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They passed beneath a wind-carved arch, where long icicles clung to the pale stone, dripping down on them. On the far side the path narrowed and plunged down sharply for a hundred feet or more. Myranda was forced to drop back. Alayne gave the mule his head. The steepness of this part of the descent made her cling tightly to her saddle. The steps here had been worn smooth by the iron-shod hooves of all the mules who'd passed this way, until they resembled a series of shallow stone bowls. Water filled the bottoms of the bowls, glimmering golden in the afternoon sun. It is water now, Alayne thought, but come dark, all of it will turn to ice. She realized that she was holding her breath, and let it out. Mya Stone and Lord Robert had almost reached the rock spire where the slope leveled off again. She tried to look at them, and only them. I will not fall, she told herself. Mya's mule will see me through. The wind skirled around her, as she bumped and scraped her way down step by step. It seemed to take a lifetime.

Lily Collins as Cecelia Brady in The Last Tycoon (2017)

Lily Collins as Cecelia Brady in The Last Tycoon (2017)

Lily Collins as Cecelia Brady in The Last Tycoon (2017)

Things aren’t beautiful because of how they sound. They’re beautiful because of what they mean. - Edith Bratt, Tolkien (2019)

Things aren’t beautiful because of how they sound. They’re beautiful because of what they mean. - Edith Bratt, Tolkien (2019)