Flow Arts - Tumblr Posts
Flagging in the Park San Francisco, CA
National AIDS Memorial Grove
Golden Gate Park

Veils of Xacafada
An Xavier Caylor/Faerie Daddy collaboration.
35.5"x43" Short veil fans.
8m Silk tie-dye by Xavier Caylor on 12" hand cut reinforced basswood fan ribs that are wrapped in prismatic skin and equipped with prismatic reflectors. Fans crafted and designed by Faerie Daddy.
Available to bid on in the Flagging in the Park silent auction at the National AIDS memorial grove.
San Francisco, CA
July 30th
Starting bid:$200.

Inspired by the life and death of his fan daddy Richard Ballou he has been making flags since 1995 and fans since 2005. His creations have only been able to be purchased exclusively in the July FITP auction.

Faerie Daddy
Romp party 07/30/23
"Adventures in kinkland"
@ 1015 Folsom
San Francisco, CA

Faerie Daddy
The Roundup
Truck Stop T Dance
Dallas, Tx. 09/10/23

Faerie Daddy
Early 2000's
Club One
Dallas, Tx

Faerie Daddy July 2024
Flag Alley San Francisco, CA
The same flags two decades later. One thing to be said about polyester, longevity.
Faerie Daddy
Performing at Bareback to the Woods
Saturday night show
TCC campgrounds
Cameron, Tx

Faerie Daddy
Kehena Beach, Hawai'i

Faerie Daddy
Performing for a benefit at Hidden Door
Dallas, TX

One of my favorite parts of making a new set of fans is taking the fan sails as I work on them and dance around as if they were a long flowy skirt.
🐦🔥 Veils of Phoenix Fire 🐦🔥

Veils of Phoenix Fire
43” x 34” Short veil fans made from reclaimed tie-dyed flag silk on 12” custom cut reinforced birchwood fan ribs. Decorated with prismatic holographic vinyl and trimmed with photo reflective banding.
These artifacts were crafted in the forges of El Tivoli. With the use of faerie magics they have been imbued wtith the fires of the Phoenix. Wielded properly, fanning the flames they can burn away the darkness of the soul, rekindle inner fire, allow the heart to burn bright, and flow into an inferno of love.
Starting bid: $200
Faerie Daddy - Flow Artist/Designer - Dallas, TX
Inspired by the life and death of his flag/fan daddy Richard Ballou he has been flagging and making flags since 1994. Fanning and designing fans since 2005.
His designs have been exclusively available for purchase at the July FITP San Francisco auction since 2008.
These fans made to be a donation for the silent auction at the Flagging in the Park in the National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park-San Francisco, CA July 27 2024. Auction proceeds go to benefit the Grove itself.

🦋 Wings of the Monarch 🦋
42" Nylon butterfly print fans on 12" custom cut reinforced birchwood fan ribs wrapped in black vinyl with photo reflective banding.
Crafted in the forges of El Tivoli imbued with the spirit of the butterfly.
I'm in love with these.

🌌 ~ Jellyfish Fairy ~ 🌌 (swinging_angel_)
(Credit if you use) (ko-fi)

Highlight reel from the showcase at Flag Alley 07/24/2024
San Francisco, CA