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hi!! i know people talk about how having lilith in the 7th house can indicate the reoccurring themes of unhealthy or deceptive partnerships (toxic relationships, third party situations, betrayal and etc) OR and indication of being a toxic partner yourself OR being attracted to partners who aren't good for you. i've seen a blog share their experience about how having said placement has made dating hard for them due to various reasons but one is never feeling like you could measure up like other people in romance, which led to a stagnation in the dating department for them growing up.
however, i wonder if there are those with the placements that share the experience of constantly having the mean girl narrative being pushed onto you. those who have barely gotten to know you are constantly looking for confirmation bias in your looks or mannerism of being the mean girl. this can lead to unhealthy or deceptive partnerships you form without realising which can end up in betrayal or isolation.
obviously depending on the sign, degree and aspects but im curious to know if there are people who have similar placement share that experience. if not, what is your lilith in the 7th house experience? please do share, i'd love to read about them!