Feed The Beast - Tumblr Posts
I was getting in shape... I was doing so well...

But it always returns...
The compulsion to grow..
The desire to stuff myself relentlessly..
And the urge to give in ...

And each time it returns..
It's stronger than before.

(something from my drafts from when I was at my fattest)
Growth of a Man pt 1

At 19...
Eating lean, Working out. Growing stronger and more muscular than ever before. People think I'm cute, in shape. My appetite sky rockets as I push harder and harder at the gym.
It feels good. I grow confident... Too confident
At 20...
COVID strikes. The gyms shut down. I decided that it would not last long, so why not bulk up?
Well... Quarantine lasted longer than I expected and so did my bulk... I kept eating and eating and it felt so good
Eating became a pleasure. I made it my vice for stress; I made it a vice for pleasure...I became addicted

At 21...
My bulk didn't stop because gyms did not open up. I become fatter than ever and I love it... It feels so good to eat. And eat. And eat. Every morsel that went into my mouth gave me pleasure in my mind, body, and soul.
It's become more than a small addiction. I needed more...