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Race Day (FtM)

“Well, thanks for your time, and good luck with the race!” Laura concluded, smiling broadly at the two cyclists. She didn’t really have much interest in the sport, but the local news station she worked as a reporter for needed someone at short notice to cover the cycling race nearby, and she was the only one available.
The two men smiled in return, and turned around to make their way to get ready for the race. As they walked away, Laura couldn’t help but stare at the impressive rear end vacuum-packed into the blue outfit of the English cyclist she’d been interviewing, Matt, as it bounced from side to side as he sauntered away. After a few seconds, she looked away and shook her head. She had a boyfriend now after all, she couldn’t keep looking at guys like this anymore.
The cameraman, Andy, snapped her out of her trance-like state by announcing, “Alright, so now we should head over to the track so we can get in position to cover the race.” Laura agreed, and the pair of them walked for roughly ten minutes to get to the press area by the side of the track, where several cyclists had already gathered and some other journalists were waiting with their cameras, looking rather unimpressed. As she waited for Andy to set up his camera again, one of the other reporters approached her and said, “Don’t bother rushing, apparently one of the racers has disappeared off somewhere. That Matthew bloke.” Laura was a little taken aback, but after talking to a few other journalists and event organisers, none of whom knew where he was, decided to take it upon herself to try and find him.
She left her microphone with Andy as he continued to set up the camera, and headed away from the crowds to the small car park which housed the trailers which the cyclists used as changing rooms. She found the one which had Matt’s name written on the door, and knocked. Not getting a response, she tried the handle, which was apparently unlocked as she managed to swing the door open. Scanning the room, Matt was nowhere to be seen. However, she did notice one odd thing. On the grey couch at the side of the room, the clothes which Matt had been wearing during the interview were spread and wrinkled and - oddest of all - were totally covered inside and out in a strange peach-coloured goop.
Puzzled, Laura stepped closer and crouched down to get a closer look at it. Those were definitely his clothes, and the distribution of the goop was vaguely human-shaped, with most of it seemingly pooled inside the skinsuit, and with clumps at the head and arm openings of the suit, as well as two long clumps roughly connecting the legs of the suit and his shoes. She murmured, “What the fuck...” to herself, and after a few seconds of deliberation gingerly poked her finger into the goo, surprised at the viscosity and stickiness of it. When she tried to retreat her hand away, her eyes widened as the goop stayed wrapped around her finger and formed a firm string between it and the pile. She tried to shake it off, but in response the goop shot up onto her hand, and started crawling up her arm. She shrieked to no avail, as the entire pool of goop around the suit slid underneath her clothes, feeling like a slightly warm slime.
Laura’s heart racing, the movement of the goop slowed a little as it reached the top of her arms, as she noticed something going on. With all of goop from the couch now on her body, the part that covered her hands had gained a skin-like texture and tightly pulled itself around them, so that it seemed as if the goop actually was her hands. However, they were different from her normal hands: bigger for one, and her fingers seemed thicker. A similar thing had happened to her forearms, going from slim and dainty to thick with veins slightly visible under her skin, and her upper arms as the goop flowed onto her torso. The goop pulled itself tightly around her biceps, with more of the substance moving into the area to build onto it like clay, leaving her with firm muscle once the goop settled. Laura wasn’t particularly... opposed to whatever what going on with her body, more just, well, confused.
The goop continued to slip under her dress onto her chest, and she felt her breasts become totally covered. She was forced to let out a groan as the goop firmly pushed them into her chest, flattening them completely and seemingly absorbing them into the goop. In their place, she found the goop piling itself onto her as with her biceps to grow her two pillowy pectorals, almost as big as what was there before, and with two surprisingly pointed nipples to adorn them - stretching the fabric of her dress, along with her shoulders which had also had some mass added to them.
The goop then moved in both directions across her body, with one part going down and swallowing up her abdomen, widening her midsection with goop being piled onto her waist, and firming up her stomach, leaving her with a faint trace of a six-pack, covered by a very light layer of fat. While this was happening however, the goop was also quickly heading up Laura’s neck, thickening it a little on its journey. She was about to let out a scream, before the goop slid up her face and dove into her mouth and nostrils, and completely covered her eyes. With it sliding down her throat, she found herself blinded and unable to breathe for several seconds as she felt the goop’s movement stop at the top of her head. Once her mouth was cleared and her vision was restored she gasped for air loudly, clumsily pawing at her face with her manly hands and looking around the room for a mirror.
As she jogged to the mirror, she could feel that her face was certainly shaped and textured differently, and her long blonde locks no longer fell over her chest. Reaching the mirror, she realised that her face was that of an entirely different person. First off, this was the face of a man, clearly. She had a wider and firmer jaw, and her long blonde hair had disappeared somewhere only to be replaced with a head of short brown hair. Her nose was wider and her nostrils more flared, and the tip of her nose had taken on a red tinge. However, one thing become quickly apparent to her - this was Matt’s face. She was turning into Matt.
This was further backed up as the goop descended to her hips, and coated her ass generously. Trying to look around to watch, she watched as it swelled up further and further, until the back of her already-strained dress was pushed out by the unmistakable bubble butt belonging to Matt which she had been staring at just a short while prior. Her mouth gaped at the sight of it, and her first reaction was to reach a meaty hand around and give it a squeeze - wow. If that was even possible, that felt better than she expected. As terrifying as this change was, that was one part she really appreciated.
In contrast, the next area the goop covered brought on the changes that Laura was the most scared about. She shivered as it covered her clitoris and moulded it underneath her dress with piles of the goop, shaping it like a clay vase thicker and longer, becoming more phallic and firm as it grew. While this was happening, her labia reshaped itself into a scrotum with two decently-sized testicles appearing within. By now, her dress was tented by what was very much a penis, which had reached an above-average - she guessed - length, and a hefty girth, definitely bigger than her boyfriend’s, at least. She tenderly gave it a couple of strokes through the fabric, and gasped at the fantastic sensation she felt from this new part of her body. However, she decided not to go all the way with it just yet.
The final stages of her changes started as the goop began to pile itself onto her slim thighs. Judging from what she’d seen of Matt earlier, these legs were going to be something to behold, and she was certainly not wrong. Her quads continued to swell up further and further, and as they finally settled to their new size, Laura’s eyes widened. She hadn’t had time to appreciate them when she first saw Matt, but now she realised that these were probably the biggest legs she’d ever seen on anyone - never mind herself! The goop continued onto her calves, expanding them to similar extents to her thighs and making her legs as a whole look more well-proportioned. Finally, the last dregs of the goop covered her feet, expanding them several sizes to what she’d expect for this new body.
Laura stared at herself - or rather, Matt’s self - up and down in the mirror and tried to get to grips with the situation. One thing that stood out was how poorly her dress, ripped in several places, fit her new body. Testing her strength, she managed to totally tear off the dress with her hands, triumphantly throwing it on the floor, and after managing to squeeze herself out of her underwear found herself naked in the mirror. She flexed a bicep in the mirror, and grinned to herself, laughing, “Maybe I could get used to this,” before covering her mouth. Woah. She was not expecting to sound like that. Her voice was deeper, naturally, and now had Matt’s charming accent.
After a couple more minutes of checking herself out in the mirror and giving herself a squeeze here and there, Laura realised that she’d probably have to turn up and pretend to be Matt so the organisers wouldn’t think that he’d gone missing. Scanning the room for something to wear, her eyes settled on Matt’s previous outfit that’d been covered in the goop, which was now miraculously clean, as if it had never even been there. She grabbed the shorts, stepping into them, and wriggled them up her legs until they were wrapped around her monster thighs as tightly as possible, managing to tuck her now-calmed cock into them. She pulled the shorts’ straps over her shoulders, before managing to pull the event jersey over her shoulders, zipping the front up and pulling the sleeves up until her biceps were snugly covered. She then strapped on the shoes and pulled on the gloves, before putting on the sunglasses and strapping in her helmet to prepare for the race. Laura checked herself out in the room’s mirror one last time, before heading off to the race.
Now, she wasn’t totally sure how she’d actually be able to do this race, considering she hadn’t been near a bike since she was a child. On the other hand, she also had vague recollections of participating in many cycling racing throughout her life. These conflicting memories confused her, unable to tell which was the truth, but as long as she could get through this race she’d be fine. As she walked across the car park towards the arena, she felt more and more confident about her ability to participate in the race successfully, remembering details about some of her competitors even. However, she did find even walking in this body a struggle, the size of her legs forcing her into more of a waddle, so she didn’t really know how she could expect to do well cycling. Also - how was her boyfriend going to react? She wasn’t sure she could even go back to him like this, and after all, didn’t she have a girlfriend back home in England? That didn’t sound right - did it?
A few minutes later, she had made her way to the starting line at the track, after being shouted at by a couple of the organisers for disappearing out of nowhere. She did retort back to them, something she’d never really done before, but otherwise didn’t make a fuss. She noticed the cameraman on his own, looking slightly worried - what was his name, Aaron? - but now she was focussed on trying to win this race. She was still nervous about it, of course, but she felt this newfound adrenaline and cockiness - had remembered how to actually cycle! The referee shot the starting gun, and Laura sped along the track with the other racers. Not that she was focusing on them, anyway, but she managed to overtake them one by one.
After a few minutes of intense physical activity, Laura crossed the finish line in a respectable second, which she was more than happy with! She smacked her firm chest with her hands, before spreading her arms apart, basking in the (albeit fairly small) crowd’s cheers. At that moment, she felt that this future life wouldn’t be so bad after all.

A Night in Tokyo
Julian and Olivia had just gotten married to each other, and upon returning to their generous suburban home (thanks to their families’ combined wealth), Julian surprised her with plane tickets for their honeymoon in Japan. “Oh my god, babe, you shouldn’t have!” squealed Olivia as she dived in for a hug, her husband smirking as he knew he’d just guaranteed himself some pussy tonight.
A week or so later, they’d arrived in Tokyo, and after the 15 hour flight they were practically ready to collapse. Neverless, they stepped into their chauffeured luxury car they’d booked in advance, which swept them along the urban highways past the dazzling city night lights to their hotel. It turned out, in reality, to be closer to Yokohama, but it was 3am and one of the most luxurious spa hotels in the city - so it’s not like they were too bothered.
They quickly checked in, not having the energy to appreciate the surrounds as they fumbled their bags to their penthouse suite. As they were checking in, they noticed a large group of men in white sports uniforms checking in at the same time - Julian couldn’t tell what sport they played, he just knew they looked like beefier soccer players and were definitely not Japanese.
Arriving at their door, Olivia scanned the key card and pushed the door open, revealing the most extravagant hotel room imaginable, prompting her to gasp, “Oh my god, it’s beautiful,” as Julian smiled smugly behind her. “Sure is, sweetie.” Using the last of their energy, they dumped their cases on the floor and stripped down to their underwear before diving onto the king-size bed with its plump cushions and mattress and within a few minutes falling fast asleep.
A couple of hours later, Julian’s eyes snapped open. His skin felt, somehow, extremely uncomfortable and itchy, “This hotel got fuckin’ bedbugs or something?” he muttered to himself in frustration. He started to scratch himself furiously, and found that his skin had taken on a rough, almost leathery texture. “The fuck...?” he mumbled, noticeably pale. “Babe, wake up,” he said, giving the shape of his wife’s body a nudge through the blanket.
Olivia turned onto her side, and let out a deep groan, which startled him slightly. As she turned to him, mumbling, “What is it...” in a distinctly deeper tone than before, Julian could see her face. It seemed almost squarer, and somehow she had a very light coating of stubble on her chin. Her eyebrows were a little thicker, and her long brown hair was distinctly shorter. Julian could only assume that he was dreaming, after all, how the fuck does someone change like that in a couple of hours?
While Olivia seemed totally oblivious, Julian was able to see the rest of her changes when she pulled over the bedsheet to step out of bed and get herself a glass of water. Her arms and legs were thicker, looking borderline muscular, and her breasts were a bit smaller and flatter. She seemed slightly taller too, and her ass was actually more plump-looking - and was now somehow contained in a pair of boxer briefs rather than lingerie. On top of that, those briefs seemed to have a very slight protrusion in the front, like her clit had swollen up.
Julian stuttered, “You look... different...” as he stared at her in shock. Olivia checked the mirror before turning to face him, responding in her new voice, “What are you talking about? I suppose I might need to shave soon...” while rubbing her chin nonchalantly. Julian decided he was definitely dreaming at this point, and decided to just try and get back to sleep, pulling the covers over himself and trying to ignore his skin.
However, he quickly failed at this, yelling out in agony as his own body started to change - Olivia paying no attention. His body forced himself into a fetal position, while his skin raised into permanent goosebumps and turned porcelain white all over his body. His knees and thighs sunk into his stomach, with his calves and feet wrapping around and merging into his ass. He would have been sobbing if his mouth hadn’t sealed itself shut, at the same time as his hair fell out and his nose flattened into his face. He started losing his vision just as his arms were absorbed into his egg-shaped torso, which started smoothing out and losing any sort of hints of his former limbs. Internally screaming, what was left of his head retracted into his torso, as a blue and green pattern appeared around the pointed parts of Julian’s smooth leathery egg-body, which finally shrank down to about a foot long rugby ball.

Despite his new form, the absolutely distressed Julian found that he could still think and feel, as well see with a limited range. Thanks to this, he could see the happily unbothered Olivia going through her final changes. Her shoulder-length hair rapidly retreated into her scalp, leaving her with a short, practical haircut while her stubble slightly thickened. Her face finished its masculinisation and was now totally unrecognisable, and her neck thickened along with her new Adam’s apple. Her flattened boobs swelled back up, this time as luscious pecs, with an impressive thick set of abs to match them.
Julian found himself getting aroused at the sight of this hunky new man forming in front of him, and yelled in his mind, “What the fuck!? I’m not gay!” which did not make him any less turned-on. Olivia’s arms and already firm biceps bulked up considerably, enough to stretch any shirt she would ever wear, and her hands thickened to complete them. Her legs swelled up with pure muscle dramatically, into those which only a professional rugby player could have, with her new boxer briefs already on the brink of bursting. That was not at all helped with her already expanded ass growing just a little bit more, and her former swollen clit rapidly inflating into a full-blown 9-inch uncut cock, complete with a pair of churning balls.
Julian could think of nothing but Olivia. Despite his internal protests, his mind was now totally rewired so that when Olivia - Owen, rather - approached him and picked him up with his meaty hands, even his touch feeling like a full-body orgasm to Julian. Owen put him down for a moment to pull on his white perfectly tight-fitting rugby jersey and shorts, slid his boots onto his significantly larger feet, before picking Julian back up with a very firm grip - another debilitatingly pleasurable orgasm. “Fuckin’ hate getting up early for games,” the English rugby player groaned, heading out of the luxury of the bedroom for the stadium to meet the rest of the national team with his duffel bag over his wide shoulders and Julian in hand.

Shorts: New Year New Me.
Jenna’s body was contorting and changing. Her frame was becoming skinnier and lankier, as tattoos formed on her body. “This isn’t what I meant by a fresh start” she said to a fair psychic who said she’d have a different year and years to come for sure. Jenna watched as her surroundings changed, and her continued to get taller and lankier.
Minutes passed, and his nose got larger and longer, as his face finished changing. He looked around seeing he was in some hotel now. “Where the hell am I?” He asked himself, as he saw a phone on the bed. I’m a panic, he grabbed the phone and jolts began to go throughout his body. The owner of the phone was claiming himself.
Mark began to feel an intense pain, as he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked at his big feet, and felt the manhood between his legs. He began to smirk, as he began to take pics. With every flash, Mark was remembering his life going from job to job and living in a hotel.

This is my first transformation story. Mainly this is an exercise to find my style & to get a feel for writing the stories that I love to read. I hope y’all enjoy!

Cassidy sighed to herself, listening to her boyfriend and his friend shouting at the football players on their small television set. Randy was your typical country boy, not caring about anything outside of a good meal or a good ball game or a good fuck. And while it hurt her to admit it, the latter was all Cassidy was to him. He never wanted anything to do with her outside of the bedroom, and when she tried to participate in any of his interests, he laughed her off. Her questions about the goal of the game were only met with a snort and a low burp.
She was a joke to him, but a pretty one, nonetheless. Not that he ever appreciated how hard she tried to look good for him. She was from the same hometown, just as country as Randy prided himself on being, but she actually put in some effort to looking decent. She wore only the latest clothes, kept her hair curled and dyed, and she never left the house without a spritz of perfume. Randy was the opposite. When he could be bothered to dress himself, his wardrobe never changed, and she was lucky if she could get him to shower twice a week.
He was gross, and hateful, but she couldn’t change her feelings for him. She pulled herself together and stood, walking back into the house and watching the two boys make fools of themselves. Randy and Justin were nearly identical, with the same short haircuts and sleazy tattoos. The air around them smelled like a gym locker room, and there were empty beer bottles and chip bags littered around their feet. They had been close friends since childhood, always doing everything together. Cassidy couldn’t help the jealousy she felt.

Randy was always open to hearing Justin’s opinions, and he laughed loudly at all of the other boy’s offensive jokes. Even if he asked a stupid question, Randy would come up with some equally stupid answer. Justin had the one thing Cassidy had always wanted from Randy, and that was respect. She should have known that it was something she’d never obtain, that she should just count her losses and move on, but she still hoped that things could be different. Desire welled up inside of her, simple as it was. She wanted Randy to respect her the same way he respected Justin.
Her stomach growled suddenly, a sharp flare of pain, and it was enough to break Randy’s attention from the TV for just a second. “Damn, babe, you need to take a shit?” She blushed furiously, rushing to the restroom and trying to ignore Justin’s cackling laughter. With the door slammed behind her, she held a hand to her abdomen and felt the discomfort give way to heat. It pulsed through her skin, until a sheen of sweat stuck to her forehead. She hadn’t eaten anything that morning, but maybe she had caught an illness and it was just now showing its symptoms.
She looked at her reflection, noticing that her cheeks looked puffier and her neck somehow wider. What she didn’t notice was her hair slowly creeping up past her shoulders, or the wiry hairs that had begun to cover her previously shaved legs. All she could focus on was the heat, and then the tightness in her gut, until her face twisted and she couldn’t help herself anymore. She farted. Louder than she ever had in her life. The smell of it made her gag, loud enough that she barely caught Randy’s remark. “Nice one, dude!”

Dude? The word was strange to Cass, all at once familiar and alarming. Part of her was arguing with her mind, saying that it wasn’t normal for her boyfriend to call her anything other than ‘babe,’ but there was another part of her that didn’t mind being called dude. It wasn’t an insult, and hey, at least Randy was impressed with her. It was kind of nice. Her shame gave way to pride, and she chuckled. Low and dumb and in a voice deeper than she recognized. Then she heard threads tearing, and she lifted her arms to look down at her shirt.
The sides tore open from the strain, her torso stretching into a barrel shape and biceps swelling. That certainly wasn’t normal, especially not the thin trail of hair spreading beneath her exposed bellybutton, but her thoughts were clouded and distant and so slow. She looked back at her reflection, only to see her face framed by a choppy haircut that was still getting shorter. The blonde color had faded to a natural, dull brown, and the makeup she was wearing had seemingly vanished. Little thoughts fluttered through her mind, trying to convince herself she was still pretty and that she needed to look good, before she realized that appearances didn’t really matter.

Her main focus was on her new guns, flexing them in the mirror and chuckling at her personal bowling balls. She was damn proud of them. She was finding it hard to remember parts of herself, instead catching glimpses of another life. She had never set foot in a gym, let alone the one Randy and Justin frequented, but now she could recall countless mornings and nights spent exercising with them. And she was bigger than both of them now, built like a brick shithouse and smelling just the same. Cass sniffed her armpits, but instead of coughing in disgust she smiled wider. That was a real man’s scent, and it was coming from her.
A real man. He scratched his shaved scalp, squinting his eyes as the world readjusted around him. Chase was feeling separated from the identity of Cassidy, like that was someone who never existed. More sounds of ripping could be heard, until two meaty thighs erupted from a pair of what were once designer jeans. The behemoth was thrilled by this, so smug at the sight of himself bursting through his clothes like he was the fucking Hulk. He was even more thrilled at the heat pulsing between his legs, and the monster snaking out from his crotch. It arrived quickly, and stood at full attention, and it was like it had always been there.
He spit against his rough palm and gripped it, lowering himself to his knees and writhing in pleasure. His new balls were already full of cum, hanging below a muscular ass covered with fat and hair. A pungent smell wafted from it, and he couldn’t hold back the fart that was building. It blared through the restroom as his large feet broke free of the leather boots restricting them, until he was left naked as the day he was born and jacking himself off on the bathroom floor. His body gave in to its final adjustments, tattoo ink spreading across his shoulders and down his arms, testosterone pumping through his veins.

His mind accepted his new fate, filling to the brim with new knowledge. Or lack thereof. Cassidy’s high school education was cut in half, in favor of Chase who dropped out at fourteen when they said his grades were too bad to be on the varsity football team. The fuck was he gonna stay in school for, then? Literature and mathematics gave way to beer brands, sports teams, and disgusting ways to prank his best buds. He snickered to himself, remembering his friends in the other room. “Hey, ass-wipes, come here a second!”
They came right as they were called, never failing to respect the alpha of their little trio. Chase rolled over, continuing to jerk off his cock, spreading his thick legs and waiting for the door to open. When Randy and Justin burst through the door, ready to inspect what they assumed was Chase’s latest monster shit, his dick erupted and the thick ropes of cum covered his best buds. He hollered at their shocked expressions, pleased at his grossness. “Free shower, fellas!” Randy and Justin didn’t stay mad for long, eventually joining in on the laughter. That was just how Chase was.
He was the biggest, nastiest, meanest member of the group. He went to his new room, kicking through the piles of dirty clothes, and pulled on a pair of elastic shorts over his thick cock. He walked into the living room adjusting his balls, throwing himself between his bros and lifting a sweaty finger to Randy’s nose. “Give it a sniff, man.” He cackled at the disgust on his friend’s face, snatching Justin’s beer from his hand and taking a long swig. Chase was a real son of a bitch, that much was true, but Justin and Randy were his bitches. They respected the boss.
He burped, stretching himself out and turning up the TV. “Okay, fuckers! Let’s watch some football!”

Your stories always get me to bust, but my favs will always be your F2M transformations
(Thank you! Here's a little something for all the FTM fans out there~)

When Laura and her gal pals decided to visit the nude beach during their spring break off the coast of Greece, she should have known it would bring up conflicting feelings about her appearance. She had always struggled with her self confidence, never the tallest or the prettiest among her friend group, her boobs were small and her waist had no distinct curves. What should have been a fun excuse to let loose with her besties had slowly become a troubling time, stuck musing in her head that she would give anything to look as pretty as Vanessa or Keke standing there in her bare skin.
"I wish I was the hottest one here." Here's the thing about wishes and getting exactly what you want: you should pay more attention to your surroundings. Wishing to be the most beautiful person in a space filled with horny women has consequences. So quick that it nearly knocks her off her feet, a pulse of energy scorches through Laura, a wave of golden light washing across her features. The deepest desires of all the girls are taken into account, Keke's taste for Asian boys, Vanessa's love for a buff body, Sarah's demand for a thick cock, a Frankenstein's monster made out of all her best friend's wet dreams combined.
She could feel her bones popping out of place and stretching with her body, muscles ripping and stitching themselves anew, growing plump and firm and taut. Her belly sucked in, waist growing narrow with a V-taper, ass finally growing perky and bubbly but only in an athletic sense, a warm feeling taking over her crotch as the energy seems to pulse inside of her, breasts sinking into firm pecs, abs rippling, lips thinning and jaw becoming chiseled, long dark hair receding into a handsome, traditional style. From his wet folds, a thick cock emerges, glistening with sweat and lust and pre in the warm tropical sun. Throbbing with need.
As quickly as the wish had been muttered, Laura had been replaced by Lai Hong, globe-trotting playboy womanizer with an insatiable cock and enough money in the trust fund to fuel his breeder kink. Laura tries and fails to beg for mercy inside her new mental prison, forced to watch her friends approach her one after the other, sniffing up his pheromone-charged scent, revealing their breasts to him and their pussies and not hiding their gaze as they take in his hardening dick. Hong just wants to seed each of these beautiful women and accept the worship they are so willing to give him. He makes no complaints about being shared by them, even if the voice in his head says otherwise.

After all, who here on this beach is hotter than he is? The chicks are pretty with their long, soft hair and their tight little bodies, pussies warm and clenched around his engorged rod, but no one looking at the orgy would have any doubt about who the real specimen is. Far as he is concerned, he is a king, and these tits and cunts are his banquet.
Laura can keep crying and screaming all she wants, no one can say the new him isn't drop dead gorgeous. Confidence issues are now the least of his problems!

Season 2
Changing Those Bad Habits
Sandy was content with her life. She enjoyed lounging on the couch, watching TV and eating all sorts of junk food without any concern for her weight. She was an overweight girl who had accepted her fate, not bothered by the constant teasing and mocking from her peers. But little did she know, her lazy habits would attract the attention of a warlock.
The warlock, disgusted by Sandy's unhealthy lifestyle, decided to teach her a lesson. He cast a spell on her, one that would transform her completely. At first, Sandy didn't notice anything different. But as she went about her day, she started to feel strange. Her clothes were suddenly too big for her, and she could feel her body changing.
She rushed to the mirror, not prepared for what she saw. Her fat was slowly melting away, replaced by lean muscle. She grew taller and more masculine with each passing minute. Her skin darkened, and her hair receded, turning into a short, black buzz cut. Her face became more chiseled, and her chest formed bulging pecs.
Sandy was panicking, not understanding what was happening to her. But it wasn't until she looked down and saw her hands, her new large, muscular hands, that she realized the full extent of the transformation. She screamed, but her voice was now deeper and rougher, not at all like her own.
In just a matter of moments, Sandy had been transformed into Ernie, a 6'2 black bodybuilder. She could feel her mind changing as well, her thoughts becoming more confident and focused. She no longer remembered her old life as Sandy, her mind rewritten by the warlock.
Ernie stood in front of the mirror, admiring his new body. He felt powerful and in control. In a way, he felt like he had been reborn.

This is the final part of my coach lang series so I hope you all enjoy. I’ve had all of fun with this character. He might come back in the future but for now this is the end. if you haven’t read the other two parts here they are and if you have, I do hope you all enjoy!
Part 1

Part 2

Yet another day at Nixon High was playing out like many others. The halls were buzzing with life on the last day of school but for the seniors it was there last day before graduation. John had been in the hall cleaning out his locker which was filled with crumpled unfinished homework and sweaty workout clothes from his weights class. He ended this year with a free sleight and broke up with his girlfriend who was heading off to college. He had no plans of furthering his education and just wanted to be a free man who could fuck any woman he pleased and like the arrogant douche he was, he made that clear to his ex.
He threw his stack of papers away and slung his drawstring backpack over his shoulder and headed for the door. This would be the last time he walked through these doors and stepped foot in this building. All he was able to find himself thinking though was good riddance. He already had a job lined up at the local gas station his father managed and he had every intention of spending the rest of his days pumping gas for the locals. He didn’t need or want anything more he felt. In a few months he figured he could save up enough cash and buy his own trailer and that’s where he could spend his days. Plowing pussy and drinking beer by the rack.

He walked through the back doors and caught his eye on Coach Lang who was jumping rope over on the track. Everytime he saw that man he was working out. His stomach dropped just looking at him as he felt an uneasy wave wash over him that sent shivers down his spine. The school had changed so much since he’d become the new coach and part of John hated the fact that he had a hand in creating the behemoth of a man. The schools original Coach was going into retirement and he knew well that he had gotten to old to keep the football team in check. All the jocks on the team were just a bunch of twerps and John wasn’t any better, but he was just the waterboy for the team so he’d always gotten a pass. He was given the job of bringing the new kid, Damien Lang, to the workout room on his first day and the rest was history. Since then, the shy bookish kid had become the monster of a man that stood before him.
All the players on the team seemingly packed on muscle and gained killer bodies over night once he’d started but with the new looks came new ultra douchey personalities to go with them. They had all become crude, musky men, unafraid to let out rank farts and passing homophobic slurs any chance they got. At least that’s how it all started anyways. During the year Coach Lang had started taking in many of the geeks into his class for forced weight training and they would come out just as vile as the rest of the jocks. Flexing their newly acquired muscles and tearing down anyone who wasn’t as big as them. There was even one openly queer student who went into his class and never came back but the same day of his disappearance, Coach Lang’s ass had ballooned in size and rumor had it that he’d become a horny himbo who let the football team use him as there personal cumdup. It sounds to crazy to be true and John believed it only because of what all he’d seen, but he was nearly positively that the missing student had infact become his coaches jiggly ass and that students love of cock came with it.
He’d always managed to duck by the coach and managed to avoid any of the changes the other students had gone through over the year and he was grateful for it. Sure having a killer body would be pretty rad in his mind but he wasn’t willing to loose his hole identity over it. Even if he didn’t have much going for him in this life and he was already fairly dimwitted, it was his life and he had no plans on changing that. Now all he had to do was sneak by him and all of that craziness would be long behind him.
He hung his head low and clung onto the strings of his bag, avoiding any and all contact with the other man. He went to round the school house and thought that he was off scott free when he heard the coach call out his name.
“Shit.” He mumbled to himself as he stopped dead in his tracks. He took a breath in and plastered a fake smile on his face, trying to hide how uneasy he was as Coach Lang jogged up to him.
“Gonna get out of here boy without saying goodbye to me ” he remarked as he stopped in front of him, standing at least half a foot above John.
John swallowed hard, almost feeling like he was going to choke but he still managed to speak “Sorry sir, I didn’t see yuh.”
Coach Lang chuckled, obviously not believing him “Sure yuh didn’t pipsqueak. If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were avoiding me? But if I were you I’d be avoiding me to.”
John awkwardly laughed at the coaches remark, obviously not knowing how to react or even what to say.
“I heard about you not going to college either. Got any plans.”
“Nothing to big,” John looped his fingers in his belt and smiled, feeling confident in following in his father’s footsteps “Gonna work at the gas station here in town. I’m pretty excited.”
“Is that so?” coach lang rolled his eyes. “I’ll tell yuh what, this whole year I haven’t really known what to do with you until now.”
“What exactly do you mean by that sir?”
“Don’t play dumb with me kid, I know you know what became of your other classmates.” he smiled and grabbed ahold of his ass with one of his hands and gave it a good shake “I mean you were the only one who figured out where Hunter ended up after all. This whole time though I haven’t done anything to you even thought I wanted to because I didn’t know what change you needed but after hearing what your pathetic life plan is and the fact that your now a single and free man, I think I know exactly what to do to you now.”
John swallowed hard again and clutched his bag harder to his chest “You know what sir, I actually think I’m gonna go. My mom’s actually waiting for me at home.”
“It’ll only take one second and then I’ll send yuh on your way.”
Before John could react any further the older man grabbed the back of his head and darted his tongue into his mouth. John squirmed in his grasp but there was nothing he could do against him as he kissed him and then unleashed a loud burp right into his mouth. Coach lang finally let go and John stumbled backwards, coughing at the retched taste.
He looked at the coach with a mixture of shock and horror and quickly ran off as Coach Lang watched with an eager eye, knowing that soon enough he’d come crawling back.
John burst through the door of his home. The entire run home he didn’t look back in fear that the behemoth had been chasing after him. He felt sweaty and disgusting. He couldn’t believe what he just did to him and he was glad he got away so quickly otherwise he didn’t know what could have happened. The pervert did have his tongue down his throat after all.
“Honey is that you?” His mom called from the other room
John struggled to catch his breath to answer her “Y-yes mom…”
She strode towards the front door with a questioning glance “Are you alright? You sound like you ran the whole way home.”
“I’m okay,” he said grabbing his stomach which felt strange and he could feel it rumble, not only that but his jeans felt like they were getting tighter which he could of sworn they were a couple sizes to big on him this morning. “I just need to go up to my room for a minute.”
“Okay, just be quick, dinners almost ready.” He started to bound up the stairs when she continued “And maybe change, your clothes look like there running a little small on yuh sweetheart.”
He slammed the door behind himself and collapsed on the floor by the side of his bed. Small? What was she talking about. There was no way. He’d always been fairly shrimpy and could never find anything that was small enough for him but he lost that thought once he heard his stomach start to growl and groan. He clenched at it and whimpered. The flesh felt softer than he remembered and his jeans still felt like they were sucking the life out of him as the waist of them clung tighter to his sides. He pulled his shirt up, exposing his stomach and gasped. He always had a flat belly with no definition but he clearly had a gut now. Not only that but he could feel it growing underneath his finger tips.

He fumbled with the buttons of his jeans which were hard to get to under his newly formed gut but eventually he was able to pry them open, letting his new girth plop down over his wasteline. The sense of relief he felt once they came unzipped made him bite his lip as he tried to shimmy them the rest of the way off.
“What the fuck did he do to me?” He groaned as he pulled the jeans off of his legs which had started to bulk up and grow more meaty.
He watched in stunned horror as an itchy sensation raced across his body and small hairs began to sprout, covering his previously baby smooth skin in a thick furry pelt. He ran his fingers through the wiry hairs in bewilderment. He’d done so good avoiding this throughout the year but finally, coach Lang had gotten him. He knew he had to change clothes and find him. Try and beg him to reverse this before it was to late and he was stuck in whatever form he was changing into.
He stumbled to his feet, but tripped over his own legs, barely catching himself on the dresser. He looked down and noticed that one of his legs was clearly longer than the other but before his eyes, the other one followed in suit and grew a couple inches to catch up. Just as quickly his thighs grew thick with fat and he could feel them brush against eachother.
“No no no,” he exclaimed as he rifled through his dresser, trying to find clothes big enough to cover his changing body “This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening.”
He grabbed a pair of shorts and began to shimmy them up his legs but just as he was pulling them up over his butt he felt a gurgling sensation in his stomach and a booming fart ripped through his cheeks.
He grabbed his nose at the putrid smell and gasped. John gripped his ass cheeks as he fell to his knees and couldn’t help but let out a small moan.

The waistband of his shorts began to ride down, exposing his now furry ass and he could feel his cheeks swelling big and juicy. He felt his ass jiggle with every inch it grew as he clutched onto the floor and let out small moans. Even after his ass stopped growing he could feel fart after fart escape from his hole. At this point he’d lost total control over his body and he gasped at the disgusting fumes in the room that were both nauseating and intoxicating to him. Not only that, but it seemed that with every single time he passed gas, the raunchy masculine scent was only making his changes go that much quicker. He fell backwards onto the floor and ran his fingers down his abdomen, feeling his gut gurgle and swell. He looked down in shock. He was gaining quite the dad bod. As he thrust his head back another belch ripped out of his mouth and his stomach ballooned out further, giving him a jiggly beer gut. His fingers grew slick with sweat that had started to pour off of his body in buckets as he rubbed his fingers across it in a daze.
How was he supposed to get out the door when his whole body was changing so rapidly. Not only that but the changes had grown to be almost euphoric as he felt himself growing thicker and bigger than he ever thought he could be.

He brought his hands up to his flat chest and began tweaking his nipples as he felt his fingers elongate and grow thicker. Callouses formed on his hands as well making them rougher to the touch as he played with his overly sensitive nipples. He couldn’t believe how faggy this was of him, sitting here like a bitch groping his chest but he couldn’t deny how hard his cock was getting. As he continued kneading his chest he could feel both his pecs grow flabby as his nipples grew larger. His belly still swayed far out below them and he couldn’t help to jiggle and shake it, it was fucked up but he almost wanted to keep this body and he began wondering if maybe his coach would keep his mind intact once everything was done.
He began squeezing his man tits together with both of his hands. He literally had his own set of books now and the thought was exciting and terrifying all at the same time. He couldn’t help but to imagine his coach sucking on his sensitive nipples and gripping his hands on his massive belly, which made his hardened cock drip with pre. His eyes shot open with the thought of that. He wasn’t into men, let alone his slimy gym teacher who’d done this to him. Just a few hours ago he’d broken up with his girlfriend so he could get more pussy but he knew there was no denying it now. He was becoming quite the bear with a taste for cock and he dreaded that thought as the changes continued.
John looked down towards his briefs for but a second and looked at the tent that was growing larger under the cotton fabric. He clearly was hung like a horse now as his cock bobbed up to 15 inches. He couldn’t imagine any woman ever letting him come near them with this thing. He was practically a freak with a dick this big swinging between his legs. It did make him wonder if this was what his coach wanted though. If he was able to take such an impressive cock like this. He went to reach both his hands around his impressive shaft when he heard the door knob start to jiggle and shake.
“Whatever you’re doing in here is making the whole house reek?” His mother called from the other side.
Before he could stop her the door creaked open, making his heart jump inside his chest as his mother came in.
“Mom please don- BELLLLCCHHHH” a loud burp cut him off before he could stop her. The pressure of it as well dropped his voice down to a more gravelly baritone tone, giving him the voice of an authoritative man.
She caught him on the floor trying to adjust his monster cock to try and hide it while still unable to stop stroking it from under his shorts. She couldn’t help but to stare in horror. She was trying to plug her nose from the overpowering fumes but it was futile for such a strong manly stench. The only way it could be described was primal and unbeknownst to her it was having its own effects on her. He rubbed his eyes in shock as he watched her hair change color from a a luminous blonde to a pure black and it was obviously growing shorter, yet she hadn’t noticed, even as her jaw seemed to reshape and grow more square.
“Oh my God, what’s happing to you?” She gasped as she fell to the floor and grabbed his now beefy arm.
“Mom please,” he pleaded as another hot fart escaped his hairy crack and only added to the stench “You need to leave.”
“I’m not leaving you, I’m calling your father and getting help. This has to be some kind of allergic reaction.” A tickle began to form on her upper lip as a mustache grew in and a goatee took form on her chin. She brushed her hands across her lip to scratch the itch and was stunned to notice that she now had facial hair. “John, what’s happening to us?!”
He could feel his eyes watering up with tears but as he looked down at her petite hands that were wrapped around his bicep they began to thicken and grow firm and calloused. The hands of a man. he knew he had no choice but to push her out before the changes took full affect on her.
With his newfound strength he grabbed her by the arm as a light dusting of hair grew up her forearms. As he hauled her out the doorway, her hair started to shorten into a more boyish style as her breasts began receding into her chest. He pushed her out the door and with his new strength, jammed it shut behind himself before finally locking it.
He could hear her banging on it and yelling.
“Honey, please just let me in.” She pleaded from the other side.
“you need to go, I’ll be out soon.” He said leaning against the door, unsure of what to do.
“Dude, can you just open the door.” She said in a much deeper voice that had started to sound more like that of a man.
The banging continued for a bit before it turned into masculine moans and grunts that disappeared down the hallway. John breathed in a sigh of relief but as he brought his hands up to wipe the sweat off his face he could feel the stubble of a beard under his fingertips. Hed been so caught up with trying to protect his mother he’d forgotten about his own changes that were still happening. He rushed back over to his dresser, his belly shaking the whole way and he quickly pulled out one of the drawers. He accidently pulled it off the track and it fell to the floor with a thud. He wasn’t remotely used to his new strength yet that came with his new body. He fumbled around and found a pair of khaki sweats and pulled them up his thick thighs and could feel them help perk up his juicy but fat ass. They were tight but they would have to do for now. He could still feel his cock throbbing in his shorts though and it was absolutely driving him mad. He quickly found some hand-me-downs of his dads and put them on. A blue t shirt and a flannel that used to look like a dress on his small frame now fit him snuggly and even exposed his belly a little. He was even bigger than his dad now but strangely enough he was kinda liking that. He was starting to look like a true man now.
He stumbled into his bathroom and looked in the mirror in shock, watching as he aged up at least 15 years as bags formed under his eyes and his skin lost it’s soft glow, looking more like a man in his mid thirties rather than the 18 year old he had been mere moments ago.
John started playing with his hair, watching in dismay ad it began to fall out in clumps and he was becoming bald. To make up for it though his facial hair began to lighten and he watched as a blond beard grew on his round chin. He began making different expressions in the mirror, trying to prove to himself it couldn’t be true, but there was no denying that he had changed into a completely different person.
He pulled his phone out and saw that he’d gotten a message from an unknown number. He opened it up and he could hear the smugness of Coach Lang’s voice as he read it “How are yuh feeling about the changes there bud? Maybe you could send me a pic of your progress 😉”

He wanted to throw his phone in frustration but he knew that he had to play into his game at least a bit if he ever wanted to be back to normal and to change his mom back. He didn’t even know how far the changes had progressed on her though. He didn’t even know if she was even still a she even. He snapped a picture of himself and quickly sent it. His fat pudgy fingers struggled to hit the right keys as he sent “Very funny, are you happy?”
John could tell that coach lang was typing. He was furious at what he’d done to him but perhaps he was even more furious at the fact that part of him was hoping that he returned the favor and sent a pic of himself. He wondered what he looked like now with nothing on, his rock hard cock on full display, his bouncy ass his for the taking. He shook his head in disgust. That’s not what he wanted and he knew that. Still though, his cock began to throb and ache, yearning to have his coaches tight hole wrapped around it.
Finally the coach messaged back after a few moments and said “I am very much impressed, you don’t seem to be though. I’ll be there soon. In the mean time I think I know how to get you on board letting me break your new cock in.”
Just as he finished reading the message he felt a small pulse begin to vibrate through his dick. It felt as if a vibrating Fleshlight were wrapped around it and the intensity was only getting stronger and stronger. He keeled forward against the sink, letting his stomach rest on top of the counter top. He couldn’t help but to let out a moan as he dropped his phone to the floor. He quickly grabbed his cock from out of his sweats and started pumping it but he was so sensitive he had to wrench his fingers away. The feeling was both mind numbingly hot and pure torture. He just needed to get off but his cock felt like it was on an edge that it couldn’t quite reach. Not only that he was starting to feel painfully hot so he began to strip his shirt off to alleviate some of the heat, exposing his big belly. He then struggled to pull his sweats off, revealing his the ght underwear that wanted to rip from the scenes from his now huge ass.
Not long after he heard a knock on the bathroom door. He panicked and knew he couldn’t answer it. If it was his mother she could have changed by now and he didn’t want to know how her new body would react to seeing him like this and he knew if it was coach lang there would be no going back. He had little time to react, he quickly picked the flannel back up and put it back on but before he could button it up, the door came open. Unfortunately it was the ladder and the behemoth of a man was standing in front of him.

He could smell the stale scent of his coaches sweat that clearly was drenching his hair. Evidently he’d just got done with his workout because his muscles were running tight and we’re slick with it as well. John couldn’t help but to bite his lip in frustration seeing how tightly his tank top clung to his muscled frame. His chest stretched it out creating a shelf while his nipples poked through the thin fabric. Not only that but the way his ass stretched the back of his shorts made him want nothing more than to tear them off of him and plant his cock in between those two soft cheeks He was so frustrated and turned on, plus the vibrating continued so he couldn’t help but to let out a grunt.
“You’re looking to be a mess here” coach lang said as he strode over to him and wrapped his hand around Johns beer can thick cock through his briefs.
John couldn’t help but to let out another low grunt as the vibrating seemed to only intensify with the other man’s touch. “please, sir,” he begged “I can’t handle this, change me back.”
The coach shined a small devilish grin as he began to run his hand up and down his impressive shaft through the cotton fabric making his belly shake with every stroke. “Now why would I do that? I never got a say in what you changed me into.”
John was stunned. He couldn’t believe Coach Lang remembered his old life. He thought all traces of Damien had vanished when he’d taken over his new body but evidently he was wrong. “I’m sorry okay. I just did what I had to do.”
“That’s fair and I’m just doing the same. You know it was quite smart what you guys did. I honestly had no recollection of my past life at first.” He said as he began to push his hand into his underwear and started to toy with the tip of John’s throbbing cock making precum leak out of the tip like a faucet “It wasn’t until after I merged that faggy kid into my ass fat did I realize what had happened. I was pretty upset when I discovered that you guys made the openly scrawny gay kid into a walking brute of a straight man. Why else do you think I started making all of the football team into walking gay pornstars essentially? It was there just desserts.”
“wh-why do this to me though?” John struggled to say as the coach started straddling his cock quicker and quicker.
“Well I felt like I had to do something special to you. After all, you were the one who started all of this.” The coach said with a laugh “I should be thanking you though I get any piece of ass I want now. It just so happens it’s yours that’ll be mine.”
He took his hand away from Johns cock, collecting some of the pre on his fingers and brought it to his lips and made John taste his own seed. John couldn’t help but to suck on his coach’s sausage-like finger, his brain starting to feel fuzzy and become more accepting of the situation, much against his will.
As coach Lang pulled his hand away, John couldn’t help but to shudder, not being able to help how much he enjoyed the taste lingering on his tongue “I don’t want to like this as much as I do? I don’t want to like this at all.”
“You don’t really have much of a choice now do you. Best not to fight it otherwise you’re just going to loose yourself entirely. Take it from me, plus being my daddy won’t be so bad.” He pulled John into the other room and let him plop down on his bed with a loud thud.

John grabbed his belly and gave it a good shake. There was no denying it, he was proud of how big his body was now. Even if it wasn’t his choice he was turned on by how big he was and he loved that coach Lang was eating it up. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all. He brought his fat ass up to his side and let out a long booming fart that only added to the fumes of the room.
He chuckled a bit and said “So you like yourself a slobby man? I’ll have to work just as hard as you do at the gym for that body to keep this belly as yuh know.”
Coach Lang couldn’t help but smile “Trust me I know. Before my change I was always into bigger guys, I already plan on bringing you anything you want after my workouts.’
He brought his hand down and began rubbing John’s belly, which made his cock throb in his shorts and his hole yearn for his cock
"I just have one question, I guess she really ain’t my mother anymore but what exactly happened to her.”
The coach coyly smiled, “last I saw when I came in she was now a cock hungry power bottom. It was pretty hot watching him finger his hole so desperately. Nothing that a couple of hot and hung daddies couldn’t fix though.”
John let out a booming laugh “maybe we could use a son I suppose.”

Just as he said that his phone dinged and he saw he’d gotten a message from his mother. He opened and saw a sexy Latino sprawled across the bed. His thick thighs and the tease of how his tight underwear clung to his perky little ass made his cock throb that much more. If that’s what he looked like now he definitely much preferred her in this form. He began sending endless messages, begging for both of their cocks to fill him up but coach eventually grabbed the phone from John and set it on the bed.
“I think he can wait, right now you’re all mine.” He said as he pulled Johns underwear down and began toying with his cock again. “ plus your dad should be home anytime now I think. Once your mom’s done with him and you and I are done her we’ll have two more partners to play with if you know what I mean.
Before John could say anything, coach lang wrapped his lips around his cock and he couldn’t help but let out a low grunt as he took his whole length down his throat. He gagged on his massive cock but still took all 15 inches like a pro. He had plans on finding some hot ass this summer but John never guessed things would turn out like this. He knew it was crazy but he was happy with the fact that his family and his home was now going to always be one big orgy. Even if the coach was the one that made him okay with this it still sent him over the edge and he began busting his load inside coach Lang’s mouth. He swallowed it like a true slut and as John let out a loud sign he fell backwards on the bed his cock still on full display.
"I hope you didn’t think we were done here.” The coach toyed as he stripped his clothes off and while John was still in his post nut haze, wrapped his tight hole around his cock and began riding him. John clutched the bed sheets, as coach tried to milk even more from his already sensitive cock and he knew if he kept going he’d get exactly what he’d want. As he was riding him he grabbed onto his belly to brace himself and pounded his fat ass quicker into him, making his balls slap against his taint. He lowered in and brought John into a kiss. Only a few hours ago he was disgusted by how this man had kissed him out of nowhere but now he loved it and couldn’t get enough. As he dodged his tongue into his mouth both men’s bodies began to tense up. His hole tightened around his cock and he could feel Coach Lang bust his load across his belly as he began to nut yet again right into his hungry hole.
He plopped down onto his belly and held his man tightly in his arms as they both heard the downstairs door open as Johns dad finally came home. The two both smiled at one another and knew that their night had only just started.
Can you believe it?
Can you fucking believe it?
As most of you know, I'm working for LifeCorp, and you won't believe what they just did to me! I'm pissed!
My job is, apparently, becoming 'obsolete' with the whole AI thing bla bla bla. But! Of course, they don't want to fire me. Instead, they're offering me alternative positions. So far so good, right? But do you know which positions they offered me?
- Security Guard
- Janitor
- Escort
Not that bad, right? I mean I don't have the skillset for any of those, but that is apparently no problem, because these jobs come with a fucking mandatory life change if I take them?
Apparently, my usual charming self is not enough:

What kind of bullshit is this? Normal companies ask you to move if you want to keep your job, LifeCorp requires you take on a whole new body, just to keep working for them.
You think that's outrageous? It gets better. Apparently, none of those jobs is suitable for a woman. I can be a male security guard, a male janitor or a male escort. And when I complained about it, they just said that for security guard and janitor, a strong body is a requirement, and they have enough female escorts already. What a bunch of assholes! There's absolutely no way I'm gonna take one of those jobs.
Love, Tracy
Have you seen LifeCorp's newest shit post? The valentine's day special? The audacity!

Stacy and Zara are now fricking men? No doubt they have been bullied to make that change. You know what this company has? A fucking frat-boy attitude. More and more people are becoming guys, "BeCaUsE tHeY wAnT tO". Bullshit. It's clear to me that the upper management wants to see more dick in their company. Probably a cocksucker like Stacy and Zara have become. I'll talk to them first chance tomorrow.
Oh, and Matthew? Why would anyone want to become a Latino?!
Love, Tracy
Okay, I talked to Stacy and Zara (No, I won't call them "Steel and Zacharias", these are still women!). They were all "Oh, we're so much happier now" and "We're finally being our true selves" and "You should do the same, really."
It's a fucking brainwash. I mean, they haven't been right in their mind to begin with (they had the delusion of being a couple - ha! Couples are one man and one woman, nothing else!), but it's becoming veeery clear to me that they have been forced and brainwashed. And I will find proof for that!
Love, Tracy
18.02.2024 - 2
Okay, I'm fuming now. I told my boyfriend about that whole job situation. And you know what he said? You know what he fucking said?
"Ok. Do whatever makes you happy."
He just said "Ok" and was all cool about it! He even had the audacity to tell me that they didn't force me to do anything and that I could just find a new job if I didn't want any of that bodies.
But the best part is still to come. He said, and I quote, "Just make sure to ask them to make me gay if you take any of those jobs, so we can still be together." I mean... wow. That's a reason for a breakup just there. He's a fricking man, or at least that's what I thought up until now. The thought of becoming gay should have been something that made him sick!
But, oh no. He's fine with it. Disgusting! I need to re-think this relationship.
Love, Tracy
I have a plan!
I'm going to accept one of LifeCorps offers. No, hear me out. I'm gonna accept - and then I'll sue them. Discrimination, kidnapping, something like that. I'm gonna be rich. Oh, and about my boyfriend? He's gonna have it his way. I'll make sure they make him the fag he begs to be and then break up with him. This'll teach him. Good thing he doesn't read this feed.
I'm just too clever for this world. Take that, LifeCorp!
Gonna take the janitor, though. With all their fake diversity and stuff, the guard and escort probably aren't even white.
Love, Tracy
I just got a letter congratulating me on my choice and that they are happy to keep me as an employee. Ha. If these losers knew.
Love, Tracy
Holy shit! How do you guys even walk with that thing?
Needless to say, I got my new body. Here's what I look like now:

Apparently, they meant it well with me, cause my new dick is just... enormous. And they gave me some huge balls to match it, too.
The muscles aren't all that bad, either - I just feel big and powerful all around. The hair will take some getting used to, but it's not for long, after all. After I sue them, I'll demand my original body back.
I do have to admit, I'm feeling good, though. So much more powerful, but calm and happy at the same time. I wonder if this is a guy thing or a me thing? Is that how my boyfriend feels all the time?
Oh, gosh. My boyfriend. He's probably gay already, so I should break up with...
But that would be really mean. Also, thinking about him just made my new member react. It's kinda straining my underwear now. These things really do have a mind of their own, right?
What was I writing about? Yes, my boyfriend. Why did I want to break up with him? I mean, he's just cute like a button, right? I just realize what a gigantic asshole I was, planning to break up with him. I'll have to apologize. Or, even better, I'll apologize by showing show him this huge package I got. That's what he wanted, right?
I should really go. Don't want to keep him waiting.
You know what? I think I'll try out this new life before I make any more rushed decision. So far, I enjoy being a dude a lot and I'm actually looking forward to my new job. And my new-old boyfriend. And they didn't even force me to do anything. Perhaps I should ask them to adjust my ethnicity later on, though - I feel a bit more adventurous now. Also, I think I'll go by Trace now. It's an unusual name, but I like it.
Sorry for being such an ass before. Well, speaking of ass - off to get some.
- Trace
Aroma Trauma
(Story requested by @harvzilla — FTM / wish gone wrong)

Kelsey loved her boyfriend — big man on campus, football star, all through high school and now into college, he had always been her dream man. But as far as the jock’s hygiene was concerned, his musk left… something to be desired, to put it nicely. At first, she would laugh off his constant fart jocks as “boy humor,” cleaning up his dirty laundry to try and deal with the stale scent of sweat, but now years into their relationship he has already managed to make their apartment reek of a locker room.
The cruel thing is, Kelsey’s wish was entirely innocent. Picking up his litter from around his makeshift pigsty, grimacing as she does so, the least she wanted was for him to start wearing deodorant. “I wish he smelled better.” Only moments after those words left her lips, she felt herself stop in place, a weird energy thrumming through her before, against her will, she breathes in deep and long — until his masculine scent is all she can smell, burning her nostrils, a heady musk causing her head to lull to the side, passing out.
When she comes to, however long later, she is shocked to see her boyfriend lying alone in their bed, with a stained and reeking sock-encased foot shoved right in front of her face.

“Listen, man. Let’s not waste time. I’m only letting you do this shit because you begged and because you’re paying, but my girl is going to be here in a few hours and I don’t want her seeing your pathetic ass.”
Kelsey was aghast, hurt and confused, she opened her mouth to speak but couldn’t control her words; “I am pathetic, Sir. Please tell me how pathetic I am. Please let me smell you.” The voice exiting her mouth was low and desperate, clearly a man’s voice with a deep vocal fry. She lifted a hand to touch her face, still feeling the contours of her feminine visage, glancing down to see her bare boobs on display and a man’s jockstrap around her waist, stained yellow and frayed. Her dark hair falls over her shoulders, a damp and sweaty ball cap atop her head. None of these cheap, stinky clothes belong to her!
“You’re a pathetic, perverted freak. Willing to pay $300 just to sniff another man’s foot. Do you really need me to tell you just how worthless you are?” Her boyfriend wriggled his toes cruelly, rippling the fabric of his sock, sending wafts of his musk towards Kelsey’s still inhaling nose. She felt as overheated as she did afraid — scratching at her itching chest, feeling the wiry curls of dark hair sprouting there, her breasts sinking back into her flesh and firming into pecs. Her hips began to narrow, a moist, filthy heat sparking up in her crotch just beneath the jockstrap. When she reaches out a hand to grip her boyfriend’s foot for stability, it is a thick and veiny paw, a swath of dark hair creeping up her bulking forearm.
Her hips rock in place, grinding against the floor, a low whimper and groan leaving her mouth as a thick, uncut member begins to stretch out of her slit, going from limp to so hard it feels like it might burst, bobbing up and down within its sweaty fabric prison. She can feel mustache hairs tickling her upper lip, the heaviness of her hair creeping back up into her scalp, curls of wet hair itching in her armpits. She smells as rank as he does, as if all she does is roll around in filth and never washes it away. “Please, babe. I’m your girlfriend—“
“I’m not into that RP shit. You’re paying me to sniff: so fucking sniff, dude.”

A chain with a lock manifesting around her neck, tattoos and body hair swirling across her skin to finish the job — when her boyfriend speaks those words, all that is left sitting in her place is a scruffy man with a splotch of cum already leaking through his jockstrap, his hands greedily clutching to his former boyfriend’s feet; now just a musky, straight stranger he was willing to give half his paycheck to. Kevin loves nothing more than a man who will let his natural aroma prosper. Even now, he can feel the drool trickling out of his mouth, the desperate horny heat overwhelming his thoughts and rationality.
He hears a whiny, girly voice crying and screaming, somewhere behind his own mind, but he doesn’t know what the fuck she’s on about. Who in their right mind doesn’t want to be beneath the feet of a superior man? He goes right to work, tongue straight to the sock, sucking and licking and sniffing, torturing poor Kelsey still trapped in her new mental prison. “I am worthless, sir. Thank you so much for letting me smell you. I want to worship you forever.”
The other man just scoffs, pulling off his sock and spreading his toes out against Kevin’s sweat-covered face. “You fucking wish, man.”
After finishing the session, on his way out after being curtly instructed to get the fuck out, Kevin can’t help but to notice a very familiar, rank musk — shit. Kelsey forgot all about her boyfriend’s dad staying with them. He was just as filthy as his own son. Kelsey honestly just wanted to get out of here and cry, but Kevin was on a mission.
He presses open the door to see the hottest thing ever.

“Hey, boy. I heard my son was about to miss out on having a permanent pig slave — how about you let this daddy show you how a real master treats his boy?”
Kevin was still just as hungry, still just as desperate, and so ready to please. This house was full of his favorite smell!
Season 2
Stuck in the Game - Mortal Kombat
Kacey had always been frustrated by her boyfriend's obsession with video games. Ever since they started dating, it seemed like all he ever did was play games on his console. She longed for his attention, to have meaningful conversations and spend quality time together, but it seemed like his virtual world was more important to him.
One evening, as Kacey sat alone in her apartment, she couldn't help but feel annoyed and neglected. She wished her boyfriend would pay more attention to her, instead of constantly immersing himself in his games. Little did she know, her wish was about to come true in a way she could never have imagined.
Suddenly, without warning, Kacey found herself being teleported into one of her boyfriend's favorite video games. She could feel her body changing and growing, becoming more muscular and powerful. The room around her was no longer her own apartment, but a training dojo.
Panic set in as Kacey tried to make sense of what was happening to her. Before she could even comprehend the situation, a bandana was wrapped tightly around her eyes, blinding her. She could feel her body continue to swell and grow, her hands and feet becoming larger and more calloused.
To her horror, Kacey realized that she was transforming into a male character from the game - Kenshi Takahashi from Mortal Kombat. Her face shifted and changed, taking on his distinct Asian features. Her mind was being warped and reset, and soon she no longer had any memory of her old life. All she knew now was that she was Kenshi and her purpose was to fight.
With newfound knowledge of swordsmanship, Kacey took her sword and prepared for the next fight. Her opponents were skilled and ruthless, but Kenshi's instincts and abilities were unmatched. Using his telekinetic powers, he was able to defeat them all with ease.
Kenshi continued to fight, forgetting about his old life and the person he used to be. He had become a warrior in this virtual world, and it was all he knew now. Kacey's identity was lost, and she was replaced by the confident and skilled Kenshi.

Brooke was your average semi nerdy high school girl with brown hair, blue eyes, and glasses.
She was in the school hallway eyeing Chet Jackson the high school’s Football team captain and resident hottie

She wanted him so bad just as every girl in the school did but she knew he was way out of her league she’s give anything to be with him, Before going to sleep that night she saw a shooting star and said “i wish chet jackson was into me” after that she went to sleep that night not thinking much of it.
She woke up the next feeling different her body was much heavier her Tits were also now bigger however... they weren’t tits She got up and rushed to the mirror shocked to see her or should i say his overnight transformation

Brooke Now Brock Had seemingly transformed into a hot dude overnight, he than remembered his wish from last night he wished Chet was into him could Chet Be Gay? Reality has also shifted now his old girly room was replaced with a more manly room filled with sports trophies and posters of hot male athletes, Also every picture of him in the house has changed From Brooke to Brock and everyone thinks he was always been this way, In his new life he was the linebacker for the high school’s football team his mind was also changed so he knew how to do everything, After practice that day Brock and Chet hooked up in the locker room and later became an official couple imagine how shocked everyone was that the 2 manliest men in school turned out to be gay... if only they knew.
The Great Shift: Reunion
The Great Shift is a well known event that had swapped over 90% of the world’s population! However, after the initial fallout and chaos, a few years later people began to acclimate to their lives. Though there were still moments where people were confronted with just how much they’ve changed.
“Ok Ned Nuno. No one is gonna remember you as Ned the know it all. It’s been years. People are mature and have their own lives.” Ned said to himself in the mirror.

The young man looked back at his model like reflection. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe it was him. Only a few years ago he was looking at his own bespectacled face with his receding hairline. Sure he’s what some would call cute and charming. He always had a knack for intelligent conversation. After college he embraced his intelligence even more and had the luxury to travel as he got older… but he couldn’t deny that his former body wasn’t turning any heads romantically. They’d haver to notice the 5 foot tall waifish man for that to happen.
But now… that was no longer the case. All those years ago he was traveling at an airport when the Great Shift happened. One moment he was departing his plane, the next he was in a boarding area waiting to be seated!

Needless to say it was a shock. He’d gone from a smaller and dark skinned to a clearly white and very in shape young man! He later found that this guy was named Connor Duval and was just 21 years old at the time! Still in college too. And… well those first few days he certainly had a lot to learn about his new form.
However he couldn’t reminisce any further. He needed to get ready for his school’s 10 year reunion. He wasn’t the same timid nerd that people would pick on. He was braver! He’d seen the world! And wasn’t afraid!
- One ride to the school later -
“Ok. I’m afraid! Jackie! Are you here yet? I know this is the 2nd message I left for you on your phone, but I don’t want to be the only one here I know! You were always my best friend and I’m sorry I’m so nervous and-” Ned was pacing nervously outside of the building he once learned at, waiting to go in with his friend.
“Easy there poindexter. Your bestie is back.” A deep voice says spooking Ned as he jumps.

“J-Jackie?” Ned asks nervously seeing the towering muscular figure beside him.
“In the flesh. I though I told you that I shifted into that big Ukrainian construction worker? I mean all the better for it right? None of your old bullies ever messed with you when you butch lesbian bestie was at your side.” Jackie said with a flex.
“I know. I know. You were always so open and brave with yourself It’s honestly inspiring. I’m sorry i was so shocked. I’m just nervous and it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. I hope your girlfriend is taking it ok.” Ned offers sympathetically.
“Yeah she loves it. She swapped into this bi goddess of a woman and works out with me a lot. Good thing too! I’m still only attracted to women and I have the best one sucking me off every night!” Jackie bragged. Previously her normal crude humor always let out a laugh from Ned, but now Ned trembled a bit as Jackie sounded just like those macho straight guys that bullied him.
“Aren’t you a little under dressed without um… a shirt?” Ned asks.
“Ha! Well you know. I thought about going nude. But I did pack a polo so i can be decent. Aren’t you over dressed Ned?”

“What!? I couldn’t decide what to wear! I just chose one of my body’s outfits that still fits…” Ned blushes in his nice suit. Sure he was a 6 foot tall model with abs, but his indecision in outfits was ever present.
“Neverminded that anymore. Let’s get in there! You’re a tenured professor for Pete’s sake. And I’m a well known LGBT author. We got a lot to talk about.”
Jackie pulled Ned in with his surprising strength and they began to hear the music and mingling. Inside they were given name tags and soon saw the crowds of people that none of them recognized! One of the perks of the shift was that no one was ever mad when they didn’t recognize one another. In this case though Jackie and Ned’s eyes zeroed in on a few key people.

Stacy Skarsgaard was always known as the head cheerleader and total B. Her platinum blond hair and perky breasts getting her through life and landing her a cushy secretary job somewhere in the city, from what Jackie had heard. Now once again, as she was so many other times, she was blasted drunk and taking her top off. Only this time it revealed a powerful dark skinned chest with curly black hairs. Her perfectly shaved face saying, “And like. I”m already on my 4th husband and he totally worships me. Takes care of the kids and still tops me like a champ. Like. I totally see why gay guys do it all the time. I can’t stop. Any more martinis?”
Jackie snorts. “Where was that open mindedness when she tried to get student council to take down the LGBT Support Club? Freaking hypocrite. Their eyes then drifted to three men chest bumping and laughing.

“Are those guys Chad, Thad, and Grad?” Ned asks surprised. “Weren’t they… like the biggest guys on the football team?” Ned recalled the days when those beefy fat bodies would pound through the halls and shove him against lockers.
“Oh yeah. I heard they were working as assistant coaches at some college and ended up swapping with their respective school’s freshman swim team. They… certainly lost a lot of that freshmen 15 that we saw them with in university.” Jackie laughed admiring how they both towered over their former bullies, though Ned once again felt insecure about how much their abs looked better than his. Those three guys kept messing around but in different ways. Instead of belching and arm wrestling they were doing some handstands and showing how flexible they were.
“Ok. Ned. Stop sulking and start catching up. You wanted to prove to yourself you could stand up to your past. Now is your chance. Next person to walk through that door is gonna be a new person you have to say Hi to ok?” Jackie commanded.
Ned gulped and looked at the door nervously and was in awe of who stepped in.

“Paul Bailey?” Ned said astonished. He’d recognize that familiar leather jacket anywhere…. he could still smell it as the closeted athlete wrapped his arms around him all those years ago under the bleachers after a big game. Neither have them had mentioned the night since, but that hadn’t stopped Ned from cherishing that memory…. as well as stalking him occasionally on social media seeing who he swapped with.
Ned hadn’t realized he’d been staring that long as Paul immediately saw him and walked over. “Holy… Ned? Is that you. Wow you sure changed.” The man joked. His voice was different… but still so deep and smooth Ned nearly swooned.
“H-hey Paul. Guess we all have since the switch. You’re um… looking good.” Ned admitted, blushing. He missed his previous heritage that made these embarrassing actions less noticeable with his former darker skin.
“Thanks. I guess I traded in my older pasty body for a new more bronze kind. I wasn’t expecting to swap with an Asian bodybuilder, but hey I was at the airport. Right or wrong place depending who you ask for the shift.”
“Really? I was at the airport too when I shifted. It was kinda funny. I’d been traveling a lot since I got tenure as a professor, but the first thing I did when I shifted was trip. I guess no amount of travelling prepares you for suddenly having size 14 feet.” Ned laughs.
“Really? They do look big… dang. Those are like twice the size of your old ones.” Paul laughs too!
“Y-you remembered me that well?” The nerd felt touched.
“Of course,” Paul replied as it was his turn to blush. “Though hey! I got you beat with these size 17 wide feet. With these heavy muscle I nearly took out an entire cart of luggage.”
The two continued to laugh, comparing bodies, stories, and catching up. Jackie suddenly took her leave to be ogled by all of the female attendants.
Ned and Paul were having a great time walking around, having fun, and enjoying each other’s company.
Ned didn’t know that their bodies had met previously. That Connor was on the way to visit his boyfriend at the time… that miles away their original bodies were holding hands and laughing too… Ned couldn’t know that Paul had also been secretly keeping up with Ned after feeling bad about kissing and never calling…
But there are some things a know it all doesn’t know. Maybe it’ll be fun for him to start learning again. This time with someone both old/new.
Season 2
What Happened to Mrs Kyle?
It was a typical day at the college campus, with students rushing to classes and the sounds of laughter and chatter filling the air. Mrs. Kyle, a strict and judgmental woman, was walking towards the cafeteria with her nose held high. She passed by the basketball court where the team was practicing and scoffed at their lack of skill.
'I can't believe they call themselves a team. They're nothing more than a bunch of losers,' she muttered to herself.
Little did she know, the team captain, Samantha, overheard her remark. Being the competitive and mischievous person she was, Samantha came up with a plan to teach Mrs. Kyle a lesson. During lunch, she slipped a potion into her drink, one that would change her in more ways than she could imagine.
As Mrs. Kyle took a sip of her drink, she started to feel a strange sensation in her throat. She began to choke as her body started to grow and expand. Her slender frame was replaced with broad shoulders and muscular arms. Her hair grew shorter and her hands and feet became larger and more manly. Her breasts receded, and her face morphed into a younger and more masculine version. To her horror, she grew a cock between her legs and her clothing and shoes began to rip apart.
Isaac, a 19-year-old basketball player, stood in the place of Mrs. Kyle. He was 6'8 with a size 18 shoe and a body built for sports. As he looked around, confused and disoriented, he couldn't understand what was happening. His mind was in a fog, and he couldn't remember who he was or how he got there. All he knew was that he had to play basketball.
As days passed, Isaac's transformation was complete. He became a dedicated and dumb player for the college team, with no memory of his previous life. Mrs. Kyle was gone, and no one seemed to notice or care. The team, especially Samantha, found it amusing to see the once arrogant and judgmental Mrs. Kyle now reduced to a simple-minded jock.

Zayn sat in his room that smelled of weed that was an absolute mess, so in other words a stoners normal dwelling. He didn’t ask for much in life and his enjoyments were of the most primal pleasures and that was having a good time, getting high and obviously his dick played a huge part as well. He loaded his pipe to hit yet another bowl while blasting another rapper that his sister Sage didn’t know or understand the appeal for at all.
She was the prim propper type who didn’t do anything remotely bad and to be described in few words a goody two shoes. The two had finals this week in school and as always she spent hours trying to cram for studying while her brother just screwed off. Normally their parents would have told him to turn the music down but they were out of town for their anniversary for the weekend so Zayn thought he could do whatever he wanted.
Sage sat at her desk and aggressively tapped her pen on the notebook rereading the same equation for the 3rd time now because she could hardly think with the music that was literally rattling the house. She finally had enough and stormed into his room as he let out a big puff of pot smoke into the air and started coughing.
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Season 2
Those College Hormones
Judy had always loved visiting her daughter, Madison, at college. As a proud mother, she would always take the opportunity to give Madison's dorm room a thorough cleaning while she was there. But this time, something unexpected happened during her routine cleaning.
As she was folding Madison's laundry, Judy noticed a pair of boxers mixed in with her daughter's clothes. Confused, she held up the boxers in her hand and examined them. They were definitely not Madison's, but they were in her closet. Suddenly, a strange tingling sensation began to spread throughout her body.
Judy's body began to undergo a transformation that she could not explain. She started to feel slimmer and more muscular, her feet and hands grew larger, and her face began to look younger and more masculine. Before she knew it, she was standing in front of the mirror as a 19-year-old boy with short, messy hair and a strong jawline.
The shock of the transformation caused Judy to stumble backwards and she fell onto Madison's bed. As she tried to make sense of what was happening, her mind was suddenly wiped clean. She had no recollection of being Judy, only vague memories of being a young man named Cory.
Confused and disoriented, Cory quickly got dressed in his new body and left the dorm room. He had no idea where he was or who he was, but he was driven by the strong, primal urges of a young college guy.

Season 2
Those College Hormones
Judy had always loved visiting her daughter, Madison, at college. As a proud mother, she would always take the opportunity to give Madison's dorm room a thorough cleaning while she was there. But this time, something unexpected happened during her routine cleaning.
As she was folding Madison's laundry, Judy noticed a pair of boxers mixed in with her daughter's clothes. Confused, she held up the boxers in her hand and examined them. They were definitely not Madison's, but they were in her closet. Suddenly, a strange tingling sensation began to spread throughout her body.
Judy's body began to undergo a transformation that she could not explain. She started to feel slimmer and more muscular, her feet and hands grew larger, and her face began to look younger and more masculine. Before she knew it, she was standing in front of the mirror as a 19-year-old boy with short, messy hair and a strong jawline.
The shock of the transformation caused Judy to stumble backwards and she fell onto Madison's bed. As she tried to make sense of what was happening, her mind was suddenly wiped clean. She had no recollection of being Judy, only vague memories of being a young man named Cory.
Confused and disoriented, Cory quickly got dressed in his new body and left the dorm room. He had no idea where he was or who he was, but he was driven by the strong, primal urges of a young college guy.

Season 2
To Help a Friend - Too Much Protein Added
Ginny was looking at this shake on the counter. She thought one of her roommates made it for going out tonight. Genny didn’t care she decided to drink it and she could taste a weird taste to it. Ginny didn’t know whose it was and who made it. But it seemed like a very thick shake.
Ginny finished about half of it before she felt her body was full and felt odd. Ginny looked at her hands as they began to expand and grow. Her height begin to get taller, as her clothing began to tighten and rip. “Holy fuck” Ginny said, as her roommate came out laughing.
Ginny’s hair got shorter, her breast receded into her chest. Her muscles began to bulge and thicken, as her shirt and bra ripped off revealing her beefier upper body. “Holy shit” Ginny said in a cracked deeper voice, as his feet began to rip out of his socks and grow larger and manlier.
Ginny’s body was larger as he now towered his amazed roommate. He felt his new cock form between his legs, as he looked at his roommate Delia. “Well now I have my date for this family reunion tonight” she said laughing, as a nearly naked Ginny looked at his manly body.

After several minutes of just shock, Ginny was forced to go to this reunion. Delia decided to throw on some of her ex’s clothes on Ginny. Ginny chugged the rest of the shake not realizing what would happen if he drank the whole thing.
Delia decided to make Ginny, Henry and dressed him up. “Alright let’s get this over with” Henry said as they went to the reunion and they put on the act of a couple. Henry was finding himself acting the part easier and easier, as he didn’t know the shake was beginning to warp his mind.
After the reunion, Henry went back to his bedroom with his mind on fire, it seemed this persona he made up in his head was becoming a real thing. He didn’t know if he was drunk and just needed sleep. Henry shut his eyes and the next side effect of drinking the entire shake started.
Henry began to fill out. His stomach expanded. His chest swelled with fat. Thick hairs formed on his growing stomach and chest, as his body continued to fill out. His slim face began to thicken, as facial hair thickened on his face. His legs got chunkier, as his hair got shaggier and longer. Within minutes Henry gained an extra 100 pounds.

Henry woke up bloated. He looked down at his hairy body and thought about how he let himself go. He rubbed his chest, as he wondered why he was in such a girly room. He needed to find his girl. He went to her room, and realized she was in class. He decided to eat some breakfast with his giant belly on display.

The shake Delia made was a magical brew meant to change someone’s gender. Unfortunately due to it being mixed with the shake added the weight gain aspects once drunk in full along with the persona Ginny made taking over by the morning. Henry was just this hungry overweight former jock who was waiting for his girlfriend.
He went into her room, and found clothes for him to wear. “Shit this is getting tight on me” Henry said struggling to put on the clothes he found. He wondered why he couldn’t find anything to wear.

Hey, happy birthday!
Samantha here, I hope that you’re having an amazing day celebrating your birthday, I wish mine was good, but I think that my boyfriend has been cheating on my, that’s why he’s been spending so much time at the gym. Ugh, I though I hit the jackpot dating a sweet gymrat, but he’s just another douchebag. Sometimes I wonder what makes them being so dumb.
Caption Series - Ratted Out
Hey Samantha!
Thank you for the birthday wishes for yesterday. Sorry to hear you've been having boyfriend troubles. It sucks, but from what I know I think he is cheating. Always out late and seems to be hiding things right? All classic signs.
I think I can help fix this relationship though. You see, I've done a little investigating on your boyfriend and it looks to me like there's a very clear reason he's not invested in your relationship. Chad's gay. Yeah, it doesn't seem like it does it? But trust me, I've followed him and watched and I'm 100% certain he's into men. Why do you think he spends so much time at the gym with other dudes? I've seen him making out with other guys there plenty of times I'm sorry to say. He was never going to be into you in the way you want him to be, I honestly think you're probably just a cover so he can keep pretending he's straight.
You want proof? Alright.

Here's a picture I took when he let me grope his fat tits, right before I pinned him to a wall and made out with him. The guy might come off as some douchebag, gym obsessed homophobe, but that guy wants dick like nothing else.
So, if we're going to save your relationship we've got to make you something he wants. He doesn't want a girl that's barely 5 feet tall and is always too busy with work to join him in the gym. Trust me, he wants someone like him that can go as hard as he can in the gym to push him, that's less soft and cute and far closer to his body type than yours. You've been wondering what makes him so dumb and horny, and I'm my eyes that's basically the permission I need to start changing you. "If you can't beat them, join them" is how the saying goes right? And I think you'll find once you've joined them you won't want to beat them anymore. Well, won't want to beat anything besides the new huge cock between your legs anyway.
Like any other gym obsessed guy your boyfriend loves wearing baseball caps, so we'll start there. One of these days, it doesn't matter which, you'll see one he left laying around in your way. Ever the slob that expects you to tidy up after him, he didn't really care where he left his belongings. You'd be a good girlfriend and tidy up like you always did he knew that, and this was no different. You'd grab it with the intent of putting it with his other stack upstairs, not realising the second you touched it your fate was sealed.
You see, he wasn't the one that left that hat laying around. I was. You don't pay attention to all his clothes well enough to realise he doesn't even own a black cap with red trim like that.
But you do.
The familiarity that built over the next few seconds masked you to anything untoward going on, just as designed. All of a sudden you weren't walking upstairs annoyed at your boyfriend once again for being messy, you couldn't even remember why you'd walked into the room in the first place. And why had you been carrying your cap around? Shouldn't you just put it on?
I fit way too loose, even with your long hair to pad things out, it was still too big. It was yours though as far as you remembered, how had you forgotten? Troy, your boyfriend, had given it to you as a gift. Even though it wasn't really your style as a more girly girl, you still wore it because Troy wasn't often thoughtful enough to buy you a gift.
It wasn't until you'd left the house for the day to go to work that you noticed anything wrong. The route you'd driven was totally in the opposite direction to where you should have been going; why were you at the gym? You'd somehow zoned out on the way and taken a wrong turn that had to be it, even if it made no sense for a wrong turn to take you to the place Troy liked to hang out all the time.
Maybe you could go inside and see what all the fuss was about though, right? What would the harm be in a quick peak. You'd become decently athletic after all after dating Troy and joining him for workouts to get closer, so it wasn't like the place was unfamiliar. And with your current getup of a backwards cap tight sports bra and leggings it wasn't like you wouldn't fit in with the jocks there.
All this was of course ignoring the cap that now fit you perfectly as you turned the car off and walked across to the entrance. Ignoring the "sports bra" you were wearing that was actually more like a men's tank top a size too small. Or the swagger in your step from the bulge between your legs almost getting stuck between massive thighs.
You weren't thinking about any of that stuff. To be honest, by this point you weren't thinking about much at all. Working out with your boyfriend was the only thing really on your mind as you dropped your gym bag off in one of the lockers and headed onto the main floor. With how tall you were it wouldn't be hard to spot him over the crowd; head in the direction of dudes having a laugh and you'd soon be back with the group of other guys you two loved to hang out with.
The chorus of "show us your tits!" from them just made you chuckle as you approached and pull the tank off. Gym shorts and a backwards cap was all that remained of your clothes on an otherwise shirtless body as the guys whooped and hollered with laughter. By this point you wouldn't even be able to remember the animosity that call used to make you feel whenever Troy brought his bros around. After all, why would a guy as handsome and huge as you care about your best buddies wanting you to show off your hard work?

Yeah it's all probably coming back briefly now it's all over. Hard to believe I know Sama- sorry, I mean Saint. You used to be Troy's uptight 'girlfriend' who couldn't let your boyfriend relax and be himself. I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous but you can see all those memories and the old feelings now you're fully changed right? It's the truth, but that's not a life you want.
Saint, the muscled gym hunk that loves to workout and make out with the love of his life Troy, that's who you'd rather be. Think about it, you could go back to Samantha and be unhappy with a dude that doesn't care enough about you to bother breaking up. Or, you could stay as Saint. Give up that old life and be a masculine bro just like Troy is, and get to actually know the real him now you've got the equipment he's interested in.
Hmmm? Wanna stay as Saint? Yeah, I thought so. You're right, Samantha was a boring headache and a whiny bitch. Just what Troy used to say about her behind her back, now you agree yeah?
Anyway, I'm glad I could help you out Saint. Wouldn't have wanted to leave you stuck as that girl, but you're probably already forgetting her! Gay gymrat like you probably doesn't ever concern himself with the opposite gender.
Have fun bro, and let me know how much better you and Troy end up!
Caption Series - Empty Nest
"At last, fuck!" Kasey sighed to herself as she settled down into a bath with a glass of wine.
Her daughter had finally moved out for good. To a different state even for some fancy job that would keep her busier than anything; Kasey couldn't have been given better news. She loved her daughter of course she did, but not having anyone else around that lived at home was the blessing she needed. Most parents would find things strange when their children left home for good, but she was quite the opposite. Kasey had been counting down the days, the hours, even the minutes.
It had all started when her daughter went off to university. Kasey has stumbled on some tiny little shop in the centre of the city, and after assuming it was some any old store she bought some bubble bath and left. It wasn't until she got home and tried it she found out what it was actually for.
She'd spent the weekend as a man before the effects wore off. A week as some huge, muscled stud instead of the single mother she usually was had been refreshing if nothing else. It'd come much to her surprise too how easy it had been as a dude. Having a powerful body and a cock was shockingly comfortable, and all from this little H&H bubble bath.
It'd become a regular thing once Kasey accepted she enjoyed it. Dip into a bath and spend a couple days as a man here and there, working out and fucking cute twinks at a local gay bar, her time spent as Harvey was some of the most fun she'd ever had in an otherwise exhausting life. As Harvey she wasn't a single mother that'd been stuck raising a child alone after a cheating husband left when their daughter was only 6 months old. As Harvey he could let loose and relax for once; workout diligently with the muscled body he had and get wild with a full sleeve of tattoos.
But with her daughter regularly returning from university for extended periods of time, Harvey was only something she did for fun here and there for a break. It couldn't be more than that, even if she had after three years of doing it admitted he preferred being Harvey to Kasey. Every time he went back to being a woman now it felt like leaving his real self and hiding away again as the meek, struggling woman he'd once been, and Harvey way over that.
So the news his daughter was moving out for good was music to his ears.
The very moment he'd waved goodbye to Kasey and watched her drive off into her new life, Harvey shot upstairs and ran the bath he'd been dying to take. A special blend from the same shop that wouldn't wear off, and would really let him be Harvey forever. One last glass of wine before he knew he'd hate the stuff in favour of a good beer, that was the last thing Harvey did before he said goodbye to his old gender, and to Kasey for good.

"Fuuuckkk yes, finally!" The new man said once the changes to his body were done. "No more tits, just all this fucking muscle."
Harvey threw the wine glass and let it smash against the floor. He could clean it later, right now he cared far more about flexing and enjoying his muscles and cock that were now permanent. Three years of his daughter being at university he'd spend realising this was what he wanted to be, followed by another torturous two of her living at home whilst she found her feet and built her career. Harvey had to hide and sneak around to be himself, and now at goddamn last he was free. The house would have a dramatic makeover, his old clothes would be donated to charity, and he knew his new ID's would be arriving in the next day or two.
He was finally free to start fresh as a gay man that could pull any of the cute slutty boys at the clubs he wanted to sink his cock into. Maybe even find an adorable little boyfriend now he didn't have to hide away as a woman every few days.
"If only my ex could see me now..." Harvey chuckled as he thought about his former husband. "Wouldn't believe this is me. Maybe I should give him a call, I bet the two of us could be good buddies now I'm not his ex-wife anymore." He made a mental note to do just that as soon as he got out of the bath, which would be after he'd jerked off a couple of times. "Gotta celebrate somehow..." Harvey smirked as he wrapped a hand around his 9 inch shaft and groaned; this was going to be an incredible new life.
And if his daughter came back wondering what happened to her mother? Well, a video Harvey had showing the transformation process was all the proof he needed to show her he used to be the woman that raised her. Or maybe she could get her own dose of the bubble bath and make a new son for Harvey instead...
My girlfriend switched bodies with my uncle!

This is the story of how I ended up dating my uncle! It all started about 1 year ago. My girlfriend, Vanessa, and I met in college and had been together for 2 years. She used to spend the summer at my parents' house and we spent the whole day together. Those times were great! But my family was going through a financial crisis. My uncle Marcos was having a garage sale with old things from home in an attempt to help us with the crisis. My father let us rummage through an old pile of ancient magical artifacts that he collected in the past, he used to run the world looking for these artifacts.
Vanessa and I had started early to sort out the junk for sale. Only an hour later, Uncle Marcos arrived. He was a bit disgusting, at least that's what I thought at the time. He was a big-bellied and hairy guy, he almost never wore a shirt, leaving his father's body on display. He was annoying and clueless at times, talking loudly and trying to maintain the image of a brutish man. He arrived wearing only pants as always, raising his arms showing the thick hair of his sweaty armpits. Vanessa didn't like my uncle Marcos at all.

While we were sorting the junk, I ended up finding a peculiar object: a leather book with details of green stones on the cover. He had a strange language that he couldn't decipher. I called Vanessa to see it with me and soon my nosy uncle came close and stole the book from our hands. He tried to read what was written, making an irritating voice. Vanessa, already very stressed, decided to take the book by force from Uncle Marcos. But at the exact moment my yio finished pronouncing the words, and Vanessa held the book, a flash happened, leaving everyone stunned, and soon after we were thrown in opposite directions, each one holding a part of the book, causing it to tear.
With my heart racing and my mind confused, I ran towards Vanessa, who looked dazed. Instinctively, I leaned over to help her and, in a gesture of comfort, I gave her a light kiss, saying: "It's going to be okay, love." However, his reaction was completely unexpected. She made a face and spoke in a different tone of voice that I didn't immediately recognize: "Are you crazy?" Perplexed, I watched as she put her hands to her throat, as if something was different. My despair grew when I asked her what had happened, and she screamed in response, her eyes widening as she looked at Uncle Marcos' body on the other side. I tried to calm her down, saying he should be fine, but her next sentence made my world spin: "You don't understand, I'm Marcos!! How can I be in two places??." A wave of shock ran through my body as I tried to process what she had just said. I looked at her, at my uncle's body, and at the torn half of the book I still held, trying to piece together the fragments of understanding. Whatever happened caused my girlfriend to switch bodies with my uncle!

My uncle's body began to move and wake up. A mix of fear and perplexity took over me when I saw Vanessa, in Marcos' body, get up, putting her hand on her head and asking what had happened. But his voice wasn't the same; it was serious and harsh, completely different from hers. The moment she noticed the change in her voice, Vanessa, in Marcos' body, covered her mouth with her hands in shock. Her eyes widened as she took in the rest of the furry body she now inhabited. A hoarse, masculine scream escaped her mouth as she desperately tried to get up and grabbed my hand. His newly acquired strength, still not used to the new body, ended up pulling me down, and I fell onto his hairy chest, completely confused and not knowing what to do.
Hours passed while the three remained in the living room, awaiting the arrival of Jonas's father, the only person who could guide them on what to do. Vanessa couldn't stop crying, and it was strange to see my uncle's body so emotional, something I had never witnessed before. "We'll fix this, love, I promise", I said, trying to comfort her as the situation seemed increasingly desperate, she seemed to be quite uncomfortable with her shirt off so she asked me to find something for her to wear "find something to cover me, I'm disgusting!"
Finally, my father arrived and explained, between laughs, that the book was capable of changing people's bodies and that he used to use it in his magic show performances. "All we need to sort out this mess is the book to trade you back," he said. However, a heavy silence fell in the room when we realized that the book had been destroyed during the confusion. After hearing this revelation, my father looked horrified and, after a moment of silence, explained that the exchange would now be permanent. My heart sank at the time, realizing that my girlfriend would be an old man forever. My uncle was left unresponsive, while Vanessa looked in shock, unable to process the idea of being trapped in someone else's body forever.

It was difficult for both of them to adapt to the new situation. I loved Vanessa and I couldn't abandon her like that. Even now, she was in my uncle's body. However, I had never been physically involved with a man before, especially when it was my uncle Marcos! A month passed after the exchange and I continued to keep her company, trying to find some form of comfort in this unusual situation. However, it seemed that the male body's hormones were causing changes in Vanessa's personality. At first, she opted for the shirts because she was repulsed by her father's hairy body. Now she couldn't even wear pants! He walked around the house in just his underwear, scratching his bulging belly. His vocabulary also changed, it seemed like he was living more and more with my original uncle Marcos, even in the way he slept. I remember one day coming home and seeing her sleeping, snoring very loudly with her arms up, leaving her armpit hair showing. I couldn't help but notice the path from his twat that led down to your underwear, where there was a huge erection.

As soon as I got closer tiredly so I could sleep, Wanessa turned towards me and hugged me from behind. As soon as I felt her huge erection sticking into my back, I stood up quickly, then she grabbed my arm. "What are you doing?" I asked trying to distance myself. "It's been a long time since we've touched." She said with my uncle's penis throbbing between her legs. "I can't do that! You're a hairy man now" I tried to argue, but she had a lot more attitude now. He pulled me into a hot, rough kiss. It was a totally different experience. Marcos' mouth was big and seemed to dominate mine, leaving me dazed and confused with the mixture and sensation that it provoked in me, but in the end I ended up thirsty. She pulled me closer and my chest was pressed against her hairy chest. I could barely breathe between pauses in the kiss. As soon as I pull away for a second, Wanessa pulls my face into her hairy armpit. The musky smell together with the macular moans in my ear made me dizzy with so much pleasure.

The rest of the sex was very hot, Wanessa, or better said, “Uncle Marcos” dominated me like a real bull. the hormones really turned my girlfriend into a wild animal. After sucking my uncle while he forced my head against his new hairy member, he fucked me like an animal! We had sex all night and then slept cuddled up together. The next morning, I wake up with my head resting on my new boyfriend's soft chest, sweaty and tired. It was incredible, it felt powerful even when sleeping. My hand stroked your father's belly as he snored.
A year passed, and everything seemed to be fine. My uncle, now in Vanessa's body, seemed to have adapted surprisingly well to his new life. The last time I visited him, he was much more feminine and gentle than before, as if my old girlfriend's kind and sweet personality had left a mark on him. Meanwhile, my now boyfriend Marcos and I were very happy together. Although it was difficult for my parents to accept the situation, and my friends still made fun of me for dating a 40-year-old man, we didn't care. Marcos dove head first into his new life, assuming his new personality with ease. Now we fuck each other every day haha. During this time, Marcos gained weight and now has a lot of white hair on his body and a bald spot that comes with age, making him more virile and hot. Our relationship has never been as good as it is now.