Felt This - Tumblr Posts
When you worry about a lot of things too much but distract yourself from it as quickly as you can but realise it can be unhealthy but also healthy depending on what you've recently heard but either way you want to choose the "look away and distract" option everytime except you can't for certain things
paws at u paws at u paws at u paws at u paws at u
it's not that I am better off doing things on my own but that I only know how to do things on my own
when doja said "i like to down play shit but this is a big deal." felt that.
I have been desperately trying to put down my full thoughts about the Five Realms Of Essential Existence's Universe (I will call it f.r.e.e. from now on) in a coherent essay.
Thing is everything would make sense if Morgo didn't break the fourth wall.
That crap put all my ideas in shables. How am I supposed to make sense of it?
How can Morgo Google stuff in 1993?
I get the appearing objects and human-like animals cause at that point Misfortune was already dead and he could morph reality.
But I don't get the meta-shit. Is Morgo an omniscient being that can travel trough time? How does he know that there's the player? Why? If he's so powerful why does he struggle so much against the Protectors of Senersedee.
I have so many questions and everytime I go back to my essay they just haunt me.
I care Morgo. But goddamn it why did he have to make everything so comfusing aargh!
I will not go back to my essay and I will try to ignore this confusing stuff and set it aside for later.