Firefighter Transformation - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Working my usual white collar job, I sometimes I wonder if life would be easier if I were someone - or something - different. A firefighter, for instance! I could imagine being a hunky and hairy, manly and musky, daring and dirty firefighter who doesn't need to think so much all the time. Or, even a pair of underwear or a uniform for such a guy. But that's just daydreaming of course. Back to my job, I guess.


I got you, bro. Strip down for me. Your life is about to change dramatically. Yes, take off your underwear too. I need a blank slate. I’m about to create a masterpiece.

Let’s start with your legs. Big, massive trunks of muscle. You could snap the head off of someone with those things. A thin, and chiselled chest, topped with a deep six pack. Look at that thing. It’s a fucking temple, man.

Broad shoulders and huge fucking arms. But these things aren’t for show man, you’re lifting things for real. Trust me, when you’re crawling around on the floor in the dark, smoke everywhere, a massive air tank on your shoulders, you’re going to thank me for giving you arms that big.

Okay now relax. Your life is simple. You wake up, jerk off, work out and you never buy drinks anymore. As soon as you tell someone you’re a firefighter, guys and girls line up to buy you a drink.

Here’s your bunker gear man. Jump into those boots and pull up the pants to your waist. The suspenders go over your shoulders. Ooh fuck man! You’re sexy already. And now put your coat on and there you go. Ready for anything.

Working My Usual White Collar Job, I Sometimes I Wonder If Life Would Be Easier If I Were Someone - Or

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8 months ago

I love firefighter TFs.

Fire Captain Benedict

(Content: Age Progression, Muscle Growth, Body Hair, Beard Growth, Firefighter TF, Musk TF, Clothes TF, Uniform TF, Forced TF)

The intense summer heat of the day slowly gave place to the warm air of the summer night at the fire station. The firefighters, after an exhausting day of draining missions, were finally returning from their daily battles, their faces showing the fatigue and their big bodies fully drenched in sweat. The air was thick with the strong scent of smoke and the musk of their hard labor. Not that they cared about it, it was just a souvenir of their bravery.

As they entered, they passed by a van of a company of electrical services, that was pulled up in front of the station. “They still didn’t fix that shit?” Rick, one of the firemen, mumbled in annoyance.

Outside the van, three electricians were preparing their equipment for another night of attempts to fix the issues of the station. Accompanying the electricians, there was also a slender, scrawny young man, barely 20 years old, called Ben. This was his first major job as an intern, and he didn’t know what to expect of such an overwhelming place. Since he was hired, all he did was stay locked in a boring office all day, so he was happy to finally go out in a mission. Ben even got to wear a hi-vis suit for the first time, and he was particularly excited about this part.

Fire Captain Benedict

Ben had always been a curious guy, and he wanted to explore the fire station. As the electrician team began unloading their tools, one of them handed Ben a checklist.

"Stay close. This place is a maze and we don't want to lose you."

Ben nodded in agreement, but his curiosity was winning against his desire to obey the orders and cause a good impression on his first mission. The huge fire station, with its huge trucks and handsome men, caught his attention too quickly. As the electricians were busy checking the station’s electrical systems, Ben found himself wandering through the corridors, sneaking into rooms to look at all the cool equipment.

As he passed by the firemen, he couldn’t help but notice how burly and manly they were. They might train a lot. At the same time, he started to feel too small and out of place among all of them. His hi-vis gear was giving a few more confidence, but not enough to even compete against the firemen around him in their imposing uniforms.

Fire Captain Benedict

b‘Are beards a requirement to be a firefighter now?’ he asked himself as he realised that many of the men were proudly showing their dense facial hair. He felt like he could taste all of the testosterone in that place, and it was suffocating.

Fire Captain Benedict

As he walked, taking looks at every corner and details of the building, Ben eventually stumbled into the dressing room. The smell hit him first, a potent mix of sweat, smoke, musk and rubber. The room was filled with firefighters stripping off their gear after their long shift, with their faces marked by exhaustion and frustration. They looked up as Ben entered, not expect to see the skinny intruder.

"Hey, look who’s here," called out one of the firefighters, the burly man named Rick. "A little lost, right?"

Fire Captain Benedict

Ben felt a bit of embarrassment but tried to keep his composure. "Hey, sir. I’m just, uh, checking things out," he said, showing his checklist and forcing a deep voice.

Fire Captain Benedict

Rick’s eyes gleamed with mischief as he sized up the skinny intern. Shirtless, he was almost touching Ben’s face with his big chest. The smell of sweat was intoxicating. Rick took the checklist out of his hand to take a look, and then put it away. Then, he laid his eyes on Ben’s uniform, the loose hi-vis suit.

“Checking things out, huh? Are you sure you’re not here to take a look at how an actual work gear is supposed to look like?"

The room got filled with menacing looks, too harsh and mocking. Ben's face turned red as he tried to think of a response, but his mind went blank.

Another firefighter, a tall man named Dave, stepped forward.

"Hey, Rick, maybe we should give the kid a real taste of the action. You know, to make him feel welcome."

Rick’s mean smile widened.

“That’s a great idea, Dave." He pointed to a pile of dirty, sweat-soaked firefighting suits in the corner. "How about you put one of these on, young man?"

“No, Rick. Get him our special one.” Dave said as he went to a separate locker and took out a full firefighter gear. It looked heavy, big and dirty. Not only dirty, but its smell quickly consumed the already musky room. The gear had the smell of strong body odour, men’s body spray and salty sweat, sweat that seemed to be stuck in the suit for weeks if not months.

Ben hesitated, sensing the mockery but feeling too intimidated to refuse. "I don't think that's a good idea. I'm just an intern…”

"An intern, huh?" interrupted Rick. "Well, if you want to learn, you gotta put yourself in the shoes of actual labor. Put it on and let’s see.”

The firefighters crowded around Ben, their laughter consumed his ears as they threw that dirty suit near his feet. The gear was grimy, reeking of smoke and sweat, the fabric stiff with the residues and fluids of all the men that had ben inside it.

"Go on, dude," Rick urged, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Show us what you’re made of."

With trembling hands, Ben began to put it on. As soon as he took a closer look, se noticed that those men weren’t using that gear for work, but rather something else. He paralysed as he noticed the cum stains inside the pants and inside the boots. Stains that had been building up for several days.

“Don’t waste out time, boy.” Rick said and the other men got around him. No way that he could leave that place without doing what they asked.

He slowly started to dress up. The boots were too big, the pants were too heavy and loose for his thin legs. They were also too heavy for him to even move.

“Let me help you out, bro.” Another firefighter got behind him and took off Ben’s bright hi-vis vest and jacket. “Get a taste of what a real hard working man should wear.”

Ben wasn’t expecting that the man behind him would also grab his t-shirt to take it off, exposing his slender frame to all those muscular men.

“Hey, you gotta put this on first.” Dave took off his own uniform t-shirt, and used it to wipe off the sweat on his forehead before giving it to Ben. “You gotta pay respect to the uniform.”

The shirt was wet and warm. Way too loose. Rick put the suspenders on his shoulders and helped him to wear the heavy firefighter jacket. As soon as he saw it, his faced turned into disgust as there was also cum stains inside the jacket. Rick closed it up on Ben’s body. The gear was too heavy for him to even move and the jacket hung off him like a sack. He could feel the dampness of the sweat and cum that had been sealed into the suit, sticking to his skin. The firefighters’ laughter grew louder as he struggled with the gear.

"Look at him!" shouted Dave. "He can’t even stay standing. Maybe we should call his mommy to give a help."

Fire Captain Benedict

"I-I can do it," Ben muttered, trying to ignore their bullying, feeling an urge to prove himself to those guys.

"Oh, he's got some spirit," said another firefighter, a bald man named Sam. "Maybe he could be our new mascot. Or a new place for us to put our cum since this gear is too over-worn already. What do you think, Rick?"

Rick chuckled, shaking his head. "Nah, he wouldn’t last a day here. He’s just a weak dude playing dress up. But he can be our new cum sock once he builds up a little.

"I bet he can't even lift a hose," Dave said with a smirk. "Probably doesn't even know the difference between a nozzle and a hydrant."

Ben couldn’t stand the rancid air, the despair, humiliation and discomfort.

“Let’s see how much weight you can handle.” Sam got closer carrying a bunch of firefighting equipment. A belt was wrapped around us body and so was a heavy backpack with a tank for oxygen. Finally, Sam took a helmet on the floor and put Ben’s small head.

Fire Captain Benedict

As soon as the helmet touched his hair, his scalp started to itch. Then, a sudden and inexplicable energy spread throughout his body. His heart skipped a beat, and a strange warmth grew from his chest outward. He got nauseous from the weight of the gear as his body began to change. The laughter around him faded as the firefighters started to witness an unexpected scene.

“What's happening to him?" Dave whispered.

Rick stared with wide eyes. "What the fuck."

Each step of those changes were followed by intense pain and pressure. I’m front of the firemen’s eyes, Ben’s body stretched and shifted, and the oversized gear gradually started to fit him perfectly. His bones ached as they grew, his muscles burned as they swelled with newfound strength, exploding in size. He gritted his teeth as the pain intensified, and his body trembled as his height towered all the men in that room.

Suddenly, Ben felt a strange tingling on his scalp. He reached up and took off the helmet, running his fingers through his hair as it began to thin and recede. He could feel the strands slipping away, leaving his scalp exposed. The sensation was both weird and oddly freeing, like shedding an old skin. His hairline crept back more and more.

Fire Captain Benedict

"Look at his hair!" Sam said, in awe and horror. "It’s falling!"

Ben’s face contorted with the pressure as more changes were happening. His skin toughened, becoming rough and tanned, as if it was refined by years of exposure to hard labour and elegant maturity. Lines of age and wisdom carved themselves deeper around his eyes and mouth. He felt his jawline grow more pronounced, his cheekbones sharper. Within moments, he was completely bald, the gleaming scalp reflecting the harsh fluorescent lights of the room. A thick, dense beard sprouted across his face in a contrast to his smooth scalp.

Fire Captain Benedict

His face wasn’t the only place to be covered by a forest of thick hair. Underneath his t-shirt, that was perfectly fitting to his body now, chest hair was sprouting wildly all around his new massive muscles. The hair spread to his arms, shoulders, back, legs and his newly grown bulge. It was itchy and felt like burning.

"Wh-what are you?" Rick stepped back, shocked by what he be just seen.

Ben's thoughts raced as he tried to comprehend the miraculous transformation he just went through. The pain had been intense, but the result was astonishing. He felt powerful, confident, and fuelled by a sense of purpose he had never known before. The sudden and violent loss of his youth (and hair) was disorienting and disturbing. He was hit by a momentary panic about the permanent disappearance of his old and familiar self. But he also felt free. Free from his weakness and lack of confidence. Free from his small young frame that could never make anyone take him seriously. Free from his self imposed limited and finally ready to become the man that has always been hidden inside his youthful body. His mind welcomed those new strength and wisdom, a sense of authority and leadership that overshadowed his initial shock and fear of what had happened.

"I'm Captain Benedict now," he declared in a deep and commanding voice. He didn’t know where it was coming from or how did he even get this new posture. Now, all those firemen looked younger, smaller and shorter than him, and they all lifted their heads to look to him in the eye.

The room fell silent, the laughter and mockery were replaced by awe and disbelief. Rick and the others nodded quickly, their eyes wide with astonishment. Benedict was confused. What new prank was that? Were they all pretend to obey him just to pull another joke?

Dave, swallowing hard, finally found his voice. "Captain Benedict... what do you want us to do?"

Captain Benedict stepped forward with his imposing presence. Part of him was still suspicious of what was happening but the other accepted his role as a fire captain.

“First, you can start by cleaning this mess. And start acting like the adult men you are. There's no place for this behaviour in this station."

Sam nodded in shame. "Yes, Captain. We're sorry."

Rick, still stunned by the transformation he had just watched, lowered his head. "It won't happen again, Captain. We promise."

"Promises aren't enough. You'll all be on thin ice from now on. Any mistakes and you're out. Do I make myself clear?" The captain’s eyes hardened.

"Yes, Captain!" the firefighters said together with fear and respect and stepped aside, humbled and respectful, to make way for their new captain, who proudly wore that gear he was forced to wear.

On the outside, the electricians had finished their inspection and were starting to pack their stuff to go back.

"Where's the kid?" one of them asked the other as they noticed Benedict’s absence.

Before anyone could answer, they heard the door behind them being opened. Captain Benedict walked out, completely different from less than an hour before, but the resemblance was still there. He approached the electricians, his old coworkers, who stared at him in disbelief.

"Ben? Is that you?" Tom finally managed to ask, his voice a mix of disbelief and awe.

"It'’s Benedict, now. Captain Benedict.” the captain replied with a slight smile on his lips. "Thank you for your work. Our issues on the station are finally fixed."

The electricians stood in shock, as their memories started to twist to accommodate this new event in their lives. They finished packing their tools and left, still processing the event they had witnessed. The captain, who was nothing more than a useless intern, was right. The issue was fixed, they just needed a captain to put things in place.

Fire Captain Benedict

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