Fnaf Sb Glamrock Freddy - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Hi!! Could I have headcanons for sundrop, Freddy, and Monty(separate) with a gn night guard s/o who’s basically the parent/guardian of Gregory??

Like maybe the time Gregory snuck into the pizza place the s/o was sick so venessa took over for them so the animatronics had no idea until one day they mention that they have a kid and the animatronics are like “ah shoot fr bring them in!!” And the s/o does and it’s just the feral child

Sorry it’s so long thanks for you time!!


Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos
Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

Prompt ;; a situation where you tell your dear sweetheart that you have a son. You're nervous, beyond nervous actually, but quickly became so happy when they were okay and even asked you to introduce him to them. That happiness quickly turned into confusion when.. they knew him already?

Type ;; headcanons, fluff <3

Chars. Involved ;; g. freddy, monty gator, sunnydrop.

A/N ;; don't mind me just casually writing this, i know I probably should be working on the event asks but... i just love the idea of this ask sm. thank you for the idea anon! <333 also! this is an AU where gregory is not homeless and goes to school, etc! you being his parent. ALSO idk why these are so long okay I'm sorry-

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Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

Glamrock Freddy.

Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

You've been with Freddy for some time at this point.

He always knew you had such parental energy from the moment he laid eyes on you. It honestly makes him swoon for you even more.

Like, you just ooze of someone so caring when it comes to children, almost as if you have years experiences when it comes to them.

Little did he know that you absolutely do-

The reason that he didn't know about your son is because you never really brought him up, not to the animatronics' at least.

And it's not like he can check your job profile, it didn't have a question on whether or not you're a parent, just whether or not you have experiences dealing with kids and how old you are.

Which can just mean you were a preschool teacher in the past, how can he assume you actually have a child??

And honestly, you didn't really wanna tell him for some time- that time being how long you've known him for, which is months.

But your kid's birthday is coming soon, and you wanted to celebrate together, sooo...

The moment you approached him, you were practically sweating buckets.

I mean, you know he's not gonna be upset or anything, he's one of the most supportive and understanding being you ever known.

But it doesn't mean that you can't be nervous-

When you finally sit him down and told him you have a son, it took him a while to process.

But then his ears perked up and his eyes practically glittered!

He's beyond excited to meet who the little fella is!

Oh God oh shit wait does that mean he's a dad?? An actual father???

He's absolutely buzzing from joy thanks to this news!! You better bring your little boy so Freddy can meet him 😡

He'll be bothering you about this all night- even after he apologized three times for potentially annoying you while you're on your nightguard duties.

Look man he's just very excited:((

Tomorrow comes and Freddy just finished decorating his little room, hoping that your son will like it.

But the arrival of you and your little semi-clone is what surprised him the most.

As you guide Gregory who's currently on a blindfold, you told him to stop right before he walked into the table with the cake on it.

Freddy is just like "??? Why is Gregory here?", but it clicked in his mind like two seconds later.

His eyes widen so hard he can probably see planet pluto with it.

He didn't want to interrupt Gregory's attempt at guessing where he is so he kept quiet, and once you've opened his blindfold.

"Surprise, sweetheart! This is-"

"Surprise, superstar! I've missed you so much!"



You were about to ask him what he meant but then-

"Freddy! I've missed you too! I didn't know you'll be here?"

Wait huh-

You're just there looking at them cause like? Huh? You two know eachother? From where???

"Ahem," the two of them avert their gazes towards you, as you fold your hands by your chest, looking for answers.

"Any of you care to explain?"

Gregory just kinda look at Freddy, panic written in his eyes as he obviously forgot that you had no idea about him sneaking in. And even causing some property damage...

Freddy took notice of this and slowly hint at Greg to go hide behind him, looking at you with tender eyes in hopes that you'll cut Gregory- no, both him and Gregory some slack.

Please spare em some mercy,,

"You see, Starlight... Gregory and i-"

"You even know his name?"

"Well, yes- but that's because we've met eachother you see."

You're just looking at Gregory who's behind Freddy's legs with those parental eyes, we all know em.


"It wasn't my fault!! I was trying to find you after school so i went here, but all i could find was that scary blonde lady.."

You put two of your fingers on your temple, trying to understand what he's telling you.

"Gregory, did it not occur to you that maybe, just maybe, i was at home? And what do you mean ‘after school’, the show starts at 8 pm."

Uh oh Gregory, you're busted, again.

"W-well.. i maaaybe took a detour and.."


Freddy, noticing the tense atmosphere immediately got in the way of you two, as he then puts a hand on your shoulder to calm you down.

"Hey.. dearest, let's calm down, alright? It's the boy's birthday today! Cut him some slack, hm?"

"Right, before that. Greg, where were you actually when you weren't at home and told me that you were ‘spending the night at a friend's house’?"

Silence, even Freddy seems like he's hesitant in saying something.


"I may or may not was... Here... With Freddy... But i was just trying to go home all night, i swear!"

You took a glance at Freddy for confirmation.

"That's right, dear!! He just, accidentally stayed a bit too long- which is my fault! And got trapped here due to closing time... Oh, but i did tried my best to keep him safe!"

Honestly? You're not worried all that much if Freddy kept him safe or not, it was such a great gesture sure, and the thought of it got you swooning a bit.

But like...

Gregory is your son, you know what he's capable of, and you know exactly the kind of trouble he has gotten himself into in the past.

Escaping a facility full of Animatronics that roams at night? Yeah that ain't gonna take your son down.

Still,, you're gonna need to look at his body for injuries once you get home, even though he may seem alright at the moment.

"So, the ‘little kid that snuck in and did some heavy property damage’ that Vanessa told me during her taking up my shift. That was you? Not only do i have to pay her back for having to deal with this type of trouble while covering for me, but also knowing that the one making that trouble is my own son? And the one that helped him did it, is the animatronic I'm dating?"




"..M-maybe it's time for some cake-?"

"...Yeah, i wanna eat my cake now.."


How are you supposed to get mad at them now??

You sighed, letting both the bear animatronic and the kid go, you're gonna have to explain this to Vanessa somehow, but you're just thankful Gregory didn't let himself get caught by the security cameras. Or at least not enough for them to recognize him.

You're a bit proud of him for that tbh, and for being able to survive a whole night without crying or just,, trauma,, in general.

I guess you can let this slide... He is your feral child anyhow.

"Alright well, fine. I'll let this slide, for now. But only because you managed to impress me in some ways."

Freddy was happy you let this go, and was a bit surprised by your parenting skills. Still, he took the lighter and gave it to you, lighting the candles that is on Gregory's birthday cake.

"Happy Birthday, Darling."

"Happy Birthday, Superstar."

",,thanks guys! And (mom/dad)?"


"I'm sorry :("

You sighed, petting him on the head. Might as well give him a nice birthday.

Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

Montgomery Gator.

Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

Now with Montgomery, everyone practically knew you were with him.

Since he loves showing you off to everyone, at this point it's obvious.

At one point, you kinda just blurted out that you have a kid, which in results have him really curious about your little guy.

He just wants to know if they're cool or not, who knows, maybe them two can both have some rockin' fun together!

He can teach him the Bass, cause some ruckus together and all will be well and dandy.

So you told him about Gregory, his age, how he is, etc etc.

The Gator CANNOT WAIT to meet him.

Though he kept saying that the name is kinda familiar, he just doesn't know from where, so he shrugged it off.

Back on topic; a little dude that is an absolute rowdy rascal?? He needs to meet him.

So you promised the animatronic that you'll bring your son when you can.

Which turns out to be around the next week.

Monty was playing in his golf area when you told him that your son is going to come soon.

My mans was so surprised he even missed his shot smh.

I mean, it's not like he forgot about it, haha, hahaha.

Yeah he forgot about the whole meeting your son thing. 😔

The only reason the little troublemaker can come today is because he doesn't have school the next day, so he can visit the Pizzaplex even when it's after-hours.

When Gregory arrived, he called you to ask where you were, in which you said you'll just pick him up at the entrance.

Now, when you told him to follow you into Monty Golf, he surprisingly walked ahead of you, as if he knew where it is.

And he did, somehow.

When you're at the entrance of Monty Golf, he stopped, waiting for you to catch up before asking to hold your hand when coming in.

Then the part where he meets Monty..

"Alright! Gregory, this is the person, well, animatronic who i wanted you to-"


You flinched, hearing Monty's voicebox boomed.

The animatronic stomped his way up to the poor boy, as he immediately hides behind you.


He pulled on your wrist, stumbling as he's trying to drag you to the exit.

As Monty walks menacingly towards Gregory, you got in front of him, pushing away the green animatronic.


The way you raised your voice got both of them to stop, as you try to make sure no one gets hurt.




And the room falls silent, as you try to understand the current situation.

"Alright, explain. One at a time."

Yeah... Did you really think that'll work?

Both of them headbutts with eachother, trying to get you to side with them.

You rolled your eyes, as you try to make sense of what they're yelling at eachother.



"Language- wait hold on. Gregory did what to you?"

A moment of silence began once more, before the bigger, metal built one out of the two scoffed, obviously displeased.

"Yeah, this rascal here, he threw the whole shitty bucket from my own goddamn area and-"


"...and it fu- And it broke me in half."

He immediately fixed himself, trying to not disobey your warnings, no matter how annoying it may be to him.

Poor Gregory is just there looking at you like 🧍

You looked down at him, arms crossed as Monty had a smirk of satisfaction, thinking that he successfully got you to side with him.

"Two questions. One, how did you even ended up here, two, was the thing he said true? And you better say no."

He looks down, fiddling along as he slowly moves back.

You don't even know what happened when suddenly Gregory just goes >:(

Hands on his hips as he looks up, determined.

"HE-" The boy pointed, "WAS HUNTING ME DOWN!"

"He what-"



"Kid, you fucking DESTROYED ME."



Finally, they calmed down.

You look at the both of them, intense glaring meeting both of their gazes.

After some time, they finally explained to you what happened, in which you responded with a big exasperated sigh.

"Look, i don't know how, but i want you two to get along." You told them, hand by the temple of your forehead to get rid of the headaches. Soon after, you go home with Gregory.

The first few days of your son coming with you to work that only happens on weekends finally started.

Yeah.. they didn't get along.

At first at least ;)

They had their banters, fighting for your attention.

"Does he always harass you like this??"

"Watch your mouth you fuckin' brat."

But soon enough they'll get along if they can actually move past the fact that they were out for eachother's throats-

Like when Gregory told him he can do golf better than him.

Monty was pissed- but it ended up well with them being competitive!!

They'll even cause some trouble by just stomping around the Pizzaplex with Gregory on Monty's shoulders AWE.

Or that time where they went to piss off Roxanne on purpose.



Cue Gregory wheezing.

Good job!! Now you have two crackheads to look after <3

Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos


Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

Now, this fella...

I think it's pretty obvious that he was absolutely ECSTATIC when he knew you have a kid!!

I mean, he's practically made to get along with kids sooo.

He would be BEGGING for him to meet your son.

"OOO gosh! I wonder what type of kid he is!!! Is he bad? Of course he isn't!! He's your son afterall! OH OH, MAYBE WE CAN DO FINGER PAINTING TOGETHER, what kind of food does he like???"

Like, smh, calm down Sun🧍

Watch out, cause he'll absolutely bother you about it from now on.

Trying to go home?

"OH OH! Goodbye, Sunshine!! Tell your even little-r Sunshine i said hi!!"

Just arrived at work?

"RISE AND SHINE! You look splendid today! How is little Gregory? Is he at school?? Ooh, i wanna see what he's like at school!!"

You constantly need to remind him that you two have work to do.

But at one point in time, you need to take Gregory with you because he doesn't have school, and you don't trust him enough to let the ten year-old boy be alone in your house for a whole day.

It took a little convincing since he for some reason seemed so against going to the Pizzaplex, but you managed to win him over with-

"I'll let us get McDonald's once I'm done with work."

"I want a Happy Meal AND a Mcflurry."

"??? No sir, you just had ice cream yesterday."

"Well then I'm not going."


"I want a Mcflurry."

"You had ice cream last week too, you'll get sick."

"I don't care. >:("

"Gregory, i literally work at a Pizza place, you can have as much snacks there, just no ice cream."

"...fine, but can i at least play on your phone?"

"I'm very sure you have an ipad."

"It isn't as fun:("

With a sigh, you let out a small "fine." as he finally cheers at him own little victory, getting ready at the same time.

As you finally arrived to drop him off at the daycare to be looked over by Sun at the moment, the Sun persona jumped out of nowhere.

"(Y/NNNN)!!! HOORAY! Oh you brought a little guy! Hello, little on- GAH RULE BREAKER, RULE BREAKER! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! YOU'RE BANNED."

He yelled out, as he suddenly moves forward and picked up Gregory with ease. Carrying him all the way to the exit of the Daycare.


Gregory kinda just let Sun do his thing, almost as if he knew this would happen.

You had to ask Sun directly on why he did what he did, and his answers shocks you.

"Wait, he was here? Like, here? In the Pizzaplex?"

"YES! And he broke the one rule i told him not to! He's nothing but a trouble maker!"

The way he folded his arms and sassily look away was so funny, you couldn't help but Chuckle. Gregory is still outside by the exit of the Daycare like 🧍.

Poor Gregory 😔.

You had to call him back again after convincing Sunny, explaining what happened.

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT THOUGH!! I didn't mean to turn off the lights.."

"I WARNED YOU!!! And you didn't listen to me! >:("


You had to ask Gregory how he even was here in the first place, with a facepalm by the end of your talk.

Sun sided with you, both of you crossing your arms with a disappointed and a bit of anger on both of your faces as you look down on him.

"Well, i suppose I'm just glad you're safe. But you're in so much trouble young man."

"That's right! Can't wait to tell this to your parents. >:(("

A moment of silence rung as you look at him, obvious confusion seen on your face.



"I'm his (mom/dad). Haven't i told you that?"



He looks at you with so much surprise that he felt like he needed to express it with his whole body, before looking at Gregory.

"So he's your son?!?!"

"Uh, yeah, i am."


He picked up Gregory once more, swinging him around in delight. Even tossing him up lightly.

Gregory being banned from the Daycare??? What are you talking about?? Never happened. :)

He would absolutely do a 180 on Gregory and treat him with very obvious favoritism.

And also emphasizing to NOT turn off the lights.

It's bad enough before he was just a kid, but now knowing he's your son??? Yeah he's making sure he's safe at all costs.

After that day, he'll bug you EVEN MORE to bring Gregory again.

He'll even prepare stuff for Gregory this time, what his favorite activities are, etc etc.

Peace and quiet? Never heard of it.

Good luck, comrade.

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1 year ago

Hi im sure im not the only one whos made a post about this and im sure i wont be the last, but

Hi Im Sure Im Not The Only One Whos Made A Post About This And Im Sure I Wont Be The Last, But

Why the hell are Freddy's eyes yellow/greenish in game? Even before he gets Roxy's eyes they glow yellow. Its weird because in every other iteration of him (promo art, pre game cutscene, in the ending comics (if he never gets roxy's eyes)) has blue eyes

Hi Im Sure Im Not The Only One Whos Made A Post About This And Im Sure I Wont Be The Last, But

Is there an explained reason for this anywhere? I'd like to know

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1 year ago

i am fucking inconsolable no one look at me. Freddy signing Bonnie's poster with "Love, Freddy"? Bonnie being under Bonnie Bowl and possibly being fully aware but has no way to tell anyone? Eclipse being unaware that no kids will come in the morning as the place has been closed for a while? The fact that sun and moon were actively being kept apart and unable to talk to each other which may be the cause of their animosity towards each other?

Holy shit holy fuck oh my God I am in pain I care too much about these guys holy hell

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3 years ago

Well, I don’t know if you’re familiar with FnaF Security Breach, but could you draw Glamrock Freddy?

Well, I Dont Know If Youre Familiar With FnaF Security Breach, But Could You Draw Glamrock Freddy?

Here you go! Hope you'll like this ^^

Well, I Dont Know If Youre Familiar With FnaF Security Breach, But Could You Draw Glamrock Freddy?

-well I don't know that he's friendly to the others or not. sorry-

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3 years ago

okay I fixed it sorry- ><;

Okay I Fixed It Sorry- >

Well, I don’t know if you’re familiar with FnaF Security Breach, but could you draw Glamrock Freddy?

Well, I Dont Know If Youre Familiar With FnaF Security Breach, But Could You Draw Glamrock Freddy?

Here you go! Hope you'll like this ^^

Well, I Dont Know If Youre Familiar With FnaF Security Breach, But Could You Draw Glamrock Freddy?

-well I don't know that he's friendly to the others or not. sorry-

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