabs of wood lay in between. You’d wake up and he’d be there, just outside the door. Knowing this left a warmth in your chest.

“Goodnight Seokjin.” And with that, you made your way to your freshly made bed and collapse for the night.




  Sorry this part has taken so long to get up, but I am officially done with finals, have an associate’s degree in hand, and am ready to write! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and trying to remain as calm and sane as possible considering the state of the world right now. If anyone needs to talk or anything, feel free to shoot me a message! I hope you all enjoy this part and look forward to the next installment! Again, truly sorry how long I’ve taken to get this to you all. I’m incredibly grateful for all of you and love you with my all my heart! 


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