Fic: Short - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

6 months ago

in need of some good pho myself 🤤

the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

The Quickest Way To A Man's Heart Is Through His Stomach.
The Quickest Way To A Man's Heart Is Through His Stomach.
The Quickest Way To A Man's Heart Is Through His Stomach.

pairing: choi yeonjun x gender neutral reader | genre / tropes: fluff, friends to lovers, reader who likes to cook, ft. friend!taehyun | word count: 2.7k | warnings: food, some profanity

author's notes: yeonjun birthday fic made it on time!! this was more rushed than my usual writing bc i was cramming it in between work, i've been super busy these days :'( but i've wanted to do yeonjun with an s/o who loves to cook for him for a while, and his birthday was the perfect opportunity to write it. so i'm relieved to get this out!

this fic has been cross-posted to ao3 here

The Quickest Way To A Man's Heart Is Through His Stomach.

the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

you never believed the sentiment yourself until your friend taehyun invited you to hang out with some of his other friends. at the first mention you had doubts about going, but when taehyun mentioned the word potluck, you just couldn’t resist 一 he knew it was a magic word for you.

you didn’t prepare anything too fancy, just a modest batch of tteokbokki. you love how comforting the dish was, from the warm and spicy aroma of the sauce to its soft and springy rice cakes, and it’s a safe thing to make to leave a good impression on taehyun’s friends. at his house you set your tteokbokki on the makeshift buffet table that he had set up, and pray that the guests would actually give your dish a chance.

you underestimated just how much of an impact it would have.

taehyun’s friends love it, but one friend in particular catches your eye. as he takes his first bite his expression changes, his whole face seemingly glowing with delight. his smile is so wide that he’s barely able to keep his mouth shut to chew, and he squirms in his seat in a little dance.

you’ve cooked for others plenty of times before, but you’ve never seen anyone so utterly transformed by your cooking.

“this is so good! mm, i’m so happy... this is so yummy, really... wait, who brought this again?”

taehyun gestures towards you. “y/n cooked it. they’re really good, right? this is, well, it’s their thing.”

his friend whips his head towards you, the wide smile still plastered on his face. it reaches all the way to his eyes, and you see the way they shine in appreciation.

“thank you so much for bringing this,” he says. “can you make this again when you come back?”

you’ve only known this friend for an hour or so and he’s already talking about coming back, which makes your heart flutter and your face grow warm. “s-sure, i’d love to.”

it’s a few months before you’re free again to come to the next hangout, and when taehyun reintroduces you to his friends you note the name of the one whose face lit up at your tteokbokki: yeonjun. this time you’ve brought some spaghetti cooked in freshly made tomato sauce, and again it’s a hit. yeonjun loves it as much as the tteokbokki, and when he’s slurped up his plate and cleaned up he thanks you profusely and looks at you as if you were a saint 一 the patron saint of good food, perhaps. you can’t help but give him a shy smile, and you swear that his cheeks turned a little pink at the gesture.

the day flies by in the presence of good food and good company. when you finally have to leave, yeonjun stops you for a moment; he meets your gaze head on, but the fidgeting of his hands betrays him.

“d’you want to hang out sometime? just you and me, i mean.”

“oh, are you sick of taehyun too?”

from the corner of your eye you see your mutual friend laugh and give you a sly grin. your remark seems to fluster yeonjun, though; he turns his head away to collect himself, which only makes taehyun laugh a bit more.

“i was kidding, i was kidding. but yeah, i’d love to hang out.”

“cool, great.” 

“yeah, cool.”

you try to play it off but your heart pounds in your ears. and though yeonjun is leaning against the wall and trying to seem calm about the whole thing, his heart is racing just as much.

you don’t cook for your first hangout together (he brings you to his favorite ramen shop in the area, which also happens to be your favorite ramen shop in the area) but on your second hangout you make an impromptu meal by cobbling together a stew from whatever you have in your fridge. yeonjun devours it, eating every vegetable and chunk of meat and sip of stew with pure joy all over his face, and when he’s done he stands up to wash the dishes for you. you try to stop him, only for him to gently take your hand before you can grab a sponge. his touch sends a jolt of electricity right through you.

“let me do this for you,” he says. “i wanna thank you for the meal.”

“you don’t have to, yeonjun, i just threw a bunch of stuff together in a pot一”

“please?” he says with a pout. “you’re so sweet for making this, let me repay you.”

his eyes meet yours and you feel your heart soften at the way he looks at you. “okay, fine... and thank you.”

you hang out with him many more times 一 sometimes he invites you, other times you invite him. there’s always a bit of food to share, whether it’s snacks from the convenience store or a home-cooked meal by yourself, but it’s the little moments between the bites of food that make the time worth it. 

one hot afternoon yeonjun helps you clean up after your ice cream has melted and dripped on you, and his hands brush against yours as he dabs an extra napkin against a messy spot on your sleeve. another evening you laugh when he spills some of his pasta out of his plate from too much excitement, and you tut playfully as you give him a bit of your share. on another day you plan to have breakfast together at a nice restaurant to watch the sunrise, only for both of you to stay up late and oversleep. instead you invite him over and team up to make lunch, and soon your kitchen is a mess of flour and breadcrumbs from the breaded pork cutlets you’re trying to make. you sing along to yeonjun’s playlist as you soak a piece of pork in egg, and next to you he draws a heart with the flour residue on the countertop.

you don’t know when exactly your hangouts cross the threshold into dates, but at one point you realize that things feel different when it’s just you and him around. the world feels smaller, the light of day feels brighter,  and even the meals you cook seem to stay warmer for longer. taehyun catches up with you over text as usual all throughout, and when you tell him about your friendship with yeonjun, he simply texts back: friendship?


when yeonjun’s birthday draws near, you know exactly what you want to do: make one of his favorite foods, pho, from scratch. finding a good recipe online is easy, and visit to your local market provides you with every ingredient you need. it’s not the most complicated thing you’ve tried to make, and watching videos of other chefs try it out gives you a bit of confidence.

so why on earth are you so damn nervous to make it? 

“i’ve never been so scared to fuck up a dish in my life,” you tell taehyun as you skim some fat off the top of the broth simmering away in a pot. it’s the day of yeonjun’s birthday and you’ve got another hangout (or date?) later that night, and taehyun has offered to help with preps. 

“when you’re scared for something, it just means that you care a lot about it,” he says. he looks up from chopping the onions for the pho and gives you a nod. “you’ve cooked gifts for other people before, you can definitely do this.”

“that’s exactly it!” you say, tossing away the scum you’ve collected. “i made a whole pizza for your birthday this year, taehyun. i roasted pork for my parents’ wedding anniversary, and that should’ve been way scarier than this. but with yeonjun, i… i feel like i can’t fuck this up. if i think about serving him bad pho or even mediocre pho and him getting sad over it, it makes me want to throw myself out of here and go into hiding forever. i’ve never felt like that about anything before.”

“you’ve known him for a few months, not as long as you’ve known me. you want to show the best of yourself for him.” taehyun smiles. “that’s not a bad thing at all.”

“i guess.” you fidget with a wooden spoon as you mull over his words. he’s right, but it’s not like you wanted to settle for mediocrity with your other friends or with your parents either. there’s something else at play, but you dare not admit it out loud. (taehyun already knows anyway, you figure.)

you’re glad to have your friend’s company in the hours it takes for the broth to fully absorb all the flavors. taehyun puts on some of your favorite shows and helps you stretch to ease away your stress, and though you check on your pot from time to time, the two of you also prepare your space. he tells you about his own forays into cooking — he recently ordered a new set of knives that he can’t wait to try — as you place a clean tablecloth on the dining table and wash a set of bowls. his company grounds you and makes the nervousness swirling around in your stomach feel more like a gentle current than a roaring wave.

with the broth done and most of the pho ingredients ready for assembly, the two of you are waiting for the rice noodles to cook when a text from yeonjun arrives.

i’ll be there in 15 mins!

taehyun reads the text over your shoulder and grins. “do you need any more help with the pho?”

“nah, i’m good.”

“that means i can leave, then,” he says with an odd half-smile you rarely see on him. “enjoy your dinner with yeonjun.”

“thanks, taehyun. hey, wait一”

he picks up his bag in record speed and when you blink, he’s at your doorway. “tell me about it over text.”


he’s gone.

you’ve never seen taehyun leave your apartment so fast, and you suspect he knows something that you don’t. still, you don’t let yourself worry about it too much, not when preparing your pho should be the first thing on your mind. you check back on the noodles boiling away in your pot and let out a sigh.

i hope this turns out well, you think.


“so, y/n, what do you have ready for tonight? i hope it’s go一 oh...”

“happy birthday, yeonjun.”

whatever remark he was about to make fades into silence when you set down two bowls of pho in front of him. he’s entranced by the savory aroma, the steam swirling upward from each bowl, the noodles and thin slices of onions nearly glistening under the light. you see his lips form a perfect O, the way it always does when his favorite food shows up in front of him.

he doesn’t notice the way your hands tremble as you set down each bowl, or the way your eyes nervously dart back and forth between the pho and his expression. you wonder if he’s excited enough, if the pho will live up to his expectations, then you look at his bowl and think maybe he would like more noodles, maybe the cilantro should be fresher, maybe the broth isn’t salty or sour or spicy enough...

taehyun always said you’re your own worst critic, and you feel all the little criticisms coming in one after the other as you settle down opposite yeonjun. he does a little dance in his seat as he squeezes the lime over the bowl, then looks at you with a smile that lights up his whole face. “it smells so good,” he says. “i can’t wait!”

that’s one good sign, but nothing definitive.

“well, i won’t keep you waiting any longer,” you say. “dig in!”

“thank you for the food!”

the moment it takes for him to slurp up the noodles feels like an eternity to you. as you watch him eat, you pray that the first slurp was as good as it should be, that the noodles were firm enough. then he looks up from the bowl and at you, and you pray that—

he’s smiling. 

it’s different from his earlier excited smile. this one also reaches all the way up to his eyes, but it’s laced with pure adoration. you’ve seen the way his face changes after eating good food countless times, but now this expression seems more tender; he gazes at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life.

you swallow. “is it… good?”

“good? it’s amazing. y/n… you’re so good to me.”

you’re smiling back at him too, and something blooms in you as you gaze back. you feel full of many things: relief, appreciation, affection…

maybe even love.

you feel it bloom as you watch him slurp on the broth and savor each piece of beef with gusto, stopping only to gush about how good it is and how good you are. you feel it settle in you when you dig into your own bowl, savoring the rich flavors of the beef and spices and lime that you poured yourself into, not caring when a bit of broth dribbles off your chin or a noodle falls off and yeonjun giggles at the sight. and you feel it grow in your heart when you try to reach for his empty bowl to wash up, only for him to take your hand again. this time you feel not a jolt of electricity but a wave of warmth.

“rest, you worked hard today. i’ll clean up.”

“it’s your birthday, yeonjun! you are not washing the dishes on your birthday.”

“but what if i want to?” he pouts at you and he knows you can’t resist. “or we can wash them together? what if i want to spend my birthday washing up with you?”

you sigh but relent.

you don’t dare say it to him, but washing up with yeonjun is… comforting. it takes longer than usual, but you don’t mind as he talks about the gift his mom mailed him or about his plans with taehyun and the other guys tomorrow. he tells you some pretty bad dad jokes and you nearly drop the last bowl you’re rinsing from laughing at how awful they are.

he’s still laughing as he pries the clean bowl from your hands and sets it on the rack to dry, and as his hands brush yours, you meet his gaze. he’s looking at you with that same tender look from when he first tried the pho, and your cheeks begin to warm.

“thank you for cooking for me.”

“of course, i want to—”

“you’re always so good to me,” he says. he takes your hands in his, and yours start to tremble; it’s okay, because his do too. “i’ve never had someone who treated me like this before. i want to… i…”

he falters and looks away from you, and you see a hint of pink spreading across his cheeks. he sucks in a breath and when he looks at you again, you move your face closer to his.

you don’t remember who initiates the kiss; all you know is that his lips are on yours, soft and sweet. he wraps his arms around you and you relax in his arms, knowing that nothing your ever make will taste as sweet as this.

when you break apart for air he looks sheepish, nothing like the confident friend you’ve known, but you love the way his eyes shine. his voice is breathy when he speaks: “i like you, y/n.”

“i like you too,” you say, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and brushing your nose against his. a second kiss would be even sweeter, and his lips nearly brush against yours when…

your phone rings and you nearly jump out of his arms.

“what the hell!”

it’s taehyun.

beomgyu i think hyung would be confessing right about now

oh wrong chat

hi y/n :)

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6 months ago
Dinner Faces Be Like (^)

dinner faces be like (^)

eyes on me ; lee heeseung

Eyes On Me ; Lee Heeseung
Eyes On Me ; Lee Heeseung
Eyes On Me ; Lee Heeseung

pairing: biker bf!heeseung x afab!reader word count: 1k synopsis: heeseung picks you up after a later shift from work and showers you with kisses in front of your work building. warnings: making out in public, fluffy cutie heeseung, a bit suggestive.

Eyes On Me ; Lee Heeseung

Excitement settled through you at the sound of your boyfriend's motorbike ringing in your ears from your work desk. 

You rolled your chair over to the window and peeked out the blinds, seeing him take his helmet off and run a hand through his dyed hair and resting the helmet on the handle, a secondary helmet attached to the seat's pouch—your helmet, more specifically. Heeseung always made sure to secure your safety whenever you rode with him.

Heeseung also insisted on picking you up on days you worked later. You don’t live far from your workplace, but on days you stay past the sun setting, Heeseung didn’t like you walking alone and would rather you be with him safely. And to ya know, just be with him. He couldn’t ever get enough of you. 

You had roughly thirty minutes before your work day was over, so you rolled yourself back to your desk and counted down the minutes as you finished the rest of your work until it was finally time to punch out, gather your things, wave to your work bestie and skip out the building. 

Heeseung’s eyes lit up as he saw you walking out the door, his arms already stretched out and ready to hold you close. His smile is contagious as the corners of your lips curl up. 

“Hello, my love!” he said softly, pulling you by the ends of your jacket to press your body to his, placing a kiss on your forehead, “How was work, baby?” 

You wrap your arms around his waist and fully lean into him, pressing his lower back onto his bike, “It was boring, as per usual, but overall a pretty decent day.” 

Heeseung nodded and squeezed you tightly, “C’mere,” he whispered, slightly pulling back for you to look up at him, taking your chin between his index and thumb, “Can I have a kiss? I’ve missed you.” 

You smile up at your boyfriend, nodding without a second thought and standing on your tippy toes to reach his lips. They pressed to yours like the missing piece of a puzzle, so form fitting to yours. So perfect. 

Your smell intoxicated him and filled his senses, the perfect smell of your floral perfume making him dizzy and wanting more of you. He kissed you again, and again, and again. Deepening the kiss as his hands slid from your biceps down to your hips, slightly squeezing. His tongue licking at your bottom lip for permission to enter. 

As much as you wanted to open your mouth for him, you remembered you were outside your workplace with plenty of your coworkers still inside doing their jobs and you pulled your lips from his leaning your upper half away from him. 

“What’s wrong, baby?” he whispered, eyes slightly hooded and staring at your kiss-swollen lips, wanting nothing more than to dive right back into them. 

You tilt your head, “We are outside my workplace, Seungie…” 

Heeseung raised a brow, “So?” 

You slightly roll your eyes, attempting to move further away from him, but his hands slide to your back, keeping you firmly in place against him, “My coworkers might see us.” 

Heeseung understood where you were coming from. He loved your coworkers and had a pretty solid respect for them as they do for him. But he also does not care right now if they catch the two of you making out. They’ve all seen him give you kisses at dinner parties or company get-togethers. So what if they catch you two making out outside the company building? You’re off the clock.

Slowly glance behind you at the building, tracing your eyes up to each window. Heeseung releases one hand from your back to cup your face and turn you back to face him, “Baby,” he smiles cutely at you, pressing kisses over every inch of your face, not letting a single piece of skin on your face go untouched by his lips until finally placing them back onto your lips, “I adore kissing you, who cares if they see?” He whispered between kisses, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. 

You went to look back at the building, but his hands stopped you, “Hey,” He softly snapped, “YN, eyes on me, baby girl.” You locked eyes with him, seeing a mischievous smile curl on his lips, “Let me make out with my beautiful girlfriend, ya?” 

There was no protesting before his lips crashed back against yours. Hands roaming down to your ass and squeezing. Your mouth opened as you gasped at his touch, finding the opportunity to slide his tongue into your cavern, wrestling against your tongue as both your spit mixed together perfectly. 

Heeseung relaxed his body on his bike, pulling you completely to him. You lean further on him, not wanting a single part of him to not be touching you. If you could crawl into his skin, you would do it in a heartbeat right now. Your worries of a coworker catching you here are long pushed to the back of your mind and forgotten. You snake your arms around him tighter and open your mouth wider for his tongue to explore more. The taste of his strawberry chapstick filling your senses and…

Making you hungry. 

Your stomach growled loudly and Heeseung laughed against your lips, slowly pulling away and pushing your hair behind your ears, “Someone’s hungry?” With a nod, to reached back up and planted another kiss to his lips. He welcomed the kiss and leaned into your touch, “Want to pick up something on the way back to your apartment?” He asked, pulling you away from him. 

You pout at the coldness that hits you once he fully removes your body from his, his hand reaching for your helmet, “Yeah, I guess.” 

Heeseung smiles as tilts his head, “Baby, I can give you more than just kisses after dinner, how does that sound?” 

The corners of your lips curled as you bit down on your lower lip, nodding at his proposal. Heeseung kisses your nose and places the helmet on your head, “Jump on the bike then, baby.” 

You giggle and fit yourself behind him on the bike, watching as he fixes the helmet to his head and starts up the bike then rides off into the night.

Eyes On Me ; Lee Heeseung

— tags: @alvojake @ikeuverse @woniebae @shawnyle @jwnghyuns @in-somnias-world @zyvlxqht @aaa-sia @wonniethepoo @addictedtohobi @eneiyri @skzenhalove @fakeuwus @cherry-park @vousty @ladyartemesia @criminalyun @enhaverse713586 @wondipity @lhsvibez @jaeyunq @rikizm @kaykay11sworld @vixialuvs @seunghancore @enha-cafe @ppanghoon @sunpov @zeeloveshee @hxxsxxng @moonrisearies @brownsugarbaybee @nshmrarki @vveebee @teddybeartaetae @kookify @abysofsteel @aileeeeeeeeeeeee @hee-lvrr @1309zip @moon0fthenight @jakeflvrz @021894s @sendhelpiloveyeonjun @surrik-i @heeseungsbm

Tags :
6 months ago

happy ending

Happy Ending

member — husband!junhui x f reader genre — angst, fluff, hurt/comfort word count — 6.6k synopsis — a pointless argument escalates until both of you need some space, but it couldn't come at a worse time. warnings — female reader, planned pregnancy, there's a big argument but i tried to not make it too toxic (jun and reader have a happy & healthy relationship i promise), swearing, there is a happy ending lots of fluff !! notes — requested by anon — this has been sitting in my drafts for months bc every time i look at it i get shy and wanna change my mind but i'm proud of how this turned out so i'm posting it finally! i know pregnancy fics aren't everyone's favorite but this was honestly very comforting to write so i hope anyone who chooses to read can find comfort in it as well <3 also the last time i proofread this was like april and if i try to proofread it rn i'll get shy again and chicken out so if there's any mistakes pls ignore! i hope you enjoy :)

Happy Ending

you sat on the bathroom floor, trying to comprehend the weight of the news you held in your hand. you couldn’t believe it. you could? you couldn’t. 

after many months of trying to start a family with your husband, you had finally succeeded. the slim plastic stick with two tiny pink lines was the last piece of evidence you needed. it had been months of carefully tracked cycles, fertility doctors, and new positions that seemed too weird to actually do anything. but now, everything was finally falling into place.

you don’t know exactly how much time you spend sitting on the floor and staring at the pregnancy test; thinking, planning, and thinking some more. but when you finally stand up and place the positive test on the counter with shaking hands, it still hasn’t fully sunk in yet what’s happening. something you’d wanted for so long, and finally it was all right in front of you.

what do you do now? no— you know exactly what you need to do, and it’s a long list of things. the real question is, where do you begin?

you thought back to all the videos you’d watched over the last few weeks. somehow every social media algorithm knew exactly what you wanted to see, and it had given it to you in abundance; baby showers, gender reveals, those “get ready with me - new mom edition” videos. all getting your hopes up before you could confirm whether or not it had finally happened.

with your hopes high and expectations even higher, you were already beginning to plan how you would break the news to junhui. as your husband and your soon-to-be baby’s father, of course you wanted him to be the very first person to know, so you couldn’t wait too long to tell him. you couldn’t wait to see the look on his face.

maybe you’d get a little gift box and give the test to him before dinner. but, then again, it was literally a piece of plastic you’d peed on. surely you could give him… something a little nicer than that.

maybe you could buy a baby outfit and wrap it up for him. but you remembered he’d mentioned so many times about how excited he would be to pick out clothes once you got pregnant. you would want him to have the honor of picking out the very first one, going to the store together and looking through the whole section before finally settling on the perfect one.

what else was there you could do? bake a cake? make a crossword puzzle? buy him a t-shirt that says “dad-to-be”? so many ways you could do it, but none of them seemed perfectly right.

from the other room you hear the door opening, and hurriedly you stuff the test into a drawer, not wanting to tell him just yet. you need a plan first; waiting another day or two couldn’t hurt, so you’ll just have to figure out how to tell him later.

you flip off the bathroom light and stride into the hallway, barely able to contain the grin on your face. you’ve always been terrible at keeping secrets, and with news as big and exciting as this you have no idea how you’re going to be able to hide it from him for more than a minute.

but luckily you don’t have to wonder about it for long, because as soon as you see jun you can already tell he’s in a sour mood. 

you know it’s usually best to let him have some time alone when he’s upset, but not for too long because he starts getting frustrated with himself and won’t stop working until he’s exhausted.

but you’re still on a high after everything today, so you decide on being a little bit sweeter to him in the hopes that your happiness will be contagious and that it’ll lift his spirits, despite what was probably a really awful day at work.

you find him sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands, long fingers pressed against his eyes trying to block out the light.

“hey, junnie,” you call out, sitting down in a chair next to him. “bad day?”

“yeah,” he answers shortly.

“i’m sorry, baby,” you hum, putting your hand on his shoulder, but he flinches and your hand falls away in surprise. he’s never done that before. weird. you try something else. “um, any requests for dinner?”

“not hungry.”

“alright. well, i guess i can cook up some veggies and leave them out, you can heat them up whenever you get hungry.”

he moves his hands away from his face and onto the table, sighing as he leans back in his chair. “can you just— leave me alone for a while? i’m sorry.”

you nod and stand up. “no, it’s fine. i get it. i’ll bring you some tea later then, maybe. text me when you’re feeling better.” you reach out and gently touch his hand before walking away, leaving him alone at the table.

it’s definitely one of his worser days, you note, so you retreat to your bedroom to watch more videos on your phone, trying to bring back your excitement from earlier. hopefully later he’ll be more open and you can sit down and eat something, and maybe by then you’ll have come up with a good way to tell him the news.

Happy Ending

an hour passes and you come out of your bedroom to look for jun, having a question from one of your friends about the dinner you’d arranged to have together next week. but he’s no longer in the kitchen, so you peek your head into his office room and find him exactly where you expect him to be, trying to work himself to death.

you clear your throat before you enter, not wanting to startle him again. “hey, junnie, i know you’re in a bad mood, and i’m sorry to interrupt, but—”

“what do you want?” he snaps, never turning around from his desk. just from the way he’s hunched over his computer, he looks like the most stressed you’ve ever seen him, and your chest tightens with worry before your brain registers what he’s just said to you.

“i— excuse me?”

“i said, what do you want?” he repeats, still facing away from you.

you resist the urge to glare at him, knowing he’s probably under a lot of pressure, and you aren’t trying to add to it. “you don’t have to be rude, jun. i just came in here to double check about next weekend, minghao’s texting me.”

he finally lifts his head, slamming his hand down on the desk. “i’m really trying not to snap at you, but— jesus, you make it so fucking hard sometimes.”

you raise your eyebrows in disbelief, your voice lifting in tone. “well, i’m so very sorry to inconvenience you then, but i really don’t appreciate you talking to me like that, jun.”

“and i don’t appreciate you talking to me like i’m a child! when will you get it through your head?”

his comment stings, but you brush it off. “well, maybe if you’d just talk to me like an adult instead of throwing a fit and hiding in your office then i wouldn’t have to treat you like one!” you’re starting to get tired of how he retreats in on himself every time bad shit happens. all you want to do is let him know he doesn’t have to do it alone, and he’s just… exploding at you for no reason, so you don’t try to hide the snarkiness behind your words.

he scoffs angrily and stands up, towering over you at his full height. “oh, grow up! you’re so moody all the time and you expect me to just put up with it! as if i don’t have enough other shit to worry about, i have to worry about what you think of this and that and everything all the damn time!”

you’ve never seen him get so angry like this, and it’s almost scary how completely different this jun is from the jun you know and love. “okay, jun, fine, i’ll just—”

“no, don’t fucking “jun, fine” me. it’s like you’re doing it on purpose at this point, you act like everything is just so perfect and then when it’s not you act like it’s your job to fix everything! you can’t fix everything!”

“i said fine! just forget it, i’ll leave you the hell alone like you always want!”

he pushes past you and crosses the room in two strides, grabbing his keys off the hook by the door, his hand already on the doorknob. “i need to get some air. i’ll be back later.”

you fold your arms over your chest, trying to look unphased but inside your heart is breaking. “you’re really gonna walk out like that? you’re just gonna run away from this? real mature, junhui.”

he spins around, and the look in his eyes is cold. “if i don’t get out of this house right now i’m gonna say something i actually regret.”

and in a flash the door is slammed shut and jun is gone. you can hear his car starting up in the driveway, and seconds later everything is dead silent.

you stand frozen in front of the door, unable to move. you can’t believe it. you can’t. what just happened?

jun has never just… walked out like that.

his words ring in your ears; though your argument wasn’t very long, a lot was said in a very short time and you can’t even begin to think about how to process it as it starts to hit you all at once.

say something he actually regrets? what the hell does that mean? so he’s saying he doesn’t regret everything else, the cursing and the anger and the pointed words that were clearly meant to hurt you?

minute after long minute passes and you realize he’s not coming back anytime soon. finally you drag yourself away from the door, dropping down on the couch in a daze.

there’s never been a time where you and jun haven’t made up immediately after an argument. sure, maybe you take a little bit to cool down in your own space, but neither of you like letting the tension sit unresolved for very long. so what was it this time that made him leave without even a goodbye?

so many reasons, so many excuses, so many words you could’ve said instead. you shouldn’t have reacted like that, you shouldn’t have kept it going, you should’ve just left him alone. would that have made him stay? if you’d backed down sooner and just let him work through it on his own?

despite all the what-ifs and the doubts in your mind, your conscience won’t allow you to let him worry about everything by himself without at least offering your help. you’re a team, husband and wife, and you’ll be damned if you let him forget that. maybe you trying to help actually made things worse in the end, but at least you know you tried… right?

it’s not until you check your phone and realize that jun’s been gone more than half an hour that you finally let yourself cry. you’d been so focused on worrying about where jun was and whether he was okay that you’d barely even thought about what might happen after this.

will he just… come back and pretend nothing happened? will he come back and still be angry at you? it would almost be worse if he was calm and acted like everything was normal. would he even apologize? would you even apologize? of course you would. both of you said things that were fucked up, and you’ll be the first to admit it if it means this whole thing can be over. right now all you want is to have junhui back.

the tears keep falling but you don’t even feel yourself crying, your face rigid as the tears continue to stain your cheeks.

after an hour you force yourself to get up off the couch and move somewhere, anywhere around the house to try and get your mind off things. but you can’t erase his voice from your head, the look in his eyes as he walked out the door and the way his shoulders hunched from anger mixed with exhaustion.

you find yourself back in your bedroom and you fall onto his side of the bed, wishing you would wake up to find that this has all just been a very bad dream.

Happy Ending

it’s after 10pm when you hear your phone buzz on the nightstand and you sit up in a panic, scrambling to see if it’s something from jun. your eyes sting from crying so much, and you blink away the remaining tears as you unlock your phone with shaking hands. your heart drops even further when you realize it is, in fact, from jun, but not the news you want to hear.

Happy Ending

you let your phone slip out of your grasp, tumbling to the carpet with a thud. when he’d said he’d be back later you had assumed that meant he’d be coming back tonight. clearly you thought wrong.

tomorrow seemed so far away; too much time to spend alone in a house that was supposed to be filled with happy memories, but now all you felt was pain. you felt it in your chest and in your stomach and in your head and everywhere. the whole room was suffocating, heavy weight crushing down on you from every angle.

you slide to the floor and pick up your phone. you don’t text junhui back. you’re not sure anymore if he’d even read your message. 

instead you type in your friend seokmin’s phone number, listening to the line ring as you wipe the back of your hand across your eyes.

as soon as he picks up, he can hear the anguish in your voice and he’s begging you to tell him what’s wrong, but all you can muster up is a soft, “can i stay with you tonight?” because you can’t bear to be in this house another second without junhui. 

and of course he says yes, and of course he’s immediately on his way over to pick you up. and of course he stops at mcdonald’s on the way back to his house to buy you something to eat, because you haven’t eaten and even though you don’t particularly have much of an appetite right now, seokmin would rather die than let you skip a meal, especially on a night like tonight when you could really use something to keep you going.

you throw your overnight bag on the floor of seokmin’s living room with a small sigh. in a haze you’d tossed in whatever items you thought you might need; a toothbrush, pajamas, something to wash your face with. 

he gives you space for a while as he pulls out the folding bed part of the couch and brings out blankets and pillows for you to sleep with. you don’t say it, but you really appreciate his help. he’s been one of your best friends for so long, and you don’t know what you’d do without him. 

you hadn’t thought about it while you were packing, but as you stand in seokmin’s bathroom you think about the cleanser you’d grabbed; your favorite one, the one jun had gotten you for your birthday last year and you’d never switched to another brand since. 

every single thing reminds you of him, and you push down a fresh wave of emotion as you scrub the foam into your skin, trying to wash away all your tears.

when you’re done getting ready for bed you find seokmin in the living room with a pot of tea. he was just trying to help, but unluckily for him, he’d made green tea. it was your favorite… but it also happened to be jun’s favorite.

and this time you can’t hold back your tears, and seokmin is sitting wide eyed and bewildered, wondering why you’re crying over tea, but he doesn’t ask. he just reaches out to let you hug him, and you squeeze him so tightly you know it must hurt, but he doesn’t say anything, just lets you hug him as hard as you can and lets your tears stain his t-shirt.

it takes another half hour for you to calm down enough to talk. you’d spent the time watching whatever was on tv, not really paying attention and instead playing everything back in your mind. seokmin had just sat next to you, quietly keeping you company until you were ready.

“jun and i… had a fight,” you say finally, interrupting the commercial playing on the screen.

“i figured,” he says, offering you a comforting smile as he mutes the tv. “do you wanna talk about it?”

“i don’t know. there’s not much to talk about.” you take a shaky breath, remembering it all one more time. “we both said some awful things that we didn’t mean. at least, i know i didn’t mean them. then he just… left, and he texted that he’d come home tomorrow. that’s it.”

you don’t tell him about the pregnancy test. you’ve mentioned once or twice that you and jun had been interested in starting a family, but you’d never gone into detail about it and you weren’t going to now. you still wanted jun to be the first person to know, even though you didn’t know when that might be anymore.

you tell him about other things instead, about your day at work and your plans for the weekend. eventually you finish your tea, and seokmin retreats to his own room and shuts the door with a quiet click, leaving you alone in the quiet of his living room.

it takes you a long time to fall asleep, but soon your exhaustion catches up with you and you let yourself rest, physically and emotionally drained. at least the silence here isn’t as bad as the silence at your house.

Happy Ending

across town in his friend seungcheol’s guest bedroom, jun can’t stop tossing and turning. he’s fucked up, he knows he fucked up, big time.

why did he leave? he shouldn’t have left. you had been absolutely right, he was running away from everything and it was stupid and dumb and immature. but in that moment all he could think about was what the next awful thing he might say to you was, and he knew if he had stayed for any longer he wouldn’t have been able to stop what came out of his mouth. he was out of control, and immediately he knew it.

not even the worst day in the world could make you deserving of all the things he said to you. you were the only thing that wasn’t bad in his life; even on shitty days like today, all you did was care about him. and all he did was hurt you.

jun barely sleeps that night, finally forcing himself out of the extra bed at dawn. he’d been too anxious to sleep, too frustrated with himself to do anything other than think about everything he did and wonder if you were okay without him.

he’d already gotten an earful from his friend last night, and he knew he was still in big trouble. the things he said wouldn’t just go away overnight. in fact, they’d probably gotten worse by leaving them to build up overnight, and again he’s kicking himself for ever leaving in the first place.

he packs up his things as quickly as he can, eager to get home and see you again. on his way out the door, he thanks seungcheol for letting him stay the night and he apologizes for bothering him so late.

“i’m not the one you need to apologize to. you better figure out how to fix this, jun.”

with a straight face he nods, bowing his head as he closes the door.

in his car, jun takes the long way home, trying to find an open grocery store. he knows it won’t make up for how he acted, but the very least he can do it buy you a bouquet of your favorite flowers.

he walks through the aisles, basket in hand, trying to think of something else for you. maybe he’ll get the ingredients he needs to make your favorite dinner tonight; he hadn’t eaten last night, though you had offered to cook for him and he’d shot you down.

he feels another pang of guilt at the thought, remembering yet another kind gesture you’d tried to give him that he’d brushed off like it meant nothing. it meant everything to him, and in the middle of the frozen vegetables aisle he swore he wouldn’t ever do it again. 

he’d taken you for granted, and he was so lucky that things hadn’t ended worse than they did. he could’ve said something truly unforgivable, or he could’ve even lost your relationship altogether. but he was still yours, and you were still his, and he would just have to work extra hard to make sure you knew how sincere he was.

he’d been a little worried that you hadn’t texted him back last night, seeing that you’d read his message but never responded. you were probably still hurt, and he didn’t blame you; still, he’d hoped you would say something back.

with grocery bags loaded full of ingredients for dinner and the special things he’d bought for you, the drive back home feels a little more hopeful.

he plans out everything he’ll do in the car. he’ll bring the groceries in and put them away quickly; it’s still fairly early in the morning, so hopefully you won’t be awake yet. he’ll arrange your flowers all nice in a pretty vase, and he’ll come in and wake you up with the best apology of his life and hopefully a really big hug. after the last 24 hours he really could use a hug, and he’s sure you could too. and then he’ll explain how sorry he is and how he didn’t mean any of it and then everything will be better again. yes, everything will be okay.

the first part of his plan goes perfectly. he sneaks into the house and when he’s met with silence he continues putting everything away, quietly so he won’t wake you up in the other room. then, he puts the flowers in a vase and with everything in place, he walks down the hallway to finally face you.

but when he twists the bedroom door handle, the bed is made and the room is empty. you aren’t there.

he frowns, leaving the room and poking his head into the bathroom, then his office. he calls your name loudly, hoping you’re just in a corner of the house and you’ll come out once you hear him. but no reply.

he goes back into the living room and sets the vase down on the coffee table, trying to think. you aren’t usually up this early, but maybe you hadn’t been able to sleep and you’d gone out for a walk, or maybe you’d gone to the store to get more cereal? 

a sinking feeling rises in his chest, and he walks back into the bedroom to confirm something, sliding open the closet door to check. your overnight duffel bag is gone.

he ducks back into the bathroom to check something else. your toothbrush isn’t sitting in the jar like it usually is. he slides open the bathroom drawer to check one more thing, and—

his hand freezes on the knob, staring at something in the drawer that wasn’t there before. he’s not sure it is what he thinks it is, but either way there it is, clear as day in front of him: a little white piece of plastic, sticking out from underneath a tissue. 

gingerly he pulls it out, holding it up to the light to see it better. when he sees the two pink lines he nearly drops it in shock, but he stops himself, setting it gently on the counter instead.

this is something special, something precious, and he knew he had to take care of it. you’d saved it for a reason; you could’ve easily just thrown it away once you knew the results, but you had kept it instead. were you going to give it to him?

he covers his mouth with his hand, still staring at the stick sitting on the edge of the sink. it was just a cheap piece of plastic, but to him it was the most important thing in the entire world.

he deflates when he realizes you’d probably been planning on telling him last night, before he’d blown up at you. if he’d been paying attention to anyone other than himself, he would’ve noticed your mood was happier than usual, your face glowing with contained excitement. he should’ve been paying attention.

there’s a sense of urgency in his stride as he dashes around the house, looking for any other sign of you, but it’s clear you weren’t there. there were so many places you could be, he can’t even begin to think of where to look. your parents, friends, family; hell, you could even have stayed in a hotel, alone and upset. he should’ve been there. none of this should’ve ever happened.

immediately he presses the speed dial for your phone, but of course– no answer. he calls again, and again you don’t pick up. he curses, resisting the urge to slam his phone down on the table in frustration. no, he has to stay calm. that’s what got him into this whole fucking mess in the first place.

he remembers that your parents are out of town on vacation, so you probably wouldn’t have gone there. you wouldn’t have gone to a hotel because you always lecture him about the importance of saving money “just in case”, so you wouldn’t have paid to stay somewhere. your sister is still in college and shares an apartment with three other people, so probably not the best idea either. 

that narrows it down to one of your friends’ houses; seokmin, who lives a couple blocks away, or joshua, who lives on the other side of town.

he figures seokmin is his best bet, so jun takes a deep breath and finds the contact in his phone.

“what do you want?” seokmin’s usually cheery voice has an edge to it today, and jun knows he’s picked right.

“is she there?” he asks anxiously.

“she is,” he confirms, and jun exhales, letting out the breath he had been holding in. “but she’s asleep still. i’ll let her know you called.”

“wait,” jun adds quickly.

the line is silent for a moment, and he’s afraid seokmin’s already hung up, but finally he gets a response. “what is it?”

"can i–are you sure? please," jun pleads. if he could just talk to you, just explain what happened and that he's so fucking sorry—

“hold on,” seokmin says, and the phone goes quiet again.

jun’s heart is in his throat as he waits for a response, and he stops when he finally hears your voice. “hello?”

he breathes a sigh of relief. “sweetheart. i’m so sorry.”

you don’t reply, so he continues.

“i’m glad you’re okay,” he starts, trying to put the right words together. “i shouldn’t have said any of that last night, and i shouldn’t have left. i didn’t mean it. i’m sorry.”

“thanks” is all you say, and he hates how small and sad your voice sounds. it’s his fault you sound like that.

“i found your test,” he bursts out, unable to hide his excitement any longer.

“oh." you pause, swallowing. "so… you know.”

“yes, i do know, baby. i’m so sorry, if i had known before—”

you cut him off, your tone suddenly rising with anger. “‘if you had known?’ so you won’t yell at me if i’m pregnant, but you’re just fine with yelling at me when you think i’m not? is that the only reason why you’re even apologizing to me right now?"

“no— fuck, no, of course not. i shouldn’t yell at you, period. and i’m not going to ever again.” jun pauses for a second, rubbing his hand over his eyes. he’s done nothing so far but make everything worse. “i really messed up, honey, and i’m sorry. i can’t say it enough. but— please, come home. i don’t want to talk over the phone.”

you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to will away the tears that threaten to fall again. you don’t want to cry about this anymore. “okay,” you say finally. “i’ll be home in a little while.”

“thank you,” jun says, and the way his voice breaks makes your heart sink. you can tell he feels awful about everything, and you do really, really miss him.

“…i love you," you add, changing your mind at the last second.

“i love you, too!” he says immediately. “i love you, too, honey. text me when you’re on your way.”

“i will.”

he says “i love you” twice more before you end the call. you sit in silence for a second, processing everything before you stand up off the couch and head to seokmin’s room to give him back his phone.

"can you take me home now, please?" you tell him softly, and immediately seokmin stands up and hugs you, his arms wrapped tightly around you.

"of course. let me know when you're ready."

half an hour later you find yourself in the front seat of seokmin’s car once again, this time sitting nervously in his driveway as he puts your bag in the trunk for you. you're still not sure if you're ready to face jun yet, but you know you have to.

reluctantly you unlock your phone and open your text messages with jun, your eyes landing on the text he'd sent last night that had gone unreplied. with shaky fingers you type out that you're leaving seokmin’s house, and jun replies almost instantly with a long string of heart emojis.

seokmin gets into the car and starts it, and you exhale and set your phone in the cupholder.

"are you okay?" he asks, turning to look at you. "because you can always let me know if you need anything. anytime, day or night."

"i'm alright," you say, taking a deep breath. "i'm fine. but thank you, seok. i really appreciate everything."

he smiles, shifting the car into reverse. "of course. it's no problem at all."

Happy Ending

the second he hears the car pull up outside the house, jun jumps up off the couch, smoothing his shirt down anxiously. through the window he watches seokmin hand you your bag and close the trunk, giving you one last hug before he gets back in the car. he doesn't drive away until you're at the front porch, and with a deep breath jun swings open the door, before you can even knock.

you both stand there in silence for a second before he blurts out another apology. "i'm sorry," he rushes to say. "i'm really sorry."

you give him a weak smile. "can i maybe… get in the house, first?" you ask quietly, motioning with your free hand at the doorway.

"yeah, i— yeah, shit, of course," jun says as he practically jumps out of your way, holding the door open for you to walk inside.

you set your bag on the floor by the couch as he closes the door behind you. the sound of the lock clicking seems too loud in the uncomfortable silence that settles over the room.

"can… can i give you a hug? please?" he asks, and you stay quiet but nod. 

he closes the distance between you in one stride and wraps his arms around you, squeezing you so tightly and holding you close to his chest. "i'm so sorry, honey. i didn't mean any of it. i promise."

"i believe you," you finally manage, your voice a little muffled from how he's pressing you against him.

he doesn't say anything more, just holds you and holds you, and it feels so good to be home where you belong. there's a lot that needs to be said, but for right now you don't need any more words. you're just glad to be back together again.

after a while you pull your head away from him so you speak. "i'm sorry."

"why are you apologizing? you didn't do anything wrong, baby. i'm the one that needs to be apologizing."

you shake your head. "no. i said some things last night, too. granted, not as bad as you, but…"

jun breaks out into a grin at your joke, and you feel your mood start to lighten. "…which is true. and i'm sorry."

"jun, you can stop apologizing now. i get it, you're sorry. you don't have to tell me a million times," you say, trying to laugh a little.

now it's his turn to shake his head. "well, i'm going to anyway. because i am sorry." you look away from him, feeling embarrassment start to boil up, but he continues talking. "i'm serious. i'll say it as many times as it takes to make it right."

you turn your head back to him, struggling to keep a straight face. "why did you leave, jun?" you ask softly.

he takes a deep breath, and still trapped in his arms you can feel his chest expand with the breath. 

"it was stupid," he says finally. "i left because i didn't want to stay and risk hurting you more. but i realize i did that anyway, by leaving. i was just… i needed some air. but i shouldn't have stayed away, and i'm not gonna do that again. i won't do it, ever again."

"i just don't want you to leave me," you manage, trying and failing to hide the crack in your voice as you feel your eyes start to well up with tears.

he hugs you tighter and one of his hands comes up to cup the back of your head, gently smoothing your hair with his thumb. "i know, baby, i'm sorry. i'm not going to, i promise."

you don't respond, but you know he's telling the truth. the last 24 hours have been hell for the both of you, and you don't doubt he means every single "i'm sorry" he's said.

"so…" jun starts, and you tilt your head up at him.

"so?" you know what he's going to say next, and despite the excitement you had yesterday you feel yourself dreading this part of the conversation.

"you're pregnant?"

you sigh, looking down and avoiding his eyes. "yeah."

he hums. "but you don't sound excited?" he asks.

"well, i was, last night."

"i'm sorry," he winces. "do you wanna tell me now and i'll pretend this didn't happen and i don't know about it?"

you shake your head. "no, it's fine. the moment's kinda… ruined, already."

he sighs. "yeah, i know. i'm sorry i ruined it."

"i said it's fine, jun."

"no, it's not fine," he says firmly. "it's one hundred percent my fault. this is important to you, and to us, and we should be celebrating right now. last night should never have happened."

"jun, it's in the past. it was messed up, but i forgive you," you say, lifting you head to look at him once more. "it's not a big deal. we're okay now."

"i just want you to be happy about it," he says with a sniff. "we've been trying for so long, and finally…" he trails off, staring at you with watery eyes. 

you smile at him. "i am happy about it, junnie. i'm so happy, you can't even believe."

"did you tell seokmin?" he asks, and his brows furrow when you shake your head no.

"no, i didn't. i wanted you to be the first i told," you say shyly. "i knew you would want to be the first to know."

"i love you so much," he says, still hugging you. he's never going to let you go, never again. "do you know how far along?"

"no, i didn't go to the doctor. probably like two or three weeks, though, if i've been counting it right."

"wow," he sighs, a smile on his face as he stares off into the distance behind you. "i can't wait."

you watch his eyes, practically able to see the thoughts running through his head. 

after a while he loosens his grip around you, moving to swipe at his eyes quickly with the back of his hand. "well—anyway," he starts, giving you an awkward chuckle. "i bought stuff for breakfast. if you haven't had any, yet. and i'm making dinner tonight, too."

before you can even respond his eyes widen, like he's just now remembering all the things he had planned, and he lets go of you, bounding into the kitchen. he returns seconds later with a huge glass vase full of flowers, practically tripping over his own feet in his rush to hand them to you. "and i got these for you, too. sorry they're not the best, it's all the store had this morning."

"junnie, if this is the best the store had, then i don't think i wanna see their best," you laugh, holding the flowers up and admiring the dozens of bright blooms. "this is gorgeous, but you really didn't need to get me anything."

"but i wanted to," he counters, still running around the room to grab the gift bag sitting by the couch. "consider it an 'i'm very sorry' slash 'congrats you're having a baby' gift."

you set the vase down on the table next to you and take the bag from him, pulling out the tissue paper and crumpling it into a ball.

"i didn't have a whole lot of time to look this morning, but i found these," he says nervously, waiting for your reaction.

from the bag you pull out a miniature plastic hanger holding a set of tiny pajamas covered in little kitties, attached to a matching set of striped orange socks.

"i wanted to be the first person to get you baby clothes," he explains as he fidgets with his hands. 

"i knew you would," you smile at him, setting the empty bag and the clothes on the table along with the bouquet of flowers. "and they're perfect. they're so… you."

you throw your arms around his neck, pulling him back in for another hug. "i love all of it. thank you, jun."

he grins, rocking you back and forth in his arms and leaving kisses all over your cheek. "i love you too, baby. i missed you so much. i won't ever do that again."

"i know," you smile. "now… you promised me breakfast, isn't that right? because i'm starving. crying is exhausting."

he laughs. "no crying anymore. and i did promise you that, so tell me: do you want blueberry waffles, or strawberry?"

Happy Ending

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6 months ago
No Picture Header Because It Got Flagged. Oops.

no picture header because it got flagged. oops.

No Picture Header Because It Got Flagged. Oops.

── nine thirty nine

contents. smut minors dni, fem reader, hybrids, dog hybrid!kei, k spelled as kei, leg humping (for just a brief moment), petnames/name calling (pup, dumb puppy), unprotected sex, accidental knotting, breeding, oral (f rec), cum eating, multiple orgasms, fingering, he’s honestly so sub coded here

word count. 1188

wishing the happiest of happy birthdays to my best friend @starryjens. this one’s for you! love you so much, hope you enjoy! (although your birthday was two days ago. i’m the worst i know LMFAO.)

No Picture Header Because It Got Flagged. Oops.

“Please, I promise I’ll be good.”

You hummed, looking up at the man in front of you. He was on his knees, looking at you with round, pleading eyes. His ears twitched, undecided whether they wanted to pin against his head or curiously stand tall. His curled, fluffy tail slowly swept across the floor, anxiously awaiting your answer. “What are you begging for, pup?” Kei wanted to whine at the pet name. “You know I need you to use your words. What do you want?” You gently patted the top of his head before removing your touch completely, looking at him expectantly. He did whine at the loss of contact. You know he likes when you pat his head!

Instead, he shuffles closer and all but wraps himself around your leg. His hips press against your shin, and you can feel it. You can feel how hard he is, but you want him to use his words. He needs to tell you that that’s what he’s wanting you to take care of. But for some reason, he can’t find the words. All he could do to vocalize his needs was whine.

It feels like his hips have a mind of their own when they start to rut against your leg. Slowly, at first, with feather-light pressure. Such little movement that the only thing giving it away was the soft sighs he let out. He lays his head over in your lap, sighing more when you start running your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching your nails on his scalp. For a moment, you let him continue.

Then you tugged on his hair, pulling his head back.

“Now don’t just hump my leg like a dumb puppy. You know better than that. Speak, boy.”

He whined louder, if it was possible, at the way you were treating him. Then he musters up the courage to finally speak. “I want to fuck you… Please.” And when you took more than a second to respond, to tell him yes, he talks again. “I’ll be good. I promise I won’t knot you. I promise I won’t cum inside. I won’t breed you, I promise. Please, just please, let me fuck you. Hurts.”

You moved your leg forward, feeling the bulge in his pants again. He was so hard that you could almost feel the blood pumping through his veins. It was almost laughable how desperate he was, but you’d be lying if it wasn’t turning you on as well. So you decided you wouldn’t tease him much longer.

All he needed was for you to spread your legs, leaning back a little. He automatically reaches forward, hooking his fingers around the waistband of your underwear and pulling them down your legs, now bare from the waist down. He sees the wetness pooling between your legs, especially when he uses his fingers to spread you open for a better look.

If he wasn’t so desperate, he would take his time to touch you. But he feels the throbbing in his own underwear and he knows he can’t wait.

He clumsily pushes his underwear down his thighs, sitting up on his knees to line himself up with your entrance. In one motion, he pushes his entire cock inside, and with just a moment to catch your breath, he starts at a steady pace. With how desperate he was acting before, it was affecting you as well, so he was met without resistance. Instead, you spread your legs further to let him in deeper.

In just a short time, he could feel his release nearing. It was only a matter of time, after having been teased while his cock was already throbbing. “Fuck,” he breathed out. “I’m gonna cum soon.”

Kei fully intended to keep his promise—to pull out and finish himself off in his hand. But with the way you were now moaning, gripping his shoulders, and the way your pussy squeezed him just right, he could feel himself slipping. He fucks into you faster, hands gripping at your thighs, making you throw your head back.

“Pull out.” You managed to gasp out. “Kei, pull out.” It didn’t take much to realize that it was getting harder for him to thrust; the knot swelling up at the base of his cock making it difficult. “Pull out. Now, Kei.”

He couldn’t. He couldn’t hear you. All he could hear was the sound of the blood pumping through his veins, his own heartbeat, and the wet noises between your legs. It was too late when he came to his senses. His knot had already swollen up to the point of no return, and he could already feel himself about to cum at any given moment. “I’m sorry.” He whimpered. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”

Kei’s mind was on autopilot. Words spilled out of his mouth in pathetic whines as he shallowly rutted into you, filling you with his cum. The feeling of him cumming inside you, along with his heavy knot deliciously stretching you out, had you digging your nails into the skin of his shoulder as you could feel yourself coming undone as well.

His body went limp, gently leaning forward to lay on top of you. He buried his head in your neck, kissing, licking, nipping at the skin. The both of you could feel the knot going down after a few moments, and soon he was able to pull out. Finally.

Then he dropped back to his knees, sitting on the heels of his feet. He leans forward, flattening his tongue out against your pussy. The feeling of him dragging his tongue through your folds sends a jolt of electricity through your body, hands flying forward and gripping the hair between his fluffy ears. “What are you doing, pup?”

“Cleaning you up…I made a mess.” He dived back in, focusing now on lapping up the thick cum dripping from your hole. The feeling of his tongue on you, coupled with the lewd sounds of him slurping at the mixture of your own wetness and his cum had your mind reeling. You were already sensitive from your previous orgasm, and you could feel arousal pooling at your entrance again.

Kei pulled his mouth off of you, and you thought he was done. But he lined up two of his fingers and pushed them in instead.

“Shit! What—”

Cutting you off, he hushed you. “I told you I was going to make it up to you. Besides, how else am I supposed to get all of my cum out?”

He curled his two fingers, lightly dragging them against your walls. Attaching his mouth to your clit, he alternates between flicking his tongue and closing his lips around it, softly suckling. You’re already so close to a second orgasm, but adding the feeling of being stimulated in both areas only pushes you further and further toward it.

And that’s his goal. He wants to make you cum as many times as you can handle as an apology. If he needs to, he can stay between your legs all night.

Tags :
6 months ago

Where to find myself a wholesome jay-character 😭🫶🏼



contents. once again, based on this ask from my beautiful 🌸 anon, i just switched it up a tinyyyy bit <3 tags. morning fluff (and late night fluff), established relationship pairing. jay x reader my note. the day i stop writing jay fluff y'all need to send police to my house to do a welfare check library.


laying in bed next to jay feels like a dream you never want to wake up from. his chest rises and falls in a slow, rhythmic pattern, each breath whispering a gentle lullaby to the quiet room. the moonlight filters through the curtains, casting a soft glow on his peaceful face. you can’t help but admire him, tracing his features with your eyes like a painter committing every detail to memory.

his dark hair is tousled, a few strands falling across his forehead, and you resist the urge to brush them aside, not wanting to disturb his slumber. his lashes rest against his cheeks, long and delicate, framing his closed eyes perfectly. his lips, slightly parted, look soft and inviting, and you find yourself imagining how they would feel against your own.

your gaze travels down to the birthmark on his neck, a small but distinctive mark that you’ve always found endearing. it’s unique, a part of him that you cherish deeply. you reach out tentatively, your fingers barely grazing his skin, feeling the warmth emanating from his body. his skin is smooth, and the contact sends a shiver down your spine.

as you continue to admire him, you realize how lucky you are to have him in your life. jay is not just beautiful on the outside but also kind, caring, and understanding. he makes you feel safe and loved, and you can’t imagine your life without him.

lost in your thoughts, you don’t notice his eyes fluttering open until you hear his voice, soft and sleepy. “hey, what are you doing up?” he asks, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

you feel your cheeks heat up, caught in the act. “just... watching you,” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper.

he chuckles, the sound low and comforting. “you’re adorable,” he murmurs, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. his touch is light, but it sends sparks of electricity through your body.

you lean into his touch, closing your eyes for a moment to savor the sensation. “i can’t help it,” you reply, opening your eyes to meet his gaze. “you’re too perfect.”

he raises an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. “perfect, huh? i’m pretty sure that’s you,” he counters, pulling you closer until you’re nestled against his chest. you can hear the steady beat of his heart, and it soothes you in a way nothing else can.

“mmm, disagree,” you mumble, your words muffled against his skin. you press a soft kiss to his collarbone, feeling his arms tighten around you in response.

“well, we’ll just have to agree to disagree then,” he says, his voice filled with affection. he tilts your chin up, his eyes locking onto yours. “because to me, you’re the most perfect thing in the world.”

his words make your heart swell, and you can’t help but smile. “you always know exactly what to say,” you tell him, your fingers tracing patterns on his chest.

he grins, leaning down to capture your lips in a tender kiss. it’s slow and sweet, filled with all the love and adoration you both feel for each other. when he pulls away, his forehead rests against yours, his breath mingling with yours.

“i love you,” he whispers, his eyes shining with sincerity.

“i love you too,” you reply, your heart feeling like it’s going to burst with happiness.

you both lay there in the quiet of the night, wrapped up in each other. there’s nowhere else you’d rather be, and no one else you’d rather be with. as sleep starts to claim you once again, you feel jay’s hand entwine with yours, a silent promise that he’ll always be by your side.

and with that thought, you drift off to sleep, knowing that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be – in the arms of the person you love, and who loves you just as fiercely.

the morning light filters through the curtains, warming your face and gently pulling you from your sleep. you stretch, reaching out instinctively for jay, but your hand finds only cool sheets. your heart sinks a little, the emptiness beside you making you miss his presence. sitting up, you glance around the room, hoping to catch sight of him, but he’s nowhere to be found.

you slip out of bed, the floor cool beneath your feet as you make your way to the kitchen, following the faint sounds and the delicious aroma wafting through the apartment. there, standing by the stove, is jay, humming softly to himself as he flips pancakes. he’s wearing a simple t-shirt and sweatpants, his hair still adorably messy from sleep.

the sight brings an immediate smile to your face, and any lingering sadness dissipates. you walk up to him quietly, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind, resting your head against his back. he tenses for a brief second, then relaxes, a chuckle rumbling through his chest.

“good morning, sleepyhead,” he says, turning his head slightly to catch a glimpse of you, his eyes twinkling with affection.

“good morning,” you reply, your voice muffled against his back. “i woke up and you weren’t there. got a little worried.”

“i’m sorry, love,” he says, turning off the stove and setting the spatula down. he turns in your embrace, cupping your face in his hands. “i just wanted to surprise you with breakfast.”

your heart melts at his thoughtfulness. “you’re too sweet,” you murmur, leaning into his touch. “i guess i can forgive you if pancakes are involved.”

he laughs, the sound warm and contagious. “i’ll make it up to you, promise,” he says, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

“you already have,” you whisper, closing your eyes and savoring the moment. being with jay, you realize, is the best way to start any day.

you lean back slightly to look up at him, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and playful mischief. he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. “how about we sit down and enjoy these pancakes together?” he suggests, his voice soft and inviting.

you nod, your heart swelling with affection as he plates the pancakes, adding a touch of syrup and fresh fruit. he leads you to the small dining table, pulling out a chair for you before sitting down across from you. the morning sun bathes the room in a golden glow, making everything feel warm and magical.

as you dig into the fluffy pancakes, you can’t help but smile at jay, who watches you with a tender expression. “these are amazing,” you say between bites, savoring the sweet and comforting flavors.

“glad you like them,” he replies, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. “i wanted to do something special for you.”

“every moment with you is special,” you say sincerely, reaching across the table to take his hand in yours. “thank you for being you, jay.”

he squeezes your hand gently, his eyes reflecting the depth of his feelings for you. “and thank you for loving me,” he responds, his voice filled with emotion. “i can’t imagine my life without you.”

you share a quiet moment, the world outside fading away as you bask in the simple, profound joy of being together. the day stretches ahead, full of possibilities, and you know that as long as you’re with jay, every moment will be filled with love and happiness.


all right reserved. @hyuchuus 2024

Tags :
6 months ago
luumiinaa - ⋆ kpop fic recs ⋆
Love Is A Dog
Love Is A Dog
Love Is A Dog

love is a dog ᰔᩚ

warnings. smut, boyfriend!sungchan, established relationship, unprotected sex, play wrestling, half a size kink if you squint, i love sungchan!

wc. 4k

summary. despite never winning, you love play fighting with your big and strong boyfriend.

Love Is A Dog

You told him not to take it easy on you this time.

“Get off!”

“Get me off,” Sungchan laughs from above you, having you pinned to his mattress on your stomach. It’s all a game to him, and, technically, this is a game, but it’s a game you’re losing, so you’re not having as great of a time as you imagined. You scoff at his word choice, reaching behind you to swat pathetically at his side. You can’t even tell what parts of him you’re hitting, but you're making an impact. Barely.

“Let me roll over–”

“That’s not how wrestling works.”

“This isn’t wrestling. I’m your girlfriend.” 

Sungchan scoffs, blowing his lips together to make a “Pfft!” sound that makes you sigh.

“My girlfriend that literally asked me to wrestle and not go easy on her. You literally asked for this.” His hand presses harder into your back for a moment, making you whine and scrunch your eyes shut. The mattress began to feel unpleasant against your cheek even though the feeling of his weight on top of you felt nice. Really nice. Sungchan was so big and warm that even the smallest touch made you feel like you were on fire. Right now, you feel as if you’re in a burning building, suffocating on thick grey smoke, but you’re enjoying every second of it.

“I’m still going easy on you, by the way,” Sungchan adds after a beat of silence, “You couldn’t take me really not going easy on you. I think you’d break.”

“Oh shut up,” You huff, attempting to roll over once again but are blocked by your boyfriend’s weight on your back. You groan, hitting the sheets with your fist, hearing Sungchan laugh at your frustration. You momentarily lift your head from the bed, only to have him shove it back down immediately. You gasp at the sudden aggression, quickly reaching back to grab onto his thigh just to ground yourself for a minute. Your head was spinning, and your heart was beating a million beats per minute right in your throat, but you loved it.

The air shifts after that. Both of you feel it. You can’t help but to smirk slightly.

“You liked that…” You sing to him with a widening grin. He slides his hand off the back of your head to the middle of your back again as he inhales through his teeth.

“Yeah, you seem pretty into it too.” He begins to rock his hips against your bottom, and you let out a breathy moan. It's not a loud one, but he can hear it. His free hand finds its way down to your ass, squeezing gently before sliding his large calloused hands back to your hips. 

As his hands find their way to your hips, they instinctively tilt you up a bit, making the friction between your bodies increase tenfold. His fingers press into your flesh gently but firmly, and you let out a soft moan. You rub your lips together, looking up at the ceiling before looking back in his direction.

Sungchan squeezes your hips again, pushing up your shirt to reveal the landscape of your back. Instantly, you feel yourself get hot even with the cool air of his ceiling fan hitting your skin. You try to lift your head, but Sungchan shoves you back down, his full hand nearly taking over your face, making you gasp. You try to push against him and free yourself from his grasp, but he doesn’t budge, just chuckling as you squirm helplessly against his grasp.

You twist your hips against him, inhaling sharply through your teeth when you feel his cock hardening through his sweatpants. “You get hard so easily,” You huff with a chuckle, reaching back to grab his arm. Sungchan easily pins your arm behind your back, pressing himself harder against your ass in a desperate attempt to relieve some of the tension in his pants.

“Sorry, you’re hot.”

“You always get hard when we wrestle.”

“Yeah, well,” Sungchan shrugs, lifting his hand from your head to push your hair out of your face. “If you had a dick, you’d get hard wrestling with a hot girl too. Don’t act better than me.” He pulls you up by the back of your shirt with ease. You laugh at how easy it is for him to lift and toss you around, sitting on your knees and turning around to face him. When you look at him, a big and dumb smile takes over his face, brown eyes sparkling when he looks down at you.

You love how he looks at you like you’re the best thing to step into his life. You feel so overcome with love that you can’t stop yourself from shoving him back on the bed with a giggle, hearing him laugh when his back hits the mattress. You easily climb on top of him, reaching for his arms to pin him down, but he goes for your waist, wrapping his hands around you and tossing you on your back with ease. You try to recover faster than last time, but he’s too fast, too big, and demanding, immediately crawling on top of you and pinning your flailing arms above your head.

“Damn, two for two,” Sungchan teases down at you with a laugh. He leans down to presumably kiss you, but you turn your head with a whine. He clicks a tongue at your fit, letting go of one of your wrists to grab your cheeks and jerk your face towards him. He looks so ridiculous when he’s pissed. His dark brows furrowed, his thick lips frowning, you can’t help to chuckle at him. He shakes your face softly. You clench your thighs around his hips.

“Don’t be a brat,” He whines, his high voice not matching his mean face. You smirk up at his desperation, humming up at him and pouting your lips up at him. He whines again, pressing his hips against yours again. “Kiss me.”

You blink up at him like you don’t understand, a slow smile growing on your lips when he huffs at you again. You love his frustration. You just think he’s so cute when he’s frustrated. “You should’ve let me win if you wanted to kiss–” He slams his lips to yours, cutting you off swiftly with a hard and demanding kiss. You whimper into the kiss, brows knitting when he presses in deeper, his chest pressing against yours as he sighs into your mouth. Your body heats up again. He’s suffocating you, but in the best way. You love it when he nearly crushes you, taking what he wants because he can, and you’ll let him. You let him every time.

You feel his hips jerk into yours. You gasp at the collision but smile against his lips. You can feel his cock straining against his sweatpants already. It was never hard to work Sungchan up. You teased him about it often, which seemed to get him off more. He ruts his hips into yours again, an airy moan leaving his full lips as he does so. The shorts you’re wearing begin to drive you crazy, wanting to feel all of him with no barriers.

Your eyes flicker across his face before landing on him, humming softly. “Are we going to have sex?” You ask like it isn’t obvious, an excited smile growing on your lips as he mocks your humming, leaning in to take your lips against his again, biting your bottom lip softly.

“You wanna have sex with me?” He teases, giggling against your lips as he pulls back, allowing you both to laugh at full volume as you nod your head.

“Feel how wet I am right now. It's crazy.” You grab his wrist and put it on the hem of your shorts. He takes it from there, sliding his hand inside your shorts and dipping into your underwear. You bite your bottom lip when you feel his slender fingers against your folds, gasping quietly when he presses the tips of his fingers against your wet entrance with a groan. He looks down at his hand in your pants, groaning again at how the fabric moves because of his fingers.

“Fuck…All from me tossing you around?” You nod at his question, eyes fluttering shut the more his fingers trace and rub over your hole, gathering your juices to slick up his fingers. With practiced ease, his fingers slide up to your clit and rub circles into the sensitive nub, making your back arch up off the bed slightly as a moan escapes your lips.

“I like when you get all…It’s fun to see how strong you are.” You try to explain, but your brain is easily fogging up with euphoria, which makes you rutt into Sungchan’s hand for more friction. Sungchan chuckled at your confession, his eyes never leaving your face as he continued rubbing at your clit.

“You like how strong I am, baby?” You preen at the nickname, nodding as your eyes open to meet his gaze, smiling fondly at him as you do so. Sungchan licks his lips at the sight of you beneath him, his free hand taking your face into his hand and stroking your cheek with his thumb.

“And you’re throwing a fit about me getting hard,” Sungchan retorts, a low chuckle escaping his lips as he begins to spread your wetness around with slow, tantalizing movements. The feeling of you so wet and ready for him never failed to amaze him. “You’re just as turned on as I am.”

“I can’t deny that.” You smile at him, moaning softly when he slides a finger inside of you experimentally. He’s watching your reaction, his brown eyes intense and focused. “Seriously, we should wrestle more often.”

His response is a hearty laugh, his chest shaking beneath you. “I think I’d like that,” he murmurs, his thumb circling your clit lazily while another finger joins the first inside of you. His movements are slow and deliberate.

Your back arches off the bed, and you whimper again, feeling incredibly sensitive. It’s always like this with Sungchan – you’re always so responsive to him and eager for everything he gives you. “Sungchan…” you moan out his name, your voice thick with lust.

“Shh.” His other hand finds its way to your mouth, silencing any more protests that might have escaped your lips by sliding two fingers into your mouth. He’s so consuming, filling you from every place he could, making you practically melt into the mattress, moaning around his digits before sucking on them softly. The feel of his fingers inside you makes your head spin, and judging by the satisfied grin on his face, he knows it.

“Look at me,” he commands suddenly, a bit harsher than before. You obey instantly, looking up at him even as stars dance in front of your vision from the pleasure he’s giving you.

His gaze locks onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart falter within your chest. "That's it," he murmurs, his voice husky. His fingers are a constant pressure, curling and moving inside you in ways that have your eyes rolling back into your head.

But he doesn't want that; he wants you to watch him, wants to see the effect he has on you mirrored in your eyes as they stare back at him.

"I love seeing you like this," he tells you, grinning cockily. He pushes his fingers deeper, silently daring you to break eye contact. But you don't; you just whimper around the fingers in your mouth and take it, staring into his eyes as he stretches and fills you. “Just so pretty. All mine, too,” He whispers, ducking his head down to scatter kisses across your neck and chest, his fingers slipping from your mouth to hold your waist with a soft moan at how your skin tasted against his lips. Your fingers tangle in his silky hair, beginning to breathe heavier as his fingers continue to fuck into you with a newfound vigor. 

"More…" you breathe out in a heady whisper, one hand slipping down to cover his where it's still stroking over your clit in tight circles. Sungchan's deep chuckle vibrates against your skin before he obliges, sliding yet another finger inside of you, the stretch making you gasp and writhe beneath him. 

"Needy, aren’t you?" he teases.

You can only nod in response, the coil in your belly growing tighter and tighter with each delicious thrust of his fingers inside you. You feel your thighs tremble when he curls his fingers inside you, a long whine leaving your lips as you stare into Sungchan’s eyes. His jaw is dropped in awe of you, moaning softly and deeply at the obscene wet sounds coming from between your legs.

"That's my girl," Sungchan coos as he watches your face contort with pleasure. He loves every single one of your expressions – the way you scrunch your nose when you're trying to hold back a whimper, how your eyes flutter closed when he thrusts harder than expected. You’re an angel to him even when you claw and scratch at his arms.

He pulls his fingers back just to drive them forward once more, hitting that spot inside you that makes your body jolt with pleasure. His name is like a mantra on your lips, coming out in either soft whispers or high gasps. He bites his bottom lip when he hears you, dipping down to rest his forehead on yours to be closer to you. You can’t help but smile at the proximity, tipping your head up to nuzzle your nose against his with an airy giggle. Sungchan chuckles at your affection, kissing your forehead as his fingers continue to drill into you.

"Sungchan... please," you whimper, digging your nails into his forearms. You want– no, need – more of him. You want to feel him all around you, consume & take every bit of you until there's nothing left but him.

With a low chuckle, Sungchan gives a final swirl of his thumb over your clit before pulling his hand away entirely. You whine at the loss of contact, but it's short-lived when Sungchan murmurs, “I know, baby. I’ve got you.” You can almost see the smirk in his voice as he says it, your eyes too hazy with lust to notice anything but the presence of his warmth.

He moves away from you just for a moment, the sound of clothes rustling filling the room as he discards his own shirt and pants. He looks down at you, his eyes drinking in your disheveled state before his body blankets yours again. His torso pressing against yours, hard lines and warm skin meeting your softer curves, his fingers tracing light patterns over your hips as if he’s memorizing the contours of your body. 

His lips find yours in a searing kiss as he grinds down against you, the feeling of his length pressing into your bare thigh making you groan into his mouth. His hand slips between your bodies to align himself at your entrance, teasing you for a moment before pushing in with a low grunt. You whimper against his lips as his cock splits your walls open for him, brows knitting together at the way your body stretches to take him. He’s so big. Every time he fucks you, it feels like the first time. It’s mind-numbing. You can’t even imagine fucking another man after having Sungchan for so long. You swear he’s made for you.

"Look at me," he orders softly, his voice laced with need. His gaze is demanding yet tender as his hand takes your chin between his fingers to tip your head up. You let out a quiet sigh, opening your eyes to meet his gaze, unable to stop yourself from smiling at him. He’s so lovely, so warm. You feel nothing but love when you look at him. Sungchan bites his bottom lip to stop his smile from growing when he sees you smile, sinking himself further into you until his hips are flush against yours.

He stays still for a moment, letting you adjust to him. The both of you are panting heavily, your hearts beating in sync as you feel him throbbing inside you. There’s an unspoken conversation as you lock eyes, understanding each other without any words needed.

“Alright?” he asks, his voice a low purr against the shell of your ear that sends shivers down your spine. You give a nod, your fingers clutching onto his shoulders, silently urging him to move. Sungchan chuckles softly at your impatience, giving you a teasing nip on the neck before pulling back slightly and thrusting back into you with a slow yet forceful push.

A strangled moan escapes from your lips as pleasure washes over you. His every thrust is calculated - slow, easy, building up the sensation until it crashes over you like waves. Your mind goes fuzzy with pleasure, your nails dragging down his back as his pace increases.

“You’re so tight,” he grunts against your skin, his lips nipping against your collarbone. His hands roam your body like they’ve mapped out every inch of you – and they have. He’s marked every part of you in one way or another, claiming you as his own in every way he possibly can. You can only whine in response, and you can barely form words at this point.

"Faster, Sungie. Please," you gasp out between heavy breaths, and he complies without hesitation.

His hips snap into yours at an unforgiving pace now, hitting that sweet spot inside of you again and again. Your legs wrap around his hips tighter in surrender, pulling him closer. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, accompanied by your shared gasps and moans of absolute pleasure. His fingers dig into the flesh of your hips as he anchors himself, his teeth grazing your neck with each sharp thrust.

"Yeah? Like that?" he rasps, feeling an accomplished smirk spread across his lips when you respond with a hoarse cry and an eager nod. 

Sungchan pulls out almost completely, only to slam back in, squeezing your hips hard enough to leave bruises. You wince at the mix of pain and pleasure, your muscles clenching around him. It’s too much but not enough all at once. He always leaves bruises even when he doesn’t mean to. You have to wonder if he knows his own strength. Your world narrows down to him: Sungchan and his body on top of yours, his hands leaving trails of fire where they touch you, his cock filling you with every thrust.

The coil in your gut tightens further, warning you of the fast-approaching release. "I wanna cum," you whine desperately, your hand fumbling between your bodies to press against your clit. However, Sungchan bats away your hand with a low chuckle.

"Yeah? You wanna cum, baby?" he taunts with a laugh, replacing your hand with his own with a smirk. His thumb begins to stroke over your sensitive bud in teasing circles that make you buck your hips up into him. His pace increases, rougher now, almost punishing as he chases his own release.

Your name tumbles from his lips like a prayer, desperate and ragged as he feels himself on the edge. His words spur you on, encouraging you to chase after that high that's just out of reach. 

You nod vigorously, your eyes squeezed shut and a low moan rumbling up from your chest as he continues to move inside you. The friction between your bodies is almost too much to bear, the sticky heat coating both of you, making it impossible not to feel his skin slipping against yours. You're drowning in sensation, the world around you fading away as all that matters is this moment with Sungchan.

His thrusts grow more brutal and hard, his hips slamming into yours in a rhythm that matches the thudding of your heart. He's lost in this feeling, too, his mouth open with every breath that he sucks in between gritted teeth. The taste of you fills his mouth as he kisses and nips along your jawline and collarbone, leaving marks that will only remind you of this moment.

You push back against him, wanting more friction, more contact - like he's a part of you now, forever entwined together. His lips find yours again, hot and hungry as his tongue slips into your mouth to dance with yours. It's messy but perfect; it always has been with him.

Your nails dig into his shoulders harder now, urging him to go deeper or faster or harder - you can't tell anymore which one you crave more. The sound of skin smacking against skin echoes around the room, mixing with the wet smacks of your kisses and the ragged breaths you take together.

Sungchan tilts his head back suddenly, releasing your lips with a soft pop.

With a final slap of skin against skin, you both come together, your bodies shuddering and twitching as pleasure overwhelms you. His hips snap against yours with each thrust, lips parted in a silent scream of ecstasy while his thumb flicks over your clit in perfect rhythm. Stars dance before your eyes as you feel your core clench around him, milking him out with each contraction. Your walls flutter and spasm, trying to hold onto him until the very last moment when he groans deeply, filling you completely.

"Fuck," he mumbles as his hot load coats your insides, his lips brushing against your ear. His fingers dig into your hips, holding you tightly against the force of his release, making you moan loudly as you come apart around him. Your legs quiver beneath him, his weight pressing down on you as if to mark you as his own. Sungchan's thrusts slow down to soothe the aftershocks rocking through your body as he holds himself deep inside of you, you panting breaths mingling together in the quiet room.

Chest heaving and sweat forming on your skin where they touch, Sungchan pulls out with a soft whimper of displeasure from both of you. The cool air feels like a slap in the face compared to how heated you are inside and out. Your walls cling to him for one last moment before releasing their grip, leaving a trail of stickiness between the two of you. You let out a long exhale, still catching your breath, as he rolled off of you to lie beside you on the bed.

He places soft kisses along the marks he left on your hips and collarbone, a smile playing on his lips when he finds your eyes on him. You still struggle to catch your breath, head falling back with a laugh as you cover your eyes with your arm. You hear him laugh as hell, crawling back up to uncover your eyes and crash his lips to yours in a fiery kiss, both of you still smiling against each other’s lips.

“We should wrestle more often,” Sungchan jokes against your lips. You roll your eyes with another tired laugh, hitting his chest playfully.

“You need to let me win one time. ‘See what happens,” you tease with a raise of your eyebrows, watching him raise his interest with a cute hum before leaning in and pecking your lips once, twice, three times before pulling back and kissing your cheek. You can’t stop the giggles from leaving your lips as his arm wraps around your waist.

“Alright,” he says, his voice teasing and light. “Next time, I’ll let you win.” His hand comes up to brush a few strands of hair from your face, tucking them behind your ear with a gentle sweep of his fingers. You blink up at him playfully, daring him to hold on to that statement.

“Promise?” you ask with a twinkle in your eye. The challenge is unspoken but clear as day between you.


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6 months ago
My Reality Without A Guy Like Jaehyun

my reality without a guy like jaehyun 🥹

Fairytale Love

Fairytale Love
Fairytale Love
Fairytale Love

A fairytale love represents an unrealistic love in which people might fall in love at first sight or expect to live happily ever after. It's real though? That perfectly defines your relationship with Hyunjae.

pairing : boyfriend!hyunjae x gn!reader genre : established relationship, fluff, childhood bestfriends to lovers, proposal warnings : a bit suggestive? bc hyunjae is a menace but reader is as well, one curse word notes : it started from learning that hyunjae drives a mercedes (which is kinda hot to me) to just being whipped over the man! it's really all cute and i love it very much. enjoy!! words count : 2365

To say that today was an important day is an understatement. You have gone from childhood best friends to lovers to finally celebrating your fifth anniversary as a couple. It’s only fair that after spending your entire childhood together you now plan to grow old together.

Hyunjae is nothing but wild and mischievous and that’s what you like about him. The way he used to tease you in high school because he got better grades than you. Or the way he made fun of you at parties because you’re lightweight. Despite being the jokester, he’s always there for you. Sure, he scored higher on your last exam, but that’s only because you stayed up all night studying together. And whenever you got drunk at a party, he always made sure you got home safely, tucked into your bed with a kiss and a glass of water on the bedside table. He was always the sweetest. Not just to you, but especially with you. And you remember having the best time of your life with him. Sneaking out at night to go to the convenience store. Going to art exhibitions and laughing at how you could do the same, but still being in awe of the talent people have to create such works. Taking the silliest and cutest pictures together, trying all those trends like the couple picture where he had to pick you up only to fail miserably and laughing until you cried. The insecurities? The nights spent comforting each other and crying in each other’s arms from deadlines, exhaustion or heartbreak.

You can’t quite remember the moment you fell in love with him? Maybe it’s because you’ve always been in love with him, you just didn’t think your feelings were romantic until Eric called you out on it. You’ve been jealous before.

When you were 14, he came home with chocolates for valentine’s day and you were so pissed off that he accepted them. Shouldn’t he only accept your chocolates? It wasn’t fair! But on white day, he wrote you a sweet little letter, asking you to go on a picnic with him. Dressed in your prettiest outfit (maybe you wanted to look pretty for him, too, to impress him) you went to the meeting place to find him waiting for you with a bouquet of flowers, your favourite food and, of course, homemade chocolates. You weren’t so angry anymore.

You vaguely remember him telling you about his first kiss when he was 17. He had this huge crush on someone in his class and, as his best friend, you encouraged him to asked them out. When he called you later that night, you could feel the smile in his voice and that alone made your heart sink. But you eventually got over it when you started dating Sunwoo a few months later. Sunwoo was a breath of fresh air, he made you feel alive. You don’t regret dating him and you were really in love with him, you just happened to drift away when you couldn’t escape your feelings for Hyunjae. You’re still good friends and Hyunjae tends to be overprotective when you’re with him. Later in your relationship, Hyunjae told you that he was jealous of Sunwoo because he got all your firsts and saw you at your most vulnerable.

At 21, you were both single and not ready to get involved in another disastrous relationship. Hyunjae had started working as a banker, while your work at the dance studio took up all your time. Nevertheless, you decided to move in together, for the sake of convenience, friendship and bills. That’s when you met Eric and when things started to move.

“Sweetie, you don’t move in with your childhood bestie just because the rent is expensive and it’s close to your respective jobs,” he has said one Wednesday afternoon in between your dance classes.

“Doesn’t he need to pick you up every day too? Man, all he wants to do is show off his Mercedes and his girlfriend?” you would have slapped him for that.

“Really, think about it for more than two seconds. I know you’re in a kind of routine because you’ve known him all your life, but he’s more than your childhood friend, try to think of him as a man”

“I have seen the way he looks at you, I can tell he sees you as a person he wants to cherish and spend his life with, not as his friend. But again, if I’m wrong you can blame me for putting it in your head, and if I’m not… no need to thank me”

“You think so?” you replied after a while.

“You’ll still be best friends, it doesn’t change anything. I’m just saying he might want to kiss you too”

And true enough, you came home earlier that day, deep in your thought, not expecting to see his shoes at the door.

“Y-you’re home already?” he greeted you, stuttering. “You told me you had classes till 7”

“I gave them to Eric, wanted to think about something. But how come YOU’re already home?”

“Are you okay hon?”

Honey. Who calls their best friend a pet name? Isn’t it misleading?

“I’m fine, don’t worry. What have you been doing, it smells so good,” you said with a smile

“Oh, just dinner for us. Surprise, I guess?”

You were struck by the romantic setting of your apartment. Rose petals scattered on the table with a huge bouquet in the middle, dimly lit candles adding to the atmosphere and a gentle, relaxing breeze coming from the open balcony.

“I wanted my confession to be special,” he chuckles “but now that you’re here, I know that anything would have been fine since it’s you and me. And I want it to stay that way for a long time. I love you and if you allow me, I would like to be your partner”

“Idiot, we’re both idiots” you cried. “I’m yours Hyunjae, I always have been. I love you so much more”

Your first kiss was a little awkward but that’s ok because you’ve got a lifetime of kissing to do. You may have ruined his surprise, but you wouldn’t have it any other way, everything about you is spontaneous and beautiful, and this day was no different. In the end, you still can’t believe Eric was right.

So now, five years later, you’re getting ready to spend your anniversary in a fancy restaurant. You’ve travelled a long way to get here. And you wanted to make it even more memorable by proposing. Double check of your outfit : stunning make-up and hair, jewellery on top and accessories to match. The ring in your bag. Now all you have to do is look pretty and wait for your gorgeous boyfriend to arrive in his hot suit driving his even hotter Mercedes. You’re not one to brag about your possessions or hotness, but Hyunjae’s driving has always been a sight to behold. His habit of putting his left hand on your thigh, driving with the windows down and one hand on the wheel make you melt. Maybe you can just brag about that once in a while.

You hear the roar of his Mercedes engine from afar and you smile, knowing that soon he will come to the front door of your newly bought house and say “I’m home, love”. Then he will kiss you and ask you about your day. If he is tired, he will hug you a little tighter and longer, and if he has missed you a little too much, he will kiss you urgently even before taking off his shoes. You’re so used to the life you’ve built that you want your future to be exactly the same. With him. And children.

“I’m home, love!” There he goes.

“Finally! I missed you so much, I couldn’t stop thinking about being with you after you left”

The blush on his cheeks was even pinker than yours. And that has to do with the fact that you consumed your love this morning, as soon as you woke up.

“Baby, you don’t want to turn me on when our reservation is in half an hour, do you?”

“Oh, we did worse in less than thirty minutes when we were at my sister’s wedding,” you smirk

“Yes, we did, and I intend to take my time with you tonight. Let’s go hon”

After locking the door, he takes your hand in his to lead you to the passenger seat. Never one to disappoint a gentleman, he opens the door for you and makes sure you’re safely inside before closing it.

“Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

“Mhhhh several times already, but go on, I don’t mind hearing it again”

The restaurant is about fifteen minutes from home, which gives you plenty of time to discuss trivial matters such as how has been work for him, whether his colleagues are being annoying again, whether his workload is ok and when he might take time off for holidays (implicitly, your honeymoon). You had more freedom at the dance academy, so you never had any problems arranging schedules. Like today, you took the day off to be ready on time and do some work around the house. But Hyunjae always insisted that you could do whatever you wanted, he was the first to believe in you when no one else would and when you opened the academy, he was the proudest man alive. And yes, he helped with the funding. The two of you complement each other perfectly.

“A reservation for two under the name of Lee Jaehyun”

“This way” the waitress leads you to a table overlooking the sea, which you swear has been decorated in the same way as Hyunjae’s first dinner for you after his confession.

“It’s beautiful, thank you,” you don’t know if you said it to the waitress or to Hyunjae but you are in awe. Everything is perfect and you’re here with the love of your life to write a new page in your book.

“Have I told you how hot you are? I think it’s a crime to look so hot, even when you’re driving, I’m only human, you know? “

“I don’t think you ever have, but please tell me more often and maybe I’ll drive you more often if you like it so much”

“I like you,” you stick your tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes.

You eat in relative silence, if not for some jokes thrown haphazardly and quiet laughter as answers. You enjoy each other’s presence, bathing in the soft atmosphere given by the restaurant’s lights. You’re drawn to the sea; it looks calm and soothing, so you tell Hyunjae in between bites that you want to go there when you’re done eating. And this anniversary date couldn’t be more perfect. From starter to dessert everything was delicious, the kind of meal that satisfies the heart and mind. When you’re ready to leave, the waitress comes over to thank you. She also tells you how beautiful you are together; you radiate love and it’s hard not to notice how much you love each other. She wishes you all the best and you feel touched by her gesture. Hyunjae seems to feel the same way, as he bows one last time with a smile before taking you out.

“I can’t believe people see us like this,” he says once you’ve reached the beach

“Me neither, we’re so hopelessly in love with each other that we live in our own world and…”

“And people are happy to witness our happiness.”

“I think that is the greatest compliment anyone had ever paid me,” he nods and agrees

“Not even when I told you I loved your voice this morning?” you recall your morning escapade.

“Shut up,” you laugh and slap him

The two of you walk a little further along the fresh sand until you find a good spot to watch the sun set. It’s getting a bit cooler as it’s early april but Hyunjae’s arms find your shoulders to protect you from the cold breeze. You snuggle into his embrace, looking at his features more than the scenery. He’s really beautiful. And he’s yours. He grins when he feels your eyes on him.

“I know I am a whole landscape worthy of your attention but the sun is about to go down, baby”

You giggle again, so it’s time. Before you can get out of his arms, he puts his jacket over your shoulders and kisses you. Then you see the orange hue of the sky lighting up his beautiful eyes as he gets down on one knee. You gasp. He did not.

“Like I said five years ago, no matter what I’ve planned, no matter what time or situation we’re in, when it’s you and me nothing else matters. The sun is about to set, but my feelings for you are like a flame that that cannot be extinguished and that never stops growing. Maybe it's because of the fire you light in me every moment. I love you and I want to be the only one to love you for the rest of my life, for the rest of yours and for the rest of ours. Would you allow me to be your partner for life ? Would you marry me ?”

He did it. That idiot is smiling at you with bright eyes and a beautiful diamond ring in a velvet box. God you love him more than you’ve ever loved anyone.

“Idiot. I ruined your confession back then and you ruined my proposal today, now we’re even,” you can’t help the smile spreading across your face. “We’re both idiots in love, I love you and I’m still yours, will always be now”

It’s playful, the way you like it. In a way, he’s still your best friend, the best friend you’ll spend your life with. Except now, you kiss him more often, you get intimate and you will have children together. You love him so much, you could be living you own real fairy tale.

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6 months ago

i love a good domestic fic~~~ 🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

strawberry vanilla.

Strawberry Vanilla.

yeosang x reader

word count: 1k


you tiptoed out of bed after smiling at your sleeping boyfriend, taking about five minutes to successfully sneak out from under his arm.

you’d been out late last night, celebrating his birthday with him and the rest of the boys by eating chicken and singing karaoke until three a.m. it was the happiest you’d ever seen him, watching from your seat as his group members took turns serenading him.

he was embarrassed, cheeks red and hand covering his face, but you could tell he secretly loved it. loved the attention and the way the boys fawned over him, pinching at his cheeks and tripping over one another just to get to him.

but now you wanted your time with him, to spend a nice quiet morning with the sunshine and smell of strawberry pancakes you’ve been planning to make him for weeks. so with the instructions pulled up on your phone, you carefully laid out the ingredients and measured each of them perfectly; you didn’t wanna mess this up for him.

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6 months ago

♡ reblogging from my shadow-reader days ♡

Besties trauma-bonding together 😂

Jaehyun: Coming of Age


Characters: Jaehyun x female reader

Genre/warnings: soulmate au, body-switching au, college au, humor, fluff, slight angst, soulmate!jaehyun, best friend!mingyu, jaehyun’s best friend!johnny, every soulmate has a different ‘thing’, reader is celebrating her 18th birthday, jaehyun is a senior in college and reader is a freshman/sophomore, reader is shorter than mingyu, one mention of reader having her period but it doesn’t actively happen

Word count: 5,533

Summary: You knew everybody had a soulmate, and you knew what would eventually happen because of that. The way you find your soulmate is different for everyone, but the way you find yours has you thinking you’re in some 00′s teen movie because you wake up in the body of Jung Jaehyun.

a/n: a very, very, very, very late birthday present to one of my favorite people, @floodlitesc :] she gave me three options for people to write for, so I tried to incorporate a little bit of everybody somehow. but anyway, I hope you like it my lil sunshine!!! (also I apologize for any errors!!!)

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6 months ago
Girrrrrrrl, The Palpable Tension

girrrrrrrl, the palpable tension

·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· die for me | j.wy ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·

: : Die For Me | J.wy : :

or, when you spot a new face at a party, and he just seems to have you in a trance.

: : Die For Me | J.wy : :

general content: strangers first meet + fuck whoospie,,, alternative college reader (not really a big part of the story), bff yuta, yuta’s parties=jackson wang’s parties, drug usage (molly, weed, alcohol, other misc. drug mentioned but not taken or named), fucking on drugs (specifically weed, molly, and alc) (PLEASE do not do this), selective fuckboy wooyoung, NO race specific descriptors (skin colour, hair texture, etc.), NO body type specific descriptors (size of reader body parts, height, weight, etc.), once again pwop but shhh

⚔︎ sexual content warnings (explicit): a nasty ass spitting scene icl i am so (not) sorry, choking, bigdick!woo agenda (always and forever), stomach bulge, raw sex (do NAWT do this), he does pull out (but again pls practise safe sex), dom!woo, sub!reader, a singular punani slap, squirting, many pet names (angel, baby, good girl, etc), a cutie lil aftercare moment, lmk if i forgot anything :D 

~4.1k word count, 15 minutes

------------------------------ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ------------------------------ die for me - chase atlantic

a/n: dropping this because i saw atz live and lord wooyoung the man you are OOOOWEEEEEE MAMAAAAA k bye enjoy

: : Die For Me | J.wy : :

eyes painted black by your smokey eyeshadow, lids low and heavy from both your lashes and the fog of smoke circulating around the stuffy room. there was nothing quite like yuta’s parties; these parties were always packed with people from any and everywhere. you were a regular, every party thrown you were there, usually sat on the couch or outside getting some fresh air from the scent of alcohol and sex lingering. you have seen faces of people come and go over time; some are too innocent to be at this type of function, others who blend right in. 

the table in front of you is lined with every substance known to mankind. knowing the types of people there, you never take the unknown powders or tablets. instead, you and yuta had your own personal secret stash hidden in a locked room. you had been puffing on a joint for a while, and were starting to get antsy for something more, something euphoric. 

getting up from your spot on the couch, you start to make your way to the stash room, desperate for a different feeling other than the boredom on your chest. manoeuvring your way through the crowded sea of sweaty bodies, a new face caught your attention.

long black hair messily pushed back, exposing his ear filled with black crosses, a few loose strands framing his olive tanned skin. his hand came up to rub his lip, and you noted both the plushness of his lips and the shape of his hands, covered with black and silvers rings. he tilted his head to the side, slowly dragging his finger down from his lip, he softly furrowed his brows with a light smirk, leaning down even more to talk to whoever had his attention. 

“y/n!” a smack on your shoulder shook you out of your stranger-infused haze. of course, it was no other than the notorious nakamota yuta, the man who is somehow the best friend you have ever had. 

“you look too sober, want one?” he fished in his pants pocket, pulling out a little baggie with a few pills. of course, your favourite was there.

“you know me all too well.” you said with a smirk as you picked the blue molly tabs out of the baggie. just as you were about to slip one into your mouth, yuta stops you. 

“well well, look who actually made it!” yuta says as he dabs up the unknown presence beside you. turning to look, you see the unfamiliar face which had you in a daze. 

“i told ya i’d come, maybe i’ll even become a new regular.” while he was talking to yuta, you noticed his eyes lingering on you, drinking you in.

“care to introduce me, yuta?” the stranger asks, turning his body to face you, looking down at you with that same expression from earlier. 

“this,” yuta says as he throws an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in tight, “is my bestest friend y/n, and no, we’re not fucking.” punctuating his sentence with a warm kiss on your cheek. 

“y/n, this is jung wooyoung, resident fuckboy who doesn’t fuck.” 

with a confused look, you turn to yuta for any sort of clarification on what he just said. just as you turn your head, a girl comes up to the stranger you now identify as jung wooyoung. 

“there you go, you left me all alone.” the woman says with desire in her eyes, though poorly masked with a faux innocence. 

“as i told you earlier, i’m not interested, sweetheart. now why don’t you go find someone else who’ll fuck you the way you want?” a playful smirk across his face, but his words were dripping in a sweet condescending venom. the girl scoffs and walks off, muttering how it’s “his loss.” 

“that, my dearest y/n, is what i mean. he could get so much pussy but he acts like he’s better than the rest of us.” 

“what can i say, my dick is too good to just stick in anyone.” he says, flying a sly wink in your direction. shrugging off the interaction, you continue to where you left off, plopping the blue tab onto your tongue. before swallowing, yuta grabs his phone, and you stick your tongue out, taking a photo to add to the dozens of others. 

“before you swallow that…” wooyoung says, and before you could even respond, he stretches his hand out, splaying it across your throat. you feel his long, slender fingers grip the sides of your neck. gentle enough so you can breathe comfortably, but tight enough to make its strength known. his warm breath covers the side of your face, then right by your ear as his presence fills your senses.

“come on, be a good girl and show the camera.” he whispers in your ear, giving it a small lick as he pulls away.

abiding, you stick your tongue back out, now the tab a bit messy with saliva. you look up at the camera, tongue out and wet with a stranger’s large hand around your throat. 

“wow wooyoung, you might as well spit in her mouth at this point.” yuta jokes, but you knew his meaning was anything but humorous. if it was one thing about yuta, he always tries to hook you up with someone, saying maybe you wouldn’t be so “stuck up” if you got dicked down. deciding to play around, you turn to look at wooyoung, looking up at him with a rebellious hint in your eye, and he obliges. 

you watch as he put his lips together before slightly opening them, you watch as his saliva drips, blurring his mole placed oh so perfectly on his lower lip. his eyes are half-lidded as he watches yours with careful eyes, trying to decipher what you’re displaying. you feel as his cold spit lands on your tongue, you close and swallow, smally sticking out your tongue again so he can see it clean of materialised blue euphoria. 

then, he reaches for the bag yuta still has out in his hand, and picks out the matching blue tablet of joy. he pops in into his mouth and swallows it down as you watch his adam’s apple bob from the gulp. 

“i’ll be up there with you soon now.” he grins, excited for the euphoric plans, which include you, racing in his head. 

in front of you yuta laughs, “ah, well i know where you two will be later.” and he walks off, getting pulled away by a group of his friends. 

“you just let any guy spit in your mouth?” wooyoung asks, you’re spiking his interest, and he’s not quite sure as to why.

“depends if they smoke me out or not.” you smile, motioning to the lump in his front pocket. 

following your gaze down to his jeans, he chuckled dryly “how do you know that’s weed? maybe it’s something else.” he says seductively, trying to get your gears turning. 

standing on your tiptoes, letting your warm breath spread over his ear, you whisper “i’d hope you’d be bigger than that.” you mimic his earlier antics and lightly lick the shell of his ear before standing flat and walking back towards the couch without giving him a second look.

you’re back sitting on the couch, the effects of the molly slowly starting to take over, everything seems more vibrant and you start to feel hot, even with the little amount of clothes you have on. you feel the couch dip next to you, and it’s none other than jung wooyoung. 

“still wanna smoke?”

taking him up on his offer, he follows you to your room. 

“i thought this was yuta’s place?” the room is obviously not just a spare guest room, it was personalised just to you. 

“this is my home away from home, i’m still in college, you know.” you say, sitting on the bed covered in a plush pink blanket. the room is a stark difference from your attire, and most people are shocked when they go to your personal space. walls painted a light sage green, cherry blossom vines hanging from the ceiling, cloud lamps on the walls, sanrio and tokidoki plushies and decor everywhere. there was a large bookshelf filled with your favourite novels, manga, and decorated with figurines and other miscellaneous decor. 

your outfit tonight consisted of a mini black leather double buckled skirt and essentially a matching black leather belt as a top. you opted for platform boots, not too tall but chunky enough for your liking. messy black smokey eye and spiky lashes, a plump black and red ombre glossy lips with greyish contour sculpting your face beautifully. your hair was messy, yet matches the vibe of your look perfectly. 

“hm, thought there would be more skulls," he picks up a tokidoki plush and gives it a squeeze before sitting next to you. he pulls out his stash, and you offer him a rolling tray filled with the essentials to get started on the session. 

you watch mindlessly as he effortlessly starts to grind the bud, you notice his long fingers grabbing the purple flower and gently pressing it into your metallic pink grinder. 

“so, ya just gonna drool over my hands, or actually talk to me?” he smirks, turning his head to face you as his hands continue the process without supervision. 

“talk about what? i told you: you spit in my mouth, you smoke me out.” you say matter of factly, reaching to grab a water bottle on your nightstand. 

“so, what if i want to do it again, does that mean i get to see you for another session?’ he questions, now moving on to packing the pink blazy susan preroll. 

“depends, we’ll have to see how the rest of the night goes.”

“i guess i’ll have to prove it to ya, huh?”

finally, he finishes packing a few, and holds the joint up to your lips. you part slightly, letting him place it in between your glass lips as he holds up the lighter to spark it up. you inhale the sweet bitterness of it, doing a trick just to be funny. he laughes as he grabs it from your lips and starts taking his own puffs. 

when you are down to the last bit of the joint, you pass it back to him, as you do still have proper smoking etiquette. he takes his same hand from earlier and grabs your throat again, you feel his cold rings pressing into your skin, yet his fingertips seem like they were burning. 

“be a good girl and open up for me, yeah?” 

obeying his command, you slightly part your lips, and he takes a big inhale, finishing the rest of the joint. then, he moves his face close to yours, looking in your eyes for confirmation. once he sees your small nod, he presses his lips to yours, and blows the smoke into your mouth. he keeps his forehead against yours as you blow the smoke out of your mouth, causing a fog to shield your face from his. you see his mole stretch out as he smiles, putting out the roach. he still has his hand on your neck, and takes the other to cradle your face, thumb swiping over your lips, smearing your perfect lip combo. 

“you know, i don’t let people smoke my weed,” he whispers.

“and i don’t let people come in my room, or spit in my mouth,” you whisper back. 

a smile splays across your face, matching his. the hand that was once on your lips is now at your waist, circling ever so slowly lower to your hip. he moves both hands to either side of your hips, and shifts you to straddle him.

“you look really fucking hot in this outfit, but i think it would look better on the floor.” he sighs, hot breath wandering on your chest as his eyes are glued on your body. 

your response is undoing the buckle on your top, letting the metal cling as it falls to the floor. your breasts bounce as it is released from the tight leather material and he drinks the sight in. 

he takes the first move and closes the gap to capture your lips in a frenzied kiss. he takes your bottom lip in between his teeth and lets it pop out when you gasp for air. going back in, he licks the inner rim before fully indulging in the taste of you. your tongue traces his lip in where you remember his mole tattooed, then pushing in past his lips to explore each others’ mouths. his tongue feels hot and heavy in your mouth, swiping over everywhere it can.

you take your acrylic tipped fingers and lightly scratch underneath his shirt, lifting it slightly to reveal his tanned abs, glistening from the heat of the moment. you watch as his stomach rises and falls rapidly, anticipating your next move. you move your hands up to completely rid of his shirt, relishing in his perfectly toned stomach. you push him back on the bed, his head landing softly on a pillow. he pushes you up so you’re fully seated on his throbbing hard on. your skirt is so short that it’s just your thinly covered core grinding on his denim jeans. you lean down to press wet kisses along his jaw, down his neck, and across his broad chest. you wanted to take your time with him, get him a little antsy and worked up. but he had other plans, getting impatient, he flips you over, so you’re now underneath him; his entire body blocks your view of anything but him. you feel as a hand ghosts down your torso, leaving goosebumps in its wake. you arch your back so he can unzip your skirt that’s now bunched up anyways. peeling it down and off your body, he notices the dark spot on the seat of your underwear and laughs. 

“i haven’t even touched you yet baby, what’s got you so worked up?” he presses 2 fingers at the spot, causing you to forcibly suppress a moan. he hooks a finger and yanks your panties off, leaving you completely naked under him. you pull him by the belt to bring him closer to you. by now, the molly is in its peak, all the weed you smoked and alcohol you drank is catching up to you, and you’re feeling needier than ever. 

“what is it, hmm? tell me what you want.” he smirks, condescendingly caressing your waist. 

what you haven’t realised yet, is that he is feeling just the same as you. all the desperation, neediness, and lust is clouding his mind, just not enough for him not to toy with you for a bit.

“need you to fuck me, now, please.” you whine, desperate for his touch.

“how do you want me?” he cocks his head to the side, slowly starting to undo his belt and unzip his jeans. your hands hurriedly go in attempt to help him undress quicker. 

“hard, messy, sloppy, i don’t care. just use me, please.” you beg. your pupils are completely dilated now, throwing away all sense of pride and ego you had left. 

he laughs in your face, “drugs got us both messed up, just look at us baby.” by now, his jeans are undone, and his hands are stopped before pulling them down. with a sense of urgency, you push them down his thighs. he kicks them off along with his boxers, leaving you both basking in each other’s bare skin. you take a moment to take in the man above you. from his strong arms holding himself up above you, veins protruding out. his skin with a glowy sheen and soft toned abs breathing hard. his collarbones poking out, and even more veins pulsating along his neck. his lips slightly swollen and glistening from the quick make out earlier. 

as you’re stuck on his face, you feel something big and hard tapping at your dripping sex. finally looking back down, you see him gliding his dick between your folds, collecting your arousal and lubricating himself with your body. you moan and whine at the sensation, especially upon realising just how big and girthy he is; you’re preparing yourself for a stretch. 

he leans back down above you for a kiss, a sweet gesture to help guide you through the brief pain upon him finally entering you. you feel the initial stretch and cry into the kiss, mindlessly clawing at his biceps in attempt to ease the pain. he keeps nipping at your skin, littering it with kisses and whispering sweet nothings as he ventures further and further inside.

“you’re doing so well angel, just a little more for me, okay?” you whimper and nod, mind already becoming even more empty the more he pushes into you. once he’s fully inside, he gives you a moment to adjust, lightly massaging your stomach to soothe you. in the midst of your mind floating away, you hear him chuckle, and you open your eyes to his glued on your stomach. 

“look pretty girl, you feel how deep i am in you?” he presses firmly and you can feel him in your guts. you follow his gaze down and see his hard imprint in your skin. you start moving your hips, needy for some movement and friction. 

“fuck baby, not yet.” he groans, feeling your movements. you feel heavenly wrapped around him, and he hasn’t even started moving yet. he was planning on taking his time with you, he wanted to savour this moment and leave with you both wanting more. he was hoping this wouldn’t be a one time thing, he wanted to fuck you with a bit more empathy than he did his other girls. he wasn’t sure why, but liked you, and he wanted to show you. 

but, some things just don’t go according to plan. 

he starts to hear your whines and pleads, “i can take it, don’t go easy, pleasepleaseplease.” 

at this point, you’re grabbing at his hips, trying to get him to initiate any type of movement. from the way your eyes are getting wet with tears, your begging words, and the way your body is antsy trying to get some friction, it doesn’t take much more for wooyoung to start viciously pounding into you. 

you feel the sudden movement in your stomach, and your eyes roll back from relief from finally getting some release. every time he draws back in you feel the shaft of his lengthy cock drag against your clit. you sit up slightly to watch as he spreads your lips open, exposing the nastily messy scene of his dick entering you over and over and over again. just as you’re in another daze of watching the obscene sight, your head is forced back down onto the bed. you look up to see wooyoung with his hand around your throat, for the third time tonight, and his face painted with a cocky grin. 

“i must not be fucking you good enough if you can still move,” was all he said before bringing both your legs up to dangle from his shoulders. your thighs are pressed firmly against your torso, pushing your breasts together and making them jiggle even more from the compression. your ankles lay on either side of his neck, your metal anklet clashing with his necklaces. in this new position, you feel him even deeper, and you let out a load, almost pornographic, moan at the new sensation. he starts thrusting even harder, deeper, and you wonder if you could ever get over it, over him. 

who was this mystery man? and why did you let him fuck you so easily? yeah, you could blame it on the alcohol, blame it on the weed, most likely blame it on the molly. but nevermind that, because right now, you’re thanking whatever god there is above for letting you cross paths with jung wooyoung tonight. 

but when you feel a harsh slap! on your clit, and your teary eyes become hypnotised by the swing of the silver cross dangling from his neck, you start to think that the god that is supposed to be way up above, is literally right above you. 

and you just might get down on your knees are start worshipping jung wooyoung every night. 

all you can feel is him, your senses are filled with his touch, his gaze, his warmth. he gets down on his elbows, closing the distance between you to initiate another kiss. you were so out of your mind at this point, lazily and messily kissing him back. you feel saliva drip down your chin, not sure if it’s from you or him, but you couldn’t care less.  

he pulls away from you, and starts sucking on your skin, sweet and salty from your sweat, leaving hickeys in its wake from your jaw to your neck to your chest. 

“look at you, taking me so fucking well.” he whines, punctuating each word with a hard thrust. 

all you can do is nod and moan out his name. the name of wooyoung is being burned in your throat from the chanting, all while the shape of his dick moulds your insides just for him.

you’re starting to feel the build up, feeling so, so close to finally feeling the sweet release you’ve been craving all this time. feeling you starting to clench repeatedly along his member, he goes impossibly quicker, chasing his release as well. he sits back up and reaches a hand down to rub firm figure eights on your throbbing bundle of nerves. 

taking one last look at him before completely losing your mind, he truly does look like a god. the warm cloud lights backlights him and makes him look larger than life. he has his other palm pressing into your stomach, and you feel something a bit different about this orgasm than your others. 

“f-fuck, wooyoung, gonna, ah!” you try to warn, but it only motivates him to keep up his antics. 

“gonna what? gonna cum all over my cock like a good girl?” he teases before starting to whine himself. you just keep squeezing him oh so right, and he needs you to come undone before he does. 

like your body was under his beck and call, which it basically was, you scream out his name, and feel your hips shake as you finally come undone. everything goes blank for a second, and you feel his hips stuttering as he finishes right behind you, releasing on your stomach and sputtering on your abused sex. 

“look at you glacéing me.” he says, looking down at your release coating his abs and cock all over.

you tilt your head, slowly coming back to reality, “glacé?” you ask in a confused daze. 

“a sugar coating, you taste so sweet.” he smiles, swiping a finger across his stomach and tasting you on his tongue. 

it was only now you realise... you just squirted all over him.

he just grins as he takes your face in his hands, and smothers you with kisses until finishing with a sweet, passionate kiss on your lips.

he grabs a tissue from your nightstand to gently dab you somewhat clean. 

“let me run you a bath, yea? let’s get you all nice and clean for bed.” he picks you up, and brings you to your attached bathroom. 

he runs hot water, and notices a bottle of rosewood vanilla soap. naturally, he pours a bit under the running spout, creating a pleasant faint aroma and bubbles. 

as he goes to help you in the tub, you grab his arm, “get in with me?’ 

and when you give him those eyes, the ones that have just a hint of longing and hope, he just can’t say no. 

he sits behind you in the tub, taking your washcloth and softly cleaning your body of the sweat from your escapades. he even reaches for your makeup remover wipes and gently wipes your face clean. the feeling is calming, him behind you, humming song after song in your ear as he cleans you off. 

out of the tub, he dries you off, and even makes sure to apply moisturiser to your face before placing you back on the bed. rummaging through your drawers, he finds one filled with soft little silk slip dresses. he picks out a black one with a simple red rose in the middle. he finds your underwear drawer as well, and picks out a pair of comfy cotton ones to go with it. he dresses you as you lie back on the bed, half asleep by the loving night routine he has provided you. he goes back to your drawers, and chuckles as he finds a pair of boxers, obviously yours, as they were tokidoki and a bit too girly. he slips them on and glides into bed next to you. your sleeping body immediately finds his, and you wrap yourself around him.

you two will talk about this in the morning, but for now, it was a different sense of euphoria as you drifted off in his arms.

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6 months ago
Ahh, Mr Park Jongseong Is Dreamy As Ever

ahh, mr park jongseong is dreamy as ever

while you were sleeping

summary: jay thinks he loves you best when the two of you are back together in the early hours of the morning.

notes: hi hi! totally messed up on my taglist and didn't realize i couldn't differentiate who wanted to sign up for what taglist. i'm sorry if i tagged you here and you only request my smau - please do let me know if you'd like to be removed and i'll rectify it, no hard feelings or questions asked! x

enjoy this short lil slice of life au

warnings: tooth rotting fluff

add yourself to my taglist !!


While You Were Sleeping

When Jay looks down at your still figure after he’s awoken, he’s not surprised to see that you’re still sleeping. 

It’s endearing, the way your cheek is pressed against the side of his arm and the way your lips form a small pout. He’s impressed at the way the two of you have managed to somehow cling to each other in your slumber. Your hair’s rustled from a good night’s sleep and he doesn’t have the heart to wake you up. 

Jay presses a chase kiss to your temple and refrains the urge to laugh at your stone-like figure, opting to swing himself over the bed and get ready for the day. He’s no stranger to late nights and early mornings; his sleeping schedule is far beyond the point of saving and he knows there’s no use staying in bed when he isn’t planning to sleep. 

When he emerges from the bathroom, you’re still sleeping in the same position you were when he first woke up. Jay looks at you from the foot of the bed and tilts his head as if he's inspecting you, and he might as well be with his laser focus on the subtle movement of your chest rising and falling against the soft mattress below you. 

It’s not every day he gets to wake up with no alarm and with you sleeping beside him. Jay savors days like this where all he worries about is what time to start cooking breakfast to the time when you wake up. But he knows you’ll subconsciously emerge from his bedroom when the smell of the meal he’s preparing begins to echo throughout the dorm rooms. That, he knows for sure. 

Like clockwork, Jay pulls the ingredients to make a simple, warm breakfast when he closes his bedroom door shut behind him. Jake is barely awake with Jungwon on the couch in the living room when Jay begins to scroll on his phone for recipe ideas with the ingredients they have in their fridge and pantry after a last minute shopping trip. Neither of the two boys acknowledge Jay’s presence beyond a slow nod, with Jungwon rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with no luck. 

Jay’s lucky, in a sense, that jetlag doesn’t affect him too much when he returns home. He’d love to think it’s because he’d rather fight his body to stay awake in order to spend time with you until he’s whisked away on another flight to a different country. Phone calls and texts are frequent between the two of you, but it’s never enough. 

Heeseung and Sunghoon join the others on the couch and Jay’s sure he must've woken up Sunoo with the accidental bang of metal bowls. Riki’s the last to emerge, appearing slightly more awake than the rest of his members, but all six of them sit wordlessly around the common area on their phones or watching the television. 

The best thing Jay can whip up is a simple American breakfast–pancakes, eggs, and bacon with fresh fruit on the side–from the groceries you had so graciously offered to buy before they returned home. Jay had told you to buy enough to cover one meal for the next morning to survive the massive jetlag all seven of them were about to experience, but you’d gone a step beyond and had replenished their fresh fruits and small desserts as a form of a welcome home gift. It feels comforting to eat strawberries in the comfort of his own home as opposed to tasting it on extravagant cakes in some European city he’ll return to only for work. 

“Smells good,” is the only thing Heeseung says before gulping down a large glass of water. His voice is hoarse from the months spent on tour and promotions, and Jay knows how tired the eldest must be if he isn’t willing to crack a joke or two. 

Jay takes one look at his bedroom door to see that it’s still closed as he left it. He considers himself wildly lucky to have someone as compassionate and as kind as you in his life; his career path leaves little room for mistakes and the culture around dating as a public figure leaves a bitter taste in his mouth when he thinks about the beginning of your relationship. Jay doesn’t enjoy hiding you, nor does he like the fact that he isn’t free to talk about you without a moment’s notice. But you reel him in and you’re the one who reminds Jay that the world doesn’t need to know about your relationship in order for it to be real. 

Still, he thinks he asks too much of you when he kisses you in a secluded area of the airport or when he has to rush you backstage before his shows begin. 

Jay is sure the fans pick up on his changed behavior. He’s hesitant to hold hands with people he meets unless they ask him to. He ignores fan-made signs with flirtatious comments out of respect for your relationship. It irks him when journalists ask the group about their respective love lives because he can’t talk about you. Jay talks like he knows a thing or two about a thing or two, and he tries to ignore the comments on his livestreams when he converses a little too much about the meaning of love and happiness. 

His favorite moments with you are when he gets to walk around the city with a mask on his face and his hand in yours. For just a day, he can be a regular person on the streets of Seoul parading around the love he has for the person he’d love to call his life partner someday. He can make you flush in public and say things in your ear that’ll make you grab his arm just a little tighter. Jay can pretend he’s a normal twenty-year-old-something navigating his first serious relationship with the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with. 

But he also loves it when you get to travel with him and watch him perform from the crowd in a country you’ve always wanted to visit. You always insist on it and he does his best to reserve a spot for you where you’ll be able to experience his concert like the dedicated fan that you are. He loves that you meet him backstage just moments before the encore, too, and he loves when you give him a short kiss before he’s wanted back onstage to say one final goodbye to an adoring crowd that chants his name at any given moment. Jay’s proud of his work and he’s elated to know you’re proud of it too. 

His thoughts are interrupted when he hears his bedroom door creak open, after he’s put the last pancake on your stack and as he pulls the bacon to fry. Jay looks behind him temporarily, your sleepy figure wrapped in a throw blanket approaching him with a blank stare as if you haven’t had a single thought in days. 

You look cute like that. 

“Morning,” you mumble into his back with your face pressed against the fabric and your arms around his middle. You leave room enough for Jay to maneuver without having to pry your arms off of him. 

“Hi, sleepy girl.” Jay moves his head and kisses the part of your head he can reach before shifting his focus to the task at hand. “Sleep well?” 

“Like a baby.” He hears you yawn. “But you were gone when I woke up.”

“Somebody needs to feed you,” Jay chides with a smile on his face. He feels you return his smile against his back. 

“Whatever you’re cooking smells really good, baby.” 

Jay thinks he might combust with the extra squeeze you give him. It’s been nearly three months since he was able to feel you cling onto him like this. 

“Oh, yeah? I picked up a few tricks from the hotel’s chef while I was abroad.”

“Like what?” 

“I shouldn’t turn the heat up too high when cooking thin meat like bacon and scrambled eggs have better texture when you leave it sitting for a few minutes.”

“I love having a personal chef.” 

Jay chuckles deeply. You press a long kiss to his back and he closes his eyes for a brief moment. 

“Almost done,” he promises, dropping the last bit of bacon for the two of you onto a plate before turning the head off. 

“Oh shit, that bacon smells so good.” 

Sunghoon emerges from behind him and eyes the meat that’s still steaming underneath the kitchen light. Jay swats his hand when it gets too close to the bacon, but he inevitably draws the attention of the other members who are now more awake than they were twenty minutes ago. 

“Those pancakes look good,” Riki comments. You’ve let go of your boyfriend by now, who is actively trying to pull away the breakfast he’s made for just the two of you.

“Yah,” Jay says. “You guys can make your own breakfast. This one’s for me and my girl.” 

“But it smells so good and I might die of hunger,” Jungwon dramatically wines, stomach growling as if on cue. 

While Jay is bickering with Jake, who has taken it upon himself to scope through the fruit Jay has cut for you, you’ve stolen a decent-sized pancake and begin to tear it into pieces. You hand one to Riki, and then to Sunoo who has waited quietly behind the taller boy, and then to Jungwon, who looks at you as if you’ve saved him from starvation. The four of you munch on the sweet pancake while the other four boys begin to raise their voices until Sunghoon points at the four of you silently eating in front of them. 

“You wound me,” Sunghoon accuses you, hand dramatically clutching his chest when he realizes what you’ve done. “After all we’ve been through?” 

“They were hungry,” is your only defense. 

“This is preferential treatment,” Jake begins to argue with a pout.  

Heeseung’s busy putting pieces of bacon in his mouth the moment Jay looks away from the sizzling plate. It’s too late by the time the young chef realizes what’s happening. Before he knows it, half of the breakfast he’s dedicated his morning to cooking is in the stomachs of people he had not intended to feed. 

Jay looks at you with an apologetic smile despite knowing you were the one who instigated this predicament. Wordlessly, you pull the used metal bowl from the sink and rinse it before beginning to make more pancake batter. You silently coax Jay into frying up more bacon by bumping his hip with yours. 

Jungwon’s the first to thank you. He leans his head down to rest on your shoulder for a few seconds before Sunoo does the same to your other. They both leave as Riki tugs your shorter body into his from behind and lets his cheek rest against the crowd of your head, mumbling a quiet gratitude as you whisk the batter. 

Jay merely looks at you in awe after Riki detaches himself. You’re concentrating far too hard on not spilling the sweet mixture on the counter as the boys resume their time in the living room with Heeseung asking if any of them would like to play a video game while you two cook. 

“I love you,” he says before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. 

The kiss itself is over quicker than he’d like, but you look at him like he’s the only person in the room. 

“Come on,” you say, bumping your hip with his again. “We’ve got kids to feed.” 

*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚

taglist: @junsflow @jeongintwt @fantastichoagieuniversityhairdo @h4918ymc @justletmereadokay @makiswrld @ziakzing @who-tf-soddhi @baevsxii @en-dream @strawberrysavi @cloudyseokjinx @winuvs @2interrwonw @222.palesa @bubblytaetae @ariadores @shu-aa @Enhypensbestie @hyunjisungct @nxzz-skz.

so sorry to anyone who tumblr wont tag ):

*✧・゚─────────── *✧・゚

note again in case you missed it: hi hi! totally messed up on my taglist and didn't realize i couldn't differentiate who wanted to sign up for what taglist. i'm sorry if i tagged you here and you only request my smau - please do let me know if you'd like to be removed and i'll rectify it, no hard feelings or questions asked! x

Tags :
6 months ago

the dreaded aunty chats, be so relatable 💀 🫶🏼 jiung though, greenest flag all around 🫶🏼

cookies, necklaces and pigtails

Cookies, Necklaces And Pigtails
Cookies, Necklaces And Pigtails
Cookies, Necklaces And Pigtails

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ non-idol bf!jiung x reader ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅

♡ genre/warnings: (very self indulgent) flufffffff

♡ summary: jiung, the ever-loving, sweet boyfriend, meets your extended family for the first time. whilst the rest of the family has reservations against him, your four year old cousin is already a huge fan (read: he may or may not have promised her chocolate chip cookies).

♡ word count: 2,327 words

♡ a/n: thank you sooo much to @hyungseos-cafe for making the moodboard that inspired this :))


The sun was shining warmly on the well-kept garden beyond the kitchen windows, providing the roses and herbs your aunt tenderly cared for with some much-needed light to grow and flourish. Your head rested on your palms, watching a stray butterfly breeze past before stopping to admire the white roses. You knew you should’ve been paying attention, but your aunt has been going on and on since the mains were served, so you let her faux-saccharine words slip past you: in one ear, out the other.

You tried to subtly twist your head around in search of your boyfriend, but you didn’t have to look too hard – Jiung stuck out like a sore thumb. His bleached, grey hair bobbing up and down as he helped your mother with the dishes, sleeves of his freshly steamed jacket rolled to expose his lithe, veiny forearms. His eyes met yours for a brief moment, and he flashed you an apologetic smile, wordlessly urging you to return your attention to your aunt. After all, he was always the more sensible, responsible and mature one out of the two of you. The exchange only lasted a few seconds though, before his attention was pulled away by your mother. You only caught a glimpse, but you could tell your boyfriend was listening attentively to her, respectfully nodding at all the right places and providing insightful answers. He was such an angel.

Your attention was torn away by your aunt. “Y/N,” she called your name sternly and you cringed. Even your mother had stopped using that particular tone on you years ago.


“Are you even listening? Daydreaming again, aren’t you?” She sighed, as though you had dragged your family’s honour through the mud, yet again. “First, you take a break from school. Now, you’re dating that boy? Tell me, are you even serious about him?”


“Don’t Imo me! I’m asking because it’s what everyone else wants to know as well. They’re just too afraid to ask you about it. So? What’s your answer?”

It was your turn to sigh this time, rolling your eyes for added effect. Why did your family always have to be like this? “Yes, I’m serious! What makes you think I’m not?”

Your aunt tsked in response. “Young love. You will understand when you’re older. You think love will last forever, just because he promised you the world, then one day he wakes up and realises that actually, he doesn’t love you anymore. These things never last, Y/N. Trust me – especially not when they look like that.”

You had to summon all your willpower to not react impulsively in a physical way, fists coming under the kitchen bench to ball into tight fists. Why on earth were your relatives treating your boyfriend with such disrespect when all he ever did since stepping past those doors was be respectful and helpful and friendly? He even went above and beyond by insisting on buying pastries for dessert, to help set up the picnic tables outside and was even washing the dishes. You were fuming on his behalf. “Thanks… for the advice, Imo. If you’ll excuse me, I have to use the bathroom.” You gritted your teeth, pushing the words out your mouth as you spun quickly on the balls of your feet, eager to get out of the conversation before you said something you couldn’t take back.

On the way to the bathroom, you spotted your boyfriend wiping his hands on a kitchen towel as your mother busied herself with arranging dessert. You hurriedly informed her that you were stealing your boyfriend from her as you grabbed his wrist, pulling him in the direction of the entertainment room.

Your boyfriend complied easily, knowing that something was up the moment you stepped foot into the house. Family was always a touchy subject for you, he knew that much. You got along well with your parents, especially since moving out. Being an only child, the distance certainly helped prevent you from getting smothered by your parents’ love and attention. However, your extended family was a whole different story. Today was the annual family gathering to get your mum’s side of the family together, and you dreaded it every year, like clockwork. Having moved out of the bubble your mum’s family grew up in when you were in primary school, you found it more and more challenging with each passing year to relate to any of your relatives. You found it even harder to put up with their neverending nosiness and nagging.

You’d been to this house many times since your infancy. You knew that as the adults gathered around the dining table and kitchen area, the kids preferred to play amongst themselves outdoors in the garden, leaving the rest of the spacious house empty. 

You breathed an audible sigh of relief as the two of you entered the empty entertainment room hand in hand. You turned around, launching into a rant, “Jiung, I’m so sorry – I know I warned you, but I should’ve seen this coming. It’s just, they’re so, urgh! They’re so annoying! This happens every single year. If it’s not – how did you do in school, it’s – which university did you apply to or what major are you studying. Then it was – what do you do for work, and do you have a boyfriend, or when are you getting married, just…” You sucked in a breath through your teeth, fingers pinching your nose bridge and closing your eyes to compose yourself, trying to contain your frustration. 

As you took several deep breaths, you felt your boyfriend snake his arms around you, his familiar scent mixed with aftershave infiltrating your senses. You could even make out the faint aroma of chocolate chip cookies lingering on his clothes, the aftermath of his brief baking session with your mother. You could feel your tense limbs loosen slightly.

“Y/N,” He said your name, and it made your legs feel like the green and red bits of Jell-O resting in the fridge, waiting to be devoured by your kid cousins. You felt yourself melt even more in his arms as he lightly pressed his pillowy lips against your forehead. “It’s fine, really.”

“But…” You replied in nothing more than a mere whisper. “I feel bad… We were meant to have a relaxing long weekend away at my parents’, who, by the way,” your fingers came to play with the silver necklace hanging around his slim neck out of habit. “Thank goodness – are perfectly normal. How could I forget that we had to visit the rest of the family this weekend?” You huffed, lips forming into what Jiung thought was the most irresistible pout. You were clearly disappointed that your weekend away had not gone as you imagined.

“It’s definitely okay. Besides,” He paused to tug your bottom lip out of the pout and tuck your fringe behind your ears. “I like making cookies. And your mum and I make a good dishwashing team.” Jiung gave you one of his smiles, the ones that make your insides feel all warm and fuzzy, and you couldn’t help but return it with a gummy smile of your own. He always seemed to have this sort of effect on you, always able to disarm your short fuse and bring you back down to earth with a warm touch and a tender smile.


“Oh?” The two of you have never pulled away so fast, basically separating from each other at the speed of light. 

“Looks like we have a visitor.” Jiung announced, turning towards the entrance to find your youngest cousin, a little four year-old girl dressed in a pink princess dress and pigtails. “Hello, little one.”

“Oppa!” You could tell the little girl, Haeun, was way more interested in playing with your boyfriend than you. “Cookies!” That must’ve been why. Jiung told her he was baking cookies with your mum after family lunch, which clearly piqued her interest.

“They’re not ready yet, little one. Do you want other desserts instead? We chopped up some fruit earlier as well.” Jiung replied in a soft voice that was gentler and sweeter than usual. You smiled, watching as he lowered himself to her height, approaching her with a tiny wave, which she returned.

“No fruit, I want cookies.” She replied adamantly.

“I see stubbornness runs in the family.” Jiung teased under his breath, soft enough only for your ears. You laughed in response as you looked around for something to preoccupy your baby cousin. It was an entertainment room after all, surely there would be some books, or a soft toy…

“What’s that?” Haeun asked, curious.

“What’s what?” Jiung replied, now sitting cross-legged next to the girl. You could practically hear the smile in his voice. It seemed like your youngest cousin had your boyfriend wrapped around her little finger.

“This one, it’s shiny!” She took a few quick steps towards him before collapsing and melting into his outstretched arms, fingers coming to grab at the sparkly pendant of his necklace.

It was your second anniversary gift. Jiung had always liked jewellery, and would occasionally talk about how he’d always wanted to wear more accessories but didn’t know how or where to start curating pieces to match his outfits. You offered up your own collection of silvers and golds, but opted to get him a silver necklace when he graduated from borrowing your rings and necklaces (in reality, he had misplaced one too many chains and you were starting to run low) – his had a silver sun pendant, while yours was a matching gold. 

“Oh, this?” He glanced down at the pendant. “It’s a sun. Y/N has a matching one. She got it for me as a present.”

“Bingo!” You cheered as you found a bunch of crayons held together with hair ties and a few pieces of paper (you didn’t question it, knowing that your aunt had two toddlers herself which threatened her vision of running the perfect, tidy household). “Do you want to draw a necklace for yourself, Haeun?”

She nodded happily, running over to you and plopping down on the floor. The three of you gathered together and began to pick out your favourite crayon colours. As you settled on drawing and colouring, you pretended to hide your artworks from each other if one of you dared to sneak a glance at the other’s, leading to several fits of laughs and giggles.

Haeun, ever the observant child, noticed that your boyfriend kept having to brush his hair away from his face while his lanky body was hunched over his drawing. She reached out with grabby hands and tried to comb chunks of his silvery locks into a makeshift ponytail. 

You could see her vision, and couldn’t help but to smile at the sweet interaction. “Here, let me help.”

“Hmm?” Your boyfriend looked up at the two of you, slightly confused.

It wasn’t like it was his first rodeo. You often held his hair back with a headband before cooking or washing his face, and sometimes tied his hair up for him when he was busy doing work. With Haeun working on one side and you on the other, you two girls fashioned Jiung’s hair into two (slightly mismatched) pigtails.

After a few more minutes of silent colouring, “I’m done!” Haeun declared, setting down her crayon. She held out her masterpiece, exhibiting it excitedly to you and your boyfriend. “See, it’s us!”

Indeed, your baby cousin had drawn you and your boyfriend, holding hands, and a little girl next to them, in a pink dress much like the one she was currently wearing. All three of you had bunny-looking ears, presumably to match the pigtails, and matching necklaces. You and Jiung showed her your artwork, but unanimously agreed that Haeun’s was the best out of the three. You made a mental note to go necklace shopping for her later today.

“Haeun! Haeun?” The voice of her mother, your younger (and favourite) aunt, filtered through the hallways.

“She’s in here!”

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I thought you were outsi – Oh!” Your aunt stood at the doorway, pleasantly surprised at how well-behaved her active daughter was. “You got her to sit down. Great job guys!”

“Look, mummy! We drew some pictures!” Haeun ran towards her mother’s feet, passing her the drawing before hugging her feet.

“Wow, you did a great job, sweetie! Are those necklaces?”

“Yes, oppa said eonnie gave it to him as a present.”

The two of you stole glances at each other, feeling shy all of a sudden.

“Did she? Well, your Y/N eonnie must like Jiung oppa very much. Speaking of which,” Your younger aunt turns towards you and Jiung. “I think she’s disturbed the two of you enough now. I’ll distract her with some cookies so you two can get some alone time.” She flashed a knowing smile, and you had to fight the urge to combust in embarrassment.

“We had lots of fun playing with her, imo.”

“Oh, I see she’s done your hair too! And the necklaces, you’re wearing them. Ah, young love,” She sighed wistfully. “How adorable.”

“Cookies! Mummy, I want cookies!”



“So, how many do you want?” Jiung asked under his breath, feigning nonchalance whilst his lips worked itself into a sheepish grin.

“How many what?” You asked, distracted. You were trying to find the covers for takeaway containers amongst the pile of dishes.

“Kids, of course.”

A soft clang echoed throughout the now-empty kitchen as you dropped the empty container. Your cheeks reddened so much that when Jiung turned around to check on you after a long silence, he had to cool them down with his hands, which were freezing cold from handling the ice box.

“Too soon?” He couldn’t help but tease, chuckling to himself at your stunned expression.

You nodded.

After a few beats, you whispered, “two, maybe.”

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6 months ago

who pulled out the onions 😭


pairing : heeseung x reader (ENHYPEN)

genre : angst with a bit of fluff. bittersweet. one-shot. 

warnings : nostagia. war is mentioned. set in an older time. 

word count : 1.4k 

summary : how to say goodbye to a lost love. 

tagging : @penny-quinn

song : 🎵 hate everything - golden (eng) 🎵


With a deep breath and fingers wrung together so tight that your hands were turning white with nervousness, you trekked your way up the hill. 

Rows of fresh white fleshed peaches welcomed you like an old friend. The air smelled sweet and you felt like you were home once again. At a place that would, as time passed, never be home again. 

The boy you came for watched you skeptically as you neared him, wearing a thin white shirt and work pants, sweat lining his forehead and soil smeared on his work boots. He was so handsome. Then and now. 

His lips pressed together as you walked closer to him. 

If this was before the war had happened, he would’ve rushed to greet you with open arms and a sweet kiss to your lips, sweeter than the peaches he grew. But now he was certain he was hallucinating you making your way towards him with a dress he brought you. 

Keep reading

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6 months ago



PAIRING: younger! tutee! kim woonhak x two years older! tutor! fem! reader

SUMMARY: Woonhak has a cute crush on his two years older tutor, Y/n.

GENRE: fluff, crush, imagine


A/N: just a cute short imagine about woonhak having a crush on someone who is older -- i’m still on campus and i really want to go home (  ̄^ ̄) i am writing notes but at the same time thinking about story ideas so at one point i wrote down my story idea into my notes 🧍🏻‍♀️welp, enjoy!


✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮

Laughter echoed around the small dorm room as Leehan and the rest of the group were in the middle of a chaotic video game session. The air was light, filled with jokes and playful banter, but Woonhak barely noticed any of it.

He was sitting on the couch, controller in hand, staring blankly at the screen. His thoughts, however, were nowhere near the game. They were on her—Y/n, his tutor, and Leehan’s friend. His mind kept replaying little moments with her: the way her lips quirked up when she caught him making a mistake during their study sessions, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear when she was concentrating.

"Why do I keep thinking about her?" he wondered, frustrated at how easily she occupied his thoughts. "She’s two years older... She probably doesn’t even think of me that way."

“Yo, Woonbaby!” Jaehyun called out, waving a hand in front of his face. “You alive over there?”

He blinked, startled, and realized all five of his friends were now staring at him. He hadn't said a word in the last ten minutes, and clearly, they’d noticed.

“Seriously, man,” Riwoo laughed, “you’ve been completely zoned out. What’s up?”

“Did you even hear anything we said?” Leehan added, raising an eyebrow as he smirked.

The tips of Woonhak's ears turned red. He shifted uncomfortably, trying to shrug off the attention. “I—I’m fine. Just... thinking about stuff.”

“Ohhh, thinking about stuff?” Taesan said with a teasing grin. “Does this stuff happen to be a girl?”

The room immediately erupted in laughter and catcalls. Woonhak's face heated up even more as he tried to wave them off, but his friends weren’t having it.

“Look at him! His ears are red!” Riwoo pointed out, leaning forward with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Come on, dude, who is it?”

“Yeah, spill it,” Taesan chimed in. “You got a crush or something?”

“No, I don’t!” Woonhak blurted, his voice a bit higher than usual. He knew denying it only made them more suspicious, but he couldn’t help it. His flustered reaction only fueled their teasing.

Leehan leaned back, smirking knowingly. “You know, Y/n mentioned something the other day. She said you’ve been spacing out a lot during your tutoring sessions.”

At the mention of her name, Woonhak stiffened. “She—she said that?” he stammered, his heart racing.

“Oh yeah,” Leehan continued, clearly enjoying the situation. “She said she’ll ask you a question and you’ll just sit there, staring at your notes like you’ve never seen them before.”

His friends burst into laughter again, and Woonhak wanted to sink into the couch and disappear. He could feel his face burning as he tried to play it cool. “That’s—she’s exaggerating...”

Jaehyun wasn’t letting it go, though. “Yeah? Then why’re you turning red just hearing her name?”

Before he could stop himself, Woonhak blurted out, “Did she say anything else about me?”

That made the room go silent for a split second, and then all hell broke loose.

“Aha! So there is someone!” Sungho shouted triumphantly, slapping Jaehyun on the back. “I knew it!”

Leehan grinned, crossing his arms as he gave Woonhak a teasing look. “So you’re interested in what she thinks, huh?”

“I’m not—I mean—” Woonhak sputtered, feeling more flustered by the second. His mind was racing with possibilities, wondering if Y/n had noticed him the way he’d started to notice her. He thought about the way she’d laugh softly when she caught him spacing out during their tutoring sessions, how she’d patiently explain things again even though she must have been annoyed.

“Dude, you’re so obvious,” Riwoo teased. “You’ve got it bad for her, huh?”

Woonhak threw his hands up in defeat. “Okay, fine, whatever. Yes, maybe I’ve been... thinking about her. A little.”

The room exploded into cheers and shouts of “I knew it!” and “Finally!” Woonhak sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to live this down anytime soon.

But underneath all the teasing, a small part of him wondered—What did she think of him?

✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮

The library was quiet, save for the occasional rustling of pages and the distant hum of air conditioning. Woonhak sat across from Y/n, his books spread out in front of him, but his attention was far from the math problem she was explaining. Instead, his gaze kept drifting back to her—how her lips moved as she spoke, the way her hair fell over her shoulder, and how effortlessly confident she always seemed.

“Are you even listening?” Y/n asked, her voice cutting through his thoughts.

Woonhak blinked, realizing he hadn’t heard a word. She was now waving a hand in front of his face, her brows furrowed in slight concern.

“Uh, yeah—sorry,” he stammered, sitting up straighter and pretending to refocus on his notes. “I’m listening.”

She wasn’t convinced. Leaning back in her chair, Y/n crossed her arms and gave him a knowing look. “You’ve been spacing out a lot today. What’s on your mind?”

His heart raced at her question. What’s on my mind? You. Always you. But there was no way he was going to admit that. Instead, he quickly waved it off, trying to sound casual. “It’s nothing, just... tired, I guess.”

“Uh-huh,” she said, clearly not buying it but deciding to drop the subject. “Alright, fine. Let’s move on to the next topic.”

As she began flipping through her textbook, Woonhak felt a surge of boldness. His mind raced with possibilities. Maybe now was the time. They were alone—or at least he thought they were. Taking a deep breath, he decided to go for it.

“Hey,” he started, his voice a bit too casual, “just out of curiosity... what do you think about younger guys?”

Y/n paused, her pen hovering over the page. Slowly, she looked up, her eyes narrowing in amusement as she caught on to his line of questioning. “Younger guys?” she repeated, a teasing smile forming on her lips.

He nodded, trying to appear nonchalant, though his heart was pounding. “Yeah, like... would you ever date someone younger?”

Her smile widened, clearly enjoying his attempt at subtlety. “Hmm,” she said, tapping her chin as though giving it serious thought. “I don’t mind younger guys—younger guys who can pass their exams, that is.”

Woonhak felt a spark of hope. His confidence surged, and before he could think twice, the words were out of his mouth. “Okay, so... if I ace my next exam, will you go on a date with me?”

The question hung in the air between them, and for a moment, time seemed to slow. Y/n blinked in surprise, and then, to his relief, she giggled softly, shaking her head.

“You’re cute,” she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Alright, Woonhak. You ace your exam, and I’ll go on a date with you.”

His heart leaped. He couldn’t believe it. A date. With her. He tried to play it cool, but his grin betrayed him. “Deal. I’ll study harder than ever.”

Just as he was about to bask in his newfound confidence, a chorus of whispers and stifled laughter erupted from behind a nearby shelf. Before he could react, five familiar faces popped out from behind the bookshelves—his group of friends, who had clearly been eavesdropping the entire time.

“Whoa, Woonbaby! I didn’t know you had it in you!” Jaehyun teased, clapping him on the back.

“Did you really just ask her out right here in the library?” Taesan added, grinning from ear to ear.

Woonhak's face turned bright red as his friends swarmed around the table, throwing in playful jabs and comments. “Shut up, guys!” he hissed, trying to wave them away. “Go away, you weren’t supposed to hear that!”

But they weren’t about to let it go. “Woonhakie's got a date! He’s in love!” Riwoo sang in a mocking tone, while Sungho pretended to swoon dramatically.

Meanwhile, Y/n watched the scene unfold with an amused expression, trying—and failing—to hide her laughter. She looked at Woonhak with a teasing smile, her eyes dancing with amusement. “Looks like you’ve got a fan club.”

Mortified, Woonhak buried his face in his hands. “I can’t believe this...”

Leehan leaned in, smirking. “You’re really going to have to ace that exam now, Woonhakie. No pressure.”

Still blushing, Woonhak groaned. “Can you guys just leave?”

His friends finally relented, walking away while still snickering among themselves. Woonhak let out a sigh of relief, but the embarrassment still burned on his face.

Y/n, clearly entertained by the whole situation, leaned forward and gave him an encouraging smile. “You’ll be fine. Just focus on passing, okay?”

He nodded, still flustered but more determined than ever. “Yeah... I’ll do my best.”

And as they returned to studying, Woonhak couldn’t help but feel that, despite his friends’ teasing, the day had turned out pretty well.

✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮



Š ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, lxvsiick, 2024

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