Four Swords - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Ok so I’ve been at this for the past few hours but I have so much more

Anyhow, Limes horribly cursed (or blessed) edits are making a return for a little bit! Here’s to the first batch in awhile


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4 years ago
EF Red And EF Blue Combine Lava And Water And Go To The Nether This Is A Canon Part Of The AU Thank You

EF Red and EF Blue combine lava and water and go to the Nether this is a canon part of the AU thank you

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4 years ago
I Havent Drawn Link In 10 Days But I Just Kinda Feel Like I Had To So I Drew EF Blue Again

I haven’t drawn Link in 10 days but I just kinda feel like I had to so I drew EF Blue again

I feel really disconnected from FS (actually, everything) recently and I wanna get back into the swing of things because I’m tired of feeling burned out and unmotivated to do anything but lay motionless on my floor with basically no strength to reach for my sketchbook and pencil

Miss my boys and my community

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4 years ago

Hey, I just wanted to say how much I love seeing your art on my dash- I really admire how you draw the four sword boys, your art style is so unique and really inspires me!

Hey, I Just Wanted To Say How Much I Love Seeing Your Art On My Dash- I Really Admire How You Draw The


Like really hard

No ones really called my art style unique so like. Gaah oh my god,

Anons y’all are really nice and sweet and sorry for mixing my problems into my blog you don’t deserve that

Unfortunately it’s dark in my room and my phones low so I can’t use flash so it’s a bit low quality but. 💙💙💙💙

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4 years ago
Hi So The Pools Open And I Got Dragged Along To Come In So Quick EF Blue Since Im Gonna Be Vibing In

Hi so the pools open and I got dragged along to come in so quick EF Blue since I’m gonna be vibing in water and splashing people just to annoy them lmao

Yes this is a paper towel I didn’t have anything else ndjfnf

He can change the temperature of his water! Like, not drastically but he does have some sort of hot n cold option. If he and Red work together they could boil water and, idk make tea, splash it on Vio someone, I dunno. Working on what they can do with their elements is really fun ngl! And they can combine elements so that just opens more gateways ndnfdkdjjd

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4 years ago

It’s my birthday have an unfortunately low quality animation of a weird Link character I came up with a while ago

Its My Birthday Have An Unfortunately Low Quality Animation Of A Weird Link Character I Came Up With
Its My Birthday Have An Unfortunately Low Quality Animation Of A Weird Link Character I Came Up With

Since I just do that heart tipped thing whenever I reply to asks I decided to turn em into an actual character

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4 years ago

I love seeing your art on my dash- it's always so expressive and never fails to make me grin like an idiot! Hope you're having an amazing day!

thanks anon! hope ya dont mind all the gremlin doodles


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4 years ago
The Power Of Ibis Paint Editing , Huh

The power of Ibis Paint editing , huh

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4 years ago
I Wonder If You Remember Me

I wonder if you remember me

Hey guys, it’s been a real long while since i actually posted any art, and I considered abandoning my accounts all together for a long while (which i technically did do for a few months) but Im back!!! k...kinda. I lost interest for a long time and I got a new hyperfixation for awhile. But now that it’s died down I’ve been slowly clawing my way back to this place. In truth, I considered abandoning Four Swords all together, and even made art (which I never finished) for a goodbye post ; 

I Wonder If You Remember Me

I’ve changed my art style twice in the time I was gone aha  Good news is that I am in fact not abandoning y’all <333 I dunno when I’ll post again, but rest assured that your favorite (and least favorite) Lime is still alive and kicking and I missed you guys a lot 💃 oh also have the higher quality transparent

I Wonder If You Remember Me

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4 years ago
Shitposting On Main Instead Of Answering The Asks In My Inbox

shitposting on main instead of answering the asks in my inbox 😎

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4 years ago
Ayo If Starry Doesnt Come Back To @ask-starryblue For His Third Anniversary (if I Did My Homework Correctly)

Ayo if Starry doesnt come back to @ask-starryblue for his third anniversary (if I did my homework correctly) I will riot /j  Anyhow here @reiblu​ you’ve been kinda an inspiration since I found your blogs and also it’s been nearly a year since I drew Starry so uh 💃

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4 years ago

The council [ @rarestdoge​ @simplylime​ @adel-memes​] will decide your fate Wanted to make this its own post so people could actually see it in the FS tag lmao The original post is here, and I’ll also reblog a version with this attached for consistency purposes Y’all ilysm /p

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4 years ago
So I Mightve Drawn This One Willingly

so i mightve drawn this one willingly

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4 years ago
Unfortunately I May Have Taken A Liking To Kitty Blue Design

unfortunately i may have taken a liking to kitty blue design

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4 years ago
This Was Just Supposed To Be A Doodle Because My Arts Been Kinda Trash Lately This Was Not Supposed To

this was just supposed to be a doodle because my arts been kinda trash lately this was not supposed to be a full colored drawing i

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4 years ago
Heres Just My Art From The Last Post Because Im Proud Of It Enough To Make It Its Own Post Shsshs

heres just my art from the last post because im proud of it enough to make it its own post shsshs

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4 years ago
Blues Belong To @simplylime, @adel-memes, @singingvio, And @cobwebs-n-rodents Respectivelyit Is Shitpost
Blues Belong To @simplylime, @adel-memes, @singingvio, And @cobwebs-n-rodents Respectivelyit Is Shitpost
Blues Belong To @simplylime, @adel-memes, @singingvio, And @cobwebs-n-rodents Respectivelyit Is Shitpost
Blues Belong To @simplylime, @adel-memes, @singingvio, And @cobwebs-n-rodents Respectivelyit Is Shitpost

Blues belong to @simplylime, @adel-memes, @singingvio, and @cobwebs-n-rodents respectively it is shitpost hours in the bluniverse

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