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FNV Companions (+Yes Man and Benny) Reactions To Being Taken To The Sierra Madre
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » Dead Money spoilers ➼ A/N » I know technically this isn’t a thing, but I love thinking about all the possibilities with it
Boone didn't really want to go in the first place and he's especially pissed off because all the bomb collars remind him of what the Legion did to his wife. He kills the others the second you all make it to the casino, except maybe Christine, and snipes Elijah the first chance he gets. He couldn't care less about the gold bars, he just wants to get back to the Mojave as soon as you possibly can.
Rex gets really confused when he can’t touch the holograms and is really scared when they start attacking him. He's helpful against the ghosts but he has a habit of running straight into areas that set off the collars. Not much changes with him beside him being a little more frightened and jumpy than usual.
Arcade starts to panic a bit at the beginning, the whole situation makes him nervous. He gets along surprisingly well with the other companions, he helps Dog/God out with his condition, matches Dean's snarkiness, and can even decipher Christine’s movements relatively well. Besides a few minor clashes with Dean, you could probably save all three of them, Arcade makes it pretty simple and his skills in medicine make him incredibly useful to have along.
Lily isn’t too excited about it. Leo is especially strong here and she can feel his urge to go maul Elijah. Although, she and Dog/God get along well enough due to their similarities. If she has any to spare, she’ll offer some of her medication to help him out a bit. She’ll end up adopting him, but having two mutants back you up was extremely helpful as you wandered the Villa and, eventually, the casino.
Cass hates Dean the second she meets him. She’s met people like him before and gets super defensive over you because of it. She’ll constantly be arguing with him and he’ll 100% try to kill you guys once you make it to the casino. She’s honestly just so annoyed the entire time, she hates being controlled and will kill Elijah the first chance she gets. (She’d also help you grab all those gold bars, ain’t no way she’s leaving empty-handed after everything you’ve had to deal with).
You can’t bring ED-E here, his radio frequencies cause the collars to go off.
The entire place reminds Raul about what happened in Mexico. He's scared and angry and just wants to ensure you both make it out of there. He's really good at picking up on the multitude of traps that have been laid around the Villa and is especially good at scavenging for supplies. He'll honestly help so much with keeping the both of you alive. He just wants to leave after it all, anything in the Mojave is better than this.
When you wake up, Veronica won’t even be there. Elijah would’ve had Dog take her to wherever he is so that she wouldn’t have to experience any of it. She’d ask a bunch of questions about where you went and why she's there, enough so that he ends up releasing you. She’s gonna feel so betrayed, especially when she discovers Christine is being held here as well. She’d reluctantly kill Elijah at the end, not wanting any of the gold or tech you both came here to collect in the first place, she just wouldn’t be in the mood for it anymore.
Yes Man’s positivity is a drastic difference compared to your harsh surroundings. He tries to get along with the others but his passive aggression makes it hard. He’s not all too worried since he can’t die, so he takes it upon himself to defend you at any cost. If you decide to kill Elijah, Yes Man will take control of the hologram monitor thing and you’ll both end up taking ownership of the Sierra Madre by the end.
At first, Benny sees it as an economic opportunity then gets really pissed when they take his suit. He and Dean would get along in the beginning, but over time they start to clash. Once you make it to the casinos, he'll just want to sit and gamble. The two of you end up sitting there way longer than you should have and Dog ends up being about one step away from nuking the place. You both also spend way too much time in the vault, and once you have everything you want, y’all sprint out of there, not even worried about killing Elijah anymore, you’re both too caught up on the fact that you successfully pulled off the greatest heist in America.

Me when ghoul: 😋

drawing my fave companions as gross little slop creatures

A small doodle of Raul cause he now has became one of my fav companions in New Vegas