Macro - Tumblr Posts

Check out the colors on this dragonfly! It took a few minutes to get the perfect shot 📸
This is just insanity. I need some clothes like this!

Macro Pictures of Peacock Feathers
Canadian photographer Waldo Nell got interested in the iridescent and delicate details of peacocks’ feathers. Thanks to a Olympus BX 53 microscope, he captured hundreds of pictures showing these fascinating feathers, seen from very close. The quality of this microscope gives the impression to look at jewelry or necklaces’ braids. Source:fubiz

One lens reflects another.

The last surviving dandelion in North Park, or maybe an early riser for this false Spring.
Taken with a Pentax K-3, Takumar 50mm f1.4 (eight element early version), and a full set of screw mount extension tubes.

Morning dew on a spreading blossom.
Shot macro with a Takumar 50mm f1.4 lens and extension tubes.

Macrophotography of a tiger lily.

Macrophotography of a corroded faucet naturally forming a bubble and drips.
Shot through an 8-element Takumar 50mm f1.4 lens with a 27mm extension tube on a Pentax K-3.

Raindrops on transparent wings 🍂

Some flies (and a wasp) I photographed today 🌾
Hello cherubs <3 I am taking part in a photography contest with the first picture from this post! If you have a Facebook account, I would be really glad if you vote for me by simply putting a like to my entry (link below, please ignore the link title, I don’t know why it looks like this). Reblogs are very appreciated! Thank you 💗
Всім привіт <3 Я беру участь у фотоконкурсі з першим фото цього посту! Я буду дуже вдячна, якщо ви мене підтримаєте вподобайкою та репостом! (Посилання нижче) Реблоги дуже ціняться. Дякую усім, хто виявить активність 💓

Macro Shots of Praying Mantises

drops on a rose