Final Getsuga Tensho - Tumblr Posts

Now you may be seeing something right? FGT Ichigo looks kinda a lot like Yhwach.
Now we know Ichigo is a Quincy and all Quincy have Yhwach's blood running in their veins but only Ichigo looks like him to this extent when in his Final Getsuga Tensho.
Both have long dark hair.
Red crimson eyes.
And a handsome fac-
Ahem, I mean this leads me to believe that Ichigo may have been using his Quincy powers while in that state. Hey look, this is just a theory and Kubo may have just thought it's a cool design choice before the Yhwach twist and all but just let me have fun with this one okay!

Now what is Final Getsuga Tensho specifically? Some believe it's Ichigo absorbing all of Zangetsu's powers but I disagree. I think FGT is more of a fusion between them. Getsuga Tensho is a technique using Zangetsu's powers and only Ichigo can call upon the technique, it cannot be used by Zangetsu without its wielder or Ichigo without his weapon. And my proof is this line by Ichigo:

He is fighting with Zangetsu, not using him.
And there's also the fact that Zangetsu was literally fused to his hand.

Now then that we established that, let's get to this point.
Final Getsuga Tensho is not just a final technique. It's also a combination of all of Ichigo's powers. Both Shinigami, Hollow and Quincy. And why is that?

When Ichigo was fighting Zangetsu he was fighting both his Quincy (in Young lad Zangetsu) Hollow/Shinigami (In white Ichigo) in a fused state. And achieving FGT is him basically accepting both powers, and making himself a weapon for a short time, becoming Getsuga itself.
Heck we talked about his design resembling Yhwach why not talk about how his design resembles a Hollow in how the mask wraps around half of his face with little teeth and how the black spirit energy is like his Tensa Zangetsu's Getsuga Tensho (shinigami power) only strengthening my thought about it not just being a final technique/attack but a fusion of all of his powers, both mastered and latent (which is why Ishinn had Ichigo do it, not him. His wouldn't probably match Aizen)

And the nail in the coffin is what Aizen says here.

Aizen here is beyond Quincy, Shinigamis, Hollows and humans, no one can stand up to him. He's on a higher plane than all beings except Ichigo. Who overpowered him with ease, who's on a higher plane than he is.
There's only one being that can be on a higher plane than the Quincy,Hollows,Shinigami:

Yhwach, the Quincy King, the Almighty. He's the only one who could over power aizen that much and without even trying.
Now I am not saying that Ichigo is somehow using the Almighty powers, that's stupid. I am saying that he was using his Quincy powers which are from Yhwach himself. Fusing it with his other abilities to make Aizen look like a joke.
And even then, FGT is probably just an imperfect version of Ichigo's final form he used against Yhwach. Because FGT is used when Ichigo didn't fully realize and unlock his Quincy powers/Blood. And that it's a one shot weapon where he can use it only once and lose all his powers after whereas his final form where he realizes and mastered all of his powers he uses to its fullest potential and doesn't just disappear.
And that it looked like how Zangetsu looks like when he was fighting him for the Final Getsuga Tensho.
And all of this leads me to believe that Ichigo was using his Quincy powers there and that's how he overpowered Aizen that easily, especially in base.
TL;DR FGT is just an imperfect Final form that Ichigo uses against Yhwach in chapter 676.
Good night or Good morning 👍.
NaruHina 4ever
Petition to call Tensa Zangetsu YoungMan Zangetsu.
But remember. That's just a theory, a game theory. Thanks for watching.

Also this is what I was talking about when I said FGT is an imperfect version of Ichigo's final form. It's basically this.
Like both forms look very much alike and Ichigo only gets it when he absorbs quincy powers and comes to terms with them.

Now you may be seeing something right? FGT Ichigo looks kinda a lot like Yhwach.
Now we know Ichigo is a Quincy and all Quincy have Yhwach's blood running in their veins but only Ichigo looks like him to this extent when in his Final Getsuga Tensho.
Both have long dark hair.
Red crimson eyes.
And a handsome fac-
Ahem, I mean this leads me to believe that Ichigo may have been using his Quincy powers while in that state. Hey look, this is just a theory and Kubo may have just thought it's a cool design choice before the Yhwach twist and all but just let me have fun with this one okay!

Now what is Final Getsuga Tensho specifically? Some believe it's Ichigo absorbing all of Zangetsu's powers but I disagree. I think FGT is more of a fusion between them. Getsuga Tensho is a technique using Zangetsu's powers and only Ichigo can call upon the technique, it cannot be used by Zangetsu without its wielder or Ichigo without his weapon. And my proof is this line by Ichigo:

He is fighting with Zangetsu, not using him.
And there's also the fact that Zangetsu was literally fused to his hand.

Now then that we established that, let's get to this point.
Final Getsuga Tensho is not just a final technique. It's also a combination of all of Ichigo's powers. Both Shinigami, Hollow and Quincy. And why is that?

When Ichigo was fighting Zangetsu he was fighting both his Quincy (in Young lad Zangetsu) Hollow/Shinigami (In white Ichigo) in a fused state. And achieving FGT is him basically accepting both powers, and making himself a weapon for a short time, becoming Getsuga itself.
Heck we talked about his design resembling Yhwach why not talk about how his design resembles a Hollow in how the mask wraps around half of his face with little teeth and how the black spirit energy is like his Tensa Zangetsu's Getsuga Tensho (shinigami power) only strengthening my thought about it not just being a final technique/attack but a fusion of all of his powers, both mastered and latent (which is why Ishinn had Ichigo do it, not him. His wouldn't probably match Aizen)

And the nail in the coffin is what Aizen says here.

Aizen here is beyond Quincy, Shinigamis, Hollows and humans, no one can stand up to him. He's on a higher plane than all beings except Ichigo. Who overpowered him with ease, who's on a higher plane than he is.
There's only one being that can be on a higher plane than the Quincy,Hollows,Shinigami:

Yhwach, the Quincy King, the Almighty. He's the only one who could over power aizen that much and without even trying.
Now I am not saying that Ichigo is somehow using the Almighty powers, that's stupid. I am saying that he was using his Quincy powers which are from Yhwach himself. Fusing it with his other abilities to make Aizen look like a joke.
And even then, FGT is probably just an imperfect version of Ichigo's final form he used against Yhwach. Because FGT is used when Ichigo didn't fully realize and unlock his Quincy powers/Blood. And that it's a one shot weapon where he can use it only once and lose all his powers after whereas his final form where he realizes and mastered all of his powers he uses to its fullest potential and doesn't just disappear.
And that it looked like how Zangetsu looks like when he was fighting him for the Final Getsuga Tensho.
And all of this leads me to believe that Ichigo was using his Quincy powers there and that's how he overpowered Aizen that easily, especially in base.
TL;DR FGT is just an imperfect Final form that Ichigo uses against Yhwach in chapter 676.
Good night or Good morning 👍.
NaruHina 4ever
Petition to call Tensa Zangetsu YoungMan Zangetsu.