Fiction Thoughts - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

there basically isn't a single established action archetype that you can't improve tenfold by making it a girl

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5 months ago

The white-knuckle grip of a character grounding themself whilst enduring the throes of extreme pain; clutching the bedframe- tangled sheets- a companion's hand- the arms of a chair- loam of the forest floor- hem of a jacket- handful of carpet- fingers clenched tight as a vise and tendons straining.

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5 months ago

there's a third option apart from either engaging with fandom or only discussing it with a small circle of friends and it's talking to yourself alone in a dark closet for 2 years with the door ajar 1 inch so random passerby of all sorts of different backgrounds and familiarities with what you are talking about can sometimes hear you

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5 months ago

every character can be a girl if you try hard enough

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5 months ago

i will never be normal about The Character. hope this helps đź’–

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5 months ago

How it feels to like a character so much but there's no new art or photos of them so you're just checking the tags like a mad man thinking there's gonna be something

How It Feels To Like A Character So Much But There's No New Art Or Photos Of Them So You're Just Checking

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5 months ago

you might like the same character as me but i like them in a far more concerning and deeply controversial way than you ever will

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5 months ago

that moment when you cross the point of no return with a character should be accompanied by a specific chime i think. like đź”” congratulations! this one has been installed in the Permanent Collection and you will never stop thinking about them as long as you live

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5 months ago

I need a butch4butch romance tv show immediately you don’t understand, I need it so bad man. I want to make edits of the butches kissing ahhhh.

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5 months ago

I am of the firm opinion that we, as a community, are sleeping on the wealth of whump that is severe itching. Not only is itching just a horrible symptom in general but you have the mental exhaustion just like you have for more typical pain and also the potential for other types of pain from scratching too hard as well as the risk of infection. The itching can also be a warning sign of so many other things. And for teh nonhuman and fantasy whumpers out there, you can have it as a symptom of magical exhaustion or have a whumpee with claws tearing up their own flesh.

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5 months ago

characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that

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5 months ago

saw a stupidass take about my favorite guy but im being sooo brave about it

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5 months ago

do not inspect my favourite characters too closely, i swear it will tell you nothing about me. i pinky promise

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5 months ago

One thing about me is I would always prefer the found family be unhealthily codependent little freaks than “grow up” and become people that only see each other or talk on special occasions. I want them ENMESHED in each other’s lives PERMANENTLY.

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5 months ago

whump prompt #1: clawing

whumpee claws at whumper's face, leaving a scar. how does the sight of that scar make whumpee feel? proud that they managed to draw blood? terrified, at the reminder of the punishment that followed?

alternatively, whumpee deliriously clawing at caretaker and leaving a scar. whumpee apologizes profusely, and caretaker insists it's fine, but how can whumpee believe that?

whumpee clawing at the walls of their cage / cell. slashes in the walls where they managed to make a dent. blood soaking their fingers.

whumpee clawing so desperately that their fingers are seriously injured, maybe permanently.

whumper lashing out at whumpee and giving them a mean scratch. bonus points if it gets infected, because there's all sorts of nonsense under our fingernails.

after their rescued, caretaker makes whumpee cry out with just a brush of sharp nails against skin. once caretaker realizes, cue them cutting off their perfect manicure.

and my personal favorite...

whumpee, clawing at their own skin, hard enough to open long, bloody scratches. maybe the whumper gave them an injection of some sort, and whumpee is desperate to get it out. maybe whumpee has an itch that gets scratched too hard.

feel free to share any thoughts!

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5 months ago

Full offense but your writing style is for you and nobody else. Use the words you want to use; play with language, experiment, use said, use adverbs, use “unrealistic” writing patterns, slap words you don’t even know are words on the page. Language is a sandbox and you, as the author, are at liberty to shape it however you wish. Build castles. Build a hovel. Build a mountain on a mountain or make a tiny cottage on a hill. Whatever it is you want to do. Write.

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5 months ago

tfw you visibly base your entire identity around One Specific Character Or Thing so that whenever it gets brought up (or left out) of a conversation you look like this pointing it out

Tfw You Visibly Base Your Entire Identity Around One Specific Character Or Thing So That Whenever It

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5 months ago

the important thing is to make characters who are fucked up in similar ways to u and then to give them the strength to keep going. so that even by thinking of them u may be able to gift urself this strength too. the other important thing is to make hot women

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4 months ago

i love you mirror versions i love you possession i love you cloning i love you simulacrums i love you shadow selves i love you digital copies of a mind i love you alternate timeline versions i love you tropes that play with identity and what it means to be a certain person

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4 months ago

if i'm being absolutely completely totally honest i think that "it wasn't you" doesn't go far enough in absolving someone of the guilt of being the subject of a brainwashing or mind control plot. because at the end of the day, it was you. it was your body, your mind, potentially even your soul, being stripped of its autonomy, intimately violated and turned against you as much as anyone else. it's a kind of assault, and should be treated as such, especially in more mature narratives. i think that "it wasn't your fault" and "your shame at being made helpless and unable to control your own body and mind's involuntary responses is understandable, but you are not in any way irredeemable or unforgivable because of what was done to you" are also necessary reassurances. and i think that there should be lingering resentment in spite of words of forgiveness and miscommunication and long-term post-traumatic consequences also.

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