Five Hargreeves X Male Reader - Tumblr Posts
Running into you again
Five x Gn!reader
Both of you are age appropriate (You both are 19)
Takes place in season 1
You look at your watch making sure you timed this right. It has been a long time since you last saw your love, but this was his plan you followed and you didn't care you, wanted to help him.
Before you met your love you were one of the top agents of the commission. And i do mean top agent. But then you pulled the ultimate getaway. You had blown up almost half of the orginal buliding before stealing a breif case and making your getaway. Though there was a slight problem.
A bullet had hit the breif case as you timed jumped and ended up in the right time...but the with wrong age. You had your teenage body and not your actual older body.
Shaking your head of those thoughts you made your way out of the apartment to the doughnut shop.
Once there you sat in the both and ordered your usual and waited. When a boy and man walked in. You watched them slightly as they talked.
Once the waitress came back she gave them their orders along with yours and smiled but, quickly left to fix something in the back. You took a sip of your drink as you watched the two before the older man left, leaving the teen behind.
You stood up and grabbed your things and moved to sit where the teen was. "You know...i never thought you were the school uniform person." You say. The fellow teen turn to look at you. " And it's good to see you too (y/n)" you smiled. "And you Five...i see we both got into a bit of trouble." You say seeing that you both are back in your teenage bodies. Five nodded "i had missed calculation"
"I dont think you look half bad look rather dashing Five. You could have been a real heart braker." You say with a chuckle. He rolled his eyes. "You dont half bad yourself but, how-?"
"A built hit the case just as i telported. I rather go through ragging hormones again then getting stuck in a different time." You say. "I guess the odd must be in our favor" five said as he leaned in more to kiss you. It had been such a long time since you last saw five...
"Now, don't think we won yet my dear. Speaking of which did you take out the-"
Five shut his eye, scolding himself as he remember he didnt take out the tracker.
"Tracker....Fuck." you both slowly ruen to see soldiers at the ready. The leader begins to speak but, your quickly bored. "Looking here sonny boy. How long have you been at this? " You question making them all wince. "If I had wanted to hear your poor excuse of a negotiation I would have actually been scared." You get up from the stool and move to the leader. "Jesus christ is this what the commission calls as a death squad? Maybe I shouldn't have left so soon five, could have train ya better? Who's been traing ya? Is it Wilson?" Five let out a scoff "it's Monroe." Your eyes widen "that idiot?! Ah shit now I feel sorry about kill ya. I dont even know how the commission allows him to work." You say before the guy can even finish his question. You flicked out the knife you had and proceed to stab him. "Ready to dance honey?" Five smirks and you smile.
The squad feels the chill of your smile. "You take the high rode."
"Ill take the low rode."
For five minutes nothing but the sounds of gun fire and screams were heard. To any on looker, who ever was brave enough, would take how you both moved in the blood bath, it would almost look like you both are dancing. Five would appear and disappear with a flash of blue but he never strayed too far from you, guarding your back. You pulled off many impossible twist and turns, your hands quick at slashing that it look like lightning, your guard Fives front. At the end the squat time layer dead while you both stood there grinning like cats. "Okay get that stupid thing out of your wrist and ill patch ya up at my place." You hand your knife as you reach ober the doughnut counter to grab napkins you both so desperately needed. "They really went to shit."
Five humms in agreement. "Yeah well... that bomb you set off took pretty much all the good one out. " he tosses the pill like tracker and hands your your knife. You smile and give him the napkins. "Where do you live?"
"Right across the street from the academy." He nods and hold your hand and teapots you both there. Taking out the keys you open the front door and begin the march up the stairs to your flat. "Oh! Speaking of which how was the funeral?"
"Well there's just a pile of ashes, Luther and Deago got into a fight...other than that it was nice"
You let out a laugh and open the door to your flat and let him in. The flat was bare with few nick nacks you gathered since staying here. At least you had a TV and some of his favorite alcohol. "Now let me get fix this then we can sleep" he holds out his arm and you begin to disinfect and stich it back together. "Your too good to me (y/n)." He spoke making you look up to him. "Well your sane to my insanity Five."
He places a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Lets get some sleep." He mumbles and allows you to show him to the bed. "Lets hope they don't send anyone else too soon." You whisper as you snuggled into him, he brings the covers over you both. "Mmm...I doubt it..."
"Night Five."
"Night (y/n)"
Hopefully tomorrow would bring a good day.