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5 years ago

Summertime headcanons for the winter kids

Headcanon: The Faerghus kids all have freckles but they’re barely visible until they spend a few days in Adrestian Summer


Ashe has seen the most sun out of all of them but he just can’t seem to get tan (not that he tries). 

At Gaspard, he usually ends up going to the river dividing Faerghus and Adrestia because he likes the way the sun glitters on the water, but he respects Sir Lonato so he never enters the neutral territory in between the two regions where the Western church is located. 

Having lived the farthest north of Faerghus, the childhood friends haven’t really seen harsh sunlight.


Sylvain actually tans quite well. 

He has freckles on his nose and since he’s started wearing sleeveless shirts, he has very visible freckles peppered on his neck and shoulders. 

At first, he does this because it’s too hot for jackets until he sees girls swooning over his exposed arms. He’s tempted to take off his shirt completely but Dimitri stops him (and Ingrid already told him off).


Dimitri also tans pretty evenly, but he gets sunburnt first. 

He has freckles on the top half of his face and a few on his lips. 

He refused to change out of his long sleeves and gloves out of propriety but started wearing short sleeved summer tunics when he almost passed out from heat stroke (he totally passed out). 

Everyone makes sure he stays in the shade so he doesn’t burn. 

Most likely to have tan lines.


Felix doesn’t have very many freckles except for a few specks here and there. He mostly has moles on his neck and back. 

He manages to tan but not evenly. 

He’s not averse to taking off his vest and popping open a few buttons especially for sparring. But he definitely needs to keep re-tying his hair because loose hairs always manage to slip out and stick to his skin.


Ingrid has full face freckles but a little darker around her eye area. 

She’s embracing the heat because ice-cream but still can’t bring herself to show some leg skin. She’s been rolling up her sleeves though. Give her another week and she’ll be wearing short shorts.


Annette has full face freckles and some darker spots near her lips. 

As the only niece of her baron uncle, he used to take her around different parts of Faerghus so she’s most likely to be used to warmer weather like Ashe. 

Likes to make crushed ice desserts for the team.


Mercedes has the least but there are some around her eyes and nose. 

She tans unevenly but that doesn’t stop her from enjoying the sun.

Unlike the other Blue Lions *coughdimitricough*, she doesn’t get dramatic in hot weather


Dedue has faint freckles around his eyes and on the back of his hands from gardening. He doesn’t wear gloves when handling delicate plants as he can feel the soil better that way. 

He still spends his time in the academy’s glasshouse conservatory despite being way too hot in there. 

It’s currently winter time here in New Zealand which means I look pale sickly and my veins are purple. My tan is gone and I am looking forward to joining the Faerghus kids and drinking my hot coco, YES. Then in the summer, I will hide in my room, curtains closed and hissing at anyone who dares let the sun in.

For those of you on the other side of the world (or on the equator), please stay sun smart - wear a sunhat, hide in the shadows and remember: the sun is the enemy. I love freckles and moles but please take care of your skin health. Even Filipinos like me will get sunburnt.

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5 years ago

Flame emperor wears Roman themed armour.

Me: Adrestia is an empire who's history is likely to be based on Rome.

Flame emperor wields axe with Celtic inspired designs.

Me: Faerghus is based on Celtic Kings and lore.

Flame emperor has signs of being from either Adrestia or Faerghus.

Me: they're from Leicester

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5 years ago
I Truly Do Believe That Felix (secretly) Loves To Dance
I Truly Do Believe That Felix (secretly) Loves To Dance
I Truly Do Believe That Felix (secretly) Loves To Dance
I Truly Do Believe That Felix (secretly) Loves To Dance

I truly do believe that Felix (secretly) loves to dance

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8 months ago

Fire Emblem: Three Houses replay thoughts

(@aaloniel and I have been doing a run together)

We've been doing a Golden Deer run and have been giving a lot of characters a better chance than we usually do. Leonie, in particular, has blown us away both in battle and supports.

Why are there not more Lysithia and Leonie supports. This is the cutest either of them have ever been and I want an A-Support.

Also: not trying Ignatz as an assassin before this play through was an oversight on my side. I see the light now and it looks like The Littlest Guy doing Sick Flips.

We went into this run going "Lorenz and Claude ending" as our end goal but we've gotten so much more out of it and we're not even out of the academy phase. (Also, lowkey impressed how many students we recruited given this is the first play through on this account. Having two experienced players running Byleth is fun, especially because we have different favorites. I don't think I have ever recruited Lin so fast.)

Also: it feels like we're getting more story this time? Somehow? Maybe things are just landing stronger after several play-throughs and Three Hopes???

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5 years ago
Have A Mr. McClaude Von Riegan Because I Honestly Love Him So Much I Swear A Lot Of The Characters Are

Have a Mr. McClaude von Riegan because I honestly love him so much I swear a lot of the characters are so frikin' gorgeous and lovely I can't help but love 'em all ^v^

OK so y'all know that lil' pose he does when he defeats an enemy unit yeah basically I love that pose so much and his victory quotes are lovely.

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5 years ago
Hhhhhhh The Ingrid And Ashe Supports Had Me WEAK.

Hhhhhhh the Ingrid and Ashe supports had me wEAK.

Not gonna lie but they both are so effing adorable. But then again almost everyone is so um yeah.

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4 years ago
Congrats!! Byleth Smash Day Is Almost Here!!
Congrats!! Byleth Smash Day Is Almost Here!!

Congrats!! Byleth smash day is almost here!!

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