Filmnoir - Tumblr Posts
Femme Fatale, black, white & red. Ink on paper, digital colour.

Femme Fatale. Ink on paper, digital colour & effects.

WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT (Dir: Robert Zemeckis, 1988). My New Year’s resolution is to watch more movies! Made a start this afternoon with the greatest movie of the 1980’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Robert Zemeckis / Richard Williams, 1988). 100+ movie reviews now available on my blog:

THE MALTESE FALCON (Dir: John Huston, 1941). Fourth movie of the year; the daddy of film noir and an absolute classic The Maltese Falcon. Also, one of the rare occasions when a remake is superior to the original. 100+ movie reviews now available on my blog

SATAN MET A LADY (Dir: William Dieterle, 1936). Hollywood’s second adaptation of Dashiell Hammett’s Maltese Falcon is, in spite of the presence of Bette Davis, its weakest. Davis is reputed to have referred to this comedy take on the famous thriller as ‘trash’. That said, Ms Davis is never less than watchable and I could forgive her almost anything. Even trash. 100+ movie reviews now available on my blog