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Into your arms - A Saul Silva imagine
Another scenario that I want to write :)
This is a Saul Silva imagine, from Fate; The Winx Saga
In this scenario, I always imagined her to be Bloom's sister and they sort of the share the power of the dragon flame
Her name is Delilah and she is a fire fairy and of course, she is Silva's girl
Based on Season 2 Episode 3 : Your Newfound Popularity
(credits to the owner of the picture)
I'm out of my head, out of my mind, oh, I
If you let me, I'll beOut of my dress and into your arms tonight
Yeah, I'm lost without it
Feels like I'm always waitin'I need you to come get me
Out of my head, and into your arms tonight
- Into Your Arms, Witt Lowry & Ava Max
After the display Stella put on at the banquet, everyone had gone to retire to their homes, leaving Bloom and Delilah alone at the dining table.
Delilah was tired and exhausted, she just wanted to go to her bed and close her eyes but sleep has not come easy for her.
For her thoughts were always occupied with one person and one person only.
Saul Silva.
The man she loved above anything else.
It pains her greatly that she is not able to see him, even after the winx rescued him from being transported to Polaris, she knew that it would be dangerous from him to come see her. She still missed him nonetheless.
Rosalind joins them.
"I know. It's a lot" she says, looking at delilah and bloom.
Bloom was the first to say something, "When we first spoke at the Stone Cirlce, you said the blood witches were the one who kidnapped us and held us at Aster Dell"
"Is that because of this thing inside us? Dragon Flame?" delilah asked inquisitively, looking up at Rosalind.
Rosalind nodded.
"It is"
Delilah heart starts to race and she feels herself tense at the new found information.
Bloom draws her eyebrows together, confusion evicent on her face, "What about our birth parents? Do they have it too or are they-" Rosalind cuts her off.
"I-- I wasn't lying back then" Rosalind sits down in the chair next to Bloom.
" I don't know where you came from. But the blood witches will. We'll fight them and we'll work it out" she says with conviction.
"you've already kept so much from us, I don't know if we can trust you" Delilah speaks up.
Rosalind clicks her tongue and slides a piece of paper over to her.
"Maybe this will help"
Delilah picks up the paper and reads the contents of it and then pauses when she reads "criminal pardon".
She looks to Rosalind, "What is this?"
"It's a pardon" a voice spoke up from behind them.
suddenly, delilah's heart tightened painfully in her chest and she is overcome with shock and surprise. She whips around in her chair and turns around to see the love of her life standing by the door way. Her breathing picks up and she takes in his appearance.
He is wearing the uniform of the specialist, his face is clean shaven and his hair is in styled in order, keeping it from crowding his face.
He looked good.
And dear lord did he look good in that uniform, the clothing hugging him in all the right places.
"Silva" her voice cracks as she is overcome with an intense amount of relief.
But Delilah had to be careful as Rosalind had no knowledge of their relationship so she had to try her damn hardest to keep her emotions concealed.
As did Saul.
When all he wanted was to run to his girl and pull her into his arms, instead he walks down the steps and moves to stand behind her chair, feeling temporarily content with just standing close to her.
"I've been working Arthur for a week for a damn thing. Stella almost fucked it up this afternoon, but..-" Bloom cuts off Rosalind.
Delilah was too stunned to say anything.
" I don't understand. Why are you-" Rosalind cuts bloom off in return.
" It's time to put aside our differences, we have a common enemy. The blood witches are a scourge on the Other World. Everytime wer drive them out, they come crawling back" Rosland says.
"She's right. And if they are gathering strength to make a move, we need to stop them before it's too late" Silva spoke up from where he stood, serving as another reminder for Delilah that he was actually here, he was alright.
Delilah had the suite too herself.
Bloom was off reading about blood witches.
Stella was with Beatrix
Musa was on a walk with her headphones.
Aisa was probably somewhere with Grey.
Terra and Flora were god knows where.
Once she got back to her room, she immediately changed out of her dress and rid her face of the make up she had to wear. She changed into some black sleeping shorts with a cropped dark green tank top.
She could not stop pacing back and forth, her heart and wind were racing. She knew that Saul was coming to see her as they were not able to even have a conversation in front of Rosalind which meant that now, was perfect for them.
She felt like a high school girl who grew nervous at the sight of her crush. Yes, her and Silva have been together for a whole year now but he still manages to sum a herd of butterflies in her stomach.
It's kind of sweet if you think about, after all these months of being separated, she still feels so strongly about him and their relationship.
It was no doubt the she loved him unconditionally.
A knock on her window interrupts her train of thought, she jumps and whirls around quickly and she sees Saul, waiting for her to open the window.
And when she does, he moves like lightning and pulls her into his arms, stumbling forward at the same time. She is quick to wrap her arms tightly around his neck, burying her face in his neck and breathing in his scent that effectively calms her racing heart.
God she missed him so much.
Saul wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, pulling her in so close she can hardly draw in a breath, he too buries his face in her hair, relishing in the feel of having his girl so close.
"I missed you so much" she whimpered into his neck, tears gathering in her eyes.
" I know, sweetheart. You have no idea how much it drove me insane not having you close to me" He said softly.
He pulls her away from him and moves his hands to cup her face and gently caress her cheeks, his eyes moving all around her face to get a good look at her.
She was always so beautiful in his eyes. And she still is.
He smiles before pulling her close again and leaning his face closer to hers. Slowly, they lean in closer and delilah closes her eyes milliseconds before her lips were going to meet his. Finally, Silva's lips brushed against hers, then he crashes their lips together.
The kiss starts out slowly, giving each other to familiarize themselves again and explore each others mouth. Deliliah tilts her head in order to a slightly deeper angle and she moves to wrap her arms around his neck and interlocking her hands there. She deepens the kiss and Silvas has no problem with that.
The kiss became more passionate and heated, both picking up the pace so its more faster and rough. Delilah lets out little moans as Silva starts backing backwards towards her bed and he sits down at the edge, pulling her to straddle his lap.
This meant that Delilah face was above his, enabling her to deepen the kiss even more. After a minute or two of their making out, they pulled away from each other, really needing to suck in some oxygen and refocus themselves.
Delilah leans her forehead on Silva's, closes her eyes and smiles.
I've missed that too" she laughed lightly.
He chuckled lowly, "me too love, me too" he pulls her closer to him.
Delilah had to admit, the way they were positioned was making her head spin and she could feel her body slowly coming alive under his touch.
She's not surprised, her body and mind have gone months without his touch, a reaction was going to be inevitable but she didn't mind.
Right then, a yawn escapes her.
She knew that she wanted him but she was way too tired to engage in that certain activity. Silva could see that too.
"Come on darling, lets get you to bed" he picks her up and carries her to her bed, pulling the blankets from the bed, placing her in it and then pulling the covers to cover her body. He then got in behind her, moving his arms around her body once more and pulling her closer to his.
The proximity of their bodies was making her even more sleepy as she could feel her eyes beginn to feel heavy.
But before she gives into the demand of sleep, she whispers one last thing.
"I love you"
1487 words
not gonna bother proof reading her grammatical mistakes, I'm too tired for that.