theswissgirl - Just Someone Who Wants To Read :)
Just Someone Who Wants To Read :)

7 posts

Into Your Arms - A Saul Silva Imagine

Into your arms - A Saul Silva imagine

Another scenario that I want to write :)

This is a Saul Silva imagine, from Fate; The Winx Saga

In this scenario, I always imagined her to be Bloom's sister and they sort of the share the power of the dragon flame 

Her name is Delilah and she is a fire fairy and of course, she is Silva's girl

Based on Season 2 Episode 3 : Your Newfound Popularity 

(credits to the owner of the picture)


I'm out of my head, out of my mind, oh, I

If you let me, I'll beOut of my dress and into your arms tonight

Yeah, I'm lost without it

Feels like I'm always waitin'I need you to come get me

Out of my head, and into your arms tonight

- Into Your Arms, Witt Lowry & Ava Max

After the display Stella put on at the banquet, everyone had gone to retire to their homes, leaving Bloom and Delilah alone at the dining table. 

Delilah was tired and exhausted, she just wanted to go to her bed and close her eyes but sleep has not come easy for her.

For her thoughts were always occupied with one person and one person only.

Saul Silva.

The man she loved above anything else. 

It pains her greatly that she is not able to see him, even after the winx rescued him from being transported to Polaris, she knew that it would be dangerous from him to come see her. She still missed him nonetheless.

Rosalind joins them.

"I know. It's a lot" she says, looking at delilah and bloom.

Bloom was the first to say something, "When we first spoke at the Stone Cirlce, you said the blood witches were the one who kidnapped us and held us at Aster Dell" 

"Is that because of this thing inside us? Dragon Flame?" delilah asked inquisitively, looking up at Rosalind.

Rosalind nodded.

"It is"

Delilah heart starts to race and she feels herself tense at the new found information.

Bloom draws her eyebrows together, confusion evicent on her face, "What about our birth parents? Do they have it too or are they-" Rosalind cuts her off.

"I-- I wasn't lying back then" Rosalind sits down in the chair next to Bloom.

" I don't know where you came from. But the blood witches will. We'll fight them and we'll work it out" she says with conviction.

"you've already kept so much from us, I don't know if we can trust you" Delilah speaks up.

Rosalind clicks her tongue and slides a piece of paper over to her.

"Maybe this will help"

Delilah picks up the paper and reads the contents of it and then pauses when she reads "criminal pardon".

She looks to Rosalind, "What is this?"

"It's a pardon" a voice spoke up from behind them.

suddenly, delilah's heart tightened painfully in her chest and she is overcome with shock and surprise. She whips around in her chair and turns around to see the love of her life standing by the door way. Her breathing picks up and she takes in his appearance. 

He is wearing the uniform of the specialist, his face is clean shaven and his hair is in styled in order, keeping it from crowding his face.

He looked good.

And dear lord did he look good in that uniform, the clothing hugging him in all the right places.

"Silva" her voice cracks as she is overcome with an intense amount of relief.

But Delilah had to be careful as Rosalind had no knowledge of their relationship so she had to try her damn hardest to keep her emotions concealed. 

As did Saul.

When all he wanted was to run to his girl and pull her into his arms, instead he walks down the steps and moves to stand behind her chair, feeling temporarily content with just standing close to her.

"I've been working Arthur for a week for a damn thing. Stella almost fucked it up this afternoon, but..-" Bloom cuts off Rosalind.

Delilah was too stunned to say anything.

" I don't understand. Why are you-" Rosalind cuts bloom off in return.

" It's time to put aside our differences, we have a common enemy. The blood witches are a scourge on the Other World. Everytime wer drive them out, they come crawling back" Rosland says.

"She's right. And if they are gathering strength to make a move, we need to stop them before it's too late" Silva spoke up from where he stood, serving as another reminder for Delilah that he was actually here, he was alright.


Delilah had the suite too herself.

Bloom was off reading about blood witches.

Stella was with Beatrix

Musa was on a walk with her headphones.

Aisa was probably somewhere with Grey.

Terra and Flora were god knows where.

Once she got back to her room, she immediately changed out of her dress and rid her face of the make up she had to wear. She changed into some black sleeping shorts with a cropped dark green tank top.

She could not stop pacing back and forth, her heart and wind were racing. She knew that Saul was coming to see her as they were not able to even have a conversation in front of Rosalind which meant that now, was perfect for them.

She felt like a high school girl who grew nervous at the sight of her crush. Yes, her and Silva have been together for a whole year now but he still manages to sum a herd of butterflies in her stomach.

It's kind of sweet if you think about, after all these months of being separated, she still feels so strongly about him and their relationship.

It was no doubt the she loved him unconditionally.

A knock on her window interrupts her train of thought, she jumps and whirls around quickly and she sees Saul, waiting for her to open the window.

And when she does, he moves like lightning and pulls her into his arms, stumbling forward at the same time. She is quick to wrap her arms tightly around his neck, burying her face in his neck and breathing in his scent that effectively calms her racing heart.

God she missed him so much.

Saul wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, pulling her in so close she can hardly draw in a breath, he too buries his face in her hair, relishing in the feel of having his girl so close.

"I missed you so much" she whimpered into his neck, tears gathering in her eyes.

" I know, sweetheart. You have no idea how much it drove me insane not having you close to me" He said softly.

He pulls her away from him and moves his hands to cup her face and gently caress her cheeks, his eyes moving all around her face to get a good look at her.

She was always so beautiful in his eyes. And she still is.

He smiles before pulling her close again and leaning his face closer to hers. Slowly, they lean in closer and delilah closes her eyes milliseconds before her lips were going to meet his. Finally, Silva's lips brushed against hers, then he crashes their lips together.

The kiss starts out slowly, giving each other to familiarize themselves again and explore each others mouth. Deliliah tilts her head in order to a slightly deeper angle and she moves to wrap her arms around his neck and interlocking her hands there. She deepens the kiss and Silvas has no problem with that. 

The kiss became more passionate and heated, both picking up the pace so its more faster and rough. Delilah lets out little moans as Silva starts backing backwards towards her bed and he sits down at the edge, pulling her to straddle his lap.

This meant that Delilah face was above his, enabling her to deepen the kiss even more. After a minute or two of their making out, they pulled away from each other, really needing to suck in some oxygen and refocus themselves.

Delilah leans her forehead on Silva's, closes her eyes and smiles.

I've missed that too" she laughed lightly.

He chuckled lowly, "me too love, me too" he pulls her closer to him.

Delilah had to admit, the way they were positioned was making her head spin and she could feel her body slowly coming alive under his touch. 

She's not surprised, her body and mind have gone months without his touch, a reaction was going to be inevitable but she didn't mind.

Right then, a yawn escapes her.

She knew that she wanted him but she was way too tired to engage in that certain activity. Silva could see that too.

"Come on darling, lets get you to bed" he picks her up and carries her to her bed, pulling the blankets from the bed, placing her in it and then pulling the covers to cover her body. He then got in behind her, moving his arms around her body once more and pulling her closer to his.

The proximity of their bodies was making her even more sleepy as she could feel her eyes beginn to feel heavy.

But before she gives into the demand of sleep, she whispers one last thing.

"I love you"


1487 words

not gonna bother proof reading her grammatical mistakes, I'm too tired for that.

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More Posts from Theswissgirl

6 months ago

from here on until forever - Demetri Volturi

From Here On Until Forever - Demetri Volturi

Demetri Volturi was the first ever guy I had a serious fictional crush on on, like it was bad there were so many scenarios I created in my head but there was one that repeated in my head like a never ending movie

And I'm going to write it now

a timeline through the movies like key moments from each film (that obviously features him and my own plot) and the relationship is slowly going to build from there.

And I plan on posting it in parts so New Moon is part 1.


Name: Evangeline Swan (picture her as you want)

Sister: Bella Swan

status: human (will be changed)

Vampiric ability : seismic sense (later on)

Mate: Demetri Volturi

word count: 3.7k

and obviously all credit to the author of The Twilight Saga and everyone involved in the process of the movies.


New Moon : The Start of Forever

You were sat in the yellow sports car which Alice Cullen had hijacked and was operating with dangerous speed towards the city of Volterra, Italy, where you knew nothing good was going to expect you when you arrived.

Lush green fields of grass and trees could be seen in your peripheral vision, there was something so scarily calming about it. But of course, Bella was too busy bouncing nervously in the passenger seat to admire the scenery, holding onto the dashboard harshly "I'm guessing you didn't rent his car?" she asked Alice.

You snickered quietly.

of course she didn't

"I figured you wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto" Alice replied swiftly, briefly glancing over at Bella, who was beginning to look a little nauseous from the curves and pot holes in the road, "Not today" Bella rushed out.

Suddenly, you noticed Alice's eyes begin to glaze over and your curiosity was engaged, she was having a premonition.

Bella caught wind immediately.

"What? What do you see?" Bella asked her vampiric friend, a small hint of anxiety in her voice as she slowly feared for the worst and she had a bad feeling her vampire boyfriend had set some sort of plan in motion.

"Alice, are you okay?" you asked her, speaking up for the first time in a while.

Alice brushed you off, "They refused him" Alice said, narrowing her eyes in concern.

"Sooo" Bella pushed.

"He's going to make a scene, show himself to the humans" Alice said, glancing at both you and Bella

"that can't end well" you mumbled, meeting Alice's eyes in the mirror and having your thought confirmed as Alice nodded her head in agreement whilst keeping a steady eye on the prevailing road conditions ahead, steering the wheel smoothly and precisely.

"No.. when?!" Bella's voice was sharp with angst.

"He's going to wait until noon, when the sun is at it's highest" Alice let out a small gasp as her vision came to an end, making you think that she saw something upsetting.

You may not have liked Edward for all the shit he put Bella through, but you weren't the kind of person who would wish suffering on anyone.

"God Alice, you gotta hurry"

"There's Volterra"


Bella rushed off to save her boyfriend through the sea of red coats, as per the tradition of St. Marcus day, celebrating the expulsion of vampires. You however, stayed with Alice and looked for a spot to leave the stolen vehicle.

Alice turned to look at you seriously as she covered every inch of her exposed skin, which was mostly her face, "Evangeline I want you to listen carefully to me, when we get to the castle do not do anything to attract attention" she said, looking you straight in the eyes.

you nodded wordlessly, worry growing within you as you sat still in the backseat of the car and feeling it come to a halt just behind the massive castle where the Volturi resided.

You weren't going to question her, you were about to step into the layer of vampires and you wanted to do everything in your powers to come out alive.

"Come on, let's go" she said and climbed out of the car, prompting you do the same and following behind her as she navigated through the areas covered with shade.

Time felt like it passes too fast as you were suddenly in front of a door with a very old and wooden looking latch "remember what I said" Alice said suddenly before breaking the latch and opening the door, stepping inside and you following right on her tail.

"Come guys, its a festival, you wouldn't want to cause a scene" Alice said smugly, whilst you awkwardly tried to close the door behind you but giving up after 2 seconds when the stupid thing did not want to listen.

Suddenly, your movement froze and you felt like the small hair on your skin was beginning to dance on the back of your neck, making an intense shiver run down your spine before spreading all over your body like a tsunami devouring anything in its way.

You looked up to find the source of this sensation, skipping over the beautiful old and italien structure when your eyes finally settled on a blonde man, dressed from head to toe in black. What actually caught your attention was his blood red eyes and how hauntingly captivating they were, even more as they met yours.

"Enough" a set of footsteps could be heard clacking on the ground and you watched as a young girl approach, pulling her hood from her head.

"Jane" Edward said quietly, acknowledging her presence.

As Edward's voice registered in your brain, you snapped your eyes away from the beautiful blonde individual and averted them to the ground, a small blush growing on your face in the process.

"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long" the girl, Jane, said and looked over Bella and you with bright and bloody eyes, not as beautiful or inviting as the other ones, before she turned around and began walking back to where she came from.

"Just do what she says" Alice whispered to you as you began to walk alongside her, your breath hitching in your throat as you walked past the blond vampire again, even more so when he started walking next to you.

Your heart was having a personal fiesta in your chest, the pace it was pumping at made you think you were about to fall to the floor from cardiac arrest, and it was all because of him.

Butterflies grew rampantly fast in your stomach, your fingers trembled as almost irresistible itch to just "accidentally" touch them to his was difficult to shove aside and your entire body felt like it was coming alive

And no words had even been exchanged yet.

After an elevator ride with a charged atmosphere, you found yourself walking down stone made stairs, the staircase being dimly lit by the light just outside the door.

You tuned out the small conversation Edward and Bella shared, choosing to primarily focus on not tripping and making a horrible first impression on the beautiful you may or may not already have a crush on.

You felt your neves growing as the more you felt like you approaching the belly of the beast that were the 3 king of the Volturi, especially since Alice told you the stories of what happens those who are exposed to the world of vampires of if you betray it.

The receptionist greeting you as you walked out had you snapped out of your thoughts and your eyes, on their own accord, flittered back to the breathtaking individual who walked beside you.

But the off-putting thought? she was human.

"is she human?" bella asked not-so-quietly, looking at Edward in his fancy red robe which you thought looked ridiculous on him.


"Does she know?"


"Then why would-" Bella cut herself as realization dawned on her, "she wants to be".

"And so she will be" a shiver went down your spine as you heard him speak for the very first time, and it made your heart palpate faster. His voice was the right amount of deep and adorned with an english accent, making him all the more enticing.

You felt like there was an invisible cord pulling you with a prepostourley strong force towards him, and the more you tried to heed Alice's warnings about the Volturi, you find yourself beginning to lean more and more in the opposite direction.

Suddenly, a hand snaked its way across your back and settled itself on your waist, tracing small and delicate circles on whatever exposed skin was accessible to him. Almost as if to assure that you won't be hurt as long as he was there.

And the surprising part? you felt safe with him.

"Or dessert" Jane said and you found yourself being glad that you were protected.

Jane pushed open two gigantic wooden double doors and walked into a massive throne and of course, on two majestic chairs sat the 3 volturi kings.

Aro, Caius and Marcus.

Aro seemed to be excited.

Caius was glaring at visitors with annoyance and anger.

Marcus looked... well, rather somber.

Alice had tried to grab your arm and make you go in the same direction as her, the beautiful was quicker and pulled you closer with whilst moving to somewhere in the back of the room and away from the action.

Bella sent you a questioning glance, wondering what you were doing but you had no answer for her so you just shrugged your shoulders and smiled reassuringly at her.

"What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all" Aro said, his tone chipper as he clapped his hands together, a little too chipper for greeting someone who knew about the existence of vampires...

"Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending" you watched Aro approach Bella and Edward, biting your lip in anxiety as your sister was dangerously close to having her life ended.

You weren't aware of it, but your hand subconsciously grabbed ahold of his sleeve and squeezed the material tightly in your grasp.

Aro grabbed ahold of Edwards hand, "they are so rare" he said before his eyes widened and glazed over and it reminded you of when Alice experiences one of her visions .

"La tua cantante, both of the swan sisters" he said, eyes flickering over to you in an instant with newfound curiosity bright in his eye before he decided to make his way over to you.

"My dear Demetri, it seems as though you found your mate" He said, stopping in front of you and looking you dead in the eye, making you shift a little closer to you to seek safety.

"So thats his name, Demetri. Suits him beautifully" you thought yourself.

"Yes my lord" Demetri said, his grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly but enough to make you crave more and be closer to him, even if you didn't understand why you wanted to close to someone who eats your kind for breakfast.

Aro's eyes go to you and you freeze, you couldn't decipher that look in his eyes, curiosity but combined with something else and you weren't sure if you wanted to know... or witness.

"Their blood appeals to you both" he started and you noticed a change in his facial expression "it makes me thirsty" you froze and moved closer to Demetri almost automatically.

"Aro can read every thought you've ever had, with one touch" Edward interjects, his voice making you startle in surprise and your gaze went to him, seeing that he's had his eye on you and Demetri, as well as Alice and you sent her a small smile to let her know you were okay.

Aro turned to look at him "you are quite a soul reader yourself, Edward. No, you can't read Bella's thoughts" he glanced at Bella another time "fascinating"

"I would love to see if you are an exception to my gift as well, would do me the hohor?" Aro extends his hand to Bella and you watch her take a tentative step forward, placing her hand in his.

You watch with nervousness and anxiety as Aro lowers his head and closes his hand, most likely trying to rifle through her memories one by one but he won't be successful, you knew that.

"Interesting" he pauses.

"I see nothing".

Maybe that was a good thing.

Aro takes a few steps backwards, interlacing his hands in thought "let us see if she is immune to all our powers" he says and an unsettling grin grew on his face as he looks at jane "shall we, jane?" and you could swear your heart leaps into your throat and panic consumes you.

"No please don't" you breathed and surged out of demetris hold and towards your sister but strong arms wrapped around your frame in an instant and coiled tightly, immobilizing any movement and leaving you thrashing to get away.

"No" Edward growled and lunged at jane, only to freeze on the stop and his body begins to contort painfully, as if his body was being squeezed into a little ball and he falls to his knees.

"Stop" Bella demanded with a fearful tone "no please stop" she pleaded and tried to run to edwards side but was stopped by Jane's brother, Alec.

"Stop, just stop hurting him please, please" her voice grew louder every second that edward appeared to be in more pain, his face completely strained as he fought against the onslaught waves of pain Jane sent in his direction with one steely eyed glare.

"Jane" Aro said that Jane obeyed instantly, stopping her ministrations against edward.

"Go ahead, my dear" aro said eerily softly and suddenly, Jane looked at Bella with excitement.

"This may hurt just a little" she said calmly and you began thrashing in demetris hold again when you realised what was going to happen

"please let me go" you pleaded quietly as you watched Bella prepare herself, a look of determination in her eyes and much like a python, the more you moved in his arms, the tighter he held you to him "please calm down mia cara, she won't come to harm" he whispered softly in your ear, his voice warm and somehow comforting and it sent shivers down your spine.

Aro lets out a laugh and claps his hands "Remarkable" he breathed "she confounds us all".

"So, what do we do with you now?" then, he looked at you.

"With both of you?".

you huddled closer to demetri at the threatening glint in Aros eyes, almost doing it instinctively.

"You already know what you are going to do Aro" the oldest and kind of depressed-looking spoke up first with a monotonous tone in his voice, as if this whole ordeal bored him.

The blonde king spoke next "They know too much, they're a liability" he said before glancing at you "the younger swan will be spared as she is Demetri's mate, but she has to be turned" he demanded and your stomach tightened with dread.

did you want to be changed? were you really willing to throw a whole chapter of your life away to be with someone you met an hour ago?

Aro sighed wistfully "thats true" he agreed before casting a glance to a burly vampire, giving him a look "Felix" was all he said and Bella was released from Alecs grip

only to be flipped so she was standing protected behind Edward and he lunges at Felix, tackling him to the floor with ferocity and then you felt a rush of wind, suddenly feeling cold.

You looked to the side and saw that Demetri had a hand wrapped around Alices throat in a vice-like grip, not letting her escape and you frowned, she must've tried to intervene.

But with Demetri guarding Alice, you felt exposed and unsafe in a room full of vampires which would easily kill you if given the command, damn you really got comfy in his arms.

Every time edward was slammed into the marble floors, small and tiny cracks grew along his skin, like a porcelain vase that was beginning to shatter and you winced as the cracks and tears grew louder.

And then Felix had him in a headlock, ready to tear off his head and bella let out a cry of desperation "Please, no, no, please, plese!" she cried and aro gave the command to stop felix, hearing the plea in her voice "kill me, kill me, not him" she rushed out and inhaled shakily.

your head turned faster than a cobra striking its pray, you couldn't believer her words, how easily she was willing to give up her life for the man she loved but what about you? were you at the center of her priorities too?

"Bella no, don't say that" you breathed and fought the rising tears as you went to stand by her side but you only got a glare from your sister, so this is what it came to be.

Suddenly becoming a vampire didn't seem like the worst idea.

Aro stalked towards bella with slow and deliberate steps, a confused yet a look of awe in his eyes "how extraordinary, you would give up your life for someone like us, a vampire, a soulless monster"

shivers went down your spine and a burning sensation tingled by the back of your head, you turned your head to look and saw demetri had his eyes trained on you whilst still having focus on keeping Alice captive with is hand wrapped firmly and tightly around her throat.

Guilt consumed you when your first thought was not centred around Alice and her safety but rather the man who had the potential to cause her harm if she so much as she attempted to squirm and break free, the thought of that was enough to get you to turn your head and focus on Bella and Edward again.

But all you then saw was a blur wizzing forward and slamming into another member of the Volturi and you quickly realised edward pounced on him, most likely to protect bella.

(skipping ahead)

Edward was spared from being destroyed and stood with Bella once again and Demetri stood by you again, an arm wrapped securely around your waist.

"let us be done with this, heidi will arrive any moment"

the old and frail-looking king spoke up as he stood up slowly "thank you for your visit" he said slowly with a deep rasp in his voice and then then the blonde king spoke up.

"I would advise that you follow through with your promise soon, we do not offer second chances" he said with a sneer on his face, emphasizing the word "chances" to make it sound more menacing you were sure.

Demetri let go of you momentarily to open the giant double doors and led you and the others out of the throne room "goodbye my young friends" Aro said from behind but you did not once stop to think to turn around, you just kept walking and followed demetri.

"Nice fishing, heidi" you heard demetri say and you looked up, a beautiful vampiric woman in a red dress walked past your group with a sea of tourists following right behind her, mumbling curiously and admiring the architecture of the palace and it appeared as though they were completely oblivious that they were being lead to their deaths.

maybe it was better that way, a quick and swift death.

"yes they do look rather juicy" Heidi replied and sent a smirk in his direction and an emotion that mimicked jealousy (or actual jealousy) rose within you, did she have thing for him? but you shook those thoughts away.

and then the screaming and shouting came.

you froze and wanted to turn around to observe what was happening but demetri snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you close to him "don't look its not for the faint of heart, mia cara" his soft voice met your ear and heat rushed down your spine at the close proximity, the effect he had on you making you slowly forget.

A few minutes later and you were outside, the warm sun beaming down on you and you welcomed it without hesitation, breathing in the fresh air and relaxed.

"It's time we go home" Alice stood next to you, a hand on your shoulder as she gave you a soft smile.

you bit your lip in thought, eyes flickering over to demetri.

for whatever reason, the thought of leaving him was like going through a heartbreak and it was like your whole body was protesting and fighting hard against it, leaving him felt like a gloomy cloud was descending upon you and your world would shrouded in darkness.

"2 seconds alice" you told her quietly and stepped over to demetri, your heart hammering violently in your chest.

"what happens now?" was the first thing you asked him as you looked up at his beautiful face, his beautiful red eyes looking down at you with a certain softness and fondness you didnt think you'd ever on a vampires face.

"We will be together again, and I understand that you must return home" He spoke with understanding as he delicately placed his hand on your cheek, stroking the skin softly like you were the most precious thing he had in his possession.

Which is kind of true given your human nature and his vampire.

a sad and small smile rose on your lips as you subconsciously leaned into his touch, his hand burrowing itself gently in your hair "I look forward to it" you whispered before stepping back, his hand falling from your head and you immediately missed his touch.

"we'll see each other sooner than you think, mia cara"

"this is only the start".

and with that, you turned and left with the others and you were damn sure that you wouldn't ever forget him.


still new at this, hope its nothing too bad

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1 year ago

They don't need me- A Jayden Shiba imagine

So I am 18 years old and I still find myself crushing on the red ranger of the Power Rangers Samurai aka Jayden Shiba (in the first season) and I just feel like I have to write my imaginations I feel like it'll be fun. Plus, no one knows who I am here so I wont get mocked :)

Imagine this: you switch places with Kevin when the nighlock takes possession of him, believing that the team need him more than you, especially jayden but little does she know...

Episode : I've got a spell on Blue

PS: Her name is Ember, imagine her as you want, and she has the ability to manipulate fire and able to preform protection spells (think of her as bloom from winx club I guess)

Yes, I know this is a major twist in the plot but this is how I always imagine it.

credits to power rangers, they own everything.


After a fight with the Nighlock had gone south, the rangers and Ember were on their way back to the dojo where Mentor was waiting for them. Concern clear on face.

It only grew as he saw the cuts and bruises and torn clothes.

"this isn't good, its going to very hard to break that monsters spell on the tiger zord and Kevin" he said as he followed them inside and walked along side Jayden.

Mike, Emily and Mia all sat down whilst Ember leaned against the wall, groaning in pain as her entire body ached from being slashed by Kevins spin sword. She wanted to use her powers to defend herself but at the same time, she didn't want to risk hurting Kevin with her fire power.

Jaydens head turned quickly after hearing the noise, feeling the smallest bit of concern but quickly covering it again and turning to mentor.

"we need a plan" he said firmly.

"Jayden, you must be prepared to make tough choices if need be" mentor says to him.

"I know Ji" Jayden replies.

a pause takes over the room before he speaks again.

"But lets figure out a way to break the nighlocks hold on Kevin before it gets to that"

The rangers look solemnly at one another.

But Ember had her own thought progress going on.

The rangers look really upset, I can imagine they are all very worried for Kevin. I understand why, Kevin is the brains of the Samurai rangers and trains harder than anybody else. He gets along with everyone, well maybe not so much with Mike but its gotten better

She quitely snickers to herself at that last bit before she continues to think.

They need him, otherwise the whole team might fall apart

A thought popped into her head.

What if… What if I could trade places with Kevin? I mean I am probably more valuable than Kevin because of my powers, I would be of more use to the nighlock. Besides, I’m not one of the rangers or part of their group, they need Kevin more than they need me. 

Hopefully the protection spells will enable me to break the nighlocks hold before the rangers find out

Suddenly, she feels determined to return Kevin to the rangers.

"Excuse me for a second" she says quietly to the others before dashing off the her room, hoping that the others think she just needs to lay down.

When the rangers start to chatter again, she quietly walks to double doors, pulls them open and walks out, closing the door quietly behind her. She takes off for the forest.


"Show yourself nighlock!"

As soon as she got to the forest, she immediately starts trying to attract the nighlocks attention. She spins around in circles, hoping to catch a glimpse of him somewhere.

"I have a deal for you!" she yells into the air.

When that doesn't spark anything, she tries again.

"I am more useful than the blue ranger, I will be able to inflict more damage and pain on the rangers. Release the blue ranger and take control of me instead!!" suddenly, she hears the sound of lightning

He's here.

"hmm I know you, you're the rangers little pet who always stays behind and does nothing" he retorts.

"that's one way to phrase it" she shrugs her shoulders.

He points a claw at her "how do I know you're not lying"

Ember smirks.

She closes her eyes and when she opens them, her eyes are a bright burning orange. She raises her hands up and out comes fire, growing larger and larger, she moves her wrists to spread the fire around them, creating a ring and trapping them both. With two snaps of her fingers, the fire is gone.

"hmmm color me impressed" the nighlocks hums and Ember nods her head in acknowledgement. A pause follows after.

"you have yourself a deal!" the nighlock exclaims loudly.

In a cloud of blue mist, Kevin appears and is still wearing his ranger suit. A mass of dark blue and black colored substance rises out of him before exploding in the air, cleansing Kevin of the monsters possession. He falls to the ground and catches his breath and his suit disappears from his body. He stands up and he is taken by surprise when he lays eyes on Ember.

"Ember, what are you doing?" he asks alarmed when he spots the nighlock not too far away from him.

"Kevin, before you do something stupid please listen to me. You are free to return to the rangers. They need you okay? more than they need me, especially Jayden" she says, her voice taking a sorrow tone.

"Ember, what did you do??"

"She traded places with you, claimed that she is more useful" the nighlock laughed and Kevin is shocked and can't figure out what to say. This was quite a heavy sacrifice she was making.

" Please tell them I'm sorry for leaving without telling them" she whispers.

"Run!!" she yells one last time.

Kevin takes off to the Dojo, running as fast as he can to warn his fellow rangers

The nighlock unleashes a blast, directly targeting her. The impact of the blast sent her to the ground, where the spell works its way into her body and into her brain. She groans in as the spell takes ahold of her. After a few seconds, she stands up and her eyes are bright purple. The nighlock has control of her now.

"The rangers don't know what's coming for them"


After running for what seemed like eternity, Kevin finally made it to the Dojo. He frantically rips open the doors and runs inside to find the rangers sitting in a circle on the chairs surrounding the map table.

The heads Jayden and Mentor shoot up and quickly stand up once they see Kevin standing there, completely frantic and breathing heavily. The rest of the rangers had retired to their rooms to get some rest and recuperate.

Jayden walks up to Kevin carefully, not sure if they are being tricked or not. He places a hand on Kevins shoulder and finds out that it really is Kevin. He smiles and squeezes his shoulder.

"Welcome back Kevin" Jayden says, relief filling him. Then he asked "how did you get here?"

"Ember, she... she... she took my place, she traded places with me so that the Nighlock has control of her instead of me" he says quickly.

"She did what?!" Mentor exclaims

Jayden could not comprehend the words Kevin has just said. Immediate concern and sorrow fills him as he thinks of the girl whom he's begun to feel things for. Sure, he didn't think anything of it to start with, but as she remained with the rangers and spent more time with them, Jayden grew to care for her. Yes, he cares for all of the rangers but it's different with Ember. He gets nervous when their eyes meet across the room, he gets scared whenever she is injured in battle, he admires how close she's grown with Mia and Emily, he loves how she checks up on him every now and then. And most importantly, she makes him feel good and at ease, like the rest of world and it's problems just faded away. One might say, he developed feelings for her.

"She said that you guys needed me more than we needed her, especially you, Jayden" Kevin mutters quitely.

"She thinks we don't need her?" Jayden asked sorrowfully, feeling great sadness that she came to feel this way.

Kevin nodded sadly.

" Okay new plan. We need to get Ember back, she is now our first priority" Jayden says fiercely, determination crossing his features.

"We need to destroy that nighlock before he hurts her or makes her hurt innocent people" Kevin says and the rest agreed with her. Suddenly, everyone knew what to do and they would do everything in her power to do accomplish the task. Get Ember back at all cost.

"No, I'll go alone, you need to rest just like the others, you need to make sure you okay before you can fight" Jayden tells him. Kevin knew he was right and nodded his head before going to his room.

Jayden runs to doors, pulls out his sammurizer and morphs into his ranger suit. He goes to find the Nighlock that has taken Ember from him.


The Shib alarm starts sounding out in the entire house and the rangers run to Mentor who has already opened the water map.

"Mentor, where's Jayden? Mike asked.

"He's already gone to battle the Nighlock" he informs the rangers.

"Are you kidding me? what about Ember? the Nighlock will make her fight Jayden" Mike states irritated.

"Hopefully that won't happen but it our duty to protect the people. He may have no choice." Mentor sighs.

"There's always a choice!" Mike exclaims

"This is bogus"

Mentor turns and walks around him "Have faith in your leader, Mike"

"Mike, we have to help Jayden" Mia says.

" And hope Ember comes to her senses" Emily adds on.

The rangers run to the join Jayden at the battlefield.


Jayden stands in front of the Nighlock, Ember standing right behind him with a cold expression on her face as she observes Jayden.

"It's about time red ranger" the nighlock bellows out but Jayden's focus is solely on Ember.

"Ember please wake up" he says to her. She smirks and only shrugs her shoulders in response, the spell forcing her.

"Not going to happen, red" The nighlock says before turning to Ember.

"Make this fight count" he says and she nods her head and moves closer to Jayden.

"Or I'll make her use her powers on herself"

The rest of rangers arrive just on time, holding up their morphers.

"Jayden, we're here to help" Mike states.

"No, I can't put anyone else at risk" Jayden rejects Mike's and the others aid.

"You want a show? I'll give you the show of your life, Nighlock" Jayden says beforing morphing into his suit.

"I wish I had some popcorn. Fire girl, attack!" The Nighlock yells before jumping on top of some containers to watch the battle.

She moves her hands to her side, fire sprouting out of them immediately and she advances towards Jayden and the two slowly start to circle each other. Jayden goes into a stance and Ember sees that as her sign to attack. With a flick of her wrist, she throws the fire fire ball towards Jayden

Jayden deflects her attack by using his sword as a barrier, immediately after, he lunges for her. He swipes his sword, Ember holds up her arms, a magical armor protecting her from getting cut and she blocks his attack. This left her flank open and Jayden used that to his advantage.

Before she could see it, Jayden kicks her to the ground. She wheezes as air is knocked out of her and she holds her sides.

"What are you thinking thats Ember!" Mike yells out but his statement goes unheard.

Ember quickly stands up again and moves to launch another attack but.. she stops and lets out a a gasp as she falls to the ground again. Ember is trying to take back control and the rid the control the nighlock has over her.

Groaning, she clutches her head as a headache begins to form but she has to push through the pain, she just has to. She starts thrashing and shaking on the ground, fighting the monsters control over her. The pain is building but she can't give up, she's so close.

"Ember?" Jayden asked concerned and confused.

"Jayden" Ember whimpered.

"Jayden please" she doesn't know why she's saying please, she just wants him to know that she's trying.

"Ember, you can fight this, I know you can. I know you think we don't need you but we do, we all do.. especially me. So please, come back to us... come back to me" He says softly.

That was all she needed to hear. Her screams and cries grow louder and her thrashing becomes more violent and just when she thought it was never going to end, she lets out a final scream and the same black and dark blue substance was pulled from her eyes and mouth, completely expelling the dark magic from her body.

She relaxes and lays flat on the ground, trying desperately to catch her breath and let her senses return to her.

"No!! what on earth did you do !!!"The nighlock screams, angry that his plan did not go accordingly.

Ember sits up carefully and looks the monster dead in the eye.

" I broke your spell. Did you really think I was just going to let you control me that easily?" she laughed dryly.

"But how?? only I can reverse that spell!!" He yelled.

"Guess I'm just stronger than you think" she smirked, happy that she foiled the nighlock's plans.

Her eyes move over to Jayden, only to find him already looking at her with pride and admiration, a small smile present on his face. He nodded and she understood.

They were going to talk later.

(Authors note: my patience was wearing thin so I decided to go ahead and skip it)


The rangers were enjoying a board game where their zords where the game pieces. Suffice it to say, it was not going well for Mike...

Ember was sat next to Emily, she didn't have enough energy to play but she was happy to observe them and watch the smiles on their faces. She leaned her head on Emily's shoulder as her eyes flicker over to Kevin and Jayden who were having a quite discussion.

Anticipation and nervousness came over her, she and Jayden hadn't talked yet and she was only growing more anxious.

Was he mad at her? was he sad? disappointed?

her thoughts were going haywire.

Suddenly, she needed fresh air and walked out the open door to sit on one of the stone benches. She moved to the furthest one away from the laughter and chatter from her friends, wanting to enjoy the open night sky.

But she had a feeling she was not alone and she knew who it was.

"You scared me today"

She turned around and she was right. Jayden followed her outside.

He sat down beside her and examined her face more closely. It was still a little bit banged up but the cuts and bruises were healing fast, thanks to her exacerbated blood. He was relieved and Ember smiled at him.

"I'm sorry" she whispered out before moving her eyes back down to her lap

"Why did you do it? Why did you let that Nighlock do that to you? Jayden asked her quietly and she let out a sad sigh.

"I just thought that you guys needed Kevin more than you needed me. I wanted to help the team, even if it meant sacrificing myself. I don't know, I just feel like I'm a burden to you guys and I'm not even part of the group and I thought I was finally doing something to help you" she opens up to him.

Jayden grabs her chin with two fingers and moves her face so she was looking at him.

"Ember, you are not a burden and you are needed. Mia and Emily need you, Mike needs you because who else keeps him from wrecking the house and Kevin doesn't show it but he needs you to, he believes you provide a great advantage in battle. And I need you too" she blushes at his heartfelt words and moves to pull her face away but is met with resistance.

"There is something else. Ever since I met you, I've come to care for you and you make me feel things I have never felt before. Your smile makes me feel at ease, the way you laugh seems to make my heart race. Every time a monster hurts you, I feel this urge to protect you, Everytime I can see you are scared, I want to comfort you and the way you just are, it amazes me so much. I have feelings for you, Ember and I've tried to fight it but it's pretty difficult when a person like you is so beautiful and caring"

Ember could not believe it, all this time he felt the same as her?? She thought she was insane for developing feelings for the red danger, believing full well that he was never going to see her more than a team mate or friend. But here he was, proving her wrong.

Surprise and shock flitters across her face and she processes his confession before joy and elation start to fill her until the smile that is spreading on her face begins to hurt.

"Jayden, I feel the same way" she finally gathered the courage to speak and her face moved closer to his. Slowly but surely, they lean in closer and closer until their noses touch. Ember closes her eyes and pray he won't reject her. Slowly, she feels his lips against hers and he breathing picks up along with her heart.

Before she chickens out, she closes the gap and seals their lips together in a kiss. Their lips moved slowly against each other, Jayden brings his hand up to caress her face and pull her a little closer with his other hand. Ember moves her hands and interlocks them behind his neck and craning her head.

Their kiss becomes more passionate and deeper as they continue exploring each others mouths. The butterflies in her stomach are going awol, she never thought she was going to be so lucky.

After 5 minutes of passionate kissing, the pair had to pull away from each other to catch some much needed air and lean their foreheads against each other.



3212 Words

okay my head is killing me now, that took way too long to write. But I actually liked it, finally being able to write down one of thought imaginations.

I just felt the urge to suddenly just write and so I just pulled a random imagine from my head and it was the one with Jayden Shiba.

I might come back and do another, if the mood strikes you know :)

-- Swiss girl.

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2 years ago

Soo I feel like this is a good enough motivation for me to finally say something on this platform


The man has currently taken over my entire for you page

But the thing is, I’m not complaining

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1 year ago

Oh before I get accused of copying, I originally write my imagines on Wattpad before posting them here so everything you see her belongs to me (apart from the scenes and clips im basing them on)

my username is @mathildeV5

1 year ago

Run - a mafia don boyfriend imagine

This recent fig popped into my head and its playing in my head over and over.

So you and your best friend are dating the two leaders of the local mafia and lets just say you love to mess with them.

They got caught doing something (reader decides what) and the two men decide to plan a punishment but the girls are not ready to face the consequences just yet ;)

You and your boyfriend : Adeline & Lucas

Best friend and her boyfriend : Anna & Xaden

picture them however you want

warning: tad spicy.. just a tad


"oh you girls are in so much trouble" Lucas chuckled, his eyes trained on me.

Anna and I stood side by side across from the boys, a kitchen island separating us from them. We stood with our arms crossed behind our backs and plastered innocent smiles on our faces.

"We don't know what you're talking about" Anna said and I nodded along.

"Don't give us that, Anna. You know exactly what you did" Xaden stared her down, seriousness with a hint of amusement visible on his face.

"excuse me" our heads turn to someone standing by the door leading to the living room. The kitchen was connected to two rooms, the living room and the stairs to the upper floors. The guy motions is head into the living room, silently asking the boys to follow him.

Lucas and Xaden turn to us, now fully serious.

"Stay right there and don't fucking move"

"do you girls understand?"

we eagerly nod our heads.

"Good" Lucas said before him and Xaden leave the room, leaving us all alone.

Bad idea

Anna turns to me with a growing face on her face and I just knew what she was planning to do.

"we're not gonna stay here are we?"


just when the creaking of the door can be heard, she grabs my hand and pulls hard, forcing me to break into a sprint and we run as fast as we can to the door leading to the upper floors.

Yanking open the door, we immediately run down the hallway, up the stairs, making a left and hid behind the corner wall. We lean against the wall, hands clutching our chests as we try to catch our breath.

neither of us work out much...

suddenly, I break out into a fit of giggles. I can't believe we did this, we just pulled ourselves into some deeper shit and I just know the guys are not gonna let us go peacefully this time.

Unfortunately for them, we love a good game of cat and mouse.

I mean come on, who doesn't want to be chased by a irresistibly attractive guy who is tall and muscular in all the right places?

good god now I kind of want to be caught.

"where did they go?!"

our eyes snap to each other as they grew wide and suddenly the foot steps running up the stairs could be heard.

I stared at Anna in panic, "we need to go now!"

she nods and we start running again in an attempt to find a new hiding spot. The house is big, no doubt about that but there are only so many places we can run to before they catch us.

"Lets split up, this way we'll find them faster and have them cornered" I could hear Xaden say.

Suddenly, we stop in our tracks as our eyes suddenly meet the backs of Lucas and Xaden at the end of the hallway. As quietly as possible, we slow down completely and come to a halt, bringing our hands up to our mouths to conceal any possible noise.

hearts racing and breathing heavy, we stood there. To my luck, I see the door leading to the library. I carefully tap Anna on the shoulder and her eyes follow my vision to the door and she nods her head in understanding.

Keeping an eye on the boys, we slowly start tiptoeing towards the door and just when we thought we made it to safety, the floor creaks.

god I have never hated a sound more.

Without looking back, I rip open the door, pull us inside and violently shutting door and there sadly was no time to lock the door as we immediately bolted to the bookshelves.

just as we made to and crouched in the darkest corner, the door swings open loudy, the hinges of the door creak with an echo reverberating around the room, making me feel tense.

I bring my hand up to my mouth, concealing any noise of breathing and completely still my movements. Anna does the same.

"Annaaaa, come out come out wherever you are" a singsong voice calls out, xadens voice.

I drew my eyebrows together in a frown, was it just him? is lucas in here too?

Apparently Anna had the same train of thought because she slowly started walking forward to catch a glimpse of who was in the room with us.

Without warning, a hand strikes out and catches Anna's wrist, pulling her out of her hiding spot as she shrieked in surprise and was pulled into Xaden's embrace.


Anna thrashed in his arms but it was all to no avail, Xaden was so much stronger than her and he had no problem keeping her locked in the cage that were his arms.

Her not-so panicked eyes met mine as she breathlessly stops fighting against his hold, "Adeline, run!" she yelled out before Xaden threw her over his shoulder, making her giggle.

I smiled.

Is it bad that I kind of want Lucas to catch me now?

Seems like Anna is in a world of pleasure right now, I feel a little jealous.

I snap out of my thoughts as the door to the library snaps open again, banging against the walls as a result of being forced open so harshly. I feel my body tense up again and my heart begins to thunder in my chest.

Oh dear god he's here.

I really jinxed myself there.

deciding that staying here behind a bookshelf was not such a genius idea, I carefully and quietly stand up and begin to move, peeking in between the books to see where he is.

I see nothing and I don't believe that, that is a good sign. deciding to be even more stupid, I keep moving towards the end of the bookshelf in hopes of hiding behind a new one, mimicking a game of cat and mouse.

I knew damn well I was the mouse.

Lucas was the cat.

Suddenly, I walk into a hard wall and bump my head into something hard but I don't remember a wall feeling soft and wearing-clothing like. I freeze as I realise what I had bumped into.

I shouldn't be questioning what I bumped into, more who I bumped into....

eyes wide with panic, I look and see Lucas's towering frame standing over me, a smirk adorning hs gorgeous face and I feel arms being wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him.

I had to grab onto his shoulders to stabilise myself before I toppled over but I doubt he would let that happen just like there was no doubt I was trapped.

"going somewhere my love? he asked teasingly, a devilish glint in his eyes and he tightens his hold on me.

I chuckled nervously, trying to come up with something to say, "oh you know, just out on a stroll"

stupid stupid Adeline... out on a stroll?? really??

he raises his eye brow teasingly, clearly not buying the lie, "out on a stroll my ass, you never a good liar my love" he chuckled darkly, the sound sending a spark right down my spine.

I avert my gaze as a blush takes my over my face, wanting to crawl away from embarrassment. Suddenly, his hand grips my chin and forces my eyes to meet his again.

"Look at me sweetheart"

He leaned his face closer to mine and hovered his lips over mine, his close proximity sending my body into a hurricane of lust and desire as I felt his warm breath against my face.

he moves one hand to the my chest, whilst the other still occupied my chin, and moved it to my chest, and pushed me against the bookshelf and pressing his body closer than ever to mine.

Using his body to keep me trapped, he lets go of my chin and grabs my wrists, pinning them above my head and securing them tightly with one hand, immobilizing them.

The way his felt against mine was utterly divine, I could feel every crevice of his beautiful and muscular body, every centimeter of exposed skin, every contraction of his muscler and it was sending my hormones into a frenzy.

I could feel how my body coming alive underneath him, warmth pooling in my core and I helplessly felt how the intensity of gaze was making an unbearable throbbing occur. I tried to press my legs together to create some friction in hopes of relieving the pressure but his body keeping mine trapped didn't allow for that to happen.

He eyes tracked my every reaction to him, the smirk deepening into a devilish grin once he saw how much he effected me, his lips still hovering over mine.

I let out a needy whimper, "lucas please"

he chuckles and moves his lips to my ear, his breath tickling my senses.

"oh my sweet girl, good girls get rewarded but do you know what happens to bad girls?" he whispers, gently biting my ear lobe.

"What?" I whisper breathlessly, lust and desire throwing my mind into a dizzying haze.

I feel him grin against my ear.

"They get punished"

Run - A Mafia Don Boyfriend Imagine

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