Filoli - Tumblr Posts

I love the way “Calm” inspires my mindset.
FILOLI Woodside, California
It softens my restlessness and worries before sleep. It gives me uplifting thoughts for my sad heart and words for my new Thanksgiving Card.

Beauty is always an ingredient to a love of life and gratitude.

Cherry Blossoms at Filoli Estate Gardens, Woodside CA ( Shot with Hipstamatic lens on iPhone

Hipstamatic lens on iPhone then post editing on Snapseed ending with special Vintage tonality effects

Hipstamatic pix of Pink Parrot Tulips at Filoli Gardens with rpost production in Snapseed and Photoshop

An Incredibly alluring tiny Tulip ground cover: like a miniature fairyland garden

Huge Wall of Roses…

Edited with Afterlight app (woods 50%) adds more shadow detail and enhanced structure overall.

Bright Tulips so much like Yummy Popsicles

Edited with Afterlight (50% Goldfinch) for brighter golden highlights